Need help with Jquery selectors on drupal - php

I'm having problem with Jquery on Drupal.
Here is what I'm trying to achieve, I needed to get the html() of my primary link. For example one of my primary link have a sub menus/child menus. I need to get those child menus using Jquery. My problem is I can't retrive it using $("#menuID").html(), it always returns null. It seems that the page was not yet fully loaded when the function was called. I placed it inside $(document).ready() but still won't work.
I called file.js on page.tpl.php
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Call in your page.tpl.php the file.js after the "<?php print $scripts ?>"-tag in the head.
Also if there is more javascript action going on (collapsing menus, ...), look at the source of the page to see if there is inline-javascript and if so, even call your file.js at the bottom of page.tpl.php .
It could be the menu hasn't loaded because a module is preventing it to load in a normal way (but then we'll need more info on the modules you use).


whmcs module clientarea page per bought product

so I have 2 modules one working(paid for not encrypted)learned a lot from it lets call this the reference_module and I have my own module which was a PHP page which I am rebuilding for WHMCS and it is almost working completly lets call it created_module.
the problem right now I have is the reference_module is called by when going to
which is working and shows what I want:
the normal header
normal sidebar
normal footer
and its own content in the main content area
it does this by using hooks having ReferenceClientareaheaderoutput and ReferenceClientareapage which works.
so now I tried to recreate this in created_module but when going to which is working but shows me:
its own content
just its own content but I want the same as in Reference.
I think if I am going to paste the code the post will be to long if needed maybe I can post specific parts.
Allread thanks for helping
so I actualy did solve it today you have to use javascript"index.php",{"action":'dbinfo',"user":username,"serviceid":serviceid},
jQuery("#tabs li").removeClass("active");
jQuery("#tabs li").eq(index).addClass("active");
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "dbinfo") {
this you do in your module hook if you need help you can contact me

How to change contact from 7 spinning arrow location?

i have used Contact from 7 in my WordPress Theme, there are lot of options but i did not find any option to change the location of the (loading/ spinning arrow).
i want to display loading arrow on the Top of contact from.
This is pretty old but maybe somebody still needs an answer.
To override the ajax loader the right thing to do is to filter out the CF7 php function wpcf7_ajax_loader with a custom one.
Just place this function inside functions.php inside your theme and you should be good.
# Override ajax loader
add_filter('wpcf7_ajax_loader', 'custom_wpcf7_ajax_loader');
function custom_wpcf7_ajax_loader () {
return get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/images/custom-ajax-loader.gif';

Wordpress Get URL Footer File

I need to access the footer inside a wordpress theme via a url. Ideally it would just render the footer data and nothing else, alternative suggestions welcomed though.
To add some context, the data will be fetched through the url and a script will read the markup. This data will then be cached and available through Magento where it is needed to be displayed..
Is there a url path that will display it or should I make a new page that can be called via the base-url+the-page-name???
There's nothing built in to do that. You could use the AJAX API in your theme or a plugin and accomplish it.
You hook into an action that gets sent as a URL or POST data parameter and then make a request to
add_action('wp_ajax_so20495429_display_footer', 'so20495429_display_footer');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_so20495429_display_footer', 'so20495429_display_footer');
function so20495429_display_footer()
This will work for all users, logged in or not, despite the wp-admin URL. Here is code above wrapped up in a plugin.
what you can do is make a wordpress custom page template.
If you dont know how heres a little tutorial :
Now you want the custom page template to only load the footer (add the html, head and body opening tags yourself)
if you create a new page with your page template seletced it will only output the footer.
Hope you can get it to work
What about $footer_url=get_template_directory_uri().'/footer.php'; ?

Prevent CSS from inheriting parent CSS in a PHP script included in WordPress

I have written a little PHP script that I have included via short-code into a WordPress page. Is it possible to only use a custom css file in the PHP script without it inheriting CSS elements from the WordPress theme?
If yes than how ?
Any styles included after the original stylesheet will override the previous styles (as long as they are qualified to the same level).
A better way of overriding styles would be to give your new page an ID and then in your new stylesheet you can use #NewID .cssSelectorToOverride {\*new styles\*}
This is a good article that can teach you about css selectors and precedence:
Generally if the new style file is called after the previous file it will be over wridden, or else specify the style in the tag it self if its critical in some manner.
I hope this will do, if want more assistance provide example with your work.
thank you
open function.php file inside your root directory of WordPress theme. and just insert this function PFB, just change the directory, for js you don't need to connect a separate file because you can use footer.php and insert your js code in script tag it will work accurately.
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'radliv_child_enqueue_styles' ); function radliv_child_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-css-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/assets/css/custom.css' ); } ;
You have to do two things:
give your snippet a parent div id, say "#mySnippet"
At the bottom of your css file, ad a section for #mySnippet elements. It is important to be at the bottom so it can override other properties if you must
A custom CSS files won't always work with wordpress because the platform requires a certain file structure, and if I'm not mistaken, all your css code has to be in style.css. This is why your snippet code has to be in style.css at the bottom (preferably well isolated from the rest with a comment line).
Now all the elements that you need to change would simply be preceded by #mySnippet. For example, your P tags in the snippet should be targeted as such:
#mySnippet p {
This should take care of it..

Can't find Joomla pagination template

I'm going crazy with this one. I am trying to change a little bit the pagination style and layout in Joomla. So, I found this file: libraries\joomla\html\pagination.php but I know that pagination is overridden by this file: templates\gk_yourshop\html\pagination.php. Yet, if I modify something in gk_yourshop\html\pagination.php, I can't see the change in the pages. Does joomla cache templates and I have to re-load them (like phpBB)?. I don't understand.
I tried to check if writePagesLinks is called from joomla\html\pagination.php with this:
function getPagesLinks()
echo "test";
global $mainframe;
and I can't see the message. I also did this in the other pagination.php file and it's just like I can delete them and it doesn't matter. Can you help me? Thanks!
Looks like I changed it here some time ago:
But, that is system file, so i just make a "hotfix" of it.
In Joomla 3.x you can create pagination override from Extensions > Templates > Default Template > Create Overrides > Layouts > Pagination.
The override files are created in "Default Template" "html\layouts\joomla\pagination" folder.
You can edit the override files as per your needs.
Where are you getting WritePageLinks from? That's not one of the supported methods.
There are four functions that can be used:
This function is responsible for showing the select list for the
number of items to display per page.
This function is responsible for showing the list of page number links
as well at the Start, End, Previous and Next links.
This function displays the links to other page numbers other than the
"current" page.
This function displays the current page number, usually not
You may also want to look at Protostar as an example.
