I want to know how I can pass parameters between pages through the URL without having to add variables eg:
I want to use it as follows:
I also see in some website the URL is in the following format
which redirects to another page without changing the URL as if this is the URL to the file.
You should use .htaccess
Here's an example:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9-_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/?$ index.php?var1=$1&var2=$2 [NC,L]
This basically means that if the URL is formatted according to the regular expressions above (number - slash - alphanumeric,dashes or underscores) than the content should be displayed from index.php while passing the file two parameters called var1 and var2, var1 having the value of the number and the second having the value of what's after the first slash.
Would actually mean
Of course, in your index.php file you can simply take the values using
$var1 = $_GET['var1'];
$var2 = $_GET['var2'];
Your third example is an example of how REST identifies a server side resource. What you are talking about here sounds very much like REST will do what you want. I would suggest starting here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer#RESTful_web_services).
I'm currently making a website (with PHP and a database) and there something I'm wondering about.
Can you get an ID from a URL like this for example egh95.com/u1 or egh95.com/t52-it-s-a-new-day?
Like I only want the int to be my ID. I tried to use $_Server["REQUEST_URI"] and strip all the characters and symbols from the URL, but the int I got, didn't work to get the information out of the database.
I know how to use $_GET["id"] to get the int from the URL (that's the only thing that works atm), but I actually don't want the URL to be ?=id1 or something like that.
I'd just use a basic regex, if that's the case.
$url = 'egh95.com/u1';
preg_match('/^.*\/u(?P<data>.*)/', $string, $matches);
echo $matches['data'];
$matches['data'] contains the number after u, in this case 1. Here are some docs for regex in PHP, if you're interested.
If you use Apache, you can use ModRewrite to implement user-friendly URLs. It is easy way to achieve what you wrote about with small amount of work. Then write in .htaccess file following lines: (Assuming you want to process the id in index.php file)
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "^u(.*)$" "index.php?id=$1"
I am creating a simple redirect tool for myself in PHP. I'm going to store codes that map to their respective URLs in an associative array, and then redirect anybody who inputs this code to their URL.
I am using query strings to GET the input (the name of the variable and the value, which is the code), and I already know how to make the redirect part work with PHP. The issue is, I don't want my users to have to type in a question mark, the name of the variable, and then an equals sign. I would like for them to simply type in a path that will be converted into a query string, so that PHP can process the redirection.
I was wondering how I could turn a path (an arbitrary URL path) into a query string of an existing file. I was able to find the opposite task quite easily on Stack Overflow (.htaccess - Rewrite query string and redirect to directory) but I want to be able to pass any arbitrary URL path (that does not exist in the directory) into an existing file's query string. I found an example of what I wanted (URL rewrite for converting path to querystring), but it was for multiple query strings and in this case, I only need one. I don't think the last question I referenced was successfully answered either.
How can I redirect
using .htaccess, so that I can parse the query string in my PHP file?
Something like this:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?r=$1 [NC,L,QSA]
On this URL:
From index.php:
Will return this:
Array ( [r] => blahblahblah )
(Edit to mention this assumes .htaccess is in the /r directory)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^r/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ /r/index.php?r=$1
Dlvr.it puts utm_source and utm_medium in the URLs it generates. I am trying to access those in my PHP code but the page cannot get its value. The two values of utm_medium I'm looking to track are twitter or Facebook.
Example url that doesn't work: example.com/page/id?utm_source=dlvrit&utm_medium=twitter
Example that DOES work: example.com/page.php?id=xxx&utm_medium=twitter
Any one have any idea why I cannot access it or any experience with using dlvr.it generated URLs?
What I have:
$source = $_GET['utm_medium'];
echo $source;
I am getting the error: Undefined index: utm_medium
EDIT: My htaccess is structured so the page is displayed as /page/xxx (xxx being an id number) so the parameters from dlvr.it are not active. How can I go about altering my htaccess to gain access to these parameters?
Add the flag [QSA] to your RewriteRule – stands for Query String Append, and will append the original query string to the address that you rewrite to internally.
“When the replacement URI contains a query string, the default behavior of RewriteRule is to discard the existing query string, and replace it with the newly generated one. Using the [QSA] flag causes the query strings to be combined.”
I want to know how I can pass parameters between pages through the URL without having to add variables eg:
I want to use it as follows:
I also see in some website the URL is in the following format
which redirects to another page without changing the URL as if this is the URL to the file.
You should use .htaccess
Here's an example:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9-_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/?$ index.php?var1=$1&var2=$2 [NC,L]
This basically means that if the URL is formatted according to the regular expressions above (number - slash - alphanumeric,dashes or underscores) than the content should be displayed from index.php while passing the file two parameters called var1 and var2, var1 having the value of the number and the second having the value of what's after the first slash.
Would actually mean
Of course, in your index.php file you can simply take the values using
$var1 = $_GET['var1'];
$var2 = $_GET['var2'];
Your third example is an example of how REST identifies a server side resource. What you are talking about here sounds very much like REST will do what you want. I would suggest starting here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer#RESTful_web_services).
I have a really strange problem
ok the problem is thus
let say I have this url
If I do base64_encode($_GET['url'])
the results is this
after applying this rewrite condition
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^file-(.*)-(.*)\.html$ index.php?file=$1&url=$2
The url is like this
now if I do base64_encode($_GET['url'])
the results is this
**Note that the value of $_GET['url'] is exactly the same in both cases if printed without encoding!!!!
how come same string giving different results just after using rewrite ?**
Does anyone know whats the problem
You can use base64_decode to see whether they are same.
In fact:
The first one is
And the second one is
You can see, they are not same.
You are rewriting your URl so the part after the second - is stored in url parameter. So in second case you receive url = http://www.fileserve.com/file/vEpByp3/WFS010C.part3.rar.html. Just like you had before.
What you are encoding is marked with bold:
With first url
With second URL you are rewriting it to
UPDATE your second base64_encoded URL is decoding to http:/www.fileserve.com/file/vEpByp3/WFS010C.part3.rar. Note single / after http. Are you sure you have no typos in second URL?
First you need to urlencode the 'url' parameter. I'm guessing the parameter does not get correctly parsed because of invalid characters like '/' in it.