Can someone tell me what happens when i enter a link into the Facebook Status Update Form and it loads up a mini info kinda thing of the website (I'm guessing its RSS or something?)
How do i implement this on my site using PHP?
What do i need to learn to be able to implement that?
It scrapes the page you are linking to. It doesn't have anything to do with RSS.
By looking at the HTML of the page it can get the page title for you and find all the images that can be used as a thumbnail.
Take a look at HTTP or cURL in the PHP manual for methods to get webpage content.
I read some RSS feeds and they give as Text/News only a short peace of the Original Message.
I tried to take the given URL to original Article and try to get the content.
But i don't know how i can extract the relevant text part of the page.
Without Menu, Advertising, footer text etc.
Has anybody a idea how i can make this better?
Maybe there exists a PHP library which do this very good?
For example Facebook makes here a good job, when i post a link of my Websites (without any Facebook specific code), they detect the relevantt text part automatically.
Hope someone can help me a little bit.
I run ads on my site which are usually YouTube videos. I would like to find out if a user clicked these videos. I'm basically trying to use this data in a statistics plugin that I'm creating.
I've tried searching many different keywords but I can't really find anything.
I would appreciate it if I could be pointed in the right direction. Any ideas, hints or links are welcomed.
As you mention YouTube I doubt you have control over the URL.
But, if you can control the URL embedded in the video, then I would suggest building a simple redirect script on your server. Make sure the URL contains either the redirect URL or a code representing the URL which would be held in your Data Base. Add a logging function to the redirect script and hey presto.
If you have no control over the URL, then off the top of my head maybe you could implement some client side JS to add an overlay to the video which becomes the click-able element and implement the URL redirect script above. Some methods to get the URL from the video:
I am creating a web app in php. i am loading content through a ajax based request.
when i click on a hyperlink, the corresponding page gets fetched through ajax and the content is replaced by the fetched page.
now the issue is, i need a physical href so that i can implement facebook like functionality and also maintain the browser history property. i cannot do a old school POSTBACK to the php page as I am doing a transition animation in which the current page slides away and the new page slides in.
Is there a way I can keep the animation and still have a valid physical href and history.
the design of the application is such:
the app grabs an rss feed.
it creates the DOM for those rss feeds.
upon clicking on any headline, the page animates and takes to the full story of the rss feed.
i need to create "like" button on the full story page. but i dont have a valid url.
While Alexander's answer works great on the client side, Facebook's linter tool does not run javascript, so it will get the old content. Neither of the two links provide a solution to this.
What amit needs to implement is server-side parsing of the url. See Fragment is what the server sees as the hash tag value. In your php code, render the correct og: tags for based upon the fragment.
Firstly, if you need a URL for facebook then think up a structure that gives you one, such that your server-side code will load the correct page when given that URL. This could be something like<feedname>&link=<linknumber>, which would allow you to check the parameters using the PHP $_GET array. If you don't have the parameters then load the index page; if you do then load the relevant article.
Secondly, use something like history.js to give you cross-browser support for the HTML5 pushState() functionality so that you can set the page URL when you do the AJAX call, without requiring the browser to do a full reload.
You have to implement hash navigation.
Here is short tutorial.
Here is more conceptual introduction.
If you're using jQuery, I can recommend BBQ for hash navigation:
This actually sounds pretty straight forward to me.
You have the urls as usual, using hash (#) you can extract the info both in the client and server side.
There is only one thing that is missing, on the server side before you return the content, check the user agent string and compare it to the facebook bot (if i'm not mistaken it's something like "facebookexternalhit"), if it turns out to be the facebook bot then return what ever you want which describes the url for a like/share (open graph meta data), and if it's any other user agent string return the content as usual.
I'm building a website and am looking for a way to implement a certain feature that Facebook has. The feature that am looking for is the link inspector. I am not sure that is what it is called, or what its called for that matter. It's best I give you an example so you know exactly what I am looking for.
When you post a link on Facebook, for example a link to a youtube video (or any other website for that matter), Facebook automatically inspects the page that it leads you and imports information like page title, favicon, and some other images, and then adds them to your post as a way of giving (what i think is) a brief preview of the page to anyone reading that post.
I already have a feature that allows users to share a link (or URLs). What I want is to do something useful with the url, to display something other than just a plain link to a webpage, to give someone viewing a shared link (in the form if a post) some useful insight into the page that the url leads to.
What I'm looking for is a script, or tutorial, or at the very least someone to point me in the right direction, so that it can help me accomplish this (using PHP preferably).
I've tried googling it but I don't know exactly what such a feature would be called and google isn't helpful when you don't exactly know what you're looking for.
I figure someone out there, in this vast knowledge basket called stackoverflow, can help me with this. Can anyone help me?
You would first scan the page for URLs using regex, then you would parse the pages those links reference with a php DOMDocument. You could use the parsed document to obtain any information you need from the webpage.
DOMDocument->load (loads a file, aka a webpage):
the link goes through
You pass a URL to this and facebook filters it.
I've tried a bunch of techniques to crawl this url (see below), and for some reason the title comes back incorrect. If I look at the source of the page with firebug I can see the correct title tag, however, if I view the page source it's different.
Using several php techniques I get the same result. Digg is able to crawl the page and parse the correct title.
Here's the link:!5772420/how-to-make-ios-more-like-android
The correct title is "How to Make Your iPhone (or Other iOS Device) More Like Android"
The parsed title is "Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done"
Is this normal? How are they doing this? Is there a way to get the correct title?
That's because when you request it using PHP (without any JS support) you're getting the main page of lifehacker - which is
Lifehacker switched their CMS recently so that all requests go to an initial page and then everything after the hashbang is read by a JS script in the main page to figure out which page needs to be served. You need to modify your program to take this into account
Have a gander at these links
Found the answer:!5772420/how-to-make-ios-more-like-android