I'm trying to update multiple rows in one table in MySQL database by doing this. And its not working.
$query = "UPDATE cart SET cart_qty='300' WHERE cart_id = '21';
UPDATE cart SET cart_qty='200' WHERE cart_id = '23';
UPDATE cart SET cart_qty='100' WHERE cart_id = '24';";
mysql_query($query,$link);// $link is specified above
Anyone know what is wrong with this.
From the PHP documentation:
mysql_query() sends a unique query (multiple queries are not supported)
The ; separates SQL statements, so you need to separate the queries if you want to continue using the mysql_query function...
mysql_query can't use multiple queries.
The easiest thing is to just run them separately. I believe you can do multi query but I haven't tried it.
$updateArray = array(21=>300,23=>200,24=>100);
foreach($updateArray as $id=>$value)
$query = "UPDATE cart SET cart_qty='$value' WHERE cart_id = '$id'";
mysql_query($query,$link);// $link is specified above
This will accept a combination of IDs and their corresponding cart value. Looping though, it builds the query and executes it. The array can then come from a variety of sources (results from another query, form inputs or, as in this case, hard-coded values)
If you really need to execute all in one, heres the PHP info on multi query:
You can do it this way:
UPDATE table
SET col1 = CASE id
WHEN id1 THEN id1_v1,
WHEN id2 THEN id2_v1
col2 = CASE id
WHEN id1 THEN id1_v2,
WHEN id2 THEN id2_v2
WHERE id IN (id1, id2)
This example shows updating two different columns in two different rows so you can expand this to more rows and columns by cludging together a query like this. There might be some scaling issues that makes the case statement unsuitable for a very large number of rows.
You'll need to send them as separate queries. Why not add the queries as strings to an array, then iterate through that array sending each query separtely?
Also check this thread for another idea
This isn't the best method.. But if you need to do multiple queries you could use something like...
function multiQuery($sql)
$query_arr = explode(';', $sql);
foreach ($query_arr as $query)
another example of a helper query
function build_sql_update($table, $data, $where)
$sql = '';
foreach($data as $field => $item)
$sql .= "`$table`.`$field` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($item)."',";
// remove trailing ,
$sql = rtrim($sql, ',');
return 'UPDATE `' . $table .'` SET '.$sql . ' WHERE ' .$where;
echo build_sql_update('cart', array('cart_qty' => 1), 'cart_id=21');
There are many questions on SO about this but I cannot find one that quite meets my situation.
I want to use the values in some fields/columns of a table to set the value of a third field/column
In other words something like:
table races
$sqlSelect = "SELECT athleteid,difficulty,score FROM races";
$res = mysql_query($sqlSelect) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$sqlupdate = "UPDATE race, set adjustedscore = '$adjustedscore' WHERE athletes = 'athletes'";
$resupdate = mysql_query($sqlupdate);
My understanding, however, is that MYSQL does not support update queries nested in select ones.
Note, I have simplified this slightly. I am actually calculating the score based on a lot of other variables as well--and may join some tables to get other inputs--but this is the basic principal.
Thanks for any suggestions
You can run:
UPDATE `races`
SET `adjustedscore` = `difficulty` * `score`
WHERE `athleteid` IN (1, 2, 3, ...)
First of all, as previous commentators said, you should use PDO instead of mysql_* queries.
Read about PDO here.
When you'll get data from DB with your SELECT query, you'll get array. I recommend you to use fetchAll() from PDO documentation.
So, your goal is to save this data in some variable. Like you did with $row.
After that you'll need to loop over each array and get your data:
foreach($row as $r) {
//We do this to access each of ours athlete data
$adjustedscore= $row[$r]["difficulty"]* $row[$r]["score"];
//Next row is not clear for me...
$query = "UPDATE race SET adjustedscore = '$adjustedscore' WHERE athletes = 'athletes'";
And to update we use PDO update prepared statement
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($query);
In my app, the user can type in an indefinite amount of categories to search by. Once the user hits submit, I am using AJAX to call my PHP script to query my DB and return the results that match what the user defined for the categories.
My category column is separated as so for each row: "blue,red,yellow,green" etc.
I have two questions:
How can I pass an array to MySQL (like so: [blue,yellow,green]) and then search for each term in the categories column? If at-least one category is found, it should return that row.
Can MySQL add weight to a row that has more of the categories that the user typed in, therefor putting it further to the top of the returned results? If MySQL cannot do this, what would be the best way to do this with PHP?
Thanks for taking the time and looking at my issue.
For the part 1 you can use the function below:
function createquery($dataarray){
$query="select * from table where ";
foreach($dataarray as $data)
$query.=' or ';
return $query;
This will return the long query.
use this some like this:
mysql_query("select * from table where category in (".implode($yourarray,',').")");
Arrays are not passed to a MySQL database. What's past is a query which is a string that tells the database what action you want to preform. An example would be: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id = 1.
Since you are trying to use the values inside your array to search in the database, you could preform a foreach loop to create a valid SQL command with all those columns in PHP, and then send that command / query to the database. For example:
$array = array('blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'green');
$sql = "SELECT ";
foreach ($array as $value)
$sql .= $value.", ";
$sql .= " FROM myTable WHERE id = 1";
IMPORTANT! It is highly recommended to used prepared statements and binding your parameters in order not to get hacked with sql injection!
You are able to order the results you obtained in whichever way you like. An example of ordering your results would be as follows:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE SALARY > 2000 ORDER BY column1, column2 DESC
I know this is very simple, but I haven't used PHP/MySQL in a while and I have been reading other threads/php website and can't seem to get it.
How can I query a single row from a MySQL Table and print out all of the fields that have data in them? I need to exclude the NULL fields, and only add those that have data to an html list.
To clarify, I would like to display the field data without specifying the field names, just for the reason that I have a lot of fields and will not know which ones will be NULL or not.
What you've outlined requires 4 basic steps:
Connect to the database.
Query for a specific row.
Remove the null values from the result.
Create the html.
Step 1 is quite environment specific, so that we can safely skip here.
Step 2 - SQL
SELECT * from <tablename> WHERE <condition isolating single row>
Step 3 - PHP (assuming that $query represents the executed db query)
//convert the result to an array
$result_array = mysql_fetch_array($query);
//remove null values from the result array
$result_array = array_filter($result_array, 'strlen');
Step 4 - PHP
foreach ($result_array as $key => $value)
echo $value \n;
Just SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE.... will do the trick.
To grab data from specific fields, it would be SELECT field_1,field_2,field_3....
you have to make a string which represent mysql query. Then there is function in php named mysql_query(). Call this function with above string as parameter. It will return you all results. Here are some examples
You need to do it like this...
First connect to your sql... Reference
Now make a query and assign it to a variable...
$query = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT column_name1, column_name2 FROM tablename");
If you want to retrieve a single row use LIMIT 1
$query = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT column_name1, column_name2 FROM tablename LIMIT 1");
If you want to fetch all the columns just use * instead of column names and if you want to leave some rows where specific column data is blank you can do it like this
$query = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE column_name4 !=''");
Now fetch the array out of it and loop through the array like this..
while($show_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
echo $show_rows['column_name1'];
echo $show_rows['column_name2'];
If you don't want to include the column names in the while loop, you could do this:
while($show_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
foreach( $show_rows as $key => $val )
echo $show_rows[$key];
I'm not sure how to accomplish this issue which has been confusing me for a few days. I have a form that updates a user record in MySQL when a checkbox is checked. Now, this is how my form does this:
if (isset($_POST['Update'])) {
$paymentr = $_POST['paymentr']; //put checkboxes array into variable
$paymentr2 = implode(', ', $paymentr); //implode array for mysql
$query = "UPDATE transactions SET paymentreceived=NULL";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$query = "UPDATE transactions SET paymentdate='0000-00-00'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$query = "UPDATE transactions SET paymentreceived='Yes' WHERE id IN ($paymentr2)";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$query = "UPDATE transactions SET paymentdate=NOW() WHERE id IN ($paymentr2)";
$result = mysql_query($query);
foreach ($paymentr as $v) { //should collect last updated records and put them into variable for emailing.
$query = "SELECT id, refid, affid FROM transactions WHERE id = '$v'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query Failed: ".mysql_errno()." - ".mysql_error()."<BR>\n$query<BR>\n");
$trans = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$transactions .= '<br>User ID:'.$trans['id'].' -- '.$trans['refid'].' -- '.$trans['affid'].'<br>';
Unfortunately, it then updates ALL the user records with the latest date which is not what I want it to do. The alternative I thought of was, via Javascript, giving the checkbox a value that would be dynamically updated when the user selected it. Then, only THOSE checkboxes would be put into the array. Is this possible? Is there a better solution? I'm not even sure I could wrap my brain around how to do that WITH Javascript. Does the answer perhaps lie in how my mysql code is written?
Edit: Ok, just more information. The SQL Queries I have going on - the first two are to wipe everything clean (in case a checkbox is UNCHECKED) and then next they are updating the SQL queries based on which checkboxes are checked upon post.
However, I'm thinking this is a bad way to do it. Why force the database to first wipe out ALL data for paymetreceived, paymetdate? The problem with this, also, is that *all the subsequent checkboxes, regardless of how long ago they were checked, get updated in the SQL query as it is now.*There's got to be a way to update it better. I'm just not sure HOW to do it. any ideas?
You are not filtering by id in this queries:
$query = "UPDATE transactions SET paymentreceived=NULL";
$query = "UPDATE transactions SET paymentdate='0000-00-00'";
Try adding: WHERE id IN ($paymentr2)";
The problem is in your first 2 sql UPDATE statements. You don't provide a WHERE clause, so that's going to update all your records. You could add:
WHERE id IN ($paymentr2)
to your first two UPDATE statements
Is there a way to get the last generated auto_increment IDs after inserting several rows with mysqli multi_query function?
I managed to get it work by adding SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); after each INSERT query in the multi query and then use the mysqli_use_result to get all ids, and I think this is the best way.
You can fetch the different insert ids by calling MySQLi's next_result() for each consecutive insert statement. As far as I know, you don't have to store any results as long as the queries are insert statements or something else that doesn't return a result set.
$sql = new MySQLi("...");
// The first insert id will be available at once
$id1 = $sql->insert_id;
// The second needs to be handeled a little differently
$id2 = $sql->insert_id;
// And lastly the third one
$id3 = $sql->insert_id;
You can also put this in a loop if you are unsure of how many insert statements there are:
$ids = array();
$ids[] = $sql->insert_id;
} while($sql->more_results());
This is untested pseudo code (as you might have figured), but it should work.