PHP MySQL select random rows - php

I have a problem selecting 6 random friends
This is the query I've got so far:
$result = num_rows("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE member_id = '".$_SESSION['userid']."'");
if($result >= 6) {
$f_num = 6;
} else {
$f_num = $result;
for($i = 1; $i <= $f_num; $i++) {
$q_get_member_friends = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE member_id = '".$_SESSION['userid']."' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1");
$r_get_member_friends = mysql_fetch_array($q_get_member_friends);
echo $r_get_member_friends['friend_with'];
I want to select 6 random friends if the logged in user has more or equal to 6 friends
Stuck on this for a while now :/
Thanks for any help :)

If you use:
FROM friends
WHERE member_id = '".$_SESSION['userid']."'
ORDER BY rand()
If the person only has 3 friends, the query will only show those three - it doesn't mean that the query will always return six rows.

The best way I've found to select any number of random records is with OFFSET in the query.
Let's say you want 6 random records, so I'll borrow from an answer above and count the total number of friends in the database.
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM friends WHERE member_id='". $_SESSION['userid'] ."'");
$get_count = mysql_fetch_array($sql); // Fetch the results
$numfriends = $get_count['total']; // We've gotten the total number
Now we'll get the 6 random records out of the total above (hopefully it's > 6),
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friends WHERE member_id='". $_SESSION['userid'] ."' LIMIT 6 OFFSET " . (rand(0, $numFriends));
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query))
/// show your $rows here
Using OFFSET may not be the best or most efficient, but it's worked for me on large databases without bogging them down.

Never mind, I figured it out :)
Had to use while not for :'D

First select the number of friends that the user has:
"SELECT COUNT(*) as numFriends FROM friends WHERE member_id='".$_SESSION['userid']."'
...put that into a variable, let's call it "$numFriends"
$randomFriendIndex = rand(1,$numFriends);
//Get the friend at that index

change limit 1 to limit 6 on the eighth line.

Instead of SELECT * at the beginning, try SELECT COUNT(*) and use the actual return value instead of num_rows().
Your loop could generate duplicates. I would suggest trying OMG Ponies answer.
There is a whole chapter about random selection in the book SQL Antipatterns.


php loop start over when num_rows==0

I'm trying to write a php code to select form tables:
Some books does not have an image, so I want to skip it and select another book.
I have wrote this code but it does not work with me perfectly.
Now I'm getting only 5 records! it must be 6 as I limited in the book select query.
$slider_sql = "select * from books limit 6";
$slider_result = $conn->query($slider_sql);
while($slider_row = $slider_result->fetch_assoc()) {
$img_sql = "SELECT big_img FROM images WHERE book_id = '$id'";
$img_rs = $conn->query($img_sql);
$img_row = $img_rs->fetch_assoc();
if ($img_rs->num_rows == 0)
continue; //--> here I want to start while again to select another book.
echo $book_name.'<br>';
echo $img_row['big_img'].'<br>';
Thanks for your help and time!
Instead of having a sub-query in a loop (which is nearly ALWAYS a bad idea!), use a JOIN instead, which simplifies it to one query instead of two. Then set a condition that big_img should not be empty. This guarantees that you will only find rows where there's an image matching the book. LIMIT will still only ensure the return of 6 rows. <> in MySQL is the same as !=.
$slider_sql = "SELECT b.book_name, i.big_img
FROM books b
JOIN images i
WHERE i.big_img <> ''
$result = $conn->query($slider_sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo $row['book_name'].'<br>';
echo $row['big_img'].'<br>';

mysql + php: Selecting multiple random results

I've been looking for this for a while but with no success.
I am trying to implement a recomendation bar, for example like in youtube, when you are seeing a video it shows the list or recommended videos on the right.
At this moment I am using this method:
$offset_result = mysql_query( " SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * COUNT(*)) AS `offset` FROM `$tablename` ");
$offset_row = mysql_fetch_object($offset_result );
$offset = $offset_row->offset;
$result_rand = mysql_query( " SELECT * FROM `$tablename` LIMIT $offset, 9 " );
This works fine, but sometimes doesn't show any result, and the problem is also that its not completely random, because it shows for example the first ID as 200, so the next result will be id 201 and then 202 and so.
I would like to know if there is a way to show this 9 randon results, for example 1º result id 500, 2º result id 10, 3º result id 788, etc etc?
Thank you
Not entirely sure this answers what you are looking for, but try:
$result_rand = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $tablename . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 9");
You can use php rand() function to create 5 numbers and save them in an array:
$rand_array = array();
for($i=1;$i<5;$i++) {
$rand_array[$i] = rand(0,500);
and after that create a query with every int with a foreach loop and work with your data.
foreach ($rand_array as $integer) {
$q = "SELECT * from $tablename WHERE id='$integer';";
Does this helps?
First you should use mysqli_ functions instead of mysql_ because the latter is deprecated. Second use order by rand() to get random rows:
$rand_result = mysqli_query( "SELECT * FROM $tablename ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 9;" );
SELECT id, #rownum:=#rownum+1 AS rownum, name
FROM users u,
(SELECT #rownum:=0) r
THis will give a unique number to each row in sequence. Now if you create a temp table with 9 random numbers between 1 and count(*) of your table and JOIN those two together...
Not sure about performance but seems like it might be faster than Rand and order by since I only need 9 random numbers

how to get first and other random rows from a table

I have a table with 10 rows. I want to get first and any 3 random rows. Is it possible to do in one query?
I'd do:
Of course, you may want to not select the first row in the random part, but you said ANY 3
I would recommend doing this at the app layer, as you can introduce caching later. Plus it's much faster to do random operations within the application than is at the database layer.
// Your database stuff
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
$results[] = $row;
$firstResult = array_shift($results);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 3 ; $i++) {
$randomKey = array_rand($results);
$randomResults[] = $results[$randomKey];
echo $firstResult;
foreach ($randomResults as $randomResult) {
echo $randomResult;

how to check current position in mysql

how can i check current number in mysql where....
my query is
$aid = 16;
$get_prev_photo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id='$aid' AND pic_id<'$picid' ORDER BY pic_id LIMIT 1");
$get_next_photo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id='$aid' AND pic_id>'$picid' ORDER BY pic_id LIMIT 1");
while i am getting current photo with following query
$photo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE pic_id='$picid' LIMIT 1");
and getting total photos in album with following query
$photos = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id='$aid'");
$total_photos = mysql_num_rows($photos);
now i want to check where i am and show it as Showing 1 of 20, showing 6 of 20 and so on...
now i want to check where i am actually...
i think you are referring to pagination, which can be achieved using LIMIT and OFFSET sql
decide the number of results you want per page, then select that many
create links like:
View the next 10
and dynamically change those every time
queries look ~like~
SELECT * FROM table WHERE `condition`=true LIMIT 5 OFFSET $offset
this translates roughly as
select 5 from the table, starting at the 10th record
This is bad:
$photos = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id='$aid'");
Because it grabs all the fields for the entire album of photos when all you really want is the count. Instead, get the total number of photos in the album like this:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT count(1) as total_photos FROM photos
WHERE album_id='$aid'");
if ($result === false) {
print mysql_error();
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
$total_photos = $row->total_photos;
Now you have the count of the total number of photos in the album so that you can set up paging. Let's say as an example that the limit is set to 20 photos per page. So that means that you can list photos 1 - 20, 21 - 40, etc. Create a $page variable (from user input, default 1) that represents the page number you are on and $limit and $offset variables to plug into your query.
$limit = 20;
$page = $_POST['page'] || 1; // <-- or however you get user input
$offset = $limit * ($page - 1);
I'll leave the part where you code the list of pages up to you. Next query for the photos based on the variables you created.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id='$aid'
ORDER BY pic_id LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset");
if ($result === false) {
print mysql_error();
$photo_num = $offset;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$pic_id = $row->pic_id;
// get the rest of the variables and do stuff here
// like print the photo number for example
print "Showing photo $photo_num of $total_photos\n";
I'll leave better error handing, doing something with the data, and the rest of the details up to you. But that is the basics. Also I did not check my code for errors so there might be some syntax problems above. To make a single photo per page just make $limit = 1.

Select variable number of random records from MySQL

I want to show a random record from the database. I would like to be able to show X number of random records if I choose. Therefore I need to select the top X records from a randomly selected list of IDs
(There will never be more than 500 records involved to choose from, unless the earth dramatically increases in size. Currently there are 66 possibles.)
This function works, but how can I make it better?
/* RandomSite */
// Returns an array of random site IDs or NULL
function RandomSite($intNumberofSites = 1) {
$arrOutput = NULL;
//open the database
//$strSQL = "SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$intNumberofSites.";";
//Not wonderfully random
//$strSQL = "SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0 AND id >= (SELECT FLOOR( COUNT(*) * RAND()) FROM site_info ) ORDER BY id LIMIT ".$intNumberofSites.";";
//Manual selection from available pool of candidates ?? Can I do this better ??
$strSQL = "SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0;";
if (is_numeric($intNumberofSites))
//excute my query
$result = #mysql_query($strSQL);
//create an array I can work with ?? Can I do this better ??
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
$arrResult[$i++] = $row[0];
//mix them up
//take the first X number of results ?? Can I do this better ??
for ($i=0;$i<$intNumberofSites;$i++)
$arrOutput[$i] = $arrResult[$i];
return $arrOutput;
I know about the ORDER BY RAND(), I just don't want to use it because there are rumors it isn't the best at scaling and performance. I am being overly critical of my code. What I have works, ORDER BY RAND() works, but can I make it better?
There are holes in the IDs. There is not a ton of churn, but any churn that happens needs to be approved by our team, and therefore could handled to dump any caching.
Thanks for the replies!
Why not use the Rand Function in an orderby in your database query? Then you don't have to get into randomizing etc in code...
Something like (I don't know if this is legal)
Select *
from site_info
Order by Rand()
where N is the number of records you want...
Have you profiled your code vs. the query solution? I think you're just pre-optimizing here.
If you dont want to select with order by rand().
Instead of shuffeling, use array_rand on the result:
$randKeys = array_rand($arrResult, $intNumberofSites);
$arrOutput = array_intersect_key(array_flip($randKeys), $arrResult);
edit: return array of keys not new array with key => value
Well, I don't think that ORDER BY RAND() would be that slow in a table with only 66 rows, but you can look into a few different solutions anyway.
Is the data really sparse and/or updated often (so there are big gaps in the ids)?
Assuming it's not very sparse, you could select the max id from the table, use PHP's built-in random function to pick N distinct numbers between 1 and the max id, and then attempt to fetch the rows with those ids from the table. If you get back less rows than you picked numbers, get more random numbers and try again, until you have the number of rows needed. This may not be particularly fast either.
If the data is sparse, I would set up a secondary "id-type" column that you make sure is sequential. So if there are 66 rows in the table, ensure that the new column contains the values 1-66. Whenever rows are added to or removed from the table, you will have to do some work to adjust the values in this column. Then use the same technique as above, picking random IDs in PHP, but you don't have to worry about the "missing ID? retry" case.
Here are the three functions I wrote and tested
My answer
/* RandomSite1 */
// Returns an array of random rec site IDs or NULL
function RandomSite1($intNumberofSites = 1) {
$arrOutput = NULL;
$strSQL = "SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0;";
if (is_numeric($intNumberofSites))
$result = #mysql_query($strSQL);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$arrResult[$i++] = $row[0]; }
//mix them up
for ($i=0;$i<$intNumberofSites;$i++) {
$arrOutput[$i] = $arrResult[$i]; }
return $arrOutput;
JPunyon and many others
/* RandomSite2 */
// Returns an array of random rec site IDs or NULL
function RandomSite2($intNumberofSites = 1) {
$arrOutput = NULL;
$strSQL = "SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major<>0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$intNumberofSites.";";
if (is_numeric($intNumberofSites))
$result = #mysql_query($strSQL);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$arrOutput[$i++] = $row[0]; }
return $arrOutput;
OIS with a creative solution meeting the intend of my question.
/* RandomSite3 */
// Returns an array of random rec site IDs or NULL
function RandomSite3($intNumberofSites = 1) {
$arrOutput = NULL;
$strSQL = "SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major<>0;";
if (is_numeric($intNumberofSites))
$result = #mysql_query($strSQL);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$arrResult[$i++] = $row[0]; }
$randKeys = array_rand($arrResult, $intNumberofSites);
$arrOutput = array_intersect_key($randKeys, $arrResult);
return $arrOutput;
I did a simple loop of 10,000 iterations where I pulled 2 random sites. I closed and opened a new browser for each function, and cleared the cached between run. I ran the test 3 times to get a simple average.
NOTE - The third solution failed at pulling less than 2 sites as the array_rand function has different output if it returns a set or single result. I got lazy and didn't fully implement the conditional to handle that case.
1 averaged: 12.38003755 seconds
2 averaged: 12.47702177 seconds
3 averaged: 12.7124153 seconds
mysql_query("SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $intNumberofSites")
Damn, JPunyon was a bit quicker :)
Try this:
#nv := #min + (RAND() * (#max - #min)) / #lc,
FROM site_info
FORCE INDEX (primary)
WHERE id > #nv
#min := #nv,
#lc := #lc - 1
SELECT #min := MIN(id)
FROM site_info
) rmin,
SELECT #max := MAX(id)
FROM site_info
) rmax,
SELECT #lc := 5
) l,
This will select a random ID on each iteration using index, in descending order.
There is slight chance, though, that you get less results that you wanted, as it gives no second chance to the missed id's.
The more percent of rows you select, the bigger is the chance.
I would simply use the rand() function (I assume you are using MySQL)...
SELECT id, rand() as rand_idx FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0 ORDER BY rand_idx LIMIT x;
I'm with JPunyon. Use ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $N. I think you'll get a bigger performance hit from $arrResult having and shuffling so many (unused) entries than from using the MySQL RAND() function.
function getSites ( $numSites = 5 ) {
// Sanitize $numSites if necessary
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM site_info WHERE major <> 0 "
."ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $numSites");
$arrResult = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM) ) {
$arrResult[] = $row;
return $arrResult;
