extracting one or more urls from a string in php - php

I'm trying to extract one or more urls from a plain text string in php. Here's some examples
"mydomain.com has hit the headlines again"
extract " http://www.mydomain.com"
"this is 1 domain.com and this is anotherdomain.co.uk but sometimes http://thirddomain.net"
extract "http://www.domain.com" , "http://www.anotherdomain.co.uk" , "http://www.thirddomain.net"
There are two special cases I need - I'm thinking regex, but dont fully understand them
1) all symbols like '(' or ')' and spaces (excluding hyphens) need to be removed
2) the word dot needs to be replaced with the symbol . , so dot com would be .com
p.s I'm aware of PHP validation/regex for URL but cant work out how I would use this to achieve the end goal.

In this case it will be hard to get 100% correct results.
Depending on the input you may try to force matching just most popular first level domains (add more to it):
You may need to remove the word boundary (\b) to get different results.
You can test it here:
EDIT: about your cases
1) remove from what?
2) this could be done in php like:
$result = preg_replace('/\s+dot\s+(?=(com|org|net|biz|edu|and_ect))/', '.', $input);
But I have few important notes:
This Regex are more like guidance, not actual production code
Working with this kind of loose rules on text is wacky for the least - and adding more special cases will make it even more looney. Consider this - even stackoverflow doesn't do that:
but not!
It would be easier if you'd said what are you trying to achieve? Because if you want to process some kind of text that goes somewhere on the WWW later, then it is very bad idea! You should not do this by your own (as you said - you don't understand Regex!), as this would be just can of XSS worms. Better think about some kind of Markdown language or BBCore or else.
Also get interested in: http://htmlpurifier.org/


Escaping DOI links in php - when esc_url() is not enough

I am writing php code that generates html that contains links to documents via their DOI. The links should point to https://doi.org/ followed by the DOI of the document.
As the results is a url, I thought I could simply use php's esc_url() function like in
echo '' . esc_url('https://doi.org/' . $doi)) . '';
as this is what one is supposed to use in text nodes, attribute nodes or anywhere else. Unfortunately things apparenty aren't that easy...
The problem is that DOIs can contain all sorts of special characters that are apparently not handled correctly by esc_url(). A nice example of such a DOI is
which is supposed to link to
With $doi equal to this DOI the above code however produces a link that is displayed and links to https://doi.org/10.1002/​(SICI)1521-3978(199806)46:4/​5493::AID-PROP4933.0.CO;2-P.
This leads me to the question: If esc_url() is obviously not one-size-fits-all no-brained solution to escaping urls, then what should I use? For this case I can get the result I want with
esc_url(htmlspecialchars('https://doi.org/' . $doi))
but is this really the right way™ of doing it? Does this have any other unwanted side effects? If not, then why does esc_url() not also escape < and >? Would esc_html() be better than htmlspecialchars()? If so, should I nest it into a esc_url()?
I am aware that there are many articles on escaping urls in php on stackoverflow, but I couldn't find one that addresses the issues of < and > signs.
I'm no PHP expert, but I do know about DOIs and SICIs can be really annoying.
URL-encoding and HTML encoding are separate things, so it makes sense to think about them separately. You must escape the angle-brackets to make correct HTML. As for the URL-escaping, you should also do this because there are other characters that might break URLs (such as the # character, which also pops up from time to time).
So I would recommend:
'https://doi.org/' . htmlspecialcharacters(urlencode($doi))
Which will give you:
Click here
Note the order of function application, and the fact that you don't want to encode the https://doi.org resolver!
To the above "dipshit decision" comment... it's certainly inconvenient. But SICIs were around before DOIs and it's one of those annoying things we've had to live with ever since!

Recursive Regex in PHP with variable names

I try to make bbcode-ish engine for me website. But the thing is, it is not clear which codes are available, because the codes are made by the users. And on top of that, the whole thing has to be recursive.
For example:
Hello my name is [name user-id="1"]
I [bold]really[/bold] like cheeseburgers
These are the easy ones and i achieved making it work.
Now the problem is, what happens, when two of those codes are behind each other:
I [bold]really[/bold] like [bold]cheeseburgers[/bold]
Or inside each other
I [bold]really like [italic]cheeseburgers[/italic][/bold]
These codes can also have attributes
I [bold strengh="600"]really like [text font-size="24px"]cheeseburgers[/text][bold]
The following one worked quite well, but lacks in the recursive part (?R)
(?P<code>\[(?P<code_open>\w+)\s?(?P<attributes>[a-zA-Z-0-1-_=" .]*?)](?:(?P<content>.*?)\[\/(?P<code_close>\w+)\])?)
I just dont know where to put the (?R) recursive tag.
Also the system has to know that in this string here
I [bold]really like [italic]cheeseburgers[/italic][/bold] and [bold]football[/bold]
are 2 "code-objects":
1. [bold]really like [italic]cheeseburgers[/italic][/bold]
2. [bold]football[/bold]
... and the content of the first one is
really like [italic]cheeseburgers[/italic]
which again has a code in it
which content is
I searched the web for two days now and i cant figure it out.
I thought of something like this:
Look for something like [**** attr="foo"] where the attributes are optional and store it in a capturing group
Look up wether there is a closing tag somewhere (can be optional too)
If a closing tag exists, everything between the two tags should be stored as a "content"-capturing group - which then has to go through the same procedure again.
I hope there are some regex specialist which are willing to help me. :(
Thank you!
As this might be difficult to understand, here is an input and an expected output:
[heading icon="rocket"]I'm a cool heading[/heading][textrow][text]<p>Hi!</p>[/text][/textrow]
I'd like to have an array like
array[0][name] = heading
array[0][attributes][icon] = rocket
array[0][content] = I'm a cool heading
array[1][name] = textrow
array[1][content] = [text]<p>Hi!</p>[/text]
array[1][0][name] = text
array[1][0][content] = <p>Hi!</p>
Having written multiple BBCode parsing systems, I can suggest NOT using regexes only. Instead, you should actually parse the text.
How you do this is up to you, but as a general idea you would want to use something like strpos to locate the first [ in your string, then check what comes after it to see if it looks like a BBCode tag and process it if so. Then, search for [ again starting from where you ended up.
This has certain advantages, such as being able to examine each code and skip it if it's invalid, as well as enforcing proper tag closing order ([bold][italic]Nesting![/bold][/italic] should be considered invalid) and being able to provide meaningful error messages to the user if something is wrong (invalid parameter, perhaps) because the parser knows exactly what is going on, whereas a regex would output something unexpected and potentially harmful.
It might be more work (or less, depending on your skill with regex), but it's worth it.

Trying to stop regex at a tag

I know there are other posts with a similar name but I've looked through them and they haven't helped me resolve this.
I'm trying to get my head around regex and preg_match. I am going through a body of text and each time a link exists I want it to be extracted. I'm currently using the following:
$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";
which works fine until it finds one that has <br after it. Then I get the url plus the <br which means it doesn't work correctly. How can I have it so that it stops at the < without including it?
Also, I have been looking everywhere for a clear explanation of using regex and I'm still confused by it. Has anyone any good guides on it for future reference?
\S* is too broad. In particular, I could inject into your code with a URL like:
You should only allow characters that are allowed in URLs:
Some of these characters are only allowed in specific places (such as ?) so if you want better validation you will need more cleverness
Instead of \S exclude the open tag char from the class:
$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/[^<]*)?/";
You might even want to be more restrictive by only allowing characters valid in URLs:
$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/[a-zA-Z_\-\.%\?&]*)?/";
(or some more characters)
You could use this one as presented on the:
On the bottom of the site you got it explained step by step.

Slugs for SEO using PHP - Appending name to end of URL

Something I have noticed on the StackOverflow website:
If you visit the URL of a question on StackOverflow.com:
The website adds the name of the question to the end of the URL, so it turns into:
This is great, I understand that this makes the URL more meaningful and is probably good as a technique for SEO.
What I wanted to Achieve after seeing this Implementation on StackOverflow
I wish to implement the same thing with my website. I am happy using a header() 301 redirect in order to achieve this, but I am attempting to come up with a tight script that will do the trick.
My Code so Far
Please see it working by clicking here
// Set the title of the page article (This could be from the database). Trimming any spaces either side
$original_name = trim(' How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python with-dash?');
// Replace any characters that are not A-Za-z0-9 or a dash with a space
$replace_strange_characters = preg_replace('/[^\da-z-]/i', " ", $original_name);
// Replace any spaces (or multiple spaces) with a single dash to make it URL friendly
$replace_spaces = preg_replace("/([ ]{1,})/", "-", $replace_strange_characters);
// Remove any trailing slashes
$removed_dashes = preg_replace("/^([\-]{0,})|([\-]{2,})|([\-]{0,})$/", "", $replace_spaces);
// Show the finished name on the screen
The Problem
I have created this code and it works fine by the looks of things, it makes the string URL friendly and readable to the human eye. However, it I would like to see if it is possible to simplify or "tightened it up" a bit... as I feel my code is probably over complicated.
It is not so much that I want it put onto one line, because I could do that by nesting the functions into one another, but I feel that there might be an overall simpler way of achieving it - I am looking for ideas.
In summary, the code achieves the following:
Removes any "strange" characters and replaces them with a space
Replaces any spaces with a dash to make it URL friendly
Returns a string without any spaces, with words separated with dashes and has no trailing spaces or dashes
String is readable (Doesn't contain percentage signs and + symbols like simply using urlencode()
Thanks for your help!
Potential Solutions
I found out whilst writing this that article, that I am looking for what is known as a URL 'slug' and they are indeed useful for SEO.
I found this library on Google code which appears to work well in the first instance.
There is also a notable question on this on SO which can be found here, which has other examples.
I tried to play with preg like you did. However it gets more and more complicated when you start looking at foreign languages.
What I ended up doing was simply trimming the title, and using urlencode
$url_slug = urlencode($title);
Also I had to add those:
$title = str_replace('/','',$title); //Apache doesn't like this character even encoded
$title = str_replace('\\','',$title); //Apache doesn't like this character even encoded
There are also 3rd party libraries such as: http://cubiq.org/the-perfect-php-clean-url-generator
Indeed, you can do that:
$original_name = ' How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python with-dash?';
$result = preg_replace('~[^a-z0-9]++~i', '-', $original_name);
$result = trim($result, '-');
To deal with other alphabets you can use this pattern instead:

PHP regex for filtering out urls from specific domains for use in a vBulletin plug-in

I'm trying to put together a plug-in for vBulletin to filter out links to filesharing sites. But, as I'm sure you often hear, I'm a newb to php let alone regexes.
Basically, I'm trying to put together a regex and use a preg_replace to find any urls that are from these domains and replace the entire link with a message that they aren't allowed. I'd want it to find the link whether it's hyperlinked, posted as plain text, or enclosed in [CODE] bb tags.
As for regex, I would need it to find URLS with the following, I think:
Starts with http or an anchor tag. I believe that the URLS in [CODE] tags could be processed the same as the plain text URLS and it's fine if the replacement ends up inside the [CODE] tag afterward.
Could contain any number of any characters before the domain/word
Has the domain somewhere in the middle
Could contain any number of any characters after the domain
Ends with a number of extentions such as (html|htm|rar|zip|001) or in a closing anchor tag.
I have a feeling that it's numbers 2 and 4 that are tripping me up (if not much more). I found a similar question on here and tried to pick apart the code a bit (even though I didn't really understand it). I now have this which I thought might work, but it doesn't:
$filterthese = array('domain1', 'domain2', 'domain3');
$regex = array('!^http+([a-z0-9-]+\.)*$filterthese+([a-z0-9-]+\.)*(html|htm|rar|zip|001)$!',
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $this->post['message']);
I have a feeling that I'm way off base here, and I admit that I don't fully understand php let alone regexes. I'm open to any suggestions on how to do this better, how to just make it work, or links to RTM (though I've read up a bit and I'm going to continue).
You can use parse_url on the URLs and look into the hashmap it returns. That allows you to filter for domains or even finer-grained control.
I think you can avoid the overhead of this in using the filter_var built-in function.
You may use this feature since PHP 5.2.0.
$good_url = filter_var( filter_var( $raw_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
Hmm, my first guess: You put $filterthese directly inside a single-quoted string. That single quotes don't allow for variable substitution. Also, the $filterthese is an array, that should first be joined:
var $filterthese = implode("|", $filterthese);
Maybe I'm way off, because I don't know anything about vBulletin plugins and their embedded magic, but that points seem worth a check to me.
Edit: OK, on re-checking your provided source, I think the regexp line should read like this:
$regex = '!(?#
possible "a" tag [start]: )(<a[^>]+href=["\']?)?(?#
offending link: )https?://(?#
possible subdomains: )(([a-z0-9-]+\.)*\.)?(?#
domains to block: )('.implode("|", $filterthese).')(?#
possible path: )(/[^ "\'>]*)?(?#
possible "a" tag [end]: )(["\']?[^>]*>)?!';
