Porting SQL results into memcached - php

I have few tables which are accessed frequently by users. The same kind of queries are running again and again which cause extra load on the server.
The records do not insert/update frequently, I was thinking to cache the IDs into memcached and then fetch them from database this will reduce the burden of searching/sorting etc.
Here is an example
SELECT P.product_id FROM products P, product_category C WHERE P.cat_id=C.cat_id AND C.cat_name='Fashion' AND P.is_product_active=true AND C.is_cat_active=true ORDER BY P.product_date DESC
The above query will return all the product ids of a particular category which will be imported into memcached and then rest of the process (i.e., paging) will be simulated same as we do with mysql result sets.
The insert process will either expire the cache or insert the product id on the first row of the array.
My question is this the practical apporach? How do people deal with searches say if a person is searching for a product which returns 10000 results (practically may not possible) do they search every time tables? Is there any good example available of memcached and mysql which shows how these tasks can be done?

you may ask yourself if you really need to invalidate the cache upon insert/update of a product.
Usually a 5 minutes cache can be acceptable for a product list.
If your invalidation scheme is time-based only (new entries will only appear after 5 min) there is a quick&dirty trick that you can use with memcache : simply use as a memcache key an md5 of your sql query string, and tell memcache to keep the result of the select for 5 minutes.
I hope this will help you


More efficient - multiple SQL queries or one query and process in php?

I have a php application showing 3 tables of data, each from the same MySQL table. Each record has an integer field named status which can have values 1, 2 or 3. Table 1 shows all records with status = 1, Table 2 showing status = 2 and table 3 showing status = 3.
To achieve this three MySQL queries could be run using WHERE to filter by status, iterating through each set of results once to populate the three tables.
Another approach would be to select all from the table and then iterate through the same set of results once for each table, using php to test the value of status each time.
Would one of these approaches be significantly more efficient than the other? Or would one of them be considered better practice than the other?
Generally, it's better to filter on the RDBMS side so you can reduce the amount of data you need to transfer.
Transferring data from the RDBMS server over the network to the PHP client is not free. Networks have a capacity, and you can generate so much traffic that it becomes a constraint on your application performance.
For example, recently I helped a user who was running queries many times per second, each generating 13MB of result set data. The queries execute quickly on the server, but they couldn't get the data to his app because he was simply exhausting his network bandwidth. This was a performance problem that didn't happen during his testing, because when he ran one query at a time, it was within the network capacity.
If you use the second method you connect with database only once, thus it's more efficient.
And even if it wasn't, it's more elegant that way IMO.
Of course there are some situations that it would be better to connect three times (eg. getting info from this query would be complicated), but for most of the cases I would do it the second way.
I would create a store procedure that return all the fields you need pre-formatted, no more, no less.
And then just loop on php without calling any other table.
This way you run only 1 query, and you only get the bytes you need. So same bandwidth, less http request = more performance.

Optimizing queries for content popularity by hits

I've done some searching for this but haven't come up with anything, maybe someone could point me in the right direction.
I have a website with lots of content in a MySQL database and a PHP script that loads the most popular content by hits. It does this by logging each content hit in a table along with the access time. Then a select query is run to find the most popular content in the past 24 hours, 7 day or maximum 30 days. A cronjob deletes anything older than 30 days in the log table.
The problem I'm facing now is as the website grows the log table has 1m+ hit records and it is really slowing down my select query (10-20s). At first I though the problem was a join I had in the query to get the content title, url, etc. But now I'm not sure as in test removing the join does not speed the query as much as I though it would.
So my question is what is best practise of doing this kind of popularity storing/selecting? Are they any good open source scripts for this? Or what would you suggest?
Table scheme
"popularity" hit log table
nid | insert_time | tid
nid: Node ID of the content
insert_time: timestamp (2011-06-02 04:08:45)
tid: Term/category ID
"node" content table
nid | title | status | (there are more but these are the important ones)
nid: Node ID
title: content title
status: is the content published (0=false, 1=true)
SELECT node.nid, node.title, COUNT(popularity.nid) AS count
FROM `node` INNER JOIN `popularity` USING (nid)
WHERE node.status = 1
AND popularity.insert_time >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY)
GROUP BY popularity.nid
We've just come across a similar situation and this is how we got around it. We decided we didn't really care about what exact 'time' something happened, only the day it happened on. We then did this:
Every record has a 'total hits' record which is incremented every time something happens
A logs table records these 'total hits' per record, per day (in a cron job)
By selecting the difference between two given dates in this log table, we can deduce the 'hits' between two dates, very quickly.
The advantage of this is the size of your log table is only as big as NumRecords * NumDays which in our case is very small. Also any queries on this logs table are very quick.
The disadvantage is you lose the ability to deduce hits by time of day but if you don't need this then it might be worth considering.
You actually have two problems to solve further down the road.
One, which you've yet to run into but which you might earlier than you want, is going to be insert throughput within your stats table.
The other, which you've outlined in your question, is actually using the stats.
Let's start with input throughput.
Firstly, in case you're doing so, don't track statistics on pages that could use caching. Use a php script that advertises itself as an empty javascript, or as a one-pixel image, and include the latter on pages you're tracking. Doing so allows to readily cache the remaining content of your site.
In a telco business, rather than doing an actual inserts related to billing on phone calls, things are placed in memory and periodically sync'ed with the disk. Doing so allows to manage gigantic throughputs while keeping the hard-drives happy.
To proceed similarly on your end, you'll need an atomic operation and some in-memory storage. Here's some memcache-based pseudo-code for doing the first part...
For each page, you need a Memcache variable. In Memcache, increment() is atomic, but add(), set(), and so forth aren't. So you need to be wary of not miss-counting hits when concurrent processes add the same page at the same time:
$ns = $memcache->get('stats-namespace');
while (!$memcache->increment("stats-$ns-$page_id")) {
$memcache->add("stats-$ns-$page_id", 0, 1800); // garbage collect in 30 minutes
$db->upsert('needs_stats_refresh', array($ns, $page_id)); // engine = memory
Periodically, say every 5 minutes (configure the timeout accordingly), you'll want to sync all of this to the database, without any possibility of concurrent processes affecting each other or existing hit counts. For this, you increment the namespace before doing anything (this gives you a lock on existing data for all intents and purposes), and sleep a bit so that existing processes that reference the prior namespace finish up if needed:
$ns = $memcache->get('stats-namespace');
sleep(60); // allow concurrent page loads to finish
Once that is done, you can safely loop through your page ids, update stats accordingly, and clean up the needs_stats_refresh table. The latter only needs two fields: page_id int pkey, ns_id int). There's a bit more to it than simple select, insert, update and delete statements run from your scripts, however, so continuing...
As another replier suggested, it's quite appropriate to maintain intermediate stats for your purpose: store batches of hits rather than individual hits. At the very most, I'm assuming you want hourly stats or quarter-hourly stats, so it's fine to deal with subtotals that are batch-loaded every 15 minute.
Even more importantly for your sake, since you're ordering posts using these totals, you want to store the aggregated totals and have an index on the latter. (We'll get to where further down.)
One way to maintain the totals is to add a trigger which, on insert or update to the stats table, will adjust the stats total as needed.
When doing so, be especially wary about dead-locks. While no two $ns runs will be mixing their respective stats, there is still a (however slim) possibility that two or more processes fire up the "increment $ns" step described above concurrently, and subsequently issue statements that seek to update the counts concurrently. Obtaining an advisory lock is the simplest, safest, and fastest way to avoid problems related to this.
Assuming you use an advisory lock, it's perfectly OK to use: total = total + subtotal in the update the statement.
While on the topic of locks, note that updating the totals will require an exclusive lock on each affected row. Since you're ordering by them, you don't want them processed all in one go because it might mean keeping an exclusive lock for an extended duration. The simplest here is to process the inserts into stats in smaller batches (say, 1000), each followed by a commit.
For intermediary stats (monthly, weekly), add a few boolean fields (bit or tinyint in MySQL) to your stats table. Have each of these store whether they're to be counted for with monthly, weekly, daily stats, etc. Place a trigger on them as well, in such a way that they increase or decrease the applicable totals in your stat_totals table.
As a closing note, give some thoughts on where you want the actual count to be stored. It needs to be an indexed field, and the latter is going to be heavily updated. Typically, you'll want it stored in its own table, rather than in the pages table, in order to avoid cluttering your pages table with (much larger) dead rows.
Assuming you did all the above your final query becomes:
select p.*
from pages p join stat_totals s using (page_id)
order by s.weekly_total desc limit 10
It should be plenty fast with the index on weekly_total.
Lastly, let's not forget the most obvious of all: if you're running these same total/monthly/weekly/etc queries over and over, their result should be placed in memcache too.
you can add indexes and try tweaking your SQL but the real solution here is to cache the results.
you should really only need to caclulate the last 7/30 days of traffic once daily
and you could do the past 24 hours hourly ?
even if you did it once every 5 minutes, that's still a huge savings over running the (expensive) query for every hit of every user.
Many tools/systems do not build their own logging and log aggregation but use RRDtool (round-robin database tool) to efficiently handle time-series data. RRDtools also comes with powerful graphing subsystem, and (according to Wikipedia) there are bindings for PHP and other languages.
From your questions I assume you don't need any special and fancy analysis and RRDtool would efficiently do what you need without you having to implement and tune your own system.
You can do some 'aggregation' in te background, for example by a con job. Some suggestions (in no particular order) that might help:
1. Create a table with hourly results. This means you can still create the statistics you want, but you reduce the amount of data to (24*7*4 = about 672 records per page per month).
your table can be somewhere along the lines of this:
hourly_results (
nid integer,
start_time datetime,
amount integer
after you parse them into your aggregate table you can more or less delete them.
2.Use result caching (memcache, apc)
You can easily store the results (which should not change every minute, but rather every hour?), either in a memcache database (which again you can update from a cronjob), use the apc user cache (which you can't update from a cronjob) or use file caching by serializing objects/results if you're short on memory.
3. Optimize your database
10 seconds is a long time. Try to find out what is happening with your database. Is it running out of memory? Do you need more indexes?

What is the right way to count article comments, hits, and likes in an articles index?

I have three tables, one for articles, one for comments, one for likes, one for visits, in this example schema
What i want to do is to listen all the articles in a sortable index in a box/div for each article with article count of hits, comments, and likes, i know how to do all this, so it's not the how i am seeking, it's the best way, i am thinking about those two solutions.
do it the normal way, a complex SQL query then cache the query let's say for an hour or two.
write a script that is executed every two or three hours to calculate the data and store it in the same news table in "news_hits, news_likes, news_comments" numeral fields.
and of course the third way is to do the query each time the page is loaded without any caching.
i feel that it's method number one that i shall go after, but i wanted a professional or experienced opinion, i am not expecting a huge number of visitors, around 500-1000 a day maximum, but still i want to be prepared for high traffic.
thank you,
It would be best to admit redundancy in this case, to improve speed. To the news table, add these fields:
comments_count int not null default 0,
likes_count int not null default 0,
hits_count int not null default 0
When a comment/like/hit is added/deleted, if the database supports triggers, trigger an increment/decrement of the referenced counter, and if not - do it manually on each insert/delete (stored procedure maybe?).
This type of data is more often read than written, so to optimize read speed, slowing down write speed and storage space isn't a big deal.
From time to time, it would be OK to run a query that would update these counters if by some reason they become erroneous.
Break the complex SQL into several smaller queries (less complex) and cache the individual result(s), so in anytime you want to prepare warm-up cache, it won't take too many database resources
With such a simple model, query and low number of visitors I would go for the straight query. It will execute just fine (milliseconds) with proper indexing.
If I understand the scenario correctly, the query should sort news articles by their popularity, which is determined in some way by the nr of likes/hits/comments.
If you are set on fixing a performance problem you may not actually run into, the simplest "solution" would be to use a query cache that expires every 10 seconds. With your current load, each visitor would basically always render the view from the database since the cache expires between page visits. If, one day you suddenly become overrun with say 200,000 visitors, you would only perform the query once every 10 seconds.

Pagination Strategies for Complex (slow) Datasets

What are some of the strategies being used for pagination of data sets that involve complex queries? count(*) takes ~1.5 sec so we don't want to hit the DB for every page view. Currently there are ~45k rows returned by this query.
Here are some of the approaches I've considered:
Cache the row count and update it every X minutes
Limit (and offset) the rows counted to 41 (for example) and display the page picker as "1 2 3 4 ..."; then recompute if anyone actually goes to page 4 and display "... 3 4 5 6 7 ..."
Get the row count once and store it in the user's session
Get rid of the page picker and just have a "Next Page" link
I've had to engineer a few pagination strategies using PHP and MySQL for a site that does over a million page views a day. I persued the strategy in stages:
Multi-column indexes I should have done this first before attempting a materialized view.
Generating a materialized view. I created a cron job that did a common denormalization of the document tables I was using. I would SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE ... and then create the new table, and rotate it in:
SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/ondeck.txt' FROM mytable ...;
CREATE TABLE ondeck_mytable LIKE mytable;
LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/ondeck.txt' INTO TABLE ondeck_mytable...;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dugout_mytable;
RENAME TABLE atbat_mytable TO dugout_mytable, ondeck_mytable TO atbat_mytable;
This kept the lock time on the write contended mytable down to a minimum and the pagination queries could hammer away on the atbat materialized view. I've simplified the above, leaving out the actual manipulation, which are unimportant.
Memcache I then created a wrapper about my database connection to cache these paginated results into memcache. This was a huge performance win. However, it was still not good enough.
Batch generation I wrote a PHP daemon and extracted the pagination logic into it. It would detect changes mytable and periodically regenerate the from the oldest changed record to the most recent record all the pages to the webserver's filesystem. With a bit of mod_rewrite, I could check to see if the page existed on disk, and serve it up. This also allowed me to take effective advantage of reverse proxying by letting Apache detect If-Modified-Since headers, and respond with 304 response codes. (Obviously, I removed any option of allowing users to select the number of results per page, an unimportant feature.)
RE count(*): When using MyISAM tables, COUNT didn't create a problem when I was able to reduce the amount of read-write contention on the table. If I were doing InnoDB, I would create a trigger that updated an adjacent table with the row count. That trigger would just +1 or -1 depending on INSERT or DELETE statements.
RE page-pickers (thumbwheels) When I moved to agressive query caching, thumb wheel queries were also cached, and when it came to batch generating the pages, I was using temporary tables--so computing the thumbwheel was no problem. A lot of thumbwheel calculation simplified because it became a predictable filesystem pattern that actually only needed the largest page numer. The smallest page number was always 1.
Windowed thumbweel The example you give above for a windowed thumbwheel (<< 4 [5] 6 >>) should be pretty easy to do without any queries at all so long as you know your maximum number of pages.
My suggestion is ask MySQL for 1 row more than you need in each query, and decide based on the number of rows in the result set whether or not to show the next page-link.
MySQL has a specific mechanism to compute an approximated count of a result set without the LIMIT clause: FOUND_ROWS().
MySQL is quite good in optimizing LIMIT queries.
That means it picks appropriate join buffer, filesort buffer etc just enough to satisfy LIMIT clause.
Also note that with 45k rows you probably don't need exact count. Approximate counts can be figured out using separate queries on the indexed fields. Say, this query:
FROM mytable
WHERE col1 = :myvalue
AND col2 = :othervalue
can be approximated by this one:
FROM mytable
) / 1000
FROM mytable
WHERE col1 = :myvalue
AND col2 = :othervalue
LIMIT 1000
, which is much more efficient in MyISAM.
If you give an example of your complex query, probably I can say something more definite on how to improve its pagination.
I'm by no means a MySQL expert, but perhaps giving up the COUNT(*) and going ahead with COUNT(id)?

Query Caching in MySQL

I am building a fairly large statistics system, which needs to allow users to requests statistics for a given set of filters (e.g. a date range).
e.g. This is a simple query that returns 10 results, including the player_id and amount of kills each player has made:
SELECT player_id, SUM(kills) as kills
FROM `player_cache`
GROUP BY player_id
The above query will offset the results by 30 (i.e. The 3rd 'page' of results). When the user then selects the 'next' page, it will then use OFFSET 40 instead of 30.
My problem is that nothing is cached, even though the LIMIT/OFFSET pair are being used on the same dataset, it is performing the SUM() all over again, just to offset the results by 10 more.
The above example is a simplified version of a much bigger query which just returns more fields, and takes a very long time (20+ seconds, and will only get longer as the system grows).
So I am essentially looking for a solution to speed up the page load, by caching the state before the LIMIT/OFFSET is applied.
You can of course use caching, but i would recommend caching the result, not the query in mysql.
But first things first, make sure that a) you have the proper indexing on your data, b) that it's being used.
If this does not work, as group by tends to be slow with large datasets, you need to put the summary data in a static table/file/database.
There are several techniques/libraries etc that help you perform server side caching of your data. PHP Caching to Speed up Dynamically Generated Sites offers a pretty simple but self explanatory example of this.
Have you considered periodically running your long query and storing all the results in a summary table? The summary table can be quickly queried because there are no JOINs and no GROUPings. The downside is that the summary table is not up-to-the-minute current.
I realize this doesn't address the LIMIT/OFFSET issue, but it does fix the issue of running a difficult query multiple times.
Depending on how often the data is updated, data-warehousing is a straightforward solution to this. Basically you:
Build a second database (the data warehouse) with a similar table structure
Optimise the data warehouse database for getting your data out in the shape you want it
Periodically (e.g. overnight each day) copy the data from your live database to the data warehouse
Make the page get its data from the data warehouse.
There are different optimisation techniques you can use, but it's worth looking into:
Removing fields which you don't need to report on
Adding extra indexes to existing tables
Adding new tables/views which summarise the data in the shape you need it.
