accessing text files using php? - php

i was wondering how i can use php to access text files and display the information using php arrays, this might seem like a newbie question, but i havent worked with external files.
so here goes.
what i wanted to do is sort this information in a html table, with each line as a row and 4 coloumns to represent the data!! thanks cheers :))

Looks like comma separated values. See the examples at

you can do something like that :
$file = file_get_content('file.txt');
$array = explode("\n", $file);
Notice that it depend of your newline type :
Gnu/Linux / Unix / MacOS since X use "\n"
Windows use "\r\n"
MacOS before X use "\r"

you should look at the file() function too, it reads the file into an array line by line.
after that you can seperate the values with explode().
$foo = file('example.txt');
// will echo the 2nd line of the example.txt-file
echo $foo[1];
// echos all items seperated by a comma
foreach($foo as $line=>$values){
$value_arr = explode(',',$values);
echo 'line #'.$line.': ';
foreach($value_arr as $id=>$item){
echo $id.': '.$item.'; ';
echo "\n";

a start of deal with this :
# echo before table headline
$handle = #fopen("myfile.txt","r");
# read line by line
while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) {
echo '<tr>';
$array = explode(',', $buffer);
foreach($array as $val){
echo '<td>'.$val.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';


php Compare two text files and output NON matching records

I have two text files of data the first file has 30 lines of data and matches with 30 lines in the second text file, but in addition the first text file has two additional lines that are added as the operator uploads file to the directory I want to find the non matching lines and out put them to be used in the same script as a mailout.
I am trying to use this code, which outputs the contents of the two files to screen.
if ($file1 = fopen(".data1.txt", "r")) {
while(!feof($file1)) { $textperline = fgets($file1);
echo $textperline;
echo "<br>";}
if ($file2 = fopen(".data.txt", "r")) {
while(!feof($file2)) {$textperline1 = fgets($file2);
echo $textperline1;
echo "<br>";}
But it outputs the whole list of data, can anyone help listingout only NON matching lines?
attached output of the two files from my code
I want to output only lines that are in file2 but not in file1
My suggestion would be to read each file into an array (one line = one element) and then use array_diff to compare them. Unless you have millions of lines, this approach is the easiest.
To reuse your code, this is how you can read the 2 files into two arrays
$list1 = [];
$list2 = [];
if ($file1 = fopen(".data1.txt", "r")) {
while (!feof($file1)) {
$list1[] = trim(fgets($file1));
if ($file2 = fopen(".data.txt", "r")) {
while (!feof($file2)) {
$list2[] = trim(fgets($file2));
If the files are small and you can read them in one go, you can also use a simplified syntax.
$list1 = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents(".data1.txt"));
$list2 = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents(".data.txt"));
Then, no matter which method you chose, you can compare them as follows
$comparison = array_diff($list2, $list1);
foreach ($comparison as $line) {
echo $line."<br />";
This will only output the lines of the second array that are not present in the first one.
Make sure that the one with the additional lines is the first argument of array_diff
Both files are not huge and you can read the whole content into the memory at once. According to this, you can put following code to the top:
$file1 = "./data1.txt";
$file2 = "./data2.txt";
$linesOfFile1 = file($file1);
$linesOfFile2 = file($file2);
$newLinesInFile2 = [];
There are a couple cases, which you did not mention in your question.
New lines are only appended to the secode file file2. The solution for this case is the easiest one:
$numberOfRowsFile1 = count($linesOfFile1);
$numberOfRowsFile2 = count($linesOfFile1);
if($numberOfRowsFile2 > $numberOfRowsFile1)
$newLinesInFile2 = array_slice($linesOfFile2, $numberOfRowsFile1);
The lines with the same content may have different position in each file. Duplicate lines within the same file are ignored.
Furthermore the case sensitivity may play a role. That's why the content of each line should be hashed to make a simpler comparison. For both case sensitive and insensitive comparison the following function is needed:
function buildHashedMap($array, &$hashedMap, $caseSensitive = true)
foreach($array as $line)
$line = !$caseSensitive ? strtolower($line) : $line;
$hash = md5($line);
$hashedMap[$hash] = $line;
Case sensitive comparison
$hashedLinesFile1 = [];
buildHashedMap($linesOfFile1, $hashedLinesFile1);
$hashedLinesFile2 = [];
buildHashedMap($linesOfFile2, $hashedLinesFile2);
$newLinesInFile2 = array_diff_key($hashedLinesFile2, $hashedLinesFile1);
Case INSENSITIVE comparison
$caseSensitive = false;
$hashedLinesFile1 = [];
buildHashedMap($linesOfFile1, $hashedLinesFile1, $caseSensitive);
$hashedLinesFile2 = [];
buildHashedMap($linesOfFile2, $hashedLinesFile2, $caseSensitive);
$newLinesInFile2 = array_diff_key($hashedLinesFile2, $hashedLinesFile1);

need to access 3 values in a php array that contains 20, is a 3d array and I need to access the same values 60 times

// Open the file
$filename = 'pvemail.txt';
$fp = fopen($filename, 'r');
// Add each line to an array
if ($fp) {
$array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename)));
//print_r ($array);
for ($c = 0; $c < count($array); $c++){
$cell = explode(",", $array[$c]);
print_r ($cell);
echo '<br/>';
I am currently working on this code. I have taken a text file generated from a Google report, and managed to explode it into an array, and then I've taken each element of the array and exploded that into another array. However, the problem I'm now having is I only want to retrieve 3 elements of the second exploded array and there are 20 elements to each array.
What would be the best way to go about this, should I use a for or foreach loop? I only need to print $cell[2], $cell[11] and $cell[12]. I have tried using:
echo ($cell[2] + " " + $cell[12] + " " + $cell[11]
($cell[11] and $cell[12] are in this order because 11 is a last name and 12 is a first name and I want the first name first so I've had to put them backwards) but when I run that piece of code it just outputs line breaks and 0's. I'm really just wondering what would be the most effective method of looping through the arrays, and should I do it within the loop that I have already established?
I was thinking that if I were to put it inside my existing for loop I could use an if/else loop, something like:
if($cell = $cell[2]){
echo ($cell[2])
but i'm not convinced this will work. Should I define a variable to store $cell[2], [11] and [12] in, and create my if loop based on that, and then I would only need to echo the variable? Is that likely to be effective? Any help would be appreciated, I've looked around on the forum for posts similar to this but I haven't been able to find anything.
20130912,b875c9b154cf7b8d,,ACTIVE,30720,1054180015,,,20100902,‌​20130910,20130904,L,E,,,,20130911,2010-09-02 09:11:37,2013-09-10 23:51:21,2013-09-04 03:06:09,2013-09-11 00:41:24
20130912,66c63753b8188f17,,ACTIVE,30720,3699701524,,,20110315,201309‌​11,20130911,F,L,,,,19691231,2011-03-15 02:00:31,2013-09-11 00:50:17,2013-09-11 00:52:16,1969-12-31 16:00:00
20130912,bd5ef40689adf9ac,,ACTIVE,30720,3476851137,,,20110426,201309‌​11,20130910,H,A,,,,20110720,2011-04-26 01:47:56,2013-09-11 16:58:48,2013-09-10 06:20:26,2011-07-20
This is how the text file itself looks, although there is a lot more data. All I'm trying to pull is the email address and name.
Assuming pvemail.txt is a CSV file, does this solve your problem?
$content = file_get_contents('pvemail.txt');
$lines = explode("\n", $content);
header('Content-type: text/plain');
foreach($lines as $line) {
$values = explode(',', $line);
echo $values[2], ' ', $values[12], ' ', $values[11], "\n";
Using the 3 sample lines, the above code outputs this: E L L F A H

How to get first 3 lines of a file and then everything else

I have a txt file like so:
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
This is line 3.
This is the rest.
Lorem and so on.
I want to use PHP to get the first three lines into a $variable, and then get everything else in the document into a $variable.
I've had some degree of success with this:
$file = fopen("text.txt","r");
$count = "0";
while(! feof($file))
if ($count=="1") {
$line1 = fgets($file);
if ($count=="2") {
$line2 = fgets($file);
if ($count=="3") {
$line3 = fgets($file);
//everything else?
echo $line1;
echo $line2;
echo $line3;
//echo $everythingelse;
The following works:
echo fgets($file);
But this doesn't:
$line1 = fgets($file);
So, A) what am I doing wrong with that, and B) how do I get the rest of the file, and C) is there a better way to implement this? I feel like my way is clumsy and someone'll suggest something obvious which can do all this.
Thanks guys!
This is easiest with file() which reads an entire file into an array of lines. You can then use array operations like array_splice() to remove the first three and return them, then join them back into strings with \n.
// Reads the file into an array
$lines = file($file);
// Cuts off everything after the first three
$the_rest = array_splice($lines, 3);
// leaving the first three in the original array $lines
$first_three = $lines;
// Stick them back together as strings by implode() with newlines
$first_three = implode("\n", $first_three);
$the_rest = implode("\n", $the_rest);
You could do this:
$data = file("text.txt");
$beginning = implode(PHP_EOL,array_splice($data,0,3));
$end = implode(PHP_EOL,$data);
Used functions: file, implode, array_splice and PHP_EOL constant.
A) Your code is fine until the end of the if: you can't simply assign the value returned from fgets to a variable within a while, because the loop will overwrite it next time, with the content of the next line and so on, until it have reached the last line, which is somehow always empty. When you directly print the output of fgets, the while will echo one line by one as it proceeds in the loop.
B) You code just runs fine with this small correction: use the concatenating assignment operator to append the line to the variable instead of overwriting it. (String Operators)
$file = fopen("text.txt","r");
$count = "0";
while(!feof($file)) {
switch ($count) {
case "1":
$line1 = fgets($file);
case "2":
$line2 = fgets($file);
case "3":
$line3 = fgets($file);
$everythingelse .= fgets($file);
echo $everythingelse;
echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n";
echo "Plus, here is line one: ".$line1."\n";
echo "This is line three: ".$line3."\n";
echo "And finally, line two: ".$line2."\n";
(I also replaced your if with a switch, which does the same)
An example output:
C) I think that your method fixed it's fine for your purpose, specially if you already getting the file contents through fgets (and thus using a while). This method is native to work inside a while like yours. Of course you can also do as suggested by Kolink and Michael, using implode, which may even be faster.

Understand PHP arrays

I'm a newbie and I have a very basic question about PHP arrays
$SecondRow = fgets($file_handle); //gets row
$trimmed = trim($SecondRow); //removes extra bits
$replace = array("'");
$finalstring = str_replace($replace, "_", $trimmed); //Still a string w/o "'"'s
$CleanString = preg_split("/[\s]*[,][\s]*/", $finalstring); //creates the array
echo "Row " . $CleanString[1]. "<br/>"; //??????
}//end while
the opened file has the following:
When I echo "Row " . $array[0], I get the first column as expected. But when I echo "Row " . $array[1], I get an the "Undefined offset: 1" error. When the string is read into the array (via preg_split) aren't both
array[0]->0001 and array[1]->sparta set?
Looking at your entire code, you're essentially replicating a native function like fgetcsv() or one of it's equivalents.
Just pick one and be done :)
As far as determining how to use the array, as noted in the comments use print_r or var_dump() to guide you. Also read up on PHP Arrays
This is because fgets() get one row at time (one row per "loop").

problem with PHP reading CSV files

I'm trying to read data from a.csv file to ouput it on a webpage as text.
It's the first time I'm doing this and I've run into a nasty little problem.
My .csv file(which gets openened by Excel by default), has multiple rows and I read the entire thing as one long string.
like this:
$contents = file_get_contents("files/data.csv");
In this example file I made, there are 2 lines.
Paul Blueberryroad
85 us Flashlight,Bag November 20,
2008, 4:39 pm
Hellen Blueberryroad
85 us lens13mm,Flashlight,Bag,ExtraBatteries November
20, 2008, 16:41:32
But the string read by PHP is this:
Paul;Blueberryroad 85;us;Flashlight,Bag;November 20, 2008, 4:39 pmHellen;Blueberryroad 85;us;lens13mm,Flashlight,Bag,ExtraBatteries;November 20, 2008, 16:41:32
I'm splitting this with:
list($name[], $street[], $country[], $accessories[], $orderdate[]) = split(";",$contents);
What I want is for $name[] to contain "Paul" and "Hellen" as its contents. And the other arrays to receive the values of their respective columns.
Instead I get only Paul and the content of $orderdate[] is
November 20, 2008, 4:39 pmHellen
So all the rows are concatenated. Can someone show me how i can achieve what I need?
EDIT: solution found, just one werid thing remaining:
I've solved it now by using this piece of code:
$fo = fopen("files/users.csv", "rb+");
while(!feof($fo)) {
$contents[] = fgetcsv($fo,0,';');
For some reason, allthough my CSV file only has 2 rows, it returns 2 arrays and 1 boolean. The first 2 are my data arrays and the boolean is 0.
You are better off using fgetcsv() which is aware of CSV file structure and has designated options for handling CSV files. Alternatively, you can use str_getcsv() on the contents of the file instead.
The file() function reads a file in an array, every line is an entry of the array.
So you can do something like:
$rows = array();
$name = array();
$street = array();
$country = array();
$rows = file("file.csv");
foreach($rows as $r) {
$data = explode(";", $r);
$name[] = $data[0];
$street[] = $data[1];
$country[] = $data[2];
I've solved it now by using this piece of code:
$fo = fopen("files/users.csv", "rb+");
while(!feof($fo)) {
$contents[] = fgetcsv($fo,0,';');
For some reason, allthough my CSV file only has 2 rows, it returns 2 arrays and 1 boolean. The first 2 are my data arrays and the boolean is 0.
The remark about fgetcsv is correct.
I will still answer your question, for educational purpose. First thing, I don't understand the difference between your data (with comas) and the "string read by PHP" (it substitutes some spaces with semi-colon, but not all?).
PS.: I looked at the source code of your message, it looks like an odd mix of TSV (tabs) and CSV (coma).
Beside, if you want to go this way, you need to split first the file in lines, then the lines in fields.
The best way is of course fgetcsv() as pointed out.
$f = fopen ('test.csv', 'r');
while (false !== $data = fgetcsv($f, 0, ';'))
$arr[] = $data;
But if you have the contents in a variable and want to split it, and str_getcsv is unavailable you can use this:
function str_split_csv($text, $seperator = ';') {
$regex = '#' . preg_quote($seperator) . '|\v#';
preg_match('|^.*$|m', $text, $firstline);
$chunks = substr_count($firstline[0], $seperator) + 1;
$split = array_chunk(preg_split($regex, $text), $chunks);
$c = count($split) - 1;
if (isset($split[$c]) && ((count($split[$c]) < $chunks) || (($chunks == 1) && ($split[$c][0] == ''))))
return $split;
