I am looking for feedback on my control architecture script (included below). Specifically, I am looking for feedback regarding the script's design, organization, commenting, and formatting. I enjoy php programming as a hobby, and am looking to learn where I can improve my code.
Thanks in advance!
class FrontController extends ActionController {
//Declaring variable(s)
private static $instance;
protected $controller;
//Class construct method
public function __construct() {}
//Starts new instance of this class with a singleton pattern
public static function getInstance() {
if(!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
public function dispatch($throwExceptions = false) {
/* Checks for the GET variables $module and $action, and, if present,
* strips them down with a regular expression function with a white
* list of allowed characters, removing anything that is not a letter,
* number, underscore or hyphen.
$regex = '/[^-_A-z0-9]+/';
$module = isset($_GET['module']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['module']) : 'home';
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['action']) : 'frontpage';
/* Generates Actions class filename (example: HomeActions) and path to
* that class (example: home/HomeActions.php), checks if $file is a
* valid file, and then, if so, requires that file.
$class = ucfirst($module) . 'Actions';
$file = $this->pageDir . '/' . $module . '/' . $class . '.php';
try {
//Checks for existance of file
if (!is_file($file)) {
throw new Exception('File not found!');
//Includes file
require_once $file;
/* Creates a new instance of the Actions class (example: $controller
* = new HomeActions();), and passes the registry variable to the
* ActionController class.
$controller = new $class();
//Trys the setModule method in the ActionController class
/* The ActionController dispatchAction method checks if the method
* exists, then runs the displayView function in the
* ActionController class.
} catch(Exception $error) {
/* An exception has occurred, and will be displayed if
* $throwExceptions is set to true.
if($throwExceptions) {
echo $error;
abstract class ActionController {
//Declaring variable(s)
protected $registry;
protected $module;
protected $registryItems = array();
//Class construct method
public function __construct(){}
public function setRegistry($registry) {
//Sets the registry object
$this->registry = $registry;
/* Once the registry is loaded, the controller root directory path is
* set from the registry. This path is needed for the controller
* classes to work properly.
//Sets the controller root directory from the value stored in the registry
public function setPageDir() {
$this->pageDir = $this->registry->get('pageDir');
//Sets the module
public function setModule($module) {
$this->module = $module;
//Gets the module
public function getModule() {
return $this->module;
/* Checks for actionMethod in the Actions class (example: doFrontpage()
* within home/HomeActions.php) with the method_exists function and, if
* present, the actionMethod and displayView functions are executed.
public function dispatchAction($action) {
$actionMethod = 'do' . ucfirst($action);
if (!method_exists($this, $actionMethod)) {
throw new Exception('Action not found!');
public function displayView($action) {
if (!is_file($this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php')) {
throw new Exception('View not found!');
//Sets $this->actionView to the path of the action View file
$this->actionView = $this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php';
//Sets path of the action View file into the registry
$this->registry->set('actionView', $this->actionView);
//Includes template file within which the action View file is included
require_once $this->pageDir . '/default.tpl';
class Registry {
//Declaring variables
private $store;
//Class constructor
public function __construct() {}
//Sets registry variable
public function set($label, $object) {
$this->store[$label] = $object;
//Gets registry variable
public function get($label) {
if(isset($this->store[$label])) {
return $this->store[$label];
} else {
return false;
//Adds outside array of registry values to $this->store array
public function addRegistryArray($registryItems) {
foreach ($registryItems as $key => $value) {
$this->set($key, $value);
//Returns registry array
public function getRegistryArray() {
return $this->store;
Without having a detailed look on your code:
Try to write code that is self-explanatory by using meaningful function and variable names. Only use comments where the purpose or the functioning of your code is not clear. E.g.
//Declaring variable(s)
//Class construct method
//Checks for existance of file
//Includes file
are useless comments because the code itself is already clear enough.
A book worth reading: Clean Code
I am torn between closevoting as too localized and wanting to comment on the code. Also, it's too much code to wade through now, so I will comment only a few things:
1) Documentation style
Why not use an established documentation format, like PHPDoc?
2) Formatting
is consistent as far as I can see, but I suggest to use a coding convention that is in wide use, like that of PEAR or ZF (which is based on PEAR) instead of doing your own (yours is close to PEAR anyway, so you might as well adopt it completely).
3) Singleton pattern
In order for the Singleton to work it has to have a private __contruct and __clone method. But I suggest not to use it at all. Many people believe the Singleton is an AntiPattern. There are a number of questions on SO discussing the disadvantages of the Singleton pattern, so have a look around. If there should be only one instance, then simply dont instantiate a second one. If you need to access the FrontController in other classes, inject it.
4) Method length
I probably would try to shorten the dispatch method. Basically, if you describe what a method does and you have to use an and to do so, that part should go into it's own method. Try to make methods into small discrete units. That will make UnitTesting easier as well.
5) Separation of Concerns
I am not sure why the FrontController extends from ActionController. There is no other classes that extent it, butI suppose the classes the FrontController instantiates are subclasses of ActionController too. But the FrontController, while named a controller, does different things than the PageControllers, so I'd probably keep them separated.
On a sidenote, if you are interested in increasing the quality of your code, have a look at the slides and tools given at http://phpqatools.org/
Your code is very remeiscent of CakePhp. I'd recommend checking that out, it does all of this work with App::import() and a File class that wraps the filesystem. It's tested by a community on different versions and OSes, it will in fact save you time.
I've done quite a bit of reading on this and a lot of people are saying I should be using a singleton class. I was thinking of writing a "Config" class which would include a "config.php" file on __construct and loop through the $config array values and place them into $this->values...
But then I read more and more about how singletons should never be used. So my question is - what is the best approach for this? I want to have a configuration file, for organization purposes, that contains all of my $config variables. I do not want to be hardcoding things such as database usernames and passwords directly into methods, for the purpose of flexibility and whatnot.
For example, I use the following code in an MVC project I am working on:
include '../app/bootstrap.php';
function __autoload ($class) {
$file = '../app/'.str_replace('_', '/', strtolower($class)).'.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
include $file;
else {
die($file.' not found');
$router = new lib_router();
class lib_router {
private $controller = 'controller_home'; // default controller
private $method = 'index'; // default method
private $params = array();
public function __construct () {
private function getUrl () {
if (isset($_GET['url'])) {
$url = trim($_GET['url'], '/');
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$url = explode('/', $url);
$this->controller = isset($url[0]) ? 'controller_'.ucwords($url[0]) : $this->controller;
$this->method = isset($url[1]) ? $url[1] : $this->method;
unset($url[0], $url[1]);
$this->params = array_values($url);
return $this;
public function route () {
if (class_exists($this->controller)) {
if (method_exists($this->controller, $this->method)) {
call_user_func(array(new $this->controller, $this->method), $this->params);
else {
die('Method '.$this->method.' does not exist');
else {
die('Class '.$this->controller.' does not exist');
Now let's say I visit http://localhost/myproject/lead/test
It is going to call the controller_lead class and the test method within.
Here is the code for app/controller/lead
class controller_lead extends controller_base {
public function test ($params) {
echo "lead test works!";
class controller_base {
private $db;
private $model;
public function __construct () {
private function connect () {
//$this->db = new PDO($config['db_type'] . ':host=' . $config['db_host'] . ';dbname=' . $config['db_name']. ', $config['db_user'], $config['db_pass'], $options);
return $this;
private function getModel () {
$model = str_replace('controller', 'model', get_class($this));
$this->model = new $model($this->db);
This is where I run into the issue. As you can see, the connect method is going to try and create a new PDO object. Now how am I going to inject this $config variable, given all the other code I just provided?
My options appear to be:
Use a singleton (bad)
Use a global (worse)
Include config.php in bootstrap.php, and inject it throughout multiple classes (Why should I inject this into my lib_router class when lib_router has absolutely nothing to do with the database? This sounds like terrible practice.)
What other option do I have? I don't want to do any of those 3 things...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up including a config file in my bootstrap which simply contained constants, and used the constants.
I ended up including a config file in my bootstrap which simply contained constants, and used the constants.
That was the same case for me - required the file in Model. The file based approach was the best fit since it has some benefits: you can .gitignore, set custom permission set, all your parameters are stored centrally, etc.
However, If the config file contains DB connection parameters only, I prefered to require the config file in Model only. Maybe, you could also break down into multiple, more specific config files and require them where necessary.
public function __construct()
if (self::$handle === FALSE)
$db = array();
require APP_DIR.DIR_SEP.'system'.DIR_SEP.'config'.DIR_SEP.'Database.php';
if (!empty($db))
$this->connect($db['db_host'], $db['db_user'], $db['db_password'], $db['db_name']);
Error::throw_error('Abimo Model : No database config found');
I'm trying to create a system that it has a GeneralObj. The GeneralObj allows user to initiate special objects for database's tables with a String of the table name. So far, it works perfect.
class GeneralObj{
function __construct($tableName) {
However, it is too tired to type new GeneralObj(XXX) every time.
I am wondering is that possible to simplify the process to like new XXX(), which is actually running the same as new GeneralObj(XXX)?
I spot PHP provided __autoload method for dynamic loading files in the setting include_path but it requires a the actually definition file existing. I really don't want to copy and copy the same definition files only changing a little.
For cause, eval is not an option.
Maybe you can just auto-create the files in the autoloader:
function __autoload($class_name) {
// check for classes ending with 'Table'
if (preg_match('/(.*?)Table/', $class_name, $match)) {
$classPath = PATH_TO_TABLES . '/' . $match[1] . '.php';
// auto-create the file
if (!file_exists($classPath)) {
$classContent = "
class $class_name extends GeneralObj {
public __construct() {
file_put_contents($classPath, $classContent);
require_once $classPath;
Use inheritance. Make GeneralObj the superclass of the table specific classes. This way you can dynamically derive class names and instantiate objects. Example:
class someTable extends GeneralObj {
$tableName = 'some';
$className = $tableName . 'Table';
$obj = new $className;
No, this is not possible.
The runkit extension allows programmatic manipulation of the PHP runtime environment, but it cannot do this. Even if it could, it would IMHO be a very bad idea, greatly impacting the requirements and complexity of the application in exchange for saving a few keystrokes.
In an unrelated note, your GeneralObj class has functionality that sounds suspiciously like that of a dependency injection container. Perhaps you should consider replacing it with one?
Something like this autoloader:
class myAutoloader
* Register the Autoloader with SPL
public static function Register() {
if (function_exists('__autoload')) {
// Register any existing autoloader function with SPL, so we don't get any clashes
// Register ourselves with SPL
return spl_autoload_register(array('myAutoloader', 'Load'));
} // function Register()
* Autoload a class identified by name
* #param string $pClassName Name of the object to load
public static function Load($pClassName){
if (class_exists($pClassName,FALSE)) {
// Already loaded
return FALSE;
$pClassFilePath = str_replace('_',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$pClassName) . '.php';
if (file_exists($pClassFilePath) === FALSE) {
// Not a class file
return new GeneralObj($pClassName);
} // function Load()
And it's up to GeneralObj to throw an exception if the table class can't be instantiated
I'm trying to write some abstract MVC classes in PHP using PHPStorm. Some of the overriding class properties I am using for generic class wrappers tend to be better suited to using static methods and properties.
The code works fine, but whenever I use a variable to represent a class name when pointing it at a static variable (one that exists in inherited methods) PHPStorm doesn't know how to handle it and shows it as an error in the IDE. I'm just wondering if there's a better way to do this sort of thing or if it's simply going to be something I have to learn to ignore in the IDE.
class AbstractModel {
protected static $_dataMapper = null;
protected static $_subs = null;
public function __construct($data=null) {
// constructor omitted with things like a generic class init, etc.
// $_subs is a static array who's value is a class name use for
// populating sub-objects as part of a class instance
public function setSubProperty($subKeyName,$value) {
$dataType = get_called_class();
* PHPStorm complains here on $_subs *
&& array_key_exists($subKeyName,$dataType::$_subs)) {
$setMethod = 'set' . ucfirst($subKeyName);
return $dataType->$setMethod($value);
} else {
return false; // or throw an exception
class SomedataModel extends AbstractModel {
public $other = null;
protected static $_subs = array(
'other' => "OtherModel"
public function __construct($data=null) {
foreach(array_keys(self::$_subs) as $_k) {
$setMethod = 'set'.ucfirst($_k);
public function setOther($data=null) {
// sanitize and set instance of 'other' as $this->other
You can easily work around that by using the static keyword instead:
public function setSubProperty($subKeyName,$value) {
if (is_array(static::$_subs)
&& array_key_exists($subKeyName, static::$_subs)) {
$setMethod = 'set' . ucfirst($subKeyName);
PHPStorm supports it very well. Support of variable string values as classnames resolution of static members and properties is not supported. You might want to open a feature request (if it does not yet exists), however I doubt it's technically feasible because it wouldn't be type-hinting but value-hinting which I think is not supported in Phpstorm.
Last week I learned that classes can be included in your project by writing an __autoload() function. Then I learned that using an autoloader isn't only a technique but also a pattern.
Now I'm using the autoloader in my project and I've found it very very useful. I was wondering if it could be possible to do the same thing with functions. It could be very useful to forget about including the right PHP file with functions inside it.
So, is it possible to create a function autoloader?
There is no function auto-loader for functions. You have four realistic solutions:
Wrap all functions into namespacing classes (context appropriate). So let's say you have a function called string_get_letters. You could add that to a class called StringFunctions as a static function. So instead of calling string_get_letters(), you'd call StringFunctions::get_letters(). You would then __autoload those namespaced classes.
Pre-load all functions. Since you're using classes, you shouldn't have that many functions, so just pre-load them.
Load functions prior to using them. In each file, require_once the function files that are going to be used in that file.
Don't use functions in the first place. If you are developing OOP code (which it seems like you are anyway), there should be little to no need for functions at all. Everything you would need a function (or multiple) for, you could build in a OO manner and avoid the need for functions.
Personally, I'd suggest either 1, 2 or 4 depending on your exact need and the quality and size of your codebase...
If you are using Composer in your Project, you can add a files directive to the autoload section.
This will than actually generate a require_once in the autoloader, but it feels like real autoloading, because you dont have to take care of that.
Its not lazy loading though.
Example taken from Assetic:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "Assetic": "src/" },
"files": [ "src/functions.php" ]
I read something a while back about an ugly hack that caught fatal errors and tried to include and execute the missing function(s), but I definitely wouldn't go that road.
The closest thing you have is the __call() magic method, which is sort of a __autoload() for methods, not functions. It might be good enough for your needs; if you can afford to call a class and require each different function separately. Since PHP 5.3.0, you also have __callStatic().
An example using __callStatic():
class Test
public function __callStatic($m, $args)
if (function_exists($m) !== true)
if (is_file('./path/to/functions/' . $m . '.php') !== true)
return false;
require('./path/to/functions/' . $m . '.php');
return call_user_func_array($m, $args);
Test::functionToLoad(1, 2, 3);
This would call the functionToLoad() function defined in ./path/to/functions/functionToLoad.php.
Well, as usual there is a PECL extension for that:
(via: http://phk.tekwire.net/joomla/support/doc/automap.htm)
It's supposed to autoload functions as well as classes. Which however doesn't work with the current PHP interpreter yet.
(An alternative option btw, is generating stub functions that load and run namespaced counterparts.)
That being said. Autoloading is not universally considered a good practice. It leads to overly fractured class hierarchies and object happiness. And the real reason PHP has autoloading is because include and dependency management systems are inmature.
namespace MyNamespace;
class Fn {
private function __construct() {}
private function __wakeup() {}
private function __clone() {}
public static function __callStatic($fn, $args) {
if (!function_exists($fn)) {
require str_replace('\\', '/', $fn) . '.php';
return call_user_func_array($fn, $args);
And using namespaces, we can do: Fn::myFunc() and spl_autoload_register(). I've used this code with examples at: https://goo.gl/8dMIMj
I use a Class and __invoke. The __invoke method is called when a script calls a class as a function. I often do something like this:
namespace API\Config;
class Slim {
function __invoke() {
return [
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
'logger' => [
'name' => 'api',
'level' => Monolog\Logger\Logger::DEBUG,
'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../logs/api.log',
I can then call like a function:
$config = API\Config\Slim;
$app = Slim\App($config())
new Functions\Debug() will load functions to root namespace.
namespace Functions
class Debug
if (! function_exists('printr')) {
* #param mixed $expression
function printr()
foreach (func_get_args() as $v) {
if (is_scalar($v)) {
echo $v . "\n";
} else {
Here is another rather complex example, based on the suggestions in this discussion.
The code can also be seen here: lib/btr.php
* A class that is used to autoload library functions.
* If the function btr::some_function_name() is called, this class
* will convert it into a call to the function
* 'BTranslator\some_function_name()'. If such a function is not
* declared then it will try to load these files (in this order):
* - fn/some_function_name.php
* - fn/some_function.php
* - fn/some.php
* - fn/some/function_name.php
* - fn/some/function.php
* - fn/some/function/name.php
* The first file that is found will be loaded (with require_once()).
* For the big functions it makes more sense to declare each one of them in a
* separate file, and for the small functions it makes more sense to declare
* several of them in the same file (which is named as the common prefix of
* these files). If there is a big number of functions, it can be more
* suitable to organize them in subdirectories.
* See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4737199/autoloader-for-functions
class btr {
* Make it TRUE to output debug info on '/tmp/btr.log'.
const DEBUG = FALSE;
* The namespace of the functions.
const NS = 'BTranslator';
* Relative directory where the functions are located.
const FN = 'fn';
private function __construct() {}
private function __wakeup() {}
private function __clone() {}
* Return the full name (with namespace) of the function to be called.
protected static function function_name($function) {
return self::NS . '\\' . $function;
* Return the full path of the file to be loaded (with require_once).
protected static function file($fname) {
return dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::FN . '/' . $fname . '.php';
* If a function does not exist, try to load it from the proper file.
public static function __callStatic($function, $args) {
$btr_function = self::function_name($function);
if (!function_exists($btr_function)) {
// Try to load the file that contains the function.
if (!self::load_search_dirs($function) or !function_exists($btr_function)) {
$dir = dirname(self::file($fname));
$dir = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT, '', $dir);
throw new Exception("Function $btr_function could not be found on $dir");
return call_user_func_array($btr_function, $args);
* Try to load files from subdirectories
* (by replacing '_' with '/' in the function name).
protected static function load_search_dirs($fname) {
do {
if (file_exists(self::file($fname))) {
return TRUE;
if (self::load_search_files($fname)) {
return TRUE;
$fname1 = $fname;
$fname = preg_replace('#_#', '/', $fname, 1);
} while ($fname != $fname1);
return FALSE;
* Try to load files from different file names
* (by removing the part after the last undescore in the functin name).
protected static function load_search_files($fname) {
$fname1 = $fname;
$fname = preg_replace('/_[^_]*$/', '', $fname);
while ($fname != $fname1) {
if (file_exists(self::file($fname))) {
return TRUE;
$fname1 = $fname;
$fname = preg_replace('/_[^_]*$/', '', $fname);
return FALSE;
* Debug the order in which the files are tried to be loaded.
public static function debug($fname) {
if (!self::DEBUG) {
$file = self::file($fname);
$file = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT, '', $file);
self::log($file, 'Autoload');
* Output the given parameter to a log file (useful for debugging).
public static function log($var, $comment ='') {
$file = '/tmp/btr.log';
$content = "\n==> $comment: " . print_r($var, true);
file_put_contents($file, $content, FILE_APPEND);
While you can't autoload functions and constants, you can use something like jesseschalken/autoload-generator which will automatically detect what files contain things which can't be autoloaded and load them eagerly.
The solution I came up with. As lightweight as I could come up with.
class functions {
public static function __callstatic($function, $arguments) {
if (!function_exists($function)) {
$file = strtok($function, '_') .'.php';
include '/path/to/functions/'.$file;
return call_user_func_array($function, $arguments);
Use it by calling functions::foo_bar($anything).
I try to use the autoloading of classes to my advantage. So, when a class is auto-loaded, the class file is executed. Therefore, I create a class with a static method called 'boot' that does nothing. When I invoke that method, the class will be autoloaded, hence every function in that file will be defined in the global scope. What's even more interesting is that the functions will be defined in the namespace of the class, so there are no clashes.
For example:
namespace Functions;
// functions are defined in this file
class GlobalFunctions{
public static function boot(){};
function foo(){ // code... }
// the client file
// VS Code automatically does this.
use Functions\GlobalFunctions;
use function Functions\foo;
// I usually put this in the bootstrap file
// call foo() from the Functions namespace
Include all functions file in one file and then include it
//File 1
//File 2
//In a functions.php include all other files
require_once 'db_fct.php';
require_once 'util_fct.php';
Include functions.php whenever you need functions ..
try this
if ($handle = opendir('functions')) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if (strpos($entry, '.php') !== false) {
I have an helper class with some static functions. All the functions in the class require a ‘heavy’ initialization function to run once (as if it were a constructor).
Is there a good practice for achieving this?
The only thing I thought of was calling an init function, and breaking its flow if it has already run once (using a static $initialized var). The problem is that I need to call it on every one of the class’s functions.
Sounds like you'd be better served by a singleton rather than a bunch of static methods
class Singleton
* #var Singleton
private static $instance;
private function __construct()
// Your "heavy" initialization stuff here
public static function getInstance()
if ( is_null( self::$instance ) )
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
public function someMethod1()
// whatever
public function someMethod2()
// whatever
And then, in usage
// As opposed to this
// You'd do this
// file Foo.php
class Foo
static function init() { /* ... */ }
This way, the initialization happens when the class file is included. You can make sure this only happens when necessary (and only once) by using autoloading.
Actually, I use a public static method __init__() on my static classes that require initialization (or at least need to execute some code). Then, in my autoloader, when it loads a class it checks is_callable($class, '__init__'). If it is, it calls that method. Quick, simple and effective...
NOTE: This is exactly what OP said they did. (But didn't show code for.) I show the details here, so that you can compare it to the accepted answer. My point is that OP's original instinct was, IMHO, better than the answer he accepted.
Given how highly upvoted the accepted answer is, I'd like to point out the "naive" answer to one-time initialization of static methods, is hardly more code than that implementation of Singleton -- and has an essential advantage.
final class MyClass {
public static function someMethod1() {
// whatever
public static function someMethod2() {
// whatever
private static $didInit = false;
private static function init() {
if (!self::$didInit) {
self::$didInit = true;
// one-time init code.
// private, so can't create an instance.
private function __construct() {
// Nothing to do - there are no instances.
The advantage of this approach, is that you get to call with the straightforward static function syntax:
Contrast it to the calls required by the accepted answer:
As a general principle, it is best to pay the coding price once, when you code a class, to keep callers simpler.
If you are NOT using PHP 7.4's opcode.cache, then use Victor Nicollet's answer. Simple. No extra coding required. No "advanced" coding to understand. (I recommend including FrancescoMM's comment, to make sure "init" will never execute twice.) See Szczepan's explanation of why Victor's technique won't work with opcode.cache.
If you ARE using opcode.cache, then AFAIK my answer is as clean as you can get. The cost is simply adding the line MyClass::init(); at start of every public method. NOTE: If you want public properties, code them as a get / set pair of methods, so that you have a place to add that init call.
(Private members do NOT need that init call, as they are not reachable from the outside - so some public method has already been called, by the time execution reaches the private member.)
There is a way to call the init() method once and forbid it's usage, you can turn the function into private initializer and ivoke it after class declaration like this:
class Example {
private static function init() {
// do whatever needed for class initialization
(static function () {
})->bindTo(null, Example::class)();
I am posting this as an answer because this is very important as of PHP 7.4.
The opcache.preload mechanism of PHP 7.4 makes it possible to preload opcodes for classes. If you use it to preload a file that contains a class definition and some side effects, then classes defined in that file will "exist" for all subsequent scripts executed by this FPM server and its workers, but the side effects will not be in effect, and the autoloader will not require the file containing them because the class already "exists". This completely defeats any and all static initialization techniques that rely on executing top-level code in the file that contains the class definition.
If you don't like public static initializer, reflection can be a workaround.
class LanguageUtility
public static function initializeClass($class)
// Get a static method named 'initialize'. If not found,
// ReflectionMethod() will throw a ReflectionException.
$ref = new \ReflectionMethod($class, 'initialize');
// The 'initialize' method is probably 'private'.
// Make it accessible before calling 'invoke'.
// Note that 'setAccessible' is not available
// before PHP version 5.3.2.
// Execute the 'initialize' method.
catch (Exception $e)
class MyClass
private static function initialize()
Some tests of assigning static public properties :
settings.json :
"HOST": "website.com",
"min": 600,
"max": 1200
"TOKEN_TIME": 3600,
"WEBSITE_TITLE": "My website title"
now we want to add settings public static properties to our class
class test {
/** prepare an array to store datas */
public static $datas = array();
* test::init();
public static function init(){
// get json file to init.
$get_json_settings =
$SETTINGS = json_decode($get_json_settings, true);
foreach( $SETTINGS as $key => $value ){
// set public static properties
self::$datas[$key] = $value;
* test::get_static_properties($class_name);
* #param {type} $class_name
* #return {log} return all static properties of API object
public static function get_static_properties($class_name) {
$class = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
echo '<b>infos Class : '.$class->name.'</b><br>';
$staticMembers = $class->getStaticProperties();
foreach( $staticMembers as $key => $value ){
echo '<pre>';
echo $key. ' -> ';
if( is_array($value) ){
else if( is_bool($value) ){
echo $value;
echo '</pre>';
// end foreach
* END test::get_static_properties();
// end class test
ok now we test this code :
// consider we have the class test in API folder
spl_autoload_register(function ($class){
// call path to API folder after
$path_API = dirname(__DIR__).'/API/' . $class . '.php';
if( file_exists($path_API) ) require $path_API;
// end SPL auto registrer
// init class test with dynamics static properties
this return :
infos Class : test
datas -> array (
'HOST' => 'website.com',
array (
'min' => 600,
'max' => 1200,
'TOKEN_TIME' => 3600,
'WEBSITE_TITLE' => 'My website title'
// var_dump(test::$HOST);
Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property:
// var_dump(test::$datas['HOST']);
Then if we modify the class test like this :
class test {
/** Determine empty public static properties */
public static $HOST;
public static $NB_FOR_PAGINA;
public static $DEF_ARR_SIZES;
public static $TOKEN_TIME;
public static $WEBSITE_TITLE;
* test::init();
public static function init(){
// get json file to init.
$get_json_settings =
$SETTINGS = json_decode($get_json_settings, true);
foreach( $SETTINGS as $key => $value ){
// set public static properties
self::${$key} = $value;
// end class test
// init class test with dynamics static properties
this return :
infos Class : test
HOST -> website.com
DEF_ARR_SIZES -> array (
'min' => 600,
'max' => 1200,
TOKEN_TIME -> 3600
WEBSITE_TITLE -> My website title
// var_dump(test::$HOST);
I actually need to initialize an object with public static properties that I will reuse in many other classes, which I think is supposed to, I don't want to do new api() in every method where I would need, for example to check the host of the site or indicate it. Also I would like to make things more dynamic so that I can add as many settings as I want to my API, without having to declare them in my initialization class.
All other methods I've seen no longer work under php > 7.4
I keep looking for a solution for this problem.
Note - the RFC proposing this is still in the draft state.
class Singleton
private static function __static()
proposed for PHP 7.x (see https://wiki.php.net/rfc/static_class_constructor )