ok, i guess I need help ! I searched with every keyword I could think off, but I still cant figure out, please help. Am more of a php guy, and I've just started with jQuery.
Basically, what I am trying to do is to send a jQuery post from a click function. And based on whatever is returned by my php function, show/hide 2 divs. My php function returns a "json_encode" array with 2 simple values, like such :
//==================PHP code ==================================
$message_for_user = "blah blah";
$calculatedValue = 1230;
$responseVar = array(
echo (json_encode($responseVar));
//==================PHP code End ==================================
My javascript code is supposed to accept the values returned by php :
//==================Javascript code ==================================
$.post('myCalculator.php' ,{qid:itemID},function(response)
//==================Javascript code End ==================================
Unfortunately, on the javascript side of my project, the divs are not updated with the values returned by my php functions .... where am I wrong? I hope I was clear in my question, if not, do let me know, and I shall provide any extra info required.
Another thing is that earlier, I was echo'ing only a single value, that is the calculated value (echo $calculatedValue), and everything worked fine, its only after I shifted to echo'in the json encode array that things dont work
var json = $.parseJSON(response); alert(json.message);
Try setting the dataType option:
$.post('myCalculator.php' ,{qid:itemID},function(response)
}, 'json');
NB I have also added the closing brackets ) where you have missed them.
You must parse the JSON response. jQuery has this built-in functionality (thankfully, because otherwise IE6 and 7 don't natively support JSON). Set a variable equal to this:
And then, if you're not familiar with JSON format, check the response headers (using Firebug or similar,) and that will help you pick which keys' values you want. If you're looping, I would look into for in statements once the response has been parsed.
EDIT: Using $.getJSON, the parsing is done automatically. Write less, do more. :)
All you gotta do, its tell the Ajax call that you're receiving data type "json". In other words...
url: "external_file",
dataType: "json", // **************** Note dataType****************
// Response will be a javascript array, instead of a string.
error: function(){
alert('something went wrong.')
Here is my JS:
function sendText(){
var button = dijit.byId("submitButton2");
dojo.connect(button, "onClick", function(event){
// The parameters to pass to xhrPost, the message, and the url to send it to
// Also, how to handle the return and callbacks.
var xhrArgs = {
//type: "POST",
url: "http://testjson.php",
content: dojo.toJson({key1:"value1",key2:"value2"},true),
handleAs: "text",
load: function(newContent){
dojo.byId("response2").innerHTML = newContent;
error: function(error){
// We'll 404 in the demo, but that's okay. We don't have a 'postIt' service on the
// docs server.
dojo.byId("response2").innerHTML = "Message posted.";
dojo.byId("response2").innerHTML = "Message being sent..."
// Call the asynchronous xhrPost
var deferred = dojo.xhrPost(xhrArgs);
Here is my PHP:
foreach($_POST as $key => $val) echo '$_POST["'.$key.'"]='.$val.'<br />';
The problem is that nothing is being returned.
If I put content instead of postData I have $_POST[0]='{', $_POST[1]='k' etc character by character, limited to 1000. This is a big problem.
Please can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong? I got this code right from the dojo website, so it should be alright.
The php $_POST array only shows form encoded data. In your example you are POSTing json, so it won't directly show up in $_POST.
You have a couple options here. You could continue to post the data as json and read the POSTed json directly from the php input stream: $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));. This is probably the easiest, and it replaces accessing the $_POST array for the data.
Other options include not POSTing json (just send form encoded data) and POSTing json as form encoded data:
In that case, your content would become something like
content: 'my_post_data='+dojo.toJson({key1:"value1",key2:"value2"}, true), (you may need to change handleAs fyi)
Then on the server side you would likely see something like
$_POST['my_post_data']= '{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}' which could be processed by json_decode()
I believe your content is being sent character by character because you are converting your content object into JSON. According to the dojo.xhrPost documentation, the content property is expected to be a JavaScript Object. I hope this helps solve your problem.
It should be noted that this module is deprecated in favor of dojo/request/xhr, so it is better to use that unless you have lower version requirements.
I know ajax calls and $_POST have been around a lot lately, nevertheless i could not find an answer to my current problem.
In my Javascript, I have a two-dimensional data array:
var postData = new Array(new Array());
postData[0]['type'] = 'grid';
postData[0]['data'] = gridData;
I then try to send this array to a PHP script:
function export_report_pdf(postData){
$.post('/ajax/ExportReportPDF.ajax.php',{data: JSON.stringify(postData)},
console.log("Successfully requested report export.");
I have tried to receive the array in my PHP script:
but all I get in my $_POST is an empty two-dimensional array. When I do the console.log(postData) in the beginning of my function, the data is there.
I have also checked $_REQUEST and tried removing the JSON.stringify.
Your inner variable type should be an object instead of an array, otherwise it won't get serialized properly:
var postData = [];
type: 'grid',
data: gridData
have you tried using get instead of post.
try that that would atleast ensure that data is getting passed from client to server and problem is with POST request only.
Also when u try GET than check in console if u are getting any error.
Don't JSON.stringify your post data. jQuery will do that for you, regardless of whether you've done it yourself, so it's winding up double-encoded. If you check your logs, you'll see that, after unencoding the data, PHP has a single POST parameter that is all of your data, JSON encoded.
Your could should look like this:
$.post('/ajax/ExportReportPDF.ajax.php', {data: postData}, ...
function export_report_pdf(postData){
$.ajax(url:'/ajax/ExportReportPDF.ajax.php',type:'POST',{data: JSON.stringify(postData)},
console.log("Successfully requested report export.");
try this.
and make sure you have latest jquery included.
In an earlier post today the answer has led me down the route of using a JSON feed to populate elements in my page.
Something new to learn!!
the JSON data is created from a PHP script which retrieves the data from a Mysql database. The php script retrieves a specific record which I need to pass to the php script with the getJson call.
I've had success with creating the url with the parameters added as a GET method but I can't find an example of a POST method - the parameters should go as an optional parameter. here's what I have so far...
function loadData(index) {
$.getJSON('loadJSONholeData.php' ,
{hole: index} ,
function(data) {
I've found examples for a twitter feed which shows a parameter like option: "cat", but can't find an option where the value is in a variable.
I don't understand how to use the parameters - where am I going wrong. Appreciate this is probably a fundamental issue but I'm learning.
I've revised the code per the responses below and used both suggestions to pass the POST parameter, but the receiving PHP code is not reading the POST parameter and just returns the default query values.
I even used as static value of 1 both as a value and as a string but no joy.
Here's my receiving PHP code which accesses the POST values:
$hole = 3;
if (isset($_POST['hole'])) {
$hole = $_POST['hole'];
I'm missing something basic here. The value in 'index' definitely exists as it shows in the debug and JSON data is being returned )(but the default). I can go back to my GET method but want to see this work!!
Update: Success!!
I played around further with the revised code. I removed the content type parameter from the code and it all works now, the PHP is returning the correct query.
I assume then that by specifying the JSON type in contentType it passes the POST parameter in a different way to PHP which expects it in anpther way?
Onwards and upwards - thanks
The $.getJSON() method does an HTTP GET and not POST. Try something like this -
url: 'loadJSONholeData.php',
data: JSON.stringify({hole: index }),
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json;',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result) {
//(result.d) has your data.
Each key/value pair in the arguments object will represent a parameter in the HTTP POST. You can use variables as values, but I believe they will be converted to strings, so it's better to do the conversion yourself (so you can make sure they have the correct format). A simple example:
var dynamicValue = foo();
$.post('my/url', { var1:"static value", var2:dynamicValue }, function(data) {
// Your callback; the format of "data" will depend on the 4th parameter to post...
}, "json"); // ...in this case, json
Now, in case your server is expecting a json encoded object/list, you can pass it by using JSON.stringify:
function foo() {
return JSON.stringify({ my:"object" });
JSON should be available in most modern browsers, in case it's not, you can get it here (json2.js, under "JavaScript").
///////UPDATE - I already have jquery library included to my code so if its easier with jquery than javascript let me know please.
OK. There are loads of questions on here that are sending a JavaScript array to php but only 1 which is the same as mine. Unfortunately I didn't understand the answer.
So, at the moment I have an associative array in php. I then used this code,
echo json_encode($this->_inputErrors);
I don't actualy know why i'm using it, just was mentioned a lot in other examples like this. So that then sends the data to javascript (via ajax) and if i do this code,
I get a long line of text. As I imagine i should.
So how do i then in javascript get the text back to an array?
Or Is there a better way to do this?
Many Thanks For Your Time,
var o = JSON.parse( requestText );
Include this ( https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/blob/master/json2.js ) to support old browsers.
requestText is a JSON string. You need to parse the string into an object.
You can use JSON.parse to convert the string to JSON.
var obj = JSON.parse(requestText);
If your browser doesn't have JSON, include this:
You need to set the return type as JSON
or if using jQuery, you can use jQuery's method getJSON() to get the JSON object from the url
Somedays before, I faced the same problem. Check my solution :)
//This array is where I'll receive the PHParray
var js_array=new Array();
type: 'POST',
url: 'vector.php',
cache: false,
success: function(data){
//I use this "for" to print each array item into a div called "data".
for(var i=0;i<js_array.length;i++){
dataType: 'json'
$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
/*As you, I use "json_encode" to serialize the array
echo json_encode($array);
I hope it can help (:
The simplest way to transform that long line of text in Javascript is using eval:
alert(eval('(' + requestText + ')'));
I am using jquery-1.3.2 in an AJAX web application. I use the jQuery ajax $.post() method to submit requests to the server.
On the server I am using php to build an array and then json_encode the answer. Then on the client I use the callback function of the AJAX post method to process the response.
All works well until I use the $.post() method to send variables to the server. If I send variables to the server, the response I get back is [object Object] and therefore I am unable to parse it. I have a work around at the moment that when posting variables I request a HTML response and then I parse that.
So the code involved taken from my site is:
The Jax call:
$.post("inc/sendfeedback.php", {NAME: name,TYPE: type,EMAIL: email,COMMENT: comment}, function(data) {PostData(data);}, "json");
So the PostData code looks like this:
function ProcessData(data)
var jo = eval("(" + data + ")");
if(jo.result == "true")
if(jo.data != "" && jo.element != "")
If I uncomment the above code the alert with have in it [object Object].
if I remove the Post variables from the call it works fine.
The server code look like this:
$arr = array ("result" => $result,"data" => $data,"error" => $error,"element" => $element);
Is this a bug with the jQuery library, I tried it with the 1.2 version however its was still present there? I also search the jQuery site and can not find anyone having this issue.
So I assume I am missing something. But what?
url: "script.php",
global: false,
type: "POST",
data: {NAME: name,TYPE: type,EMAIL: email,COMMENT: comment},
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function(data){
No need to eval, jQuery evals/parses it before calling the success callback.
eval = pure evil
Because you are using an associative PHP array, json_encode will return a string representation of a Javascript Object and not a Javascript Array. However, you should still be able to process it in a similar fashion to an array:
for (var key in data)
var item = data[key];
I would strongly recommend you download Firefox+Firebug addon and use the console API for debugging/dumping what is being returned by the server.
I have since registered and now can't post comments into this thread without reputation and can not see any easy method to claim this question as mine.
Deviant, your suggestion of using the $.ajax() method worked. Reason it didnt work for me the first time was I submitted the post data as a JSON object when the server code was expecting POST data.
So I fixed my javascript to call the server script correctly and everything works exactly as it should.
So the conclusion is, the $.post() method has a bug in it. I have not tracked it down but line 3633 is were the post method makes the call. I started digging however have not yet found the issue.
I qualify this by the fact the $.ajax() to the same server script and the same javascript processes the response and it all works, use the $.post method and my script fails with the return even through the return object appears to be a valid JSON object.
Thanks for the help guys. Now to go and remove all my $.post calls for $.ajax calls.
The result of all this can be seen at www.pygames.net
a.k.a FrogSkin