PHP / Mongo: how do you update nested data? - php

I've been playing around with Mongo for about a week now and I still can't work out how to modify nested arrays in Mongo with php.
So here is a sample document...
array (
'_id' => new MongoId("4cb30f560107ae9813000000"),
'email' => '',
'firstname' => 'Maurice',
'lastname' => 'Campobasso',
'password' => 'GOD',
'productions' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'title' => 'a',
'date' => '1286811330.899',
1 =>
array (
'title' => 'b',
'date' => '1286811341.183',
2 =>
array (
'title' => 'c',
'date' => '1286811350.267',
3 =>
array (
'title' => 'd',
'date' => '1286811356.05',
What I wan't to do is delete an array inside the productions array, but I can't work out how. I've been playing with 'update('$pull' => ...etc)' but I haven't been able to make it work.

OK, there are a few ways to do this. In your case, I would do something like
mymongoobject.update( $unset : { "productions.2" : 1 } }
That's basically saying to unset the ".2" element of productions. Some docs here.
Now $pull should also work, but it's a little tougher because "productions" is actually an array of arrays (or objects with sub-objects). So you'd have to match arrays exactly:
mymongoobject.update( $pull : { "productions" : {'title':'d', 'date':'1286811356.05'} }
In the case above, the unset is probably the easiest option (though it will leave a "hole" in the array)

That is actually very easy, unlike traditional sql stuff you just modify the whole data and pass it back.
$cursor = $mongo->yourDB->yourCollection->findOne("_id",4cb30f560107ae9813000000);
//let's remove last item on productions
//and update the mongo document
echo $mongo->yourDB->yourCollection->update($cursor);
//it echoes 1 if successful
hope it helps.


Simpliest way to build a multi-dimensional array with SQL result?

I am currently building a web planning and I want to show some data in the period display.
I have a PHP file where I create my SQL request over ~13 tables and fetch all results (I use PDO::FETCH_ASSOC), then I have to loop over my result to build the array I want.
The problem is I need to build a complicated array with lot of data. Here is the kind of result I want to achieve :
$result = array(
$place_1 => array(
'data_place' => array(
'id' => ...,
'name' => ...,
// etc.
'data_target' => array(
$target_type_1 => array(
$name_1 => ...,
$name_2 => ...,
// etc.
$target_type_2 => array ( ... ),
// etc.
'data_isOpen' => array(
$day_1 => array(
$hour_begin => ...,
$hour_end => ...
$day_2 => array ( ... ),
// etc.
'data_box' => array(
// same kind of stuff with more dimension
$place_n = array(
// same
When I execute my request, I get something like 3000 array with all the data I need, but I only have 29 places in database so there is a lot of repetition...
$result = array(
0 => array(
"id" => ...,
"name" => ...,
// the list of all fields I need in my big array
n => array(
// same
I almost manage to achieve the result I want with some "foreach" and headaches but here is my question :
Is it possible to build a SQL request and fetch the result as I want? I mean, can I group all the result by "id_place" for example but wihtout lost information? And if it's possible, can we do it multiple time?
The idea is to get a result with one array for every place (so 29 and not 3000), then for every "place array", group for example the "hour_begin" and "hour_end" by "opening_day", etc...
Sorry if it's a duplicate, I didn't saw any positive anwser to my question so I try again !

Is it possible to detect key type with json_encode?

Quite a difficult to explain, but for example i have an array:
$lol = array(
'key' => 'value',
'key_1' => 'value 1',
'0' => 'lol',
'key_array' => array(
'key_in_second' => 'value_with_key_in_second',
After json_encode it would be
{"key":"value","key_1":"value 1","0":"lol","key_array":{"key_in_second":"value_with_key_in_second","0":"value_in_second_array"}}
So is it possible somehow detect if in php array had the key or note? In my example elements 'simple_value', '0' => 'lol' have same key.
PHP doesn't care if the number 0 is in quotes or not. It is storing it as numeric 0, same as 'value_in_second_array' will be 0, as it was the first element without a key.
array('0'=>'lol') is the same as array(0=>'lol') is the same is array('lol');
You'll see simple_value dissappeared, as it was overwritten with lol.
The JSON accurately reflects the php. For example, if you had this code:
$lol = array(
'key' => 'value',
'key_1' => 'value 1',
'0' => 'lol',
'key_array' => array(
'key_in_second' => 'value_with_key_in_second',
The output would be:
[key] => value
[key_1] => value 1
[0] => lol
[key_array] => Array
[key_in_second] => value_with_key_in_second
[0] => value_in_second_array
What happened here is that as simple_value didn't have a key, it was assigned a key of 0, but was then overwritten with lol which came next. You can also see how the value_in_second_array was automatically assigned a key of 0.
So, nothing to do with json_encode, you just never had the data in PHP.

Storing the full location of an element in a multidimensional array for reuse

This question is based on my other question here about a suitable array processing algorithm.
In my case, I want to flatten a multidimensional array, but I need to store the full key to that element for reuse later.
For example :
0 => array(
'label' => 'Item1',
'link' => '',
'children' => null
1 => array(
'label' => 'Item2',
'link' => '',
'children' => array( 3 => array(
'label' => 'SubmenuItem1',
'link' => '',
'children' => null
2 => array(
'label' => 'Item3',
'link' => '',
'children' => null
Should be flattened into something like the following table
Key Link
The problem is that I while I can easily store the location of an element in a multidimensional array, I am finding it to be quite hard to retrieve that element later. For example, if I store my key as $key = "[1][3]", I can not access it using $myarray[$key]. Is there anyway to do this?
Solution using recursion:
//Array parts should be an array containing the keys, for example, to address
//SubmenuItem1, I had 1.3 when the array was flattened. This was then exploded() to the array [1, 3]
$this->recurseIntoArray($myArray, $arrayParts);
private function recurseIntoArray(&$array, $arrayParts){
$current = $arrayParts[0];
$array[$current]['blah'] = 'blah'; //If you want to update everyone in the chain on the way down, do it here
if (!empty($arrayParts)){
$this->recurseIntoArray($array[$current]['children'], $arrayParts);
//If you want to update only the last one in the chain, do it here.

Mongodb and PHP: how to query nested arrays without using the key name

I'm probably missing something simple here but I can't seem to find a way to build a query that will allow me to update a match in a group of nested values.
I have a document like this for a blog app I've been working on (currently uses MySQL):
array (
'_id' => new MongoId("4bc8dcee8ba936a8101a0000"),
'created' => '20100418-201312 +0000',
'post-title' => 'Some Post Title',
'post-body' => 'Blah Blah Blah Blah.',
'post-blog-name' => 'default',
'post-comments' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'comment-title' => 'Test1',
'comment-body' => 'asdf1',
'created' => '20100418-214512 +0000',
'owner' => 'User1',
1 =>
array (
'comment-title' => 'Test2',
'comment-body' => 'asdf2',
'created' => '20100418-214512 +0000',
'owner' => 'User2',
'owner' => 'zach',
'updated' => '20100418-201312 +0000',
I'd like to be able to build a query that can search 'comment-title' for a match and then allow me to update/change/delete data as needed.
Obviously I can perform an update using a query which includes the key value. Something like this works:
array("post-comments.0.comment-title" => $_POST['comment-title']),
array('$set' => array('entries.0' => array('comment-title' => $_POST['comment-title'], 'comment-body' => $_POST['comment-body'], 'owner' => $_SESSION['username'], 'updated' => gmdate('Ymd\-His O')))));
But I expect I'm missing something that would allow me to leave out the key and still be able to match one of the nested arrays based on a value (in this example the 'comment-title').
Anyway, sorry, this probably isn't the best example and I probably will end up using the keys in comments to identify them (comment #) but since nesting and creating rather complex objects seem to be a few of Mongodbs strong points I'm just hoping someone can point out what it is I might be missing.
A query to remove or update all comments by a specific user (say a user the blog author just black-listed) might be a better example. I'm not sure how I'd do this short of pulling out the entire document and then iterating through the nested arrays using PHP.
try ... notice I removed the "key"
$collection->update(array("post-comments.comment-title" ...

Retrieve first key in multi-dimensional array using PHP

I would like to retrieve the first key from this multi-dimensional array.
[User] => Array
[id] => 2
[firstname] => first
[lastname] => last
[phone] => 123-1456
[email] =>
[website] =>
[group_id] => 1
[company_id] => 1
This array is stored in $this->data.
Right now I am using key($this->data) which retrieves 'User' as it should but this doesn't feel like the correct way to reach the result.
Are there any other ways to retrieve this result?
There are other ways of doing it but nothing as quick and as short as using key(). Every other usage is for getting all keys. For example, all of these will return the first key in an array:
echo $keys[0]; //prints first key
foreach ($this->data as $key => $value)
echo $key;
As you can see both are sloppy.
If you want a oneliner, but you want to protect yourself from accidentally getting the wrong key if the iterator is not on the first element, try this:
reset() rewinds array 's internal
pointer to the first element and
returns the value of the first array
But what you're doing looks fine to me. There is a function that does exactly what you want in one line; what else could you want?
Use this (PHP 5.5+):
echo reset(array_column($this->data, 'id'));
I had a similar problem to solve and was pleased to find this post. However, the solutions provided only works for 2 levels and do not work for a multi-dimensional array with any number of levels. I needed a solution that could work for an array with any dimension and could find the first keys of each level.
After a bit of work I found a solution that may be useful to someone else and therefore I included my solution as part of this post.
Here is a sample start array:
$myArray = array(
'referrer' => array(
'week' => array(
'201901' => array(
'Internal' => array(
'page' => array(
'number' => 201,
'visits' => 5
'External' => array(
'page' => array(
'number' => 121,
'visits' => 1
'201902' => array(
'Social' => array(
'page' => array(
'number' => 921,
'visits' => 100
'External' => array(
'page' => array(
'number' => 88,
'visits' => 4
As this function needs to display all the fist keys whatever the dimension of the array, this suggested a recursive function and my function looks like this:
function getFirstKeys($arr){
$keys = '';
$key = key($arr);
$arr1 = $arr[$key];
if (is_array($arr1)){
$keys .= $key . '|'. getFirstKeys($arr1);
} else {
$keys = $key;
return $keys;
When the function is called using the code:
$xx = getFirstKeys($myArray);
echo '<h4>Get First Keys</h4>';
echo '<li>The keys are: '.$xx.'</li>';
the output is:
Get First Keys
The keys are: referrer|week|201901|Internal|page|number
I hope this saves someone a bit of time should they encounter a similar problem.
