I'm working on a class extending SimpleXMLElement:
class MyXML extends SimpleXMLElement {
public function cdata($text) {
$node = dom_import_simplexml($this);
$owner = $node->ownerDocument;
return $this;
Since it's an SimpleXMLElement, I can dynamically create XML nodes inside it:
$xml = new MyXML('<foo/>');
$xml->bar = 'Test';
print $xml->asXML(); // <foo><bar>Test</bar></foo>
But when I try to run this:
$xml = new MyXML('<foo/>');
I get:
Warning: dom_import_simplexml(): Invalid Nodetype to import in [..]
However, if I force the SimpleXMLElement node to be created before running cdata(), it works again:
$xml = new MyXML('<foo/>');
$xml->bar = '';
print $xml->asXML(); // <foo><bar><![CDATA[Test]]></bar></foo>
I'm curious if what I found is a bug, and if there is any way to work around it without "priming" the node first.
i have a Php class likes "Extension_DOMDocument" and this extends the PHP "DOMDocument" class.
I create a new Object of Extension_DOMDocument and would add to DocType to this Object.
My code is:
// $this->data is an array to convert array to xml
$objcDom = new Extension_DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
How I can add an DocType to $objcDom?
You can use the the DOM implementation to create a document type object. Document type objects are still DOM nodes. You can append them to an existing document.
class MyDOMDocument extends DOMDocument {}
$dom = new MyDOMDocument();
$implementation = new DOMImplementation();
echo $dom->saveXml();
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE example>
I would use this
// Creates an instance of the DOMImplementation class
$imp = new DOMImplementation;
// Creates a DOMDocumentType instance
$dtd = $imp->createDocumentType('graph', '', 'graph.dtd');
// Creates a DOMDocument instance
$dom = $imp->createDocument("", "", $dtd);
// Set other properties
$dom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$dom->standalone = false;
// Create an empty element
$element = $dom->createElement('graph');
// Append the element
// Retrieve and print the document
echo $dom->saveXML();
Check: http://php.net/manual/en/domimplementation.createdocumenttype.php
I'm pretty new to PHP, DOM, and the PHP DOM implementation. What I'm trying to do is save the root element of the DOMDocument in a $_SESSION variable so I can access it and modify it on subsequent page loads.
But I get an error in PHP when using $_SESSION to save state of DOMElement:
Warning: DOMNode::appendChild() [domnode.appendchild]: Couldn't fetch DOMElement
I have read that a PHP DOMDocument object cannot be saved to $_SESSION natively. However it can be saved by saving the serialization of the DOMDocument (e.g. $_SESSION['dom'] = $dom->saveXML()).
I don't know if the same holds true for saving a DOMElement to a $_SESSION variable as well, but that's what I was trying. My reason for wanting to do this is to use an extended class of DOMElement with one additional property. I was hoping that by saving the root DOMElement in $_SESSION that I could later retrieve the element and modify this additional property and perform a test like, if (additionalProperty === false) { do something; }. I've also read that by saving a DOMDocument, and later retrieving it, all elements are returned as objects from native DOM classes. That is to say, even if I used an extended class to create elements, the property that I subsequently need will not be accessible, because the variable holding reference to the extended-class object has gone out of scope--which is why I'm trying this other thing. I tried using the extended class (not included below) first, but got errors...so I reverted to using a DOMElement object to see if that was the problem, but I'm still getting the same errors. Here's the code:
$rootTag = 'root';
$doc = new DOMDocument;
if (!isset($_SESSION[$rootTag])) {
$_SESSION[$rootTag] = new DOMElement($rootTag);
$root = $doc->appendChild($_SESSION[$rootTag]);
//$root = $doc->appendChild($doc->importNode($_SESSION[$rootTag], true));
$child = new DOMElement('child_element');
$n = $root->appendChild($child);
$ct = 0;
foreach ($root->childNodes as $ch) echo '<br/>'.$ch->tagName.' '.++$ct;
$_SESSION[$rootTag] = $doc->documentElement;
This code gives the following errors (depending on whether I use appendChild directly or the commented line of code using importNode):
Warning: DOMNode::appendChild() [domnode.appendchild]: Couldn't fetch DOMElement in C:\Program Files\wamp_server_2.2\www\test2.php on line 11
Warning: DOMDocument::importNode() [domdocument.importnode]: Couldn't fetch DOMElement in C:\Program Files\wamp_server_2.2\www\test2.php on line 12
I have several questions. First, what is causing this error and how do I fix it? Also, if what I'm trying to do isn't possible, then how can I accomplish my general objective of saving the 'state' of a DOM tree while using a custom property for each element? Note that the additional property is only used in the program and is not an attribute to be saved in the XML file. Also, I can't just save the DOM back to file each time, because the DOMDocument, after a modification, may not be valid according to a schema I'm using until later when additional modificaitons/additions have been performed to the DOMDocument. That's why I need to save a temporarily invalid DOMDocument. Thanks for any advice!
After trying hakre's solution, the code worked. Then I moved on to trying to use an extended class of DOMElement, and, as I suspected, it did not work. Here's the new code:
//$_SESSION = array();
$rootTag = 'root';
$doc = new DOMDocument;
if (!isset($_SESSION[$rootTag])) {
$root = new FreezableDOMElement($rootTag);
} else {
$root = $doc->documentElement;
$child = new FreezableDOMElement('child_element');
$n = $root->appendChild($child);
$ct = 0;
foreach ($root->childNodes as $ch) {
$frozen = $ch->frozen ? 'is frozen' : 'is not frozen';
echo '<br/>'.$ch->tagName.' '.++$ct.': '.$frozen;
//echo '<br/>'.$ch->tagName.' '.++$ct;
$_SESSION[$rootTag] = $doc->saveXML();
* FreezableDOMElement class
class FreezableDOMElement extends DOMElement {
public $frozen; // boolean value
public function __construct($name) {
$this->frozen = false;
It gives me the error Undefined property: DOMElement::$frozen. Like I mentioned in my original post, after saveXML and loadXML, an element originally instantiated with FreezableDOMElement is returning type DOMElement which is why the frozen property is not recognized. Is there any way around this?
You can not store a DOMElement object inside $_SESSION. It will work at first, but with the next request, it will be unset because it can not be serialized.
That's the same like for DOMDocument as you write about in your question.
Store it as XML instead or encapsulate the serialization mechanism.
You are basically facing three problems here:
Serialize the DOMDocument (you do this to)
Serialize the FreezableDOMElement (you do this to)
Keep the private member FreezableDOMElement::$frozen with the document.
As written, serialization is not available out of the box. Additionally, DOMDocument does not persist your FreezableDOMElement even w/o serialization. The following example demonstrates that the instance is not automatically kept, the default value FALSE is returned (Demo):
class FreezableDOMElement extends DOMElement
private $frozen = FALSE;
public function getFrozen()
return $this->frozen;
public function setFrozen($frozen)
$this->frozen = (bool)$frozen;
class FreezableDOMDocument extends DOMDocument
public function __construct()
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', 'FreezableDOMElement');
$doc = new FreezableDOMDocument();
# own objects do not persist
printf("Element is frozen (should): %d\n", $doc->documentElement->getFrozen()); # it is not (0)
As PHP does not so far support setUserData (DOM Level 3), one way could be to store the additional information inside a namespaced attribute with the element. This can also be serialized by creating the XML string when serializing the object and loading it when unserializing (see Serializable). This then solves all three problems (Demo):
class FreezableDOMElement extends DOMElement
public function getFrozen()
return $this->getFrozenAttribute()->nodeValue === 'YES';
public function setFrozen($frozen)
$this->getFrozenAttribute()->nodeValue = $frozen ? 'YES' : 'NO';
private function getFrozenAttribute()
return $this->getSerializedAttribute('frozen');
protected function getSerializedAttribute($localName)
$namespaceURI = FreezableDOMDocument::NS_URI;
$prefix = FreezableDOMDocument::NS_PREFIX;
if ($this->hasAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $localName)) {
$attrib = $this->getAttributeNodeNS($namespaceURI, $localName);
} else {
$this->ownerDocument->documentElement->setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:' . $prefix, $namespaceURI);
$attrib = $this->ownerDocument->createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $prefix . ':' . $localName);
$attrib = $this->appendChild($attrib);
return $attrib;
class FreezableDOMDocument extends DOMDocument implements Serializable
const NS_URI = '/frozen.org/freeze/2';
const NS_PREFIX = 'freeze';
public function __construct()
private function registerNodeClasses()
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', 'FreezableDOMElement');
* #return DOMNodeList
private function getNodes()
$xp = new DOMXPath($this);
return $xp->query('//*');
public function serialize()
return parent::saveXML();
public function unserialize($serialized)
public function saveBareXML()
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xp = new DOMXPath($doc);
foreach ($xp->query('//#*[namespace-uri()=\'' . self::NS_URI . '\']') as $attr) {
/* #var $attr DOMAttr */
$doc->documentElement->removeAttributeNS(self::NS_URI, self::NS_PREFIX);
return $doc->saveXML();
public function saveXMLDirect()
return parent::saveXML();
$doc = new FreezableDOMDocument();
$child = $doc->getElementsByTagName('child')->item(0);
echo "Plain XML:\n", $doc->saveXML(), "\n";
echo "Bare XML:\n", $doc->saveBareXML(), "\n";
$serialized = serialize($doc);
echo "Serialized:\n", $serialized, "\n";
$newDoc = unserialize($serialized);
printf("Document Element is frozen (should be): %s\n", $newDoc->documentElement->getFrozen() ? 'YES' : 'NO');
printf("Child Element is frozen (should be): %s\n", $newDoc->getElementsByTagName('child')->item(0)->getFrozen() ? 'YES' : 'NO');
It's not really feature complete but a working demo. It's possible to obtain the full XML without the additional "freeze" data.
My question is a rather simple one for anyone familiar with the DOM* classes in PHP.
Basically i have different classes that i want to return to me something that I can append in my xml document
Following pseudo-code should demonstrate better
Class ChildObject{ function exportToXML( return a DOMNode ? ) }
Class ContainerObject{
function exportToXML(){
$domSomething = new DOM*SOMETHING*;
foreach($children as $child) $domSomething->appendChild($child->exportToXML);
return $domSomething ;
Now i want to create the entire DOMDocument
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$root = $xml->createElement('root');
foreach($containers as $container) $root->appendChild($container->exportToXML());
I tried sending the DOMDocument object as a reference, did not work. I tried creating DOMNodes but didn't work as well....so i'm looking at a simple answer: what datatypes do i need to return in order for me to achieve the above functionality?
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$h = $xml->createElement('hello');
$node1 = new DOMNode('aaa');
$node1->appendChild(new DOMText('new text content'));
//node1 is being returned by a function
$node2 = new DOMNode('bbb');
$node2->appendChild(new DOMText('new text content'));
//node2 is being returned by some other function
$h->appendChild($node1);//append to this element the returned node1
$h->appendChild($node2);//append to this element the returned node2
$xml->appendChild($h);//append to the document the root node
$content = $xml->saveXML();
file_put_contents('xml.xml', $content);//output to an xml file
The above code should do the following:
consider that i want to build the following xml
node1 could be again a node that has multiple children so node1 could be as well as something like this:
Basically when i call exportToXML() something should be returned, call it $x that i can append in my document using $xml->appendChild($x);
I want to create the above structure and return the object that can be appended in the DOMDocument
The following code:
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$h = $xml->appendChild($xml->createElement('hello'));
$node1 = $h->appendChild($xml->createElement('aaa'));
$node1->appendChild($xml->createTextNode('new text content'));
$node2 = $h->appendChild($xml->createElement('bbb'));
$node2->appendChild($xml->createTextNode('new text content'));
will produce:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<aaa>new text content</aaa>
<bbb>new text content</bbb>
Your example XML showed <node1>aaa</node1> but I think your various code snippet examples went out of sync when you were editing =) In case you need that output, try:
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$h = $xml->appendChild($xml->createElement('hello'));
$node1 = $h->appendChild($xml->createElement('node1'));
$node2 = $h->appendChild($xml->createElement('node2'));
Is there any way I can insert an HTML template to existing DOMNode without content being encoded?
I have tried to do that with:
$dom->createElement('div', '<h1>Hello world</h1>');
$dom->createTextNode('<h1>Hello world</h1>');
The output is pretty much the same, with only difference that first code would wrap it in a div.
I have tried to loadHTML from string but I have no idea how can I append it's body content to another DOMDocument.
In javascript, this process seems to be quite simple and obvious.
You can use
DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML — Append raw XML data
// just some setup
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$body = $dom->documentElement->firstChild;
// this is the part you are looking for
$template = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
$template->appendXML('<h1>This is <em>my</em> template</h1>');
// output
echo $dom->saveXml();
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<html><body><h1>This is <em>my</em> template</h1></body></html>
If you want to import from another DOMDocument, replace the three lines with
$tpl = new DOMDocument;
$tpl->loadXml('<h1>This is <em>my</em> template</h1>');
$body->appendChild($dom->importNode($tpl->documentElement, TRUE));
Using TRUE as the second argument to importNode will do a recursive import of the node tree.
If you need to import (malformed) HTML, change loadXml to loadHTML. This will trigger the HTML parser of libxml (what ext/DOM uses internally):
$tpl = new DOMDocument;
$tpl->loadHtml('<h1>This is <em>malformed</em> template</h2>');
$body->appendChild($dom->importNode($tpl->documentElement, TRUE));
Note that libxml will try to correct the markup, e.g. it will change the wrong closing </h2> to </h1>.
It works with another DOMDocument for parsing the HTML code. But you need to import the nodes into the main document before you can use them in it:
$newDiv = $dom->createElement('div');
$tmpDoc = new DOMDocument();
foreach ($tmpDoc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $node) {
$node = $dom->importNode($node, true);
And as a handy function:
function appendHTML(DOMNode $parent, $source) {
$tmpDoc = new DOMDocument();
foreach ($tmpDoc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $node) {
$node = $parent->ownerDocument->importNode($node, true);
Then you can simply do this:
$elem = $dom->createElement('div');
appendHTML($elem, '<h1>Hello world</h1>');
As I do not want to struggle with XML, because it throws errors faster and I am not a fan of prefixing an # to prevent error output. The loadHTML does the better job in my opinion and it is quite simple as that:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$div = $doc->createElement('div');
// use a helper to load the HTML into a string
$helper = new DOMDocument();
$helper->loadHTML('This is my HTML Link.');
// now the magic!
// import the document node of the $helper object deeply (true)
// into the $div and append as child.
$div->appendChild($doc->importNode($helper->documentElement, true));
// add the div to the $doc
// final output
echo $doc->saveHTML();
Here is simple example by using DOMDocumentFragment:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$f = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
echo $doc->saveXML();
Here is helper function for replacing DOMNode:
* Helper function for replacing $node (DOMNode)
* with an XML code (string)
* #var DOMNode $node
* #var string $xml
public function replaceNodeXML(&$node, $xml) {
$f = $this->dom->createDocumentFragment();
Source: Some old "PHP5 Dom Based Template" article.
And here is another suggestion posted by Pian0_M4n to use value attribute as workaround:
$dom = new DomDocument;
// main object
$object = $dom->createElement('div');
// html attribute
$attr = $dom->createAttribute('value');
// ugly html string
$attr->value = "<div> this is a really html string ©</div><i></i> with all the © that XML hates!";
// jquery fix (or javascript as well)
$('div').html($(this).attr('value')); // and it works!
$('div').removeAttr('value'); // to clean-up
No ideal, but at least it works.
Gumbo's code works perfectly! Just a little enhancement that adding the TRUE parameter so that it works with nested html snippets.
$node = $parent->ownerDocument->importNode($node);
$node = $parent->ownerDocument->importNode($node, **TRUE**);
So, I have this code that searches for a particular node in my XML file, unsets an existing node and inserts a brand new child node with the correct data. Is there a way of getting this new data to save within the actual XML file with simpleXML? If not, is there another efficient method for doing this?
public function hint_insert() {
foreach($this->hints as $key => $value) {
$filename = $this->get_qid_filename($key);
echo "$key - $filename - $value[0]<br>";
//insert hint within right node using simplexml
$xml = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($xml->PrintQuestion as $PrintQuestion) {
$xml->PrintQuestion->content->multichoice->feedback->hint->addChild('Passage', $value[0]);
echo("<pre>" . print_r($PrintQuestion) . "</pre>");
Not sure I understand the issue. The asXML() method accepts an optional filename as param that will save the current structure as XML to a file. So once you have updated your XML with the hints, just save it back to file.
// Load XML with SimpleXml from string
$root = simplexml_load_string('<root><a>foo</a></root>');
// Modify a node
$root->a = 'bar';
// Saving the whole modified XML to a new filename
// Save only the modified node
If you want to save the same, you can use dom_import_simplexml to convert to a DomElement and save:
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
echo $dom->saveXML();