I have a query that looks like this:
$sql = "UPDATE tbl SET amt_field='amt_field+1' WHERE username='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['username']). "'";
I want to increment the value as easily as possible.
I have tried:
"UPDATE tbl SET amt_field='amt_field+1' WHERE
"UPDATE tbl SET amt_field='amt_field' + 1 WHERE
"UPDATE tbl SET amt_field='amt_field++' WHERE
I don't get error messages, but the value in my db does not increase either.
UPDATE tbl SET amt_field = amt_field + 1 WHERE ...
If you use the single quotes ', you're telling the enclosed value to be interpreted as a string You were probably thinking about the tick marks. This is also valid:
UPDATE tbl SET `amt_field` = `amt_field` + 1 WHERE ...
This must be used when the column (or table etc.) has a reserved name.
Hello did you initialize a new session. Below worked perfectly for me.
public static function insert_search($pdo)
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
//$username = self::username();
$date = date('Y-m-d');
//Adding the total searches for the logged in user
$query = $pdo->query("UPDATE `users` SET `total_searches` = `total_searches` +1 WHERE username = '$username'");
/* What you could potentially do is the following.
Make sure if you're doing it the procedural way
you put #session_start(); at the top of the page */
$sql = "UPDATE tbl SET amt_field ='amt_field' +1 WHERE username ='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['username']). "'";
I don't know if wrote something wrong in the query, or if it's a logic error. The problem is on the second to last line.
include "connectdb.php";
$userId = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["userId"]);
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE userId='userId'");
$num = mysql_num_rows($q1);
//user exists, update visits and unique values
$visits = 0;
$visits = $row["visits"] + 1;
echo $row["visits"] + 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE visitors SET visits='$visits',unique='no' WHERE userId='$userId'");
//if there is no current visitor
mysql_query("INSERT INTO visitors(userId,visits,unique) VALUES('$userId','1','yes')");
EDIT: userId and visits are both set to INT in the database.
i think first error in in variable name using in $ql and second is $num==1 if in visitors table multiple record of thats user then this condition will be wrong ($num==1) so i think replace it with this ($num>0)
include "connectdb.php";
$userId = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["userId"]);
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE userId='$userId' ");
$num = mysql_num_rows($q1);
//user exists, update visits and unique values
$visits = 0;
$visits = $row["visits"] + 1;
echo $row["visits"] + 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE visitors SET visits='$visits',unique='no' WHERE userId='$userId'");
//if there is no current visitor
mysql_query("INSERT INTO visitors(`userId`,`visits`,`unique`) VALUES ('$userId','1','yes') ");
You should add error handling to your sql queries, but the problem (after the correction indicated by #DanielLisik) is the use of a reserved word: unique.
Change your query to:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO visitors(userId,visits,`unique`) VALUES('$userId','1','yes')");
You should also consider changing to PDO or mysqli as the mysql_* functions are deprecated.
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE userId='userId'");
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE userId=$userId");
Delete the single quotes around $userId in your SQL queries (since it's an INT). It should be like this:
mysql_query("UPDATE visitors SET visits='$visits',`unique`='no' WHERE userId=$userId");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO visitors(userId,visits,`unique`) VALUES($userId,'1','yes')");
Ok..I know how to get a data record from a MySql table...and I want to change data in that record and update the table.
My question is...can you actually manipulate that data from the result row, and subsequently use those in the update statement?
For example.
Let's say the table rows have 2 fields: Name, YearlyEarn.
And once a month I want to add that month's income to the YearlyEarn field for each person.
Assume we already did the Select statement for someone who's name is in $CurrentName.
And we then get their record.
$DataRow = mysql_fetch_array($result):
Can you do this:
$DataRow["YearlyEarn"] = $DataRow["YearlyEarn"] + $MonthEarn;
$query = "UPDATE EarnTable SET YearlyEarn = '$DataRow["YearlyEarn"]'
`WHERE Name = '$CurrentName'" ;
$UpdResult = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
OR.....should I put the data into intermediate fields, manipulate it..and then use those fields in the update statement?
You should use prepared statements, like PDO. The mysql_* is outdated. But if not doing so, you should consider changing your query from:
$query = "UPDATE EarnTable SET YearlyEarn = '$DataRow["YearlyEarn"]'`WHERE Name = '$CurrentName'" ;
$query = "UPDATE EarnTable SET YearlyEarn = `" . $DataRow['YearlyEarn'] . "` WHERE Name = `$CurrentName`" ;
Yes, you can:
UPDATE EarnTable
SET YearlyEarn = YearlyEarn + 123
WHERE Name = 'abc'
You can use:
$query = "UPDATE EarnTable SET YearlyEarn = '$DataRow[YearlyEarn]' WHERE Name = '$CurrentName'" ;
When you're interpolating an array reference, the key is automatically quoted.
$query = "UPDATE EarnTable SET YearlyEarn = '{$DataRow["YearlyEarn"]}' WHERE Name = '$CurrentName'" ;
Inside {...}, you can put any variable expression and it will be evaluated and interpolated.
I'm trying to get php to update a MySQL table using UPDATE statement but it simply won't work. Here's the code I wrote:
$add = "1";
$counter=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM frases WHERE id = '".$id."'");
while ($ntcounter=mysql_fetch_array($counter)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE frases SET count = '".$ntcounter[count]+$add."' WHERE id = '".$id);
As you can see, I am basically trying to update the SQL record to keep track of how many times a specific content ID was visited.
Use an alias in your SQL query (It is not mandatory, but it makes the query much more readable.)
SELECT * as count FROM frases WHERE id = '".$id."'"
And you can now access to your variable
So the result :
$add = "1";
$id = (int)$id
$counter = mysql_query("SELECT * as count FROM frases WHERE id = '".$id."'");
while ($ntcounter = mysql_fetch_assoc($counter)) {
mysql_query("UPDATE frases SET count = '".($ntcounter['count']+$add)."' WHERE id = '".$id);
You don't really need two queries. You should just be able to update like this
mysql_query("UPDATE frases SET `count` = `count` + 1 WHERE id = ".$id);
You didn't close the single quote at the end of the update statement:
mysql_query("UPDATE frases SET count = '".$ntcounter[count]+$add."' WHERE id = '".$id."'")
I need to copy the value in a column named TEAM from one row into another row. Both rows need to have the same team name. This is my query that doesn't work:
$query = "UPDATE profiles SET team = (SELECT team FROM profiles WHERE id = '$coach_id') WHERE id = '$player_id'";
I have tried removing single quotes, removing "FROM profiles", changing value to table.value, tried to give a newdata.clan alias, and I have even tried changing the values to integers instead of parameters. Nothing works, and this is what I get:
Error: You have an error in your SQL
syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use
near 'WHERE id = '') WHERE id = ''' at
line 3
$query1 = "SELECT team FROM profiles WHERE id = '$coach_id'";
/* get the value of the first query and assign it to a variable like $team_name */
$query2 = "UPDATE profiles SET team = '$team_name' WHERE id = '$player_id'";
Also, you should surround your PHP variables in curly braces:
$query = "UPDATE profiles SET team = \"(SELECT team FROM profiles WHERE id = '{$coach_id}')\" WHERE id = '{$player_id}'";
From the MySQL manual:
"Currently, you cannot update a table
and select from the same table in a
Source: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html
Use the method that FinalForm wrote:
$coach_id = 2;
$player_id = 1;
$query1 = "SELECT team FROM profiles WHERE id = '$coach_id'";
$rs = mysql_query($query1);
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
$team_name = $row['team'];
$query2 = "UPDATE profiles SET team = '$team_name' WHERE id = '$player_id'";
// Done, updated if there is an id = 1
} else {
// No id with id = 2
I have 2 variables that contain a a string of text. I need to update them in the table, but out of the 20 + different variations of about 5 different scripts that I've tried out, it just doesn't update!
I can update using this:
mysql_query("UPDATE cart SET quantity = $q WHERE sessionid='" .session_id(). "' AND description = '$d'") or die(mysql_error());
but I am now working on a different page, where I need a slightly different update query. Which is:
UPDATE cart SET quantity = $q WHERE sessionid = $somethin AND description = $desc
And for that I have:
mysql_query("UPDATE cart SET quantity = $q WHERE sessionid = $o AND description = $d") or die(mysql_error());
(I have tried many variations with different quotes in different places for the above query, but nothing works!)
I have also tried:
$conn = mysql_connect("my01..com", "dbase", "2354ret345ert");
if(! $conn )
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$sql = 'UPDATE cart
SET quantity="'.$q.'"
WHERE sessionid="$o" AND description = "$d"';
$retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );
if(! $retval )
die('Could not update data: ' . mysql_error());
echo "Updated data successfully\n";
That last one doesn't display any errors, in fact, it even tells me that it has successfully updated! But it's lying. It hasn't updated anything.
Can someone please help me out here, I am really getting sick of reading tutorial after turorial and never learning anything because they all have differnt syntax and none of it seems to work.
What I would like to do is:
UPDATE table SET columnname = $this WHERE thiscolumn = $this AND thiscolumn = $that
$this = $var
Thank you
You are missing the quotes in description and SessionID, do it like this:
mysql_query("UPDATE cart
SET quantity = '".$q."'
WHERE sessionid = '".$o."' AND description = '".$d."'");
In order to save you confusion, I would recommend start using concatenation operator (eg 'UPDATE '.$table .' SET ...')instead of writing variables directly to strings (eg. "UPDATE $table SET ...").
in this case your query would look like:
mysql_query("UPDATE cart SET quantity = ".$q." WHERE sessionid='" .session_id(). "' AND description = '".$d."'") or die(mysql_error());
This might help you to find problems with quotes and parenthesis quicker
I had this query in php:
$query = "UPDATE users SET username = ".$nume." WHERE id = ".$userID;
That did this SQL:
UPDATE users SET username = elev WHERE id = 2
GOOD: For it to work I changed it to this php:
$query = "UPDATE users SET username = ".'"'.$nume.'"'." WHERE id = ".$userID;
That did this SQL:
UPDATE users SET username = "elev" WHERE id = 2