SQL insert field, with value of other auto increment field + value - php

It might sound complicated, but it's not.
I have a table called "orders", with fields:
id INT(11) auto_increment,
realid INT(14)
Now, I want at every insert into this table, do something like:
INSERT INTO orders VALUES (null, id+1000);
However I'll be doing it on shop which is currently online, and I want to change everything in 5 minutes. Will something like this work? If not, how do I do that?

I would think a simpler solution would be a calculated column presuming your DBMS supports it (This is using SQL Server syntax, although the MySql syntax should be nearly identical except that you would use AUTO_INCREMENT instead of Identity(1,1)):
Create Table Foo (
Id int not null identity(1,1)
, Name varchar(50)
, Bar As Id + 1000
Of course, you could also just do it in the presentation or business tier instead of the database.


MySQL single auto increment for two tables without duplication a better solution

i have two tables(innodb) in MYSQL data base both share a similar column the account_no column i want to keep both columns as integers and still keep both free from collusion when inserting data only.
there are 13 instances of this same question on stackoverflow i have read all. but in all, the recommended solutions where:
1) using GUID :this is good but am trying to keep the numbers short and easy for the users to remember.
2) using sequence :i do not fully understand how to do this but am thinking it involves making a third table that has an auto_increment and getting my values for the the two major tables from it.
3) using IDENTITY (1, 10) [1,11,21...] for the first table and the second using IDENTITY (2, 10) [2,12,22...] this works fine but in the long term might not be such a good idea.
4) using php function uniqid(,TRUE) :not going to work its not completely collision free and the columns in my case have to be integers.
5) using php function mt_rand(0,10): might work but i still have to check for collisions before inserting data.
if there is no smarter way to archive my goal i would stick with using the adjusted IDENTITY (1, 10) and (2, 10).
i know this question is a bit dumb seeing all the options i have available but the most recent answer on a similar topic was in 2012 there might have been some improvements in the MYSQL system that i do not know about yet.
also am using php language to insert the data thanks.
Basically, you are saying that you have two flavors of an entity. My first recommendation is to try to put them in a single table. There are three methods:
If most columns overlap, just put all the columns in a single table (accounts).
If one entity has more columns, put the common columns in one table and have a second table for the wider entity.
If only some columns overlap, put those in a single table and have a separate table for each subentity.
Let met assume the third situation for the moment.
You want to define something like:
create table accounts (
AccountId int auto_increment primary key,
. . . -- you can still have common columns here
create table subaccount_1 (
AccountId int primary key,
constraint foreign key (AccountId) references accounts(AccountId),
. . .
create table subaccount_2 (
AccountId int primary key,
constraint foreign key (AccountId) references accounts(AccountId),
. . .
Then, you want an insert trigger on each sub-account table. This trigger does the following on insert:
inserts a row into accounts
captures the new accountId
uses that for the insert into the subaccount table
You probably also want something on accounts that prevents inserts into that table, except through the subaccount tables.
A big thank you to Gordon Linoff for his answer i want to fully explain how i solved the problem using his answer to help others understand better.
original tables:
Table A (account_no, fist_name, last_name)
Table B (account_no, likes, dislikes)
problem: need account_no to auto_increment across both tables and be unique across both tables and remain a medium positive integer (see original question).
i had to make an extra Table_C to which will hold all the inserted data at first, auto_increment it and checks for collisions through the use of primary_key
fist_name varchar(50),
last_name varchar(50),
likes varchar(50),
dislikes varchar(50),
which_table varchar(1),
PRIMARY KEY (account_no)
Then i changed MySQL INSERT statement to insert to Table_C and added an extra column which_table to say which table the data being inserted belong to and Table_C on insert of data performs auto_increment and checks collision then reinsert the data to the desired table through the use of triggers like so:
IF new.which_table = 'A' THEN
VALUES (new.acc_no, new.first_name, new.last_name);
ELSEIF new.which_table = 'B' THEN
VALUES (new.acc_no, new.likes, new.dislikes);

How to ensure unique number sequentially in php using mysql?

I am developing an web application where I have to give every new registrant a serial number. The main issue is with 'how to ensure uniqueness?'. I have searched through the different functions available with mysql and found mysql_insert_id() to be the fittest solution here. But before I run towards it, I need to know whether this function is thread-free. To more precise, say there are two users sitting at two different terminals and submits the registration form synchronously. Will they both get the same id out of the execution of the function mysql_insert_id()? Otherwise, my project will spoil. Please help. If I could not clear my point, please comment. Thanks in advance.
here is detailed solution
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
By default, the starting value for AUTO_INCREMENT is 1, and it will increment by 1 for each new record.
To insert a new record into the "Persons" table, we will NOT have to specify a value for the "ID" column (a unique value will be added automatically):
If you have an id column on your table in your database and that column is set to be the primary key that will be enough. Even if 2 people will submit the form at the same the ids will be unique.
id column could be defined like this
Alternatively, you can use the UUID() function in mysql.
A UUID is designed as a number that is globally unique in space and
time. Two calls to UUID() are expected to generate two different
values, even if these calls are performed on two separate computers
that are not connected to each other.
mysql> SELECT UUID();
-> '6ccd780c-baba-1026-9564-0040f4311e29'
For further details : http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_uuid

Fragmenting a huge table

I currently am working on some project that insert a lot of data into some tables. To ensure that my system is fast enough, I want to fragment my huge table into some smaller tables representing the months data. I have an idea of how it will work, but I still need some more informations.
The primary keys of my tables must be continuous so I thought of an architecture that would look like this:
`id` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
CREATE TABLE `foo012014` (
`id` bigint(11),
`description` varchar(255),
CREATE TABLE `foo022014` (
`id` bigint(11),
`description` varchar(255),
On every insertion, the PHP page will look if a table already exists for the month and if not will create it.
The thing is, how do I get to bind the "foo" child table primary key to the "foo" mother table? Plus, is this design a bad practice or is it good?
It's not a good pratice, and difficult your queries.
With just the id you already have an index, which allows for better indexing of your data.
If your queries are also nicely written and organized, the time to execute a query in your database will be relatively small with 1 million rows or 20.
For a better maintenance I recommend the following:
Add a new field in your table food: created datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (works in MySQL 5.6+, for other versions, or set manually in every insert, or change to timestamp)
And, just use this field for group your data basead in datetime values, like that: 2014-01-24 13:18.
It's easy to select and manipulate.
Create a external table with month and year, like that:
drop table if exists foo_periods;
create table foo_periods (
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
month smallint(4) not null,
year smallint(4) not null,
created datetime,
modified datetime,
active boolean not null default 1,
index foo_periods_month (month),
index foo_periods_year (year)
You can change smallint in month to varchar if you feels better.
Then, just create a FK, and done!
ADD COLUMN foo_period_id int not null;
ADD CONSTRAINT foo_foo_period_id
FOREIGN KEY (foo_period_id)
REFERENCES foo_periods (id);
If you want read more about fragmentation / optimization in MySQL, this is a great post.

Unique IDs in MySQL?

So I am working on a fairly small script for the company I work at the help us manage our servers better. I don't use MySQL too often though so I am a bit confused on what would be the best path to take.
I am doing something like this...
FirstName varchar(32),
LastName varchar(32),
Datacenter TINYINT(1),
OperatingSystem TINYINT(1),
HostType TINYINT(1)
$result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
check ($result);
PRIMARY KEY(DatacenterID),
Name varchar(32),
Location varchar(32)
$result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
check ($result);
Basically inside the Servers table, I will be storing the index of an entry in another table. My concern is that if we remove one of those entries, it will screw up the auto incremented indexes and potentially cause a lot of incorrect data.
To explain better, lets say the first server I add, the Datacenter value is 3 (which is the DatacenterID), and we remove the id 1 (DatacenterID) Datacenter at a later time.
Is there a good way to do this?
Auto increment only has an effect on inserting new rows into a table. So you insert three records into database and they get assigned ids of 1, 2, and 3. Later you delete id 1, but the records at id 2 and 3 are unchanged. This says nothing of any of the server records that might be trying to reference the database id 1 record though that is now missing.
as said by paul, it is safe to remove old row and add another new one later. The auto incremental index won't be affected by deletion.
But I would suggest instead of removing them, simply add a column 'status' and set 0, implying they are no longer in use, to keep any possible record in db.
Servers.Datacenter should be an INT, too, as you would store the DataCenterID in this field. Then, nothing will be mixed up when you remove some Datacenter from the second table.
If you remove in the way you suggest nothing will happen. auto-increment will just add the next highest number in sequence whenever a new record is added and so will not affect any previous records.
Hope that helps.

Change Column to Auto_Increment

I asked this question a little earlier today but am not sure as to how clear I was.
I have a MySQL column filled with ordered numbers 1-56. These numbers were generated by my PHP script, not by auto_increment.
What I'd like to do is make this column auto_incrementing after the PHP script sets the proper numbers. The PHP script works hand in hand with a jQuery interface that allows me to reorder a list of items using jQuery's UI plugin.
Once I decide what order I'd like the entries in, I'd like for the column to be set to auto increment, such that if i were to insert a new entry, it would recognize the highest number already existing in the column and set its own id number to be one higher than what's already existing.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this scenario?
I'd suggest creating the table with your auto_increment already in place. You can specify a value for the auto_inc column, and mysql will use it, and still the next insert to specify a NULL or 0 value for the auto_inc column will magically get $highest + 1 assigned to it.
mysql> create table foobar (i int auto_increment primary key);
mysql> insert into foobar values (10),(25);
mysql> insert into foobar values (null);
mysql> select * from foobar;
# returns 10,25,26
You can switch it to MySQL's auto_increment implementation, but it'll take 3 queries to do it:
a) ALTER TABLE to add the auto_increment to the field in question
b) SELECT MAX(id) + 1 to find out what you need to set the ID to
c) ALTER TABLE table AUTO_INCREMENT =result from (b)
MySQL considers altering the AUTO_INCREMENT value a table-level action, so you can't do it in (a), and it doesn't allow you to do MAX(id) in (c), so 3 queries.
You can change that with a query, issued through php, using the mysql console interface or (easiest) using phpmyadmin.
ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name column_definition;
ALTER TABLE table_name AUTO_INCREMENT = highest_current_index + 1
old_column_definition AUTO_INCREMENT
More info:
Always use mysql_insert_id or the appropiate function of your abstraction layer to get the last created id, as LAST_INSERT_ID may lead to wrong results.
No, stop it. This isn't the point of auto_increment. If you aren't going to make them ordered by the id then don't make them auto_increment, just add a column onto the end of the table for ordering and enjoy the added flexibility it gives you. It seems like you're trying to pack two different sets of information into one column and it's really only going to bite you in the ass despite all the well-meaning people in this thread telling you how to go about shooting yourself in the foot.
In MySQL you can set a custom value for an auto_increment field. MySQL will then use the highest auto_increment column value for new rows, essentially MAX(id)+1. This means you can effectively reserve a range of IDs for custom use. For instance:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
col1 VARCHAR(256)
In this schema all ids < 5001 are reserved for use by your system. So, your PHP script can auto-generate values:
for ($i=1; $i<=56; $i++)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO mytable SET id = $i, col1= 'whatevers'");
New entries will use the non-reserved range by not specifying id or setting it to null:
INSERT INTO mytable SET id = NULL, col1 = 'whatevers2';
-- The id of the new row will be 5001
Reserving a range like this is key - in case you need more than 56 special/system rows in the future.
ALTER TABLE <table name> <column name> NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
More info:
Server SQL Modes
