I am trying to retrive XML from a site and process on my server. I can get the XML on my browser after I log in to the specific site. but I cannot do it by sending request from directly from server because the session is not available. How can I achive this
Assuming it's using basic auth you should be able to do this with curl setting a auth_user /password: http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php
I have Apache Web Server running to server a website (using angular.js), Now I am going to add Authentication to my website. The Authentication which I am going to use returns me POST request with user token.
Now I need to process the token, If he is valid user I need to give him access to my website.
As I should process the POST Request, I found there is little support for Apache Web Server like apreq.
So, I am thinking to replace apache with php or node.js. So are there other ways to process POST method request in Apache or which would be better alternative among php or node.js?
I've a basic web service written in Delphi. This web service is receiving POST requests with JSON via PHP Curl Library from Phil used on Codeigniter.
The server returns the data according to the request.
On the first request i send my authentication and i get the respective JSON.
On the second request the server identifies a different session.
You need to set CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE so that cURL saves its cookies into a file. The reason you are losing your session is because cURL is not persisting your session cookie across all of your requests.
So, for Code Igniter it would be something like this:
Now I have a web server written with php. And there some php script files for database accessing. I'm writing a Qt app to send get/post request to the remote php scripts. However, it's not convenient to verify user identity for each request. So, I want to use session control on the web server. But I don't know how to do in Qt application.
As Orangepill and PLB said, the solution is Passing cookies to the request url, you may refer to QNetworkAccessManager::setCookieJar.
Instantiate the QNetworkAccessManager object and call setCookieJar for it.
Send POST request to the authenticate page which activates a session. Then you will have cookies got from the page in the cookieJar.
Send requests to the pages under the domain will with the session alive.
What is the best way to write an android application that logs into a server? I am thinking I do not want to maintain a socket, so I think I want to avoid that, I think I want to use the http protocol. My question with that is, on the server side, ideally I would like to use PHP to handle the GET/POST calls from the android app, but I don't know how to return (using PHP) information that my app can handle and not just an html file.
So for example, the facebook app for android. When you first download the app, you login and then the app maintains your connection, but obviously the app is not another web browser, but a regular app that presents its information as if it were a web site. How does the app pass the session cookie so that the PHP $_SESSION variables maintain themselves? How does the android app handle the data that comes back?
If I send a get requestion to htt://www.test.php can the PHP code that executes on the server return a custom set of data? Will the $_SESSION variables be automatically maintainted?
Thank you
You can send a get/post request to log on the server. The PHP page can return JSON or XML. Then your Java (Android) code will have to parse that response.
You can have the PHP page log first, and then start a session. Maybe generate a token key and store this in the database, and then return this to the android app. Android app will get this token (after parsing), and probably save it in a preferences file. This approach is basically a custom session. You will have to figure out things like expiration of token, etc.
There might be a way to store PHP sessions, but not sure how an app behaves differently from a browser. I think sessions can be little bit more complicated with apps.
More discussion here: php session destroyed in android application
You just need to create Server Side API which receives and sends data back to Client. Server start session, when API is requested, and Client receives PHPSESSID which is used to keep session opened. On Client, you use cookie for sessions.
Read about sessions: PHP Sessions (simple) and Session Handling (comprehensive)
I want to transfer 10 user details from my server database to another server.The other server can call a php page (in my sever) which can supply the needed 10 user details.This should happen in such a way that a user using the site must not understand that the data is coming from another server.
I will recommend using WebService for this purpose. In the Server A (provider) you will code this webservice to serve the users as requested by server B(consumer), So you will be able to consume the services provided by A at any time and being transparent for the USER.
You can implement JSON-RPC server and client.