Joomla 1.5 - is enough 48MB memory in PHP settings ? or is better at least 64MB ?
I ask because sometime is realy slow respond.
Joomla is designed to run on the default 8M of memory that PHP.ini by default provides.
48 MB should be fine. Different from operating systems and classical applications that swap memory, increasing the memory limit in PHP will very rarely improve performance: If the memory limit is hit, the script usually simply crashes.
The reasons for the slowness of your site is most likely elsewhere, maybe on server level, maybe inside the Joomla application.
You may find the best resources on that in the Joomla community, which is very active. Googling turns up which seems to have some articles.
I'm using Netbeans 8.0.2 (PHP edition) in Yosemite. I've been noticing a high memory usage of the application - for instance, I've checked Activity Monitor now and it was using more than 9GB of RAM! After closing and re-opening it is using less than 1GB.
I'm not doing any big project at the moment; indeed my projects are all small to medium. About the plugins, I use only xdebug, nothing fancy here.
I've noticed that the more time Netbeans is open, more memory it will use. The memory usage seems to increase each time i run or debug the project, so it seems some kind of memory leak.
What could be causing such a ridiculous memory usage?
You can edit netbeans.conf (located in "etc" subdir on wherever you installed netbeans), and pass -Xmx parameter, as documented on netbeans.conf itself. Note that if you don't pass this option then by default it will compute a maximum itself as a (big) fraction of your total ram. If you have lots of ram, them this maximum will also be huge, and depending on the jvm version and other parameters, java won't give memory back to the system easily or at all, so you probably want to put a very low bar on it. I leave mine with 1gb of ram and it never complained, but YMMV.
I have the same problem using an Wordpress project. Have you found out if it is some plugin?
I've a pretty standard installation having installed and using the emmet/zen coding. I know that this plugin had been problematic in the past. Do you have it installed?
Best regards.
I am on a VPS server (Quad core with 768MB of RAM. I am running Apache and using APC as my default caching engine) . I get around 2000 visitors per day with a maximum of 100 concurrent visitors.
According to CakePHP DebugKit, my most memory intensive pages use around 16MB and the other pages average at around 10MB.
Is this memory usage normal?
Is it normal for my memory to bottleneck at 2000 visitors per page?
Should I consider upgrading my plan to 2GB RAM?
I also noticed that the View rendering is taking up most of the memory, around 70% on most pages.
I am monitoring my resource usage, when I have around 50 or more concurrent users, I am getting 0 free MB left.
Thank you
You should also check your other processes. From my experience, MySQL takes up more memory than anything else on any stack that I run. You should also implement better page caching so that PHP doesn't need to be touched when it isn't absolutely necessary. But Apache is also a memory hog that needs to be fine tuned. If you want to stick with Apache, then run Varnish in front of it.
Also, keep APC, but also add Memcached. It's much faster.
If your site has a spike-load that brings it to zero memory, then, if you can, consider launching extra instances of the server and doing a sort of round-robin (if the VPS is cloud-hosted and this is possible). If the load is constant, then definitely upgrade.
#burzum is completely right, however, that you should just switch to nginx. It's far, far better than Apache at this point. But, just to put you on the right track, quite a few people run nginx as a reverse proxy in front of Apache, and while that does speed up the server, it's entirely unnecessary because nginx can do pretty much anything you need it to do without Apache. Don't bother using Varnish in front of nginx either because nginx can act as its own reverse proxy.
Your best bet is to implement nginx with apcu (upgrade php to 5.5 if possible for better performance) and use memcached, and implement nginx's native microcaching abilities. If your site is heavy on read and light on write, then you might notice that everything is taken care of by nginx just retrieving a cached copy from memcache. While this helps with memory, it also helps with processing. My servers' CPUs usually have a 3-5% usage during peaks.
Is this memory usage normal?
Yes, it doesn't seem to be high for a normal CakePHP application.
Is it normal for my memory to bottleneck at 2000 visitors per page?
I guess yes, I'm not a "server guy".
Should I consider upgrading my plan to 2GB RAM?
I would try switching to Nginx first. Apache is a memory eating monster compared to Nginx, just search for a few banchmarks, a random one I've picked by a quick search is from this page.
Overall Nginx should provide you a much better performance. At some stage I would consider updating the memory but try Nginx first.
I'm trying to troubleshoot a memory issue I've run into with Wordpress and rather than bore you with the whole problem I was hoping to get a nice compact answer to three parts of my problem:
Normal Memory Footprint. I know there is no real "normal" Wordpress script and yet I think it would be quite useful to hear from people what a typical Wordpress script's memory footprint is. Let's call "normal" for sake of argument as a installation with very few plugins, a base type theme like twenty-twelve, and a script that has some DB retrieval but nothing monumental ... maybe a typical blog roll page or something. What I'm trying to understand is what is the baseline memory footprint (a range not a discrete number) that a more complicated script would be starting from?
Memory Ceiling Versus memory_get_usage(). I have been putting lots of logging in my scripts that pull out the memory usage by using PHP's memory_get_usage(true) call. This seems like one of the few troubleshooting techniques that determine where the memory is being used but what perplexes me is that I see memory usage ranging from 15M to 45M at the script level -- note this is with the "true" parameter so this includes the overhead of the memory manager - and yet in many instances I'll see a 27M script all of a sudden fall over with the message that the "Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted". It is possible that maybe there is one very large memory request that takes place after the logging but I'm interested to hear if other people have found any differences between the memory limit and the memory reported by memory_get_usage()?
New Memory Ceiling Ignored. In a desperate attempt to get the site back to working -- and buy me time to troubleshoot -- I thought I'd just up the memory limit in the php.ini file to 512M but doing this seems to have had no impact. The fatal error continues to talk about the old 256M limit.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hopefully someone can answers your question so detailed. By my side:
Q: What is a normal amount of memory for a Wordpress script to use?
A1.- As a WP is a plugin driven CMS, memory depends on these plugins. As you must know there exists very bad coded ones. But an out-of-box WP has a very good performance.
A2.- To try helping you to find bottlenecks I recommend you to use BlackBox (WordPress Debug Bar Plugin )
... As for information you will find in profiler, these are: time passed
since profiler was started and total memory WordPress was using when
checkpoint was reached ...
I just found this interesting article:
WordPress Memory Usage & Website Outage Issues Resolved.
I ran a test for Wordpress 4.4 with a clean install on a windows 7 PC (a local install).
Memory Used / Allocated:
9.37 MB / 9.5 MB
Total Files: 89
Total File Size: 2923.38 KB
Ran in 1.27507 seconds
This was all done in the index file, timing before anything is called and memory / file usage after everything is 100% finished.
I tried a few pages (category, archive, single post, etc..) and all were very similar (within 1% difference) in files and memory usage.
I think it stands to reason this would be the best possible performance, so adding plugins /content will only bump these numbers up. May be possible a caching plugin would offer a little better performance though.
I have an installation of running two Store Views and 2,734 products. The site sees around 15,000 visits a month.
Apache and MySQL (mostly Apache) hovers at around 1.5 GB RAM usage most of the time and peaks over 3 GB. My questions is, considering the stats, is this normal? Seems like a lot.
If that memory usage is in fact abnormal, would an upgrade to help?
If you consider your stores, then you are doing just fine. But regarding the traffic you're getting, it seems that you need to provide some extra features to Magento to let it fire up. For this, you can have some of the following:-
Install APC (Alternative PHP Cache) or XCache (or any other alternative) and configure the use of it in your Magento back-end. It dramatically increases the speed of Magento.
You can have Magento's cache stored in memory (tmpfs in Linux).
You can also tell Magento to save sessions into Memcache so that your sessions are in memory & distributed.
Check your Magento's Index Management section for any requirement of indexes, every month or bi-monthly. If you do find any indexing required, then do it immediately & clear the cache from your Cache Management.
Check your database every week or bi-monthly for any overhead in any of your database's tables. If you do find any overhead, then "optimize" those tables immediately.
Try reading some of these articles, to know more about these.
Also, upgrading to will help you out in terms of features provided by Magento. But for performance, I think it will be best to wait for some more time, until Magento releases its version 2 in the market, in which some performance issues may be taken care of by Magento.
Hope it helps. is a good stable release, upgrading to is very painless and will give you the added benefit of split index management and much faster administration area (mass attribute update is fixed).
Don't be overly concerned about memory usage, depending on the number of Apache modules you have loaded, you should expect to see about 30MB per child. As long as your not swapping or encroaching your limits, you shouldn't have any real concerns over how much is being consumed. Disabling unused modules will help cut down memory - but to be honest, not by any noticeable margin.
You could always throw Nginx in front as a reverse proxy to serve static content requests and pipe PHP/dynamic reqs. back to Apache. That way you can keep the modular Apache build with .htaccess support and cut down your memory overheads significantly.
However, this could do with more information, such as the output from
free -m
To see how some of the memory is being allocated.
I'd probably suggest downloading to run on your MySQL config. It will give a good (entry-level) indication of how efficient your memory allocation is.
Those stats look quite typical for Magento, if you consider a single hit/page load can use upwards of 64MB RAM.
Your Apache settings can also drastically effect the amount of RAM your system uses. Upgrading your Magento installation may give some small performance boost, but don't expect it to do much for memory consumption etc.
If your memory consumption is a real issue for you then you have several possible routes to reduce resource usage, such as:
Install Nginx as a reverse caching proxy to apache (apache is a hog and is poor serving static content).
Use Nginx + PHP Fast CGI and remove apache
Try using worker MPM module for apache, or Fast CGI.
Install caching proxy such as Varnish/Squid.
If you are stuck with apache you can tweek KeepAlive and other settings to allow you to reduce memory usage
Tweek MySQL settings, such as query caching to imporove resource usage / performance
I have found 1. to work very well in reducing cpu/memory usage as it will allow Nginx to serve static images etc without requiring apache to hog RAM trying to serve them.
We have a website which had a previous memory limit of 12 MB (12 MB in php.ini, and 16 MB in settings.php) and worked previously.
After moving to a new server it started giving memory limit errors and displaying half-blank screen.
We increaded the limit in both files (php.ini and settings.php) and now it works, but I dont understand how is it possible that now it needs a considerably larger amount of memory (it used to work with 12 MB, now it cont work with less than 20 MB).
I assume you did not change the OS in the process. Moving from Windows to Linux or vice versa is quite likely to change resource usage.
And this is a long shot, but perhaps you moved from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit one? This would slightly increase memory usage as addresses (pointers) are twice as large on 64-bit architectures, and code with lots of small objects uses plenty of pointers.
On the whole though, we can't tell you much without seeing what changed about the system.
12 is too low, if you don't use only drupal as it is. Higher is recommend, than more modules you will install, usually 96MB is enough with image processing...
12 MB is really very low. I would tend to ignore it and go on.
Ideas what could have changed, though:
The old server could have had modules installed that reduced memory usage, e.g. memcache
The new server may have to rely on GD library for image processing, while the old server maybe had ImageMagick (which is an external tool and doesn't count towards the memory limit)