Hay all, this is really bugging me.
I have downloaded phpimage from http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2844769&group_id=103281&atid=738747
I've decompressed the zip file and moved the "phpimage" folder into my "plugins" folder.
In my settings i've added "phpimage" to the "plugins" setting so it reads
plugins : " safari,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template,phpimage,",
And i've added the "phpimage" to the "theme_advanced_buttons1" settings, this looks like
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "phpimage,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink,anchor",
when i load the editor up it reveals a blank textarea. If i remove the phpimage from the plugins setting the textarea appears as the TinyMCE.
Any ideas? Firebug isn't giving too much help.
Thing i discovered is if you load tinymce using the developer mode (tiny_mce_dev) the file editor_plugin_src.js is missing. You can correct this by copying the file editor_plugin.js and rename it to editor_plugin_src.js.
This comment of KOPFteam at SF helped me make it work at last. It was the langauge file!!
My langugage setting is "de", so after creating a file under langs called de.js it worked like a charm and the editor was back. What is your language setting?. I suggest you name it according to this setting. Here KOPFteam's comment:
It's up and running in German!
It took me a few hours to sort out a
few problems:
1) I uploaded the phpimage folder into
the tiny_mce/plugins folder, created
an image upload folder, entered
"phpimage" twice into my tinyMCE.init
and - no tinyMCE anymore. Pure HTML.
What happened? I checked the Webserver
ErrorLog where a "file
...../phpimage/lang/de.js missing"
shows. I have no idea why it is
looking for that file. I hadn't
changed /phpimage/config.php at that
point. So I duplicated the file
/phpimage/lang/en_dlg.js and renamed
it to de.js and suddenly tinyMCE is
back! And the phpimage button works -
with the dialog in English. 2) Next I
tried to upload an image. I got an
alert that an folder cannot be created
(I forgot the exact text). I solved
that by editing /phpimage/config.php
by adding a fifth "/.." to the
definition of $_cur_dir. After that
uploading of images worked. 3) Because
I found it on the authors website, I
uploaded the file
and than changed the $language
parameter in /phpimage/config.php to
de_DE. After that I duplicated the
file /phpimage/lang/en_dlg.js again.
This time I renamed the copy to
de_dlg.js and translated the content
of that file to German. And after
that: a working dilaog with german
lables! BTW: German Umlauts can be
used by inserting the 4 digit unicode
value as in "Bild
einf\u00FCgen/bearbeiten" 4)After
uploading a modified file to my
webserver I had to quit and restart
Firefox. Simply reloading nstill
showed the old file.
After I changed the upload directory in wp-config.php via define( 'UPLOADS', 'files' ); no uploaded files are shown in the media overview anymore.
I also noticed how the file url has changed in the process
However, I get a "page not found" message when I enter the URL directly in the browser and apart from that the URL is not correct either.
But the files are placed in the correct folder (in the web site root under ./files).
Where could possible sources of error lie here?
I was able to solve my problem using a plugin I found called "WP Original Media Path", with it everything worked without problems.
so, I have a setup with apache2, php5, Mysql, etc... everything seems to work alright and I'm using default directory /var/www/html.
I can upload pdfs into directory /var/www/html/uploads, and also display the pdfs uploaded into directory in list of links by using scandir(php method).
I've also checked permissions on the directory, pdf files, and /etc/mime.types.
And ofc, the files are there too. I have also tried naming my pdf files with lower case without any special characters.
The error code is 404 Not found:The requested URL /var/www/html/uploads/cv.pdf was not found on this server. When I try to download the file, by right-clicking link and downloading, i just get a broken pdf that isnt readable. However, the pdf files seem perfectly fine, since when I scp them back to my local computer and read them they're not broken at all.
Any suggestions on why I may be experiencing this error?
All suggestions and help appreciated.
Everything was working fine until now, and all the files I was creating as .php was being converted to .php file with detecting, coloring and auto-correcting open. I used to create files as created I User.php instead of `User.
PhpStorm randomly started recognising .php extension as plain text and without extension as php file.
However, now something happened and it is shown as (see Profile is not detected asphp file):
and is shown as a plain text file:
When I remove the .php, it gets detected:
And then it gets detected as PHP file , but then it doesn't show the extension in the Finder
Found my answer.. Settings > File Types > Check under PHP and Text and delete Profile
I am trying to use mod_rewrite and appache to convert my dynamic URLs in to static ones. Therefore I created a .htaccess file in my root folder that is c:xampp/htdocs/unnamed. However whenever i try to rename my text document to .htaccess it automatically changes to .htaccess.txt. It appears only .htaccess in the folder but when i look in the details in the properties menue it is actually .htaccess.txt. Does anyone know how do i change it to just .htaccess
That is because on windows it thinks .htaccess is the name of the file. It considers it to be text. Linux it works differently. It doesn't depend on extensions in Linux.
In order for it to work you just rename the file and remove .txt from it. Then it should work how you like it.
Open the file your created in a text editor, just use Notepad.
Choose "Save as.." and select "All types (.)" next to file type.
Then type .htaccess and click on save.
FYI: I would also turn on showing file extensions if you don't already have that on so you can see what extensions your files have by looking at them in the folder.
This is because Windows default setting doesn't show the known file extension. You can change that option in the Folder option dialog.
But for easier, just open the command line and rename it by command:
ren .htaccess.txt .htaccess
Next time when saving a file, paying attention to the file extension, especially not to save source code as .txt file :).
I'm working the the image upload piece of the FCKEditor and I've got the uploading working properly but am stuck with the server file browser.
You can see in the dialog above has a Browse Server button which pops up the following dialog
The problem is that I have no idea which folder the file browser is pointing at.
I've set the UserFilePath and USerFilesAbsolutePath in the PHP connector config.php to control where my image uploads go.
How can I configure the file browser so that it starts off pointing at the same folder where my uploads are going?
The ImageBrowserURL property is NOT what I'm looking for. That property is used for having the Browser Server button point somewhere other than the default file browser.
My problem is figuring out how to point the default file browser to a specific directory.
Please read this post of mine on FCKeditor forums. Are you having the same problem I had?
Is it this?
(string) Sets the URL of the page called when the user clicks the "Browse Server" button in the "Image" dialog window.
In this way, you can create your custom Image Browser that is well integrated with your system.
See http://www.clinicaestet.ro/FCKeditor/_docs/contents/012.html
You need to set some config information for the FCKEditor. This is done either in javascript code in your webpage or you can do it in the FCKEditor config file which is located typically in /fckeditor/fckconfig.js file. If you did not install the fckeditor to the typical fckeditor directory, you will need to replace that part of the path with the correct path.
In the fckconfig.js file you need to change the "ImageBrowserURL" setting to whatever you want.
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = '/myfilebrowserpath/browser.php' ;
This is where the dialog will look for your files. Here is a link to FCKEditor documentation on this. I hope that helps.