MySQL hook up to a website? - php

I am trying to develop a WebSite for my Church. I don't have much experience in IT, but I have a home page with html and css right now. I would like to have a database that I could hook it up to.. Are there any basic tutorials on how to do this? I am running linux mint. and My website is PHP.
How could i hook up a MySQL Database to the website. THanks for your help!

Check this out. It's very appropriate for beginners:
Good luck :)

use PHP's MySQL functions to access your database. Scroll down to the comments and you'll see a number of examples of common uses.

How could i hook up a MySQL Database to the website. THanks for your help!
Your website hosting provider may already provide you with MySQL databases.. check your admin control panel to see what you have.
-- If you can't figure this out, contact your hosting provider.
When you've made it past that point, just find and follow one of the basic database creation tutorials out there.


Trying to pinpoint code being added to wordpress site

I've just started doing some website work for a local business, and I noticed today that there's a very unwanted link at the bottom of their site, which is a wordpress site.
The site makes use of a woo theme called 'whiteLight', as well as woocommerce. I've tried disabling and reenabling all plugins that aren't well known and integral to the site's functioning, and I've sifted through a lot of the theme's files.
I can't find where this line is being added to the site. The line "<center>*bad link here*</center>" is being inserted right after the header and right before the closing body tag, on the home page only. The link in question is actually linking to naughty files inside a directory within the wordpress installation. It's not even taking users to an ouside site as far as I can tell.
I don't have FTP access to the wordpress directory yet, but I've requested it. I have very little experience with wordpress hooks etc, and am hoping someone can help me find a starting point in weeding out this unwanted link.
Thanks in advance!
WordFence is the best security plugin for WordPress. I'd recommend you follow the instructions at
Another good resource to read is
I recommend you search all the files as norlesh suggested. If this was my problem I'd use Jetbrains PHPStorm to search all the files. Another much cheaper solution would be to use Textpad -
It's also possible that the link has been inserted into your database. If so you won't find it in your files. You'll have to search the database. Use a program like phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench to export the whole database to your machine. Then search the sql file for the URL. Alternatively use which is a handy tool you upload to the server. From there you enter db login details and search the database. Note if you use this script you should delete if off your server when you've finished using it, it's a huge security risk.

What is bizXpress? And what is the purpose and use of it in wordpress?

I am newer with WordPress, so i dont have enough knowledge of it. Last few days i have installed wordpress with Xampp. I also have created some post, pages.
But yesterday i was googling about WP then i got something about bizXpress, then i know about that. bizXpress provides some tools, keywords for our website, which makes our website popular.
So i have followed this link:
I have installed bizXpress in WordPress. But i'm not able use. i have googled but cannot find anything usefull.
In these links, i found there are some tools and research tools to make website Popular.
but i dont have any idea how to use them.
Someone suggest me:
What is the purpose and use of bizXpress with Wordpress?
How can i use these tools with WordPress?
The missing link in Wordpress is the guidance for how to turn a website into an online business. You need to do keyword research, and understand the process of, not just getting visitors, but turning them into customers. That's what bizXpress does. It teaches you the correct process (or one of them).
Yes you can find some help if you search around, but bizXpress builds it into the fabric of Wordpress via a plugin. After all, the best part of Site Build It is the guidance it gives to beginners. Sitesell is just offering that guidance to WP users.
To use those tools, in your admin, look for the name same as the name of the Plugin and you can manage it. :P Simple?
This plugin offers no functionality in WordPress. The plugin just creates a dashboard for links to the tools. It is easier to login at the bizxpress website instead of installing it on your site. The instruction manual is called the Action Guide.

Automatic Wordpress installation?

I've been wondering about making a blog hosting site like blogspot as a bit of a hobby. I figure Wordpress would be ideal to use but I'm not 100% on a lot of things related to this. Can I simply create mysql databases and wordpress installs with php functions and keep it secure from possible hacks? Or would the server as a whole need its own software to handle this securely?
Wordpress Mu
is a better choice for such site.
Most hosting packages come with one click install of Wordpress. I used to have a Netfirms plan that I got for $10! Just click and install as many Wordpress sites you need.
Security with Wordpress is very strong. They have been around and the software is mature. You wouldn't be exposing yourself to much danger by templating the site.
You can try Wordpress using the WAMP server.
We created an open source script for this purpose, you can find it here
We wrote an article on how to use it here:
If you want to contribute to the project, please go ahead :)

Form Builder GUI for PHP

I'm looking around for an open source form building package for PHP, and figured the hive-mob-mind of StackOverflow might be able to tilt me in the right direction.
Specifically, I'm looking for a form/survey builder application. I want something that lets an end user use a web based GUI to create and configure/surveys and web-based forms.
What are the de-facto standard tools/packages that people use for this kind of thing these days. I'm interested in software packages, not in hosted services.
php-form-builder-class is an open-source project hosted on Google's Project Hosting service - There are many examples included to get you started quickly. I don't believe there is currently a GUI provided for end users to build forms though. I use this in my development and would recommend.
Hey you should check the jquery.formbuilder by botskonet on github in URL:
I don't know of a stand-alone package, but I know some CMS solutions have this. Maybe you could look into their code base and if it's modulare use it in your project.
One I know of that uses it is WebSiteBaker. Don't know if the code is any good thoug.
I think you want something with a GUI that your users can use to make forms...
Try this..
Apponitro pForm is the only thing I've ever seen with a GUI. You still have to paste the code into your page (and write the handler). They have a paid version MachForm with more features. I've never used them so I can't make any recommendations.

How do I edit contacts from the front end in Joomla 1.5x?

I'd have thought this would be a native feature (seeing as joomla allows you to connect contacts with user accounts) but we can't find any way to do this!
Does anyone know of any extensions/modules that would allow this?
I'm not so hot on PHP so i'd really love to not have to code this by hand!
This is an old thread, but since it is still opened maybe you haven't found a solution yet. I faced the same problem myself and I think having the ability to manage contacts from the frontend is an essential feature for Joomla! to become more usable as a simple webapp creation tool.
Anyway, there are a couple of extensions that might help you out. However, both are commercial and don't support Joomla! 1.6. Here they are:
Front-edit address book: simple
interface. Note, however, that there
might be a security issue with
it. Google "front-edit address book exploits" and you shall find it (sorry, stackoverflow lets me post a max of 2 links per thread since I'm a new user). I emailed the developer and he assured me that the problem was already fixed, though.
Grumpy contacts: on the demo site (there's a link at the page I pointed you to), it looked a little messy to my taste. In the Joomla! Extensions Directory, however, it has good reviews.
I never used any of those since all my projects are already migrated to Joomla! 1.6.
If you found another alternative in the meantime or even developed something yourself, please let me know.
Do you try in the user menu?
Another option would be install Community Builder.
Good luck!
Contacts in Joomla are handled by the builtin com_contacts compoment which provides basic functionality for adding contacts and some basic info from the back-end.
QContacts is a wonderful extension which gives you some more control over the data you can provide, but still no front-end support.
Unfortunately I am tackling this issue as well and it turns out there are no real out-of-the-box options for supporting front-end editing of contact details.
