Running PHP scripts without having to install software? - php

Is there anything I can use to have PHP execute in a self contained environment without having to install server software?
haven't learned other languages :-(
I wanted to write a simple php/XML webapp that can be used on a desktop machine with no admin rights. It's for daily data entry stuff myself and others have to do when certain tasks are completed. Its a work machine and security is super high so can't have the details traversing the internet to my hosting.
Any suggestions?

XAMPP Portable might be what you are looking for. You don't need admin rights to run it.

Regardless of what language you use, in order to have a webapp, you need a web server of some sort, to listen to requests and send a response back (even if it's just listening to localhost). It is possible to run php from a command line without a server, but I don't know if you want to convert your application to a command line one.
Assuming you're using Windows, there are solutions for compiling PHP into an exe file (a quick google search found Phc-win, for example). However, I've never actually done this myself so this be sure to fully investigate what this would entail! You'd most definitely need to rewrite your views to use some way of creating actual dialogs in Windows (ie. WinBinder, or wbObjects).
(Of course, if you wanted to convert it to a desktop app the best solution is to actually use a language meant for desktop development, but if you only know PHP and don't want to spend the time learning something else, this could suffice, I guess.)


Python or PHP for small windows administration scripts?

I'm choosing between these two languages, in contrast to another question here. My program going to be set of scripts checking files, free space, checking that apps are running etc. and writing information to database. Then PHP web page will show results.
Python have more examples of winapi calls (at least at StackOverflow) and more attractive to learn and use in different areas of programming, but I didn't use it before. With PHP I have small experience and I will be using it for results web page anyway.
PHP seems to be easier to install on network (to use one network installation for many workstations). Both languages can work with COM objects (I will need ADO).
Scripts will be small, not complex, but their number will grow.
Can someone with experience in similar tasks advise on choice between these two?
Don't shrink from using a language just because you haven't used it before. Learning a new language is one of ways to expand your overall capabilities as a programmer. True, you won't be as productive with it at first but learning how the language tackles common problems (manipulation of data structures, creation and lifetime of objects, etc.) will teach you new ways to think about computing.
That said, I would suggest you use the ActiveState version of Python ( It has the Windows integration included. I'm not sure about network install with Python. I've installed it across a net by running a remote desktop of the target and running the installer. Windows wants things registered in the registry so running a language is not like running an .exe sitting on a remote file share.
I asked question first time as anonymous so have no other option to reply now except to write an answer.
Thank you verisimilidude for ActivePython advice!
Installed ActivePython at home, reading Dive into Python 3.
Installed RadPHP XE at work (company bought it).
So for work it will be PHP. For me, if have free time (and may be for kids, when grew and if interested) it will be Python.
As someone who uses both on a regular basis, I tend toward using python for windows scripting and php for web apps. It's mostly just my preference, but I think they're each ideally suited toward different things. I love using Python in windows, it is really versatile.
a ) python is a nice alternative because you can generate an executable, otherwise (running as script) php is more suitable because it does not required an installation.
b ) try to not to connect directly to the database. Instead, you can create a web page then the clients can connect to it instead to do a direct connection to the database.
for example in php (in the client)
ps: For api calls, both (php and python) can do the same. Thought, for php and Windows Vista (and higher) exist some restriction when you are running it as a apache-module and apache is running as a service but i don't think it is the case.

Lightweight PHP server to bundle with application?

Does there exist some sort of PHP server that can be bundled with a locally-deployed application? It sounds wonky, but the end result is I can't use a remote web server to do anything. Clients will be downloading a package, and the plan is to use a Java backend that reads from a flat file. The flat file contains settings and is modified through a GUI written in HTML/JS, and this is where the server would come in. The forms in HTML should be able to submit to the server, which does a simple file write to the flat file.
Is there any simple, lightweight server that has that simple feature? When running the executable for the application, it would start the installation process for the server before moving the web GUI files to the appropriate locations.
Note that I'm doing this for a client, so I can't quite change the reqs and would rather not discuss their effectiveness. I would be ever thankful if people had suggestions for the server though!
You should check out roadsend php.
It can compile php scripts into a binary with its own build in server.
Nanoweb might do the trick for you, it's an HTTP server written in PHP. So long as the client has a PHP install you should be able to package things up nicely. In fact with a little extra effort you should be able to package up the PHP binary along with your code.
Since PHP 5.4, PHP have a built-in web server and this works on any system where PHP binaries exists.
$ cd ~/public_html
$ php -S localhost:8000
I can't think of any lighter server...
If you have a java backend, what do you need php for?
You could simply bundle a small java based webserver.
A while ago I created a small web interface for Transmission (mac/linux bittorrent client) that needed to run a local web server with a custom PHP setup. I used lighttpd + php w/ fastcgi. When zipped up, I believe, it weighted in at <3MBs. If you don't need to run any PHP lighttpd is only a few MB's (and light on resources) and offers a very flexible configuration.
If you're already using Java, you may want to look at Quercus, an implementation of PHP and many common extensions in Java. It's a bit restrictive, but it may fit your needs.
Like unomi, I don't really understand the situation, but I'll assume you do...
Apache is by far the most popular and best-tested platform on which to run PHP, but in theory it should run on any web server that supports CGI/FastCGI. Alternatives include Lighttpd, nginx, and a few dozen others.
Whatever you choose, the key is to pre-configure it and keep it self-contained in its own folder. I think Apache would easily work here. Set it to port 43948 or something; remove all unnecessary modules; pare down the httpd.conf to its most basic requirements; allow only local connections; and write clickable scripts (.bat or .sh or what have you) to start and stop it.
This project is an interesting option...
An embeddable web server designed for (and written in) PHP. it handles
the control of the assigned port, setting common environmental
variables (such as $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE) and calling a
function or method in your application to delegate the request.
The web server is able to be packaged in, and controlled from, your
application. Therefore eliminating the requirement that your user have
a standard web server installed and configured to use your web
application. Combined with a database such as a flat-file database, a
Berkley DB or SQLite, PHP Embeddable Web server can remove the need
for the user to have any specialised libraries installed, except PHP
(which is preinstalled in many Unix and Linux distros).
I have used this. It does work.. It is cool. As easy as...
# php server.php
You kind of have to get your hands dirty.. but it's TINY, a single file, and HIGHLY configurable... Word of warning though.. don't bother with this unless you know what a header, a class, a method, and an object, etc... And be prepared to apply that knowledge.

Running a PHP application in a desktop environment

I have been pondering about this for a few days, and I'm surprised this hasn't been done yet or isn't very popular.
What I would like to see was a way to run a PHP application inside a desktop application. For example, the application would need its own mini webserver that doesn't handle requests, but allows PHP to be run.
Sometimes I have been set with tasks that clients demand coded in C# or .NET, and I think to myself 'I could have this done so much quicker if I could use PHP'.
Does anyone have any information on this subject? And FYI I do know PHP is meant to be a web programming language and is not meant to be run in a desktop application, but I'm intrigued :)
PHP-GTK hasn't had a new version since 2008, but it may suit your needs. is exactly what you want. You will be using an old GTK version, at least until a new php-gtk version is released (which is expected soon, according to the main page), but even that shouldn't be a big problem.
Also, see, it shows there is still activity on the project.
If you mean console (command-line) applications then by all means you can do that. I do it all the time, both on Windows and Linux. Obviously you will not have web-server related variables ($_GET and so on) but other than that you have full functionality of PHP.
See this for details.
PHP installations come with two executables, one for CGI (common gateway interface) and one for CLI (command line interface). Just set up PHP on your machine and use the correct php.exe.
If you mean applications with windows then, like others say, there are frameworks for this, but I doubt this is a good idea.
Well if you write a simple shell in .NET, you can drag a web browser object into the desktop app and simply show a webpage inside there, without the browser controls (back, home, etc).
This is a bit hackish, if you want a desktop app, code a desktop app, you'd be surprised how easy it is in C#.NET. And obviously the PHP needs to run somewhere, either on an external website or a local web server (ex: XAMP)
I've done a couple of applications for a customer using miniPHP Studio for exactly the same reasons. Both me and the customer were happy about the result. Might take some time to get used to it, but it has a kind of a debugger built into the IDE and, being based on Winbinder, you can use its forum to pick up more code samples.
Stuff I definitely found out works well with it: PDO, MySQL, SQLite, cURL, mbsting, mhash, mcrypt, bz2, ADODb (after modifications), running external programs. Stuff I never managed to make behave: FreePDF, having the input fields accept Unicode characters.
For the future (read: as soon as I find some free time) I'm gonna take a look at Titanium. This one definitely looks as being actively developed and on a path upwards.
PHP Nightrain is a packager written in Python for the PHP Programming Language. Using this tool you can convert your PHP/HTML/CSS/Javascript application to a Native Desktop Application. Currently, PHP Nightrain supports the Windows, Mac (OS X) and the Linux operating systems.
PHP 5 Pre-compiled
Option to use your own PHP
GUI rendering your PHP/HTML Web Application
Set custom width and height
Start application Maximized if required
Start application Fullscreen if required
Window Title changes as the value of the title tag changes
executable for Windows
executable for Mac
.app file for Mac
executable for Linux

Run Apache / PHP / MySQL (CakePHP) application on a USB stick?

I have an existing CakePHP that runs on a LAMP environment and need to install it on a USB drive for mass public distribution.
There are a few requirements:
Protect the source code
No installation required
Windows support essential
MAC & Linux would be a bonus
Must run offline, without Internet connection
Ability to sync with server for data transfer and updates
I have conducted a large amount of research into the options and am keen to learn what other developers think.
Potential solutions:
- Flash / XML
- Adobe AIR app
- USB webserver (Server2Go, Portable Apps XAMPP)
Has anyone used any of the above, any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Similar thread here :
Portable USB Webserver
If you ask me, XAMPP should do, because it offers a "plain unzip" version. There's lots of variety out there - Bitnami also offers a nice bunch of stacks, although they may not be good for this particular task.
To keep the same scripts in both Windows and Linux, you could consider using UnxUtils which is a port of all common Linux commands. This will be very handy if you are good at Linux bash shell scripting but not good at Windows batch files.
Protecting the source code is a bit troublesome. Do you really, really need to do so? Because there's a ton of great open source code out there which already does practically everything in most common business domains -
And if someone's taking your code and calling it their own, you can just name them on the internet if you can prove it. That itself will be bad publicity for them. That said, I obviously don't know your specific need. So that is just my opinion.
You will have problems with this, no matter how you go about it. Each step is a little more unusual it seems.
You'll need to use a source code obfuscator to protect your source. I recommend the one by Zend, not from experience, but because Zend makes awesome products. Never used a source protector myself.
You'll need three custom LAMP/MAMP/XAMP installs, one for each target OS. They should point to a directory that is shared on the USB drive. Make sure you configure them to use an unprotected port, otherwise the user will need admin privileges to run the server software. And getting the server stuff up and running will likely result in a few hiccups as well.
I would actually recommend finding something that will allow you to distribute a binary, or something like an AIR app that is intended for this type of distribution. You may have to rewrite lots of code, but it'll be easier to fix than all the niggling little install errors you'll see on the client end. To package scripts into binaries without rewriting stuff, check out and similar products.
But I'd suggest you make a standalone app in adobe air that will sync with your server (maybe even some google gears integration, to have it function offline). Don't try to force a PHP app into this distribution model, it'll create nightmarish problems.
This is what I used to run a CakePHP app from a DVD. Worked on USB too (while I was still developing it).
Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any installation and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any folder on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, PHP or MySQL.
Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM.
It's really nice.
You can use MAMP for Mac, you'll just need to edit the config to properly point the sites directory.
however you would have the problem that the mysql db would not necessarily work with windows. if you switched the db to sqlite, you could sync the sqlite db file fairly easily.
XAMPP would work for the windows side
sorry dont know about the linux side.
Out there is a CakePHP InstaWeb Server
that runs on python and doesn't need an installation. This plus some additional goodies should get you already half the way.

WebServer for existing app

We have an existing windows desktop app written in C# 6 that uses an MDB MS access database for its storage. I need to write a web interface that can read that php webpage and maybe write to it later on.
This web interface will be included with our current installer for the application or as a simple addon. The user should only have to click start server and it should just work serving the php pages from the installation directory.
I was playing with gwan, nginx, quickphp. Only the last one seems simple enough to work.
So my question is what do or would you use to achieve this? Are there alternatives to quickPHP?
Distribution. I'd also like to have something we can include in the installer. I dont want the user to have to do and download any additional apps.
I know you said PHP, you also mentioned your app is written in C#.
You might want to take a look at aspnetserve if you are willing to write the web part in .NET. It might be possible to use PHP with it, but I don't know.
Either way I have found it very useful in several projects.
If you can live with other types of server side scripting than php, Microsoft's Cassini server looks like potentially a very good match (.net based, source available, small, ...).
Oddly enough it's hard to find a "canonical" url for it but Googling or searching here on SO brings back plenty of links.
Edit: an at first sight surprising feature may be that out of the box Cassini only seems to listen to localhost ( However, as explained here,
Cassini only listens to localhost requests (for security reasons) -- it
uses IPAddress.Loopback in the code. You can find the code in Server.cs and
you can change it to IPAddress.Any to enable access from other machines. Of
course, you'd be opening up the port for outside access, so you need to be
aware of the security implications.
Or go with UltiDev Cassini
For a light-light-weight server without installation you can look at nanoweb portable. I am not sure how performant it is though.
Are there alternatives to quickPHP? The user should only have to click start server and it should just work serving the php pages from the installation directory.
G-WAN works like this (zero-configuration): scripts and "edit & play".
And G-WAN v3.10+ supports C#, Java and PHP scripts (all natively).
