I need to build a simple web-based data entry/editing tool - something that would let me avoid using MS Access for the task. Preferrably in PHP and something that would be support SQLite, foreign keys/references and field validation.
I've looked at the demos of Symfony and was not impressed with the user interface in the end. Are there any other frameworks/tools that can work for this?
Whilst not expressly web-based you could consider:
The only ones I know of are:
There not to good looking but they may work for what you want.
I'd plug my own dynamic database CMS system, but I have a feeling you would need some modifications for what you want. Any reason speicifically you need SQLite instead of mySQL?
Here it is just in case... UltraPanel PRO
I am using a commercial PHP web application that stores information in a mysql database, and find myself needing to create some custom reports on that database information, ideally presented via the web with the ability of exporting the reports to PDF or some external format as well.
I could just slap together some PHP to query the DB and then show the results of SQL queries against that DB, but was hoping there may be a more intelligent framework I could employ to generate these reports faster and easier now as well as in the future. Codeigniter looks like it may be a good starting point, but I'm not in love with it. What do people use when they need to work with an existing SQL db info but dont want to roll it all from scratch?
edit - I know php/python/ruby enough to operate, but I'm rusty so starting from scratch will make the process longer than it probably needs to be. I'm looking to leverage quality frameworks if they exist to give me the best results in the longrun
I would recommend Django, it has a management command that can help automatically generate models from an existing database, inspectdb. You could leverage that to quickly get going and start using Django's powerful ORM to build your reports.
I'm a bit new to web development and wanted some insight on how to approach a project of mine.
We have a large mysql with a fairly large dataset that we want people to be able to play around with. Is there a way to have some sort of web based spreadsheet that, in addition to do normal spreadsheet calculations, query a database and pull down content? We have niche statical information on companies we research, ideally a user would come to the site and be able to access our data while adding their own logic(math operators) to make it more relevant to them.
We don't want to create an api to connect to their desktops(yet) and want to do this entirely over the web.
Any help on the approach or tools you'd use would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Edit: I found a good tool for drupal "Sheetnode" which uses phpexcel....I'll study it, I'm not totally sure if it allows mysql queries to be added within cells.
Give YUI datatable a try. The YUI library is one of the best-documented libraries. Yes, you can do queries for every cell in the sheet. You can use one query to populate the whole spreadsheet, and then another query for updating each individual cell. You will be responsible for programming the server-side code in Drupal using your own custom module. The menu_hook in Drupal will allow you to accept RESTful calls from the datatable and JavaScript.
I found phpexcel ( phpexcel.codeplex.com/ ) does what I want and there's a module for drupal for me.
If you're familiar with Java, the most relevant choice would probably be https://vaadin.com/spreadsheet and using the open source framework Vaadin (Disclaimer: I'm working for the company behind the tool).
But anyhow, with this it's as easy as:
Spreadsheet s = new Spreadsheet(
new File("/path/to/some/xls/file/on/server.xlsx"));
to add a excel file in your web browser.
I am fond of dbstructure definition of msaccess which lets defining at once and creating the data entry forms, datatables and reports at once easily.
I have been searching for some framework which would generate the data entry forms, data tables and reports easily. I guess the only thing I need to define is complete datatable structure.
Is there any like that or better one than that?
well i am afraid that PHP frameworks have been limited to programmers only. I would like to extend it with some automated functions like autoform in msaccess which would generate data entry form, auto report for data listing. So that my development time would be again some less. I found doctrine nearly matching my specification but not sure as i haven't fully explored doctrine
Cake offers both "hard" (bake) and "soft" scaffolding, which should be very close to what you want. It's still only meant as a quick proof-of-concept tool and to get you up and running faster so you can concentrate on programming the business logic. It's not meant as a hands-off solution nor to be used in production.
What you seem to be looking for is a database frontend like phpMyAdmin or SQL Buddy, not a PHP framework.
Symfony provides an admin generator that builds all the forms on the fly and it will also update itself when you change your db schema. It is based on doctrine which you say you looked at so that would make things a bit easier for you.
I've been googling around for a really simple way of making what is, in effect, nothing more than an enhanced phpMyAdmin.
In a mysql database, I have:
Name, address, phone, website etc, plus 2 or 3 custom fields. This data is pulled out to make a website.
All I want is to be able to make a freeform form, a bit like Access, but for the web, and the only thing I want to do over and above normal field editing would be to have a list of when I contact them, what was said, and perhaps a reminder when the next action is due. It also needs to implement some basic permissions so that different users can access different subsets of the data.
I've looked at so many CRMs my mind is boggling, and they all do WAY more than I need. I don't have leads or accounts, all I have is the need to make sure than when I update the person's details, and for that data to be in the same DB as my site is generate from.
I'm happy to learn if I can get pointed in the right direction, and I have a feeling that something like what I want might lie in the direction of jquery. It's just that there's so much good jquery stuff about, I can't see the wood for the trees!
If phpMyAdmin doesn't quite do it for you, it sounds like you just want a simple little web application.
jQuery is probably barking up the wrong tree. It's just a javascript library. While you could certainly use it to spiff up your little application, it's not going to get you the core functionality you need.
I would just dig in and write a little PHP script that does exactly what you want. Even if you're not very experienced, this would be a great learning project.
There are lots of tools which will generate forms including Phpeanuts, phpFormGen, Delphi for PHP, PfP Studio, FormFields, phpMyEdit (and many more).
I've not looked at Radria for some time - previously, it was more of a CMS/page layout/mashup thing rather than a form generator though.
As has been said, you need to build a web interface.
One simple thing you can use is something like Django's admin panel or Ruby on Rails' script/generate scaffold functionality. If you can run Rails or Django, try those.
If you are tied into PHP, consider using one of the PHP frameworks. I'm no expert on them - some of my PHP-using friends have good stuff to say about Symfony (the alternatives: Cake, CodeIgniter, Zend). A bit of random Googling tells me that Symfony has an admin generator that may be quite like that of Django.
As has been said, jQuery won't do what you need, although you can use it.
I'm looking for a simple database admin tool that will allow non-technical users to perform data-entry into a database (imagine a striped down version of phpMyAdmin). It would preferably allow the developer to set restrictions on which tables and fields can be modified.
Edit: Most of the tools posted, so far, are developer oriented. I'm looking for something that provides bare-bone functionality but is highly refined (clean interface, organized layout, etc.).
Edit2: Found this linked in the phpmyadmin alternatives thread.
Check out Webbased MySQL interface better that phpMyAdmin for a list of clients that might suit you.
In particular, I've worked with SQLYog before and found it to be a decent tool. Unfortunately, you're going to hit a limit with how "easy" these things are for non-technical users. Short of building an interface yourself, much of what you'll find out there is geared toward developers.
Try Navicat
We use this at work even tho we know how to code it manually.
I can give you a form for all of the data columns or you can view a whole table at once.
You can build queries using query the builder too.
In 15 minutes you can have a CakePHP site scaffolded, baked, and customized for a very clean, simple, web interface. It's not the right tool for every job, but when you need customizability, you might just need to roll your own solution.