How to merge PNGS with alpha channels into one larger image? - php

I am trying to layer these:
into this:
But what I keep getting is this:
This is the relevant code, Im not sure what Im missing:
$sig_background = imagecreatefrompng("sanctum-signature.png");
imagealphablending($sig_background, false);
imagesavealpha($sig_background, true);
$sig_gamertile = imagecreatefrompng($gamertile_masked_file);
imagealphablending($sig_gamertile, false);
imagesavealpha($sig_gamertile, true);
$sig_gametile = imagecreatefrompng($gametile_masked_file);
imagealphablending($sig_gamertile, false);
imagesavealpha($sig_gamertile, true);
imagecopymerge($sig_background, $sig_gamertile, 175, 2, 0, 0, 64, 64, 100);
imagecopymerge($sig_background, $sig_gametile, 342, 20, 0, 0, 64, 64, 100);
If any more information is missing, please let me know and Ill try to fill in the blanks. Thank you for your time.
edit - here are links to the files (hosted on photobucket)

There's a typo in your code, is it a copy/paste error or a real bug?
You do:
$sig_gamertile = imagecreatefrompng($gamertile_masked_file);
imagealphablending($sig_gamertile, false);
imagesavealpha($sig_gamertile, true);
And then:
$sig_gametile = imagecreatefrompng($gametile_masked_file);
But straight afterwards, you continue to call functions on $sig_gamertile instead of $sig_gametile:
imagealphablending($sig_gamertile, false);
imagesavealpha($sig_gamertile, true);
Obviously radically renaming some vars would help guard against this.

The line:
imagealphablending($im, false);
disables alpha blending. Use true instead of false.


TCPDF margins on different page by auto page break
I'm using TCPDF for label PDF on my project.
I set custom footer function. In footer function, there are different margins for second page.
I'm writing text by MultiCell method. But on the project image,
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, $txt, 1, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true, 0, true);
// This code is in the Extended footer method.
// $t2 = is page front or back
if ($t2 == 2) { $this->SetMargins(2, 1, 7, true); } else { $this->SetMargins(7, 1, 2, true); }
Where is the problem??

PHP Cross Session Global Counter Variable (Shared Memory)

On a very busy PHP server, I am trying to get a global counter going and thought shared memory would be the way to go. Ideally I would use APC
except that it is not available on the servers and I am restricted to what is available. The servers do have shmop so tried to get that to work, however it seems to be session specific. Is there anything else that could be used?
The shmop code I tried:
$shm_key = ftok(__FILE__, 't');
$shm_id = shmop_open($shm_key, "c", 0644, 8);
$shm_data = shmop_read($shm_id, 0, 8);
$shm_data = shmop_read($shm_id, 0, 8);
if (empty($shm_data)) {
//counter has not been set
$shm_bytes_written = shmop_write($shm_id, 0, 1);
} else {
$shm_bytes_written = shmop_write($shm_id, (int)$shm_data + 1, 0);
$shm_data = shmop_read($shm_id, 0, 8);

PHP Parsing JSON data into variables

Alright i have been searching all over this website for some simplistic help.
A lot of the examples here are so wrapped in code it's hard to get the understanding
to implement into my own code.
I need to loop through stats on each game and display the information via variables.
Now i can do everything myself, i just can't seem to find a for each loop willing to
display my information
My current code:
$ch2 = curl_init();
// set url
curl_setopt($ch2, CURLOPT_URL, "" . $myid . "/ranked?season=SEASON4&api_key=(REMOVED)");
//return the transfer as a string
curl_setopt($ch2, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// $output contains the output string
$response2 = curl_exec($ch2);
// close curl resource to free up system resources
$obj = json_decode($response2, true);
foreach ($obj as $val) {
echo "<b>" . $val['stats']['totalDeathsPerSession'] . "</b><br>";
echo "<b>" . $val['stats']['totalDamageTaken'] . "</b><br>";
echo "<b>" . $val['stats']['totalChampionKills'] . "</b><br>";
echo "<b>" . $val['stats']['totalDeathsPerSession'] . "</b><br>";
Here's the JSON data
"modifyDate": 1402869729000,
"champions": [
"id": 40,
"stats": {
"totalDeathsPerSession": 5,
"totalSessionsPlayed": 1,
"totalDamageTaken": 17488,
"totalQuadraKills": 0,
"totalTripleKills": 0,
"totalMinionKills": 15,
"maxChampionsKilled": 0,
"totalDoubleKills": 0,
"totalPhysicalDamageDealt": 6183,
"totalChampionKills": 0,
"totalAssists": 12,
"mostChampionKillsPerSession": 0,
"totalDamageDealt": 21580,
"totalFirstBlood": 0,
"id": 42,
"stats": {
"totalDeathsPerSession": 6,
"totalSessionsPlayed": 1,
"totalDamageTaken": 10626,
"totalQuadraKills": 0,
"totalTripleKills": 0,
"totalMinionKills": 29,
"maxChampionsKilled": 1,
"totalDoubleKills": 0,
"totalPhysicalDamageDealt": 11166,
"totalChampionKills": 1,
"summonerId": 29283170
it keeps going on and on, i don't want to flood the entire log here.
I am simply just trying to grab some of the data like Total Minion Kills
Total Deaths, Kills.. But it keeps coming up blank with everything i try.
I have attempted so many different ways before coming here. i really hope you can help!
It should be:
foreach ($obj['champions'] as $val) {

How to communicate between php and boost library IPC?

I have client and server in php communicating over shared memory, Now I would like to access this shred memory object using Boost.Interprocess how can I access it?
function create_image($str){
// Create a blank image and add some text
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(300, 20);
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, $stringBanner , $text_color);
$i = ob_get_contents();
return $i;
echo "\n".__FILE__."\n";
$shm_key = ftok(__FILE__, 't');
echo $shm_key."\n";
$shm_id = shmop_open($shm_key, "a", 0, 0);
if ($shm_id) {
//it is already created
//you need to create it with shmop_open using "c" only
echo "try to create\n";
if(!$shm_id = shmop_open($shm_key, "c", 0777, 1024*4))exit(-1);
echo "ID ".$shm_id."\n";
$shm_bytes_written = shmop_write($shm_id, $data, 0);
$shm_bytes_written = shmop_write($shm_id, $im, 32);
echo $shm_bytes_written." bytes is written: ".$s." ID = $shm_id\n";
$shm_key =1946222626;// ftok(__FILE__, 't');
$shm_id = shmop_open(
$shm_key, "a",
$data = unserialize(
shmop_read( $shm_id, 0,
$im = unserialize(
shmop_read( $shm_id, 32,
// Set the content type header - in this case image/jpeg
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
// Output the image
echo $im;
What kind of key I should provide to Boost to get this memory region?
#include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "sys/msg.h"
int main()
int msqid;
key_t key;
char f[]="??????";
int mid;
//key = ftok(, 't');
//msqid = msgget(key, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
std::cout << shdmem.get_name() << std::endl;
boost::interprocess::offset_t size;
if (shdmem.get_size(size))
std::cout << size << std::endl;
Well I found the solution in Boost IPC library Docs:
XSI_KEY based example from boost Docs
I'm not an expert in what you're doing, but from what I read in your question and my knowledge, I would drop that pure IPC thing and wrap it into ZMQ (you'll find wrapper in every language you need). It's meant to solve those kind of problems and provide a single API that could run over IPC or more common TCP socket.

PHP: converting html file to pdf

I have an html file named welcomemailtemplate.html and I need to convert that file to a PDF.
I first read this file using the following method provided by Yii framework:
$filename = Yii::app()->basePath.'\views\email\welcomemailtemplate.html';
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$name = $model->name;
$message = str_replace ( "[username]", $name, $contents );
Then, to generate the PDF file, the following parameters are set:
$pdf = new TCPDF();
$pdf->SetAuthor('test name');
$pdf->SetTitle('Savani Test');
$pdf->SetSubject(' Torget Order Confirmation');
$pdf->SetKeywords(' Torget, Order, Confirmation');
//$pdf->SetHeaderData('', 0, PDF_HEADER_TITLE, '');
$pdf->SetHeaderData('', 0, "Torget Order", '');
$pdf->setHeaderFont(Array('helvetica', '', 8));
$pdf->setFooterFont(Array('helvetica', '', 6));
$pdf->SetMargins(15, 18, 15);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 0);
$pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7);
If I pass the content as follows, it creates the PDF:
$pdf->writeHTML("<span>Hello World!</span>", true, false, true, false, '');
But if I pass the read html file content for pdf creating using following method it gives following error:
$pdf->writeHTML($message, true, false, true, false, '');
Error message:
Undefined index: thead
Try to validate the file using the w3c validator
I've worked with tcpdf before but i gave it up because it didn't seem reliable. You can also try wkhtmltopdf binary (only if your hosting allows you to use proc_open/proc_close). Seems a little more stable to me. It also has a PHP class to help you use it.
CutyCapt seems to be a very good option for you. Its very easy to integrate also.
