I don't know how to do this and I was wondering if someone smart could give me an example :)
I want someone to be able to post a png,jpg, or bmp image url and then id use PHP GD to duplicate the image including width and height.
Could someone give me an example of this? Also id like it to support only png, jpeg, and bmp.
I would, in the script, download the URL first (check out PHP cURL), and then attempt to read in the file using GD.
You can do a simple regex (something like /^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i) on the URL, but URLs don't always represent the type of file you get. Depending on what you need, it might be better to download first and ask questions later.
While I was looking for some info, I came across this image on a forum which i didn't understood how it worked. Its a JPG image which actually tells you your ip address and your browser. I think that maybe it was made by modifying htacess and replacing PHP for JPG, and with PHP generating the image dynamically but I'm not sure about it.
Would this be the way that this works?
Here is the image i saw:
It is nothing but etching text on image. There are several options to do it. Using PHP see here and Java see here
yes this image is generating dynamically. It collects your info make a string and use some library to generate that image like in Captcha. php has its own library too for this purpose
Click here
Is there any way to check if an image URL returns an animated or not GIF?
I need to save image URLs and then show the images on my site, so I would like to allow GIF extension, but I need to avoid animated GIFs. Is it possible to detect that on the fly with out downloading the image?
Check out this comment to the documentation for function imagecreatefromgif (on php.net). You still need to first download the image file even if you are just going to link to it later.
I think, ImageMagick really will be your best chance:
identify -format %n posible_animation.gif
Please check the forum post How to identify animated image format for more information.
I am trying to make project of a web app that will check the colour of the PDF document. My preferred language is PHP.
At the begining I've been thinking about GD, but this only refer to images (jpg, png, gif). Nothing for PDF. For images I am going to use some method similar to this: Get image color.
So does anyone know some method, library (opensource), or something else to make such app? I can't find any examples on the web.
You'll probably be best off converting the PDF into an image, and then using the same method you're using for images. In addition to being easy to do, that will also guarantee consistent results.
However, converting a PDF file to an image is not something that PHP alone is well-equipped to do. The best way to go is the ImageMagick based approach as described in this question. It gives a number of alternatives, too.
I would like to know if it could be possible to convert an swf file, with his flashvars to a bitmap image. But all that in PHP, is it possible ? I precise that I would like to do it several times, and that the .swf file is not mine (is not on my site, I take it from a other site).
I allready thank you for your answers ! :)
I think the closest you will get is with SWFTOOLS: http://www.swftools.org/
It can extract bitmaps and flashvars. There are windows and linux binaries available so you'll have to run it from the commandline, that should not be a problem. The main problem of converting an swf to jpeg is that a lot of flash files require execution of ActionsScript in order to show something usefull, and then still you have to have the right frame, so it might not be so straightforward.
So my answer would be: Yes, it might be possible if the movie is very simple and only consists of simple bitmaps. But also no: for most swf's it will be very difficult without a flash client and screenshot capabilities if you really need the output of the movie.
On my site I have given an option to user to choose thier profile image
Type link of an image
Image is a url link, and first I want it to resize to 400x300 (image's original size doesn't matter), and then display it on my web page.
Something like below:
<img src="http://mywebsite.com/resize.php?image=http://someotherurl.com/upload/image2.jpg&width=400&height=300" />
anyone knows this kind of script, please tell me how to solve this issue.
A recent post:
has some code and comments that may give you some pointers. Otherwise may I suggest
Good luck!
If you have the GD extenstion, you can use imagecopyresampled (the documentation also features some examples). However, if the image to be resized is large and there is a low memory limit on your server, you may run out of memory.
I don't have ready to use source code, but it should look like:
Load image pointed by image parameter into object of ImageMagick (or other graphics library).
Resize it.
Send content to output stream.
Optionally you could:
Check if loaded file is image (plus other validation checks).
Save resized image on disk and serve it from disk next time (if you do it often).
Check docs of you favorite graphics library used in PHP for details.
Good luck!
Use the Class called - class.upload.php.
Find it at: PHP Classes
We use it at all times in many of our work.
The name is deceptive but actually it is an uploader as well as image processor. It has a very big list of functionality for resizing images, adding text to images, converting formats, etc. etc.
There is sample code which shows how to read an Image from server, modify it and finally send it directly to browser without having to create a temp file on server.