Pulling Oracle CLOB's different than VARCHAR2? - php

With MySQL, I'm able to store large blocks of text in a TEXT column, pull like I would any other column type with no problem.
It seems when I try to do the same with CLOB on Oracle, I get errors.
Here's where I'm pulling:
$comments = 'SELECT q2_other, q4_comments, q9_describe, q10, q11_comments, q12_describe, additional_comments FROM exit_responses
WHERE sdate BETWEEN \'' . $start . '\'
AND \'' . $end . '\'';
$comments_results = oci_parse($conn, $comments);
while($row = oci_fetch_assoc($comments_results)){
if($row['Q2_OTHER'] != null){
echo '<div class="response">';
echo '<div class="info-bar">';
echo '<h5 class="date">' , date('F j, Y',strtotime($row['SDATE'])) , '</h5>';
echo ($_GET['names'] == 1) ? '<h5 class="name">' . $row['f_name'] . ' ' . $row['l_name'] . ' - ' . $row['title'] . ' - ' . $row['emp_type'] . '</h5>' : '';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="comments">' , $row['q2_other'] , '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
...and here is what I'm getting when I try to print_r() $row within the while() loop:
[Q2_OTHER] => OCI-Lob Object
[descriptor] => Resource id #17
...(along with the other columns in the query)
Is there something special I need to be doing with CLOBS or is my syntax just off a bit.
Thanks :)

For LOB columns OCI will return OCI-Lob object, on which you have to call load() or read(int bytes) to get the contents:
$clob_contents = $row['Q2_OTHER']->load();

or you can use OCI_RETURN_LOBS flag like
$row = oci_fetch_array($connection_id, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_LOBS) to fetch CLOB like VARCHAR2:


Array: Compare values from API with values from own database

I have built a list (moviesSeen) where people can save their seen movies.
Now I want to get the director for each movie from an API and then compare which movies have already been seen. The output of the movies works without problems, but I can't get the result from the database (moviesSeen) to match the movies of the director. How can I achieve this?
The goal of the script is to show all movies of a director and mark all the ones you have already seen.
function getCrewDetails() {
global $apiKey;
global $language;
$personID = htmlspecialchars($_GET['personID']);
$url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/person/" . $personID . "?api_key=" . $apiKey . "&" . $language . "";// path to your JSON file
$data = file_get_contents($url); // put the contents of the file into a variable
$personPrivate = json_decode($data); // decode the JSON feed
echo '<div class="row">';
echo '<div class="col">';
echo '<img src="https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300/' . $personPrivate->profile_path . '" class="img-thumbnail">';
echo '</div>'; // end div col
echo '<div class="col-8">';
echo '<h1>' . $personPrivate->name . '</h1>';
if (!empty($personPrivate->biography)) {
echo $personPrivate->biography;
} else {
echo '<p>Verdammmt! Zu dieser Person liegen keine biographischen Details vor.</p>';
echo '<p>Dabei hätte sie es doch so verdient :(</p>';
echo '</div>'; // end div col
echo '</div>'; // end div row
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r($person);
$url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/person/" . $personID . "/movie_credits?api_key=" . $apiKey . "&" . $language . "";// path to your JSON file
$data = file_get_contents($url); // put the contents of the file into a variable
$personCareer = json_decode($data); // decode the JSON feed
echo '<div class="container mt-4">';
echo "<h2>Filmographie</h2>";
echo '<table class="table table-striped table-sm">';
echo '<thead>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th scope="col">Film</th>';
echo '<th scope="col">Gesehen</th>';
echo '<th scope="col">Funktion</th>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</thead>';
echo '<tbody>';
global $pdo;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM movieSeen WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['id'] . "'");
foreach ($stmt as $row ) {
echo $row['movie_id'] . ', ';
} // output of the saved IDs in movieSeen
foreach ($personCareer->crew as $showCrewDetails) { //Output of the movies
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>' . $showCrewDetails->title . ' ' . $showCrewDetails->id . ' (' . substr($showCrewDetails->release_date, 0, 4) . ')</td>';
echo '<td><span class="badge badge-danger">Movie Seen</span></td>';
echo '<td>' . $showCrewDetails->job . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
//echo '<pre>';
I know that I have to edit the last foreach loop, but I just can't get it to work :(

foreach() Loop Outputting Data and Creating Layout

I am currently trying to create a class schedule which I pull from my Sql Server database with PHP and I am trying to get the layout output as well as the data as I am grouping the resources.
These groupings are nested such as:
And should output like this:
However, I am getting this:
My current output is working, however, it is only on the first loop, then everything goes haywire. I am assuming there is an erroneous </div> tag somewhere in my code yet I cannot for the life of me find it.
My php code is a function that is delcare as such:
<div class="mainScheduleWrapper">
<?php daySchedule(); ?>
My php code is as such:
function daySchedule() {
global $conn;
$dayScheduleQuery = 'SET DATEFIRST 1
WHERE [DAY].ID = (DATEPART(dw, GETUTCDATE() AT TIME ZONE \'AUS Eastern Standard Time\'))
$t = 0;
$i = 0;
$classDay = NULL;
$classTime = NULL;
$classInstructor = NULL;
$closeClass = false;
$closeAll = false;
$queryConnector = $conn->query($dayScheduleQuery);
foreach ($queryConnector as $schedule) {
if ($classDay != $schedule['DAY']) {
echo '<div class="grid-1">';
echo '<h1>' . $schedule['DAY'] . '</h1>';
echo '</div><!-- Day closed! -->';
$classDay = $schedule['DAY'];
if ($classTime != $schedule['CLASSTIME']) {
if($classTime != $schedule['CLASSTIME'] && $t > 0) {
$closeAll = true;
goto closeAll;
echo '<div class="grid-12-noGutter scheduleContainer">'; //NON-CLOSED
echo '<h1>' . 'T = ' . $t . '</h1>';
echo '<div class="grid-middle-center col scheduleTimeTab">';
if (strlen($schedule['CLASSTIME']) < 4) {
$classScheduleTime = '0' . $schedule['CLASSTIME'];
} else {
$classScheduleTime = $schedule['CLASSTIME'];
echo '<p>' . date('g:i A', strtotime($classScheduleTime)) . '</p>';
echo '</div>'; //CLOSE TIME TAB
echo '<div class="innerSchedule">'; // NON-CLOSED
$classTime = $schedule['CLASSTIME'];
$t += 100;
if ($classInstructor != $schedule['INSTRUCTOR']) {
if ($classInstructor != $schedule['INSTRUCTOR'] && $i > 0) {
$closeClass = true;
goto closeClassWrapper;
echo '<div class="classWrapper">';
echo '<h1>' . 'I =' . $i . 'T = ' . $t . '</h1>';
echo '<div class="grid-3-middle classHeader">';
echo '<div class="col classHeaderCell' . classLevelColour($schedule['CLASSLEVEL']) . '">' . $schedule['CLASSLEVEL'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="col classHeaderCell">' . $schedule['INSTRUCTOR'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="col classHeaderCell">Max' . ' ' . $schedule['MAXSTUDENT'] . '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="grid-4-middle" id="studentHeaders">';
echo '<div class="col"><h6>Student Name</h6></div>';
echo '<div class="col"><h6>Student Birthday</h6></div>';
echo '<div class="col"><h6>Class Level</h6></div>';
echo '<div class="col"><h6>Attendance</h6></div>';
echo '</div>';
$classInstructor = $schedule['INSTRUCTOR'];
$i += 100;
echo '<div class="grid-4 studentRow">';
echo '<div class="col">';
echo '<span class="studentCell">' . $schedule['STUDENTFIRST'] . ' ' . $schedule['STUDENTLAST'] . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="col">';
echo '<span class="studentCell">' . $schedule['STUDENTDOB'] . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="col">';
echo '<span class="studentCell">' . $schedule['CLASSLEVEL'] . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="col">';
echo '<span class="studentCell">--</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
closeClassWrapper: {
if ($closeClass === true) {
echo '</div>';
$closeClass = false;
$i = 0;
closeAll: {
if ($closeAll === true) {
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
$closeAll = false;
$t = 0;
$i = 0;
Any help would be greatly appreciated - even if it's to tell me I'm going about it the completely wrong way.
Kindest Regards
Michael Z
I wouldn't say you're going about it the completely wrong way, but a few red flags jumped out at me in your code.
The use of goto jumping is bad practice. It butchers your program flow and forces you to segregate tasks that shouldn't be kept apart. You marked the sections of code "// NON CLOSED" when there was a </div> missing, is there any purpose for that? How do you know the goto sections are reliable?
When you echo something like <div class="col">, without escaping the double-quotes (as in \" for every " character), it can be problematic. Your code can get mangled or misinterpreted, both on the PHP end or on the HTML end.
Like others have said, the use of PHP may be overkill here. Besides just sending the JSON, the rest could be handled with JavaScript.

Listing number of rows by group

I have a database with members joining and I am trying to display the number of members from each country.
Here is the code I'm using to show the country flags:
foreach( $sorters as $sortvalue )
if( $sortvalue == '' )
echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
'=none">None given</a> </li>';
echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
'=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a> ' . $countrynum . ' fans<br>';
I have really looked for the answer, and keep seeing the same type of code, but I haven't been able to get it to work for me.
I've tried this:
$countrynum = SELECT COUNT(name) FROM $table WHERE country = $sortvalue;
which I inserted after the foreach statement. This (and every other iteration of this I've tried gives me Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'COUNT' (T_STRING) in...
The closest I've come to solving this is by using this code (though, I shouldn't have to reconnect to the db should i?):
foreach( $sorters as $sortvalue )
if( $sortvalue == '' )
echo '<li> <a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
'=none">None given</a> </li>';
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$db", $username, $password);
foreach($dbh->query('SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM $table GROUP BY country') as $row) {
echo '<a href="' . $list_url . $connector . $sortfield .
'=' . $sortvalue . '"><img src="' . $flags . str_replace(' ', '_', $sortvalue) . '.gif" title="' . $sortvalue . '" alt="' . $sortvalue . '"></a> ' . $row['COUNT(*)'] . ' fans<br>';
This gave me the correct row (member) count, but the same single flag was displayed beside each number instead of the corresponding flag with number of members.
I'm sure this is probably super simple for lots of you, but I'm a newbie who's really trying to learn coding and so far that mostly means cutting, pasting and LOTS of trial and error.
Any assistance (and learning resource suggestions) would be very much appreciated. :)
Since the flag image source is depending on$sorters and $sortvalue, it will be same for all country. Look at the loops. For each $sorters as $sortvalue, the link will be multiple countries but the img source will be same for all.

php echo info database using foreach change 0 to no

I have a database with some information. Using an for each statement im getting all the records from the database.
$row2['test'] is in the database 0 or 1 with 0 being no and 1 being yes. My foreach statement works as it shows the records but i want to change the 0 in the test record into no and 1 into yes. I have tryed with an if statement but shamefully it doesn't seem to work.
foreach( $result as $row2 )
{ echo '<table ><tr><td>' . $row2['name'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>' . $row2['test'] . '</td></tr>' .'<tr><td>' . $row2['comments'] . '</td></tr> </table><p>'; } ?></p>
Use empty function with the ternary operator to test the value with (check the manual for a full write up of what empty means, 0 is one of the values).
foreach( $result as $row2 ) {
$value .= !empty($row2['test']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
echo '<table ><tr><td>' . $row2['name'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>' . $value . '</td></tr>' .'<tr><td>' . $row2['comments'] . '</td></tr> </table><p>';
} ?></p>
Use ternary operator, for example:
'<tr><td>' . ($row2['test']? 'yes' : 'no') . '</td></tr>'
Full code:
foreach( $result as $row2 )
echo '<table ><tr><td>' . $row2['name'] . '</td></tr>'
. '<tr><td>' . ($row2['test']? 'yes' : 'no') . '</td></tr>'
. '<tr><td>' . $row2['comments']
. '</td></tr> </table><p>';

PHP looping problem?

I'm trying to display the first row in one color and the second row in another color but my code displays the result twice in both colors for example lets say I have 5 results my code will double the results by displaying 10 results. How can I fix this problem?
Here is the php code.
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)) {
//first row
echo '<h3 class="title">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary">' . substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
//second row
echo '<h3 class="title-2">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary-2">' . substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
You need to change the class on each row:
$count = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)) {
if( $count % 2 == 0 ) {
$classMod = '';
} else {
$classMod = '-2';
//first row
echo '<h3 class="title' . $classMod . '">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary' . $classMod . '">' . substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
your code should be like this
.odd { background: #CCC }
.event { background: #666 }
$c = true;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)) {
$style = (($c = !$c)?' odd':' even');
echo '<h3 class="title '.$style.'">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary '.$style.'">' .substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
Here's a solution with minimal repetition:
$count = 0;
while (($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)) && ++$count) {
'<h3 class="title%1$s">%2$s</h3>'
. '<div class="summary%1$s">%3$s</div>'
, $count % 2 ? "" : "-2"
, $row['title'] // might want to use htmlentities() here...
, substr($row['content'], 0, 255) // and here...
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)) {
$color =$i % 2;
echo '<h3 class="title-' .$color . '">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary">' . substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
Your code just displays every result twice. Use a conditional (e.g. an integer or a boolean) to switch between rows (like: if true, then green; if false, then red).
For a boolean you could change the current value like so:
bool = !bool;
Couple of extra points:
You don't (normally) need so many classes. If you have <div class="stripe"> as your container, you can target the items with e.g. .stripe h3 in CSS.
If you target the odd and even items in CSS with .stripe h3, you can then overwrite just the odd items.
In a perfect world, you should keep presentation in the CSS. All browsers but IE7 and below support div:odd to target any odd child of a parent. This may require changing the structure of your HTML slightly. For IE7 and below, I'd add classes with JavaScript instead of PHP. When IE7 is no more then you can just remove the JS.
By the way, you could do this code too:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)) {
echo '<h3 class="title">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary">' . substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbc)){
echo '<h3 class="title-2">' . $row['title'] .'</h3>';
echo '<div class="summary-2">' . substr($row['content'],0,255) . '</div>';
IMO, there is no excuse for not delegating this kind of non-critical, presentation layer decoration to client side code.
Just use a library like jQuery and access the odd and even rows like so:
//for your table rows
$("tr:even").css("background-color", "#F4F4F0");
$("tr:odd").css("background-color", "#EFF1F2");
You'll have us generating font tags next.
