I'm using Zend_Auth with setCredentialTreatment to set the hash method and salt. I see all examples doing something like this, where the salt seems to be inserted as a text.
but my salt is stored in the database. I could retrieve it first then use it in setCredentialTreatment but is there a way I could define it directly as a field name, so setCredentialTreatment would know to get it from that field? sort of like the way we define the field name for the username or password
A side issue I'm having is that I'd like to use SHA512 not SHA1. Is this possible or is it not available? All the examples I see using SHA1.
I should say I'm fairly new to zend and am porting an existing application, so please go easy on me with the answers.
The example you've given does use the salt as stored in the database. It will work as long as the salt is stored in each row in a field called 'salt'. If the salt was not in the DB and in a PHP variable instead, the code would be something more like:
->setCredentialTreatment("SHA1(CONCAT(?, '$salt'))")
As for using SHA512, this might be a little trickier. Assuming you're using MySQL, SHA1() in this case is a MySQL function, and MySQL does not have a function for SHA512 as far as I can tell, and neither does PHP (edit: I was wrong about the latter, see comments). So you'll have to implement your own PHP SHA512 function, load the salt for the user out of the DB first, hash the result and not do anything to the variable in setCredentialTreatment.
As the other answer suggested you might want to write your own Zend_Auth_Adapter for this. An auth adapter is a class that handles authentication, presumably at the moment you're using Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable. You can find some more info about auth adapters in the manual: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.auth.introduction.html
Here's an example:
class My_Auth_Adapter extends Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable
public function authenticate()
// load salt for the given identity
$salt = $this->_zendDb->fetchOne("SELECT salt FROM {$this->_tableName} WHERE {$this->_identityColumn} = ?", $this->_identity);
if (!$salt) {
// return 'identity not found' error
return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND, $this->_identity);
// create the hash using the password and salt
$hash = ''; // SET THE PASSWORD HASH HERE USING $this->_credential and $salt
// replace credential with new hash
$this->_credential = $hash;
// Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable can do the rest now
return parent::authenticate();
You can write your own Zend_Auth_Adapter.
I created user and I gave him password 'secret'.
The hash that was generated by the registration process is
I wanted to generate it in the code so I used Hash::make('secret') and I got:
finally I used bcrypt('secret') and I got:
These are all different hashes, How can I generate one that would let me change password inside my code?
It's because bcrypt doesn't work as SHA-256, it uses a key that would change the result of the hash itself for the same string.
In Laravel, you can use Hash::check('plain-text', $hashedPassword) to check the password, but you will never have the same result for the same password. check here
You can use bcrypt(secret") and leave it at laravel and test it (everything is working).
It works as intended, bcrypt doesnt always generate the same hash. Laravels Hash::check() function will return true for any valid hash of the given password.
For mor informations, look here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8468936/6622577
Bycrypt is a more secure password hashing algorithm. Unlike md5() or SHA1() bycrypt does not always generate the same hashed value for a specific string.
So when you are storing the hashed password in the database you will use
$password = bcrypt($input['password']);
Afterwards, when you wish to check at the time of login you simply set the plain-text password (As you might be getting it from user input) and run a function called Auth::attempt() to match the password.
$userdata = array(
'username' => $input['username'],
'password' => $input['password'],
if (Auth::attempt($userdata)) {
// Password matched
And if you want to explicitly check the plain-text password corresponding to its hash then use Hash::check() as below:
Hash::check('plain-text-password', 'hashed-password);
What type of hashing algorithm is used by default for passwords in Laravel. If we want to change the password in the database then how can we identify the hash type of the password?
According to Laravel Documentation :
The Laravel Hash facade provides secure Bcrypt hashing for storing
user passwords. If you are using the AuthController controller that is
included with your Laravel application, it will be take care of
verifying the Bcrypt password against the un-hashed version provided
by the user.
Likewise, the user Registrar service that ships with Laravel makes the
proper bcrypt function call to hash stored passwords.
Hashing A Password Using Bcrypt
$password = Hash::make('secret');
You may also use the bcrypt helper function:
$password = bcrypt('secret');
Verifying A Password Against A Hash
if (Hash::check('secret', $hashedPassword))
// The passwords match...
Checking If A Password Needs To Be Rehashed
if (Hash::needsRehash($hashed))
$hashed = Hash::make('secret');
You can also use laravel/tinker to update/create/delete/etc data in the DB table from console, for example:
php artisan tinker
>>$user = App\Models\User::find(2);// or User::find(2)find user with id 2
>>$user->password = bcrypt('test83403'); //change password
>>$user->save(); //save the new change
I'm wondering how to use Hash::needsRehash() as I'm struggling to see using the documentation exactly what it's for.
if (Hash::needsRehash($hashed)) {
$hashed = Hash::make('plain-text');
What exactly causes Hash::needsRehash() to return true or false, does it return true if the hashed password is in another hash (such as MD5, SHA1 etc)?
In the case that your database is full of hashes in another algorithm and Hash::needsRehash() returns true, how would you rehash the users password so that it's they're up to date? You can't rely on the "login" password because it needs to be compared first to validate, right?
I guess maybe I'm overthinking things but I'm confused right now. Luckily my users passwords are using password_hash() anyway so shouldn't be a problem.
Hash::needsReHash() just calls php's built-in password_needs_rehash function. A helpful comment in the docs is:
// Check if a newer hashing algorithm is available
// or the cost has changed
if (password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options)) {
So Hash::needsReHash() will return false if and only if hashing algorithm has changed (since you're not passing any options such as cost).
As for how and when to use this, you can only rehash a user's password when you have it -- e.g. when they're logging in. So during the login process, you check if their stored password's algorithm differs from your current algorithm, and if so, you replace their stored password hash with a new one.
This seems to be how to do it in Laravel 5.6
Put this in your LoginController:
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user) {
if (Hash::needsRehash($user->password)) {
$user->password = Hash::make($request->password);
The method returns true when PHP is updated and a new/better default algorithm was added or any other parameters changed. This lets you automatically take advantage of it without updating your code.
This method is used when a user is logging in as that is the only time you have access to the plain-text password. After confirming it is correct according to the old hash, you take the plain text password, rehash it, and put it back into the database for future use.
For a hypothetical example, lets say that right now the algorithm is md5() 10k times. In PHP7, it was updated to sha512() 15k times. If the hash is in the $count|$algo|$hash format, the method can tell when a hash is outdated. Since the old algorithm was not removed, you can still validate the password with old parameters before rehashing.
Note: obviously using md5()/sha512() is a bad idea. I'm just using them as examples.
I Have the following class to validate the user Login,
class Validation_model extends CI_Model {
public function validateLogin($userid,$userpass){
$encrypted_string = $this->encrypt->encode($userpass);
$this->db->where('userid', $userid);
$this->db->where('userpassword', $encrypted_string);
$result = $this->db->get();
echo $result->num_rows();
But when even I entered a valid userid & password it returns the row count as 0, Please help me with this, where I have done the mistake?
It does not work because you are encrypting the password.
The encryption function used by CodeIgniter uses a random initialization vector (IV) every time it encrypts something, which means that the cipher-text (the encrypted text) will be different every time it is encrypted.
When dealing with passwords you need to hash them, not encrypt them. They are related but they are not the same thing.
Wikipedia article on cryptographic hash functions
Page on PHP.net on password hashing
Documentation on PHP's native password hashing API
Compatibility library for the native API (if you have PHP <5.5.0)
PHPass implementation for CodeIgniter on Github (if you have PHP <5.5.0)
If you have PHP >=5.5.0 then you can do:
$hashed_password = password_hash($userpass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// ...
$this->db->where('userpassword', $hashed_password);
For this to work you also need to re-hash the passwords in your database.
I'm currently going over my user registration code. The part I'm focusing on right now is the password hashing part.
What I do is get a static_salt from a config file, and use mt_rand() to generate a dynamic_salt. What I want to do is have this dynamic_salt stored in my database.
But if I pass the dynamic_salt() method to the create method in order to send it to the salt column of a table in my database it will just run the method again and create a different result from the one produced in my hashed() method.
What would be the best way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve, could you show me an example if possible?
public function create() {
$dbcolumn->password = $this->hashed();
$dbcolumn->salt = $this->dynamic_salt;
$this->db->insert('users', $dbcolumn);
public function dynamic_salt() {
$get_dynamic_salt = mt_rand();
return $get_dynamic_salt;
public function hashed() { //hashing method, that also makes
// sha1 and salt password
$static_salt = $this->config->item('encryption_key'); //grab static salt from config file
$dynamic_salt = $this->dynamic_salt();
$password = $this->encrypt->sha1($this->input->post('password')); //encrypt user password
$hashed = sha1($dynamic_salt . $password . $static_salt);
return $hashed;
I recommend that you don't use a dynamic salt, as it will reduce your applications flexibility and is likely not to work in it's current form.
The purpose of a salt is to prevent against dictionary attacks that someone could do if they obtained your user database. In that regard, a static salt is definitely a good idea to implement in your application.
Adding a dynamic salt to each user would mean that you will have to hit a datastore to retrieve the dynamic salt and the hashed version of the user's password, then you will have to perform the CPU intensive hash function (in your code, twice -- you are hashing a hash which is less secure and more likely to have collisions).
Having a simple known, static salt, and a hashed password will allow you to use key/value storage systems like memcache should you application grow. Store the userid as the key and the users hashed password as the value and you will have a lightening fast authentication system.
Try this:
public function dynamic_salt() {
$this->dyn_salt = mt_rand();
return $this->dyn_salt;
If the dyn_salt instance variable doesn't already exist, it will assign it the result of mt_rand(), else it will just return the previous value.