I have a cakePHP application that is pulling data from two different databases, which store dates and times in their data from different timezones. One database's timezone is Europe/Berlin, and the other's is Australia/Sydney. To make things more complicated, the application is hosted on a server in the US, and times must be presented to the end user in their local timezone.
It's easy enough to tell which database I have to access, and so I set the appropriate timezone (using date_default_timezone_set()) in my beforeFind so that the query is sent with a date in the correct timezone.
My problem is then converting the dates in the afterFind to the timezone of the user. I'm passing this timezone through as a named parameter, and to access this in the model I'm using Configure::write() and Configure.read(). This works fine.
The problem is that it seems to be applying my timezone conversion multiple times. For example, if I'm querying the Australia/Sydney database from Australia/Perth the time should be two hours behind, but it's coming out as six hours behind. I tried echoing the times from my function before and after converting them, and each conversion was working correctly, but it was converting the times more than once, and I can't figure out why.
The methods I am currently using (in my AppModel) to convert from one timezone to another is as follows:
function afterFind($results, $primary){
// Only bother converting if the local timezone is set.
return $results;
function replaceDateRecursive(&$results){
$local_timezone = Configure::read('TIMEZONE');
foreach($results as $key => &$value){
else if(strtotime($value) !== false){
$from_timezone = 'Europe/Berlin';
if(/* using the Australia/Sydney database */)
$from_timezone = 'Australia/Sydney';
$value = $this->convertDate($value, $from_timezone, $local_timezone, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
function convertDate($value, $from_timezone, $to_timezone, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'){
$value = date('Y-m-d H:i:s e', strtotime($value));
$value = date($format, strtotime($value));
return $value;
So does anyone have any ideas as to why the conversion is happening multiple times? Or does anyone have a better method for converting the dates? I'm obviously doing something wrong, I'm just stuck as to what that is.
I worked out a solution. I didn't really understand what the $primary parameter in the afterFind was for until now. So to fix my code above, all I have to do is change the if in the afterFind to the following:
function afterFind($results, $primary){
// Only bother converting if these are the primary results and the local timezone is set.
if($primary && Configure::read('TIMEZONE'))
return $results;
As a side note, I am no longer using the date_default_timezone_set() function to do the timezone conversion, either. My convertDate function has changed as follows:
function convertDate($value, $from_timezone, $to_timezone, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'){
$dateTime = new DateTime($value, new DateTimeZone($from_timezone));
$dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($to_timezone));
$value = $dateTime->format($format);
return $value;
I have these two functions:
function time_is_older_than($timestamp, $time_string)
if (strtotime($timestamp) < strtotime('-' . $time_string))
return true;
return false;
function time_is_younger_than($timestamp, $time_string)
if (strtotime($timestamp) > strtotime('-' . $time_string))
return true;
return false;
They enable me to do neat things like:
if (time_is_older_than($last_time_some_action_happened, '5 minutes'))
They normally work, except for during one hour every six months, when my timezone switches over to "summer time" or "winter time". This means that the clocks are increased or put back one hour at midnight (according to this timezone).
The PHP manual states this for strtotime:
The Unix timestamp that this function returns does not contain information about time zones. In order to do calculations with date/time information, you should use the more capable DateTimeImmutable.
However, if I provide the exact same date/time string, with "+08:00" added in the end versus "+00:00", for example, I get different numbers of seconds returned. So strtotime() does understand timezones when it parses the provided time, even if the returned integer obviously doesn't contain this information. (Nor is it expected or required to by me.)
I've spent countless hours trying to debug this, testing countless things, and just sitting here thinking, but I can't figure out what exactly would make the code I have fail, specifically for one hour. And especially what about it I need to change. Setting the second parameter for strtotime() seems likely, but I just couldn't make it work correctly.
My hottest "lead" for quite some time was that the strtotime('-' . $time_string) part is ending up using a different timezone than the timestamp strings provided, but I do provide timezone data to it most of the time! An example of $last_time_some_action_happened might be something like 2020-10-28 02:22:41.123456+01.
I set the timezone with date_default_timezone_set().
I suspect that I only need to make some very minor change, but I've been experimenting so much and so long now, even taking rests in between, that my brain can no longer see this clearly. I bet the solution is something awfully simple.
Please don't tell me to use DateTimeImmutable. This would fundamentally change my entire structure and require me to do things very differently. Perhaps I should, and even will, at some point, but for now, I just wish to fix this rare but still very annoying bug in my existing code. (If it's possible at all, which I very much believe is the case.)
I'm able to reproduce the issue you are having:
// Daylight saving time 2020 in New Zealand began at 2:00am on Sunday, 27 September
$current = strtotime('2020-09-27 02:04:00');
$d1 = strtotime('2020-09-27 02:05:00', $current);
$d2 = strtotime('-5 minutes', $current);
var_dump($d1 > $d2); // false
var_dump(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $d1)); // 2020-09-27 03:05:00
var_dump(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $d2)); // 2020-09-27 03:59:00
This person looks to be having the same issue as you and may appear to be a bug.
DateTime::modify and DST switch
The solution is to convert the dates to UTC then compare:
// Convert to UTC and compare
$d1 = new \DateTime('2020-09-27 02:05:00', new \DateTimeZone('Pacific/Auckland'));
$d2 = new \DateTime('2020-09-27 02:04:00', new \DateTimeZone('Pacific/Auckland'));
$d2->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$d2->modify('-5 minutes');
$d2->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('Pacific/Auckland'));
var_dump($d1 > $d2); // true
var_dump($d1->format(\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)); // 2020-09-27T03:05:00.000+13:00
var_dump($d2->format(\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)); // 2020-09-27T01:59:00.000+12:00
I've updated your functions:
function time_is_older_than($datetime, $time_string)
$d1 = new \DateTime($datetime);
$d1->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$d2 = new \DateTime();
$d2->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$d2->modify('-' . $time_string);
return $d1 < $d2;
function time_is_younger_than($datetime, $time_string)
$d1 = new \DateTime($datetime);
$d1->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$d2 = new \DateTime();
$d2->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$d2->modify('-' . $time_string);
return $d1 > $d2;
Could you consider a solution:
In the timestamp string(like Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200), add a timezone tag which specify timezone without difference of daylight saving time.
thanks for reading.
Just need to know how i convert datetime gotten from my sql tables in gmtime to datetime in user timezone.
the following is my code but doesn't seem to work..
//WHERE $post_arr[5] is date from sql
function convert_date_for_user($date_time){
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
echo $tz_offset;
$user_date = JFactory::getDate($date_time,$timezone);
$user_date_str = $user_date->toUnix(true);
return $user_date_str;
It converts but I'm getting all the wrong time from the above code.
The simplest way to do it:
$useUserTimeZone = true;
JHtml::date($sqlGmtTimestamp , 'D F n, Y', $useUserTimeZone);
$sqlGmtTimestamp takes GMT timestamp/datetime
$useUserTimeZone is a flag to use user's timezone, otherwise server's timezone will be used.
more details here: http://docs.joomla.org/API16:JHtml/date
You don't specify your Joomla version but, did you try Joomla's JDate class directly?
// Get the User and their timezone
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$timeZone = $user->getParam('timezone', 'UTC');
// Create JDate object set to now in the users timezone.
$myDate = JDate::getInstance('now', $timeZone);
// Gets the date as UNIX time stamp.
// For your example using a method
function convert_date_for_user($date_time)
// Get the User and their timezone
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$timeZone = $user->getParam('timezone', 'UTC');
// Create JDate object set to now in the users timezone.
$myDate = JDate::getInstance($date_time, $timeZone);
return $myDate->toUnix();
This is the function that works for me:-
//WHERE date_time is the format of the date taken directly from database(ie: 0000-00-00 00:00:00)
function convert_time_zone($date_time){
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$time_object = new DateTime($date_time, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$time_object->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$user_datetime=$time_object->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//SELECT ONLY 1 line below
return $user_datetime; //WOULD RETURN DATETIME IN 0000-00-00 00:00:00
return $time_object->getTimestamp(); //WOULD RETURN DATETIME IN UNIX TIMESTAMP
Its a little out of the way as i was hoping to use functions included in the joomla API to do it. If anyone could provide a better solution please do. and i select it as the right answer.
With Joomla 2.5+ (i think), you can use the following code
echo JHtml::_('date', $input, $format, $tz, $gregorian);
$input can be one of the following values:
"now" for the current time (DEFAULT)
A date/time string in a format accepted by date()
$format can be one of the following values:
NULL to use the default locale based format (DEFAULT)
A date format specification string (see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
$tz can be one of the following values:
TRUE to use the user's time zone (DEFAULT). Note: If the user's time zone is not set then the global config time zone is used.
FALSE to use global config time zone
NULL for no conversion
A timezone string (eg: "America/Los_Angeles", see http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)
$gregorian can be one of the following values:
TRUE to use Gregorian calendar
FALSE to NOT use Gregorian calendar (DEFAULT)
Having tried all the given possible solutions here and not getting the date in the user's timezone (Joomla! v.3.9.14), here's my (proven) solution:
$oUser_TZ = JFactory::getUser()->getTimezone();
$aUser_tz = (array)$oUser_TZ; // almost sure this step is not that necessary
$full_date = JFactory::getDate('now', $aUser_tz['timezone']); // pretty sure $oUser_tz->timezone will work
// I had try to use $full_date->Format('Y-m-d H:i:s') but it was giving me the non-converted-to-wanted-timezone date, so
$date_converted = substr($full_date, 0, 19);
date_converted gives me the date in format Y-m-d H:i:s and in the wanted timezone.
Try This:
$date = JFactory::getDate(); // now - 2014-03-11 08:45:22
$date->setOffset(8); // UTC+8
echo $date->toMySQL(); // wrong - 2014-03-11 08:45:22
echo '<br />';
echo $date->toFormat(); // right - 2014-03-11 16:45:22
If you want a different format, use the second parameter:
JHtml::date($post_arr[5], DateTime::RFC2822);
Which is equivalent to:
1. Create a JDate object with an UTC date read from the database
2. Get the correct Time Zone in Jomla Global Configuration and User Configuration
3. Call setTimeZone() to convert your JDate object to user local time
4. Call format() to format the JDate object as a well formatted string
I am running a service hosted on a server in the US which reads an XML feed that has been created with a local date - currently just the UK, but I want to ensure the service works with all timezones.
My process looks at the date of a post in a feed and compares it with the date/time right now(on the server in the US).
The solution I came up with localises the system to the originator of the feed and then creates a timestamp with which to compare 'now' with:
protected function datemath($thedate){
$currenttimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$thedate = mktime substr($thedate,11,2),substr($thedate,14,2),
return $thedate;
My question is this... Is this a reasonable way of handling this issue or is there a better, more standardized way that I really should know?
Here's a function I wrote to do timezone conversions. Should be pretty self-explanatory:
function switch_timezone($format, $time = null,
$to = "America/Los_Angeles", $from = "America/Los_Angeles")
if ($time == null) $time = time();
$from_tz = new DateTimeZone($from);
$to_tz = new DateTimeZone($to);
if (is_int($time)) $time = '#' . $time;
$dt = date_create($time, $from_tz);
if ($dt)
return $dt->format($format);
return date($format, $time);
After a bit more checking of other peoples code I see the function
is a little bit more succinct than using mktime and also allows for different time formats.
Edit: This function does work in PHP, it isn't working for me within the CakePHP framework which I didn't think relevant when originally posting.
This function takes a string formatted date/time and a local timezone (e.g. 'America/New_York'). It supposed to return time converted to the local timezone. Currently, it does not change.
I pass it: '2011-01-16 04:57:00', 'America/New_York' and I get back the same time I pass in.
function getLocalfromGMT($datetime_gmt, $local_timezone){
$ts_gmt = strtotime($datetime_gmt.' GMT');
$tz = getenv('TZ');
// next two lines seem to do no conversion
$ret = date('Y-m-j H:i:s',$ts_gmt);
return $ret;
I've seen the references to the new methods for default_timezone_get/set. I'm not currently interested in using that method because I'd like this code to work with older versions of PHP.
Apparently, in CakePHP, if you're using date_default_timezone_set() in your config file, which we are, the TZ environment variable setting method does not work. So, the new version, which seems to work perfectly is:
function __getTimezone(){
return date_default_timezone_get();
return getenv('TZ');
function __setTimezone($tz){
// pass datetime_utc in a standard format that strtotime() will accept
// pass local_timezone as a string like "America/New_York"
// Local time is returned in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
function getLocalfromUTC($datetime_utc, $local_timezone){
$ts_utc = strtotime($datetime_utc.' GMT');
$tz = $this->__getTimezone();
$ret = date('Y-m-j H:i:s',$ts_utc);
return $ret;
how about this
// I am using the convention (assumption) of "07/04/2004 14:45"
$processdate = "07/04/2004 14:45";
// gmttolocal is a function
// i am passing it 2 parameters:
// 1)the date in the above format and
// 2)time difference as a number; -5 in our case (GMT to CDT)
echo gmttolocal($processdate,-5);
function gmttolocal($mydate,$mydifference)
// trying to seperate date and time
$datetime = explode(" ",$mydate);
// trying to seperate different elements in a date
$dateexplode = explode("/",$datetime[0]);
// trying to seperate different elements in time
$timeexplode = explode(":",$datetime[1]);
// getting the unix datetime stamp
$unixdatetime = mktime($timeexplode[0]+$mydifference,$timeexplode[1],0,$dateexplode[0],$dateexplode[1],$dateexplode[2]);
// return the local date
return date("m/d/Y H:i",$unixdatetime));
In PHP, you can tell if a given date is during the Daylight Savings Time period by using something like this:
$isDST = date("I", $myDate); // 1 or 0
The problem is that this only tells you whether that one point in time is in DST. Is there a reliable way to check whether DST is in effect at any time in that timezone?
Edit to clarify:
Brisbane, Australia does not observe daylight savings at any time of the year. All year around, it is GMT+10.
Sydney, Australia does, from October to March when it changes from GMT+10 to GMT+11.
I'm wondering if there would be some existing method, or a way to implement a method which works as such:
timezoneDoesDST('Australia/Brisbane'); // false
timezoneDoesDST('Australia/Sydney'); // true
I've found a method which works using PHP's DateTimezone class (PHP 5.2+)
function timezoneDoesDST($tzId) {
$tz = new DateTimeZone($tzId);
$trans = $tz->getTransitions();
return ((count($trans) && $trans[count($trans) - 1]['ts'] > time()));
or, if you're running PHP 5.3+
function timezoneDoesDST($tzId) {
$tz = new DateTimeZone($tzId);
return count($tz->getTransitions(time())) > 0;
The getTransitions() function gives you information about each time the offset changes for a timezone. This includes historical data (Brisbane had daylight savings in 1916.. who knew?), so this function checks if there's an offset change in the future or not.
Actually nickf method didn't works for me so I reworked it a little ...
* Finds wherever a TZ is experimenting dst or not
* #author hertzel Armengol <emudojo # gmail.com>
* #params string TimeZone -> US/Pacific for example
function timezoneExhibitsDST($tzId) {
$tz = new DateTimeZone($tzId);
$date = new DateTime("now",$tz);
$trans = $tz->getTransitions();
foreach ($trans as $k => $t)
if ($t["ts"] > $date->format('U')) {
return $trans[$k-1]['isdst'];
// Usage
var_dump(timezoneExhibitsDST("US/Pacific")); --> prints false
var_dump(timezoneExhibitsDST("Europe/London")); --> prints false
var_dump(timezoneExhibitsDST("America/Chicago")); --> prints false
same function call will return true in 1 month (March) hope it helps
DateTimeZone::getTransitions might help.
You could probably wing it:
$hasDst = date("I", strtotime('June 1')) !== date("I", strtotime('Jan 1'));
Otherwise you'd need to parse the text-based zoneinfo data files.
I don't think so, but since almost every country that observes DST changes its time for an entire season or two, you could try to test 4 points during any given year.
For example, test date("I", $date) for 2009/01/01, 2009/04/01, 2009/07/01 and 2009/10/01. If that timezone falls into DST, then at least one of those dates will return 1.
date has to be on the user/server timezone for it to work, and you can't use a range with date as you do with getTransitions