session_start() issue - php

today one of my friends had a problem with his guestbook. We use a small php orientated guestbook which was working fine except for one thing: it had reached its limit of messages.
So what i did is edit the blog file and change the following setting:
//Maximum entry stored in data file
$max_record_in_data_file = 1800;
The moment I did this though, something went very wrong. I uploaded the file back on the server and got the following:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at E:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\guestbook.php:1) in E:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\guestbook.php on line 95
I don't know what this is, I'm very new to php, but from what I understand, it means something is already being called by the browser before session_start
The page is located at:
The code before the head is as follows:
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008, Ketut Aryadana
All Rights Reserved
Script name : ArdGuest
Version : 1.8
Website :
Email :
Download URL :
This code is provided As Is with no warranty expressed or implied.
I am not liable for anything that results from your use of this code.
//--Change the following variables
//Title of your guestbook
$title = "Guestbook Nocturnus";
//Change "admin" with your own password. It's required when you delete an entry
$admin_password = "***";
//Enter your email here
$admin_email = "***";
//Your website URL
$home = "";
//Send you an email when someone add your guestbook, YES or NO
$notify = "YES";
//Your Operating System
//For Windows/NT user : WIN
//For Linux/Unix user : UNIX
$os = "WIN";
//Maximum entry per page when you view your guestbook
$max_entry_per_page = 10;
//Name of file used to store your entry, change it if necessary
$data_file = "ardgb18.dat";
//Maximum entry stored in data file
$max_record_in_data_file = 1800;
//Maximum entries allowed per session, to prevent multiple entries made by one visitor
$max_entry_per_session = 10;
//Enable Image verification code, set the value to NO if your web server doesn't support GD lib
$imgcode = "YES";
//Color & font setting
$background = "#000";
$table_top = "#000";
$table_content_1a = "#090909";
$table_content_1b = "#000000";
$table_content_2a = "#090909";
$table_content_2b = "#000000";
$table_bottom = "#000";
$table_border = "#1f1f1f";
$title_color = "#9f0000";
$link = "#9f0000";
$visited_link = "#9f0000";
$active_link = "#9f0000";
$font_face = "verdana";
$message_font_face = "arial";
$message_font_size = "2";
//-- Don't change bellow this line unless you know what you're doing
$do = isset($_REQUEST['do']) ? trim($_REQUEST['do']) : "";
$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? trim($_GET['id']) : "";
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (!file_exists($data_file)) {
echo "<b>Error !!</b> Can't find data file : $data_file.<br>";
} else {
if ($max_record_in_data_file != "0") {
$f = file($data_file);
$j = count($f);
if ($j > $max_record_in_data_file) {
$rf = fopen($data_file,"w");
if (strtoupper($os) == "UNIX") {
if (flock($rf,LOCK_EX)) {
for ($i=0; $i<$max_record_in_data_file; $i++) {
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<$max_record_in_data_file; $i++) {
$newline = (strtoupper($os) == "WIN") ? "\r\n" : "\n";
switch ($do) {
case "":
$record = file($data_file);
$jmlrec = count($record);
I have of course, removed the password and email for security, now here isthe funny part.
This error started happening the moment i changed that setting up up there, but if i tried to revert it back to 1800 (i changed it to 11800 to test it out), it still gives me that error.
Any idea of what this is?
The guestbook url is:

The most common cause of this error is something being added to the file before the <?
Most likely a space or UTF byte order mark.

Put your session_start() after <? and you should be fine
To use cookie-based sessions, session_start() must be called before outputing anything to the browser.

The message says that the “output started at …\guestbook.php:1”. So there must be something in that file on that line that initiated the output.
Make sure that there are no whitespace or other invisible characters (like a BOM) before the opening <? tag.

Check if you have a space or a byte order mark, you can also do an
ob_start(); at the beginning of the page and ob_end_flush(); at the end to solve this issue.
but IMO check for the space or the B.O.M


How To Start Multiple Session

Hye, I've been creating this Quiz System, and I found myself in an error...The error started when I tried to add a DDOS Protection...Both start.php and configs.php started a session..and if the include function called start.php first, then it will only run start.php session and ignored the configs.php and vice versa. My question is how do i start both session at the same time so my website can work properly? Take a look at my code.
This is configs.php
P/S : I cut of some code to keep it short
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
function rewrite_urls($change){
$match = [
This is my start.php
P/S : I cut of some code to keep it short
* AntiDDOS System
* FILE: index.php
* By Sanix Darker
function safe_print($value){
$value .= "";
return strlen($value) > 1 && (strpos($value, "0") !== false) ? ltrim($value, "0") : (strlen($value) == 0 ? "0" : $value);
// There is all your configuration
$_SESSION['standby'] = $_SESSION['standby']+1;
$ad_ddos_query = 5;// ​​number of requests per second to detect DDOS attacks
$ad_check_file = 'check.txt';// file to write the current state during the monitoring
$ad_all_file = 'all_ip.txt';// temporary file
$ad_black_file = 'black_ip.txt';// will be entered into a zombie machine ip
$ad_white_file = 'white_ip.txt';// ip logged visitors
$ad_temp_file = 'ad_temp_file.txt';// ip logged visitors
$ad_dir = 'anti_ddos/files';// directory with scripts
$ad_num_query = 0;// ​​current number of requests per second from a file $check_file
$ad_sec_query = 0;// ​​second from a file $check_file
$ad_end_defense = 0;// ​​end while protecting the file $check_file
$ad_sec = date("s");// current second
$ad_date = date("is");// current time
$ad_defense_time = 100;// ddos ​​attack detection time in seconds at which stops monitoring
I also have head.php which will be called in every page
This is the code for head.php
if (!file_exists('anti_ddos/start.php'))
throw new Exception ('anti_ddos/start.php does not exist');
//CATCH the exception if something goes wrong.
catch (Exception $ex) {
echo '<div style="padding:10px;color:white;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;background:black;text-align:center;">'.
'The "AntiDDOS System" failed to load '.
'properly on this Web Site, please de-comment the \'catch Exception\' to see what happening!</div>';
//Print out the exception message.
//echo $ex->getMessage();
include __DIR__."/configs.php";
Any Idea?

Why is only one cookie saved when live?

I have a php script handling an incoming ajax request. It looks up some credentials from text files and if they match requirements it sets two cookies, one called username and one called creds on the client machine.
When I do this from my local web server, all three cookies get set and I receive all the php feedback from the echoes.
When I do this from my hosted web server the first setcookie works ("cookies","enabled") but the next two dont! However I get all the echoes confirming that php has reached the point in my script where they should be set. Any ideas please? I am thoroughly stumped.
setCookie("primacy[cookies]","enabled", time()+3600*24*30,'/');
//convert string to summed int
function pwdInt($pw)
$pwdIntVal = 0;
for($i=0; $i<strlen($pw);$i++)
$pwdIntVal = $pwdIntVal + ( ord(strtolower($pw[$i])) - 96 );
return $pwdIntVal;
//retrieve user account creation date by parsing savefile for accountCreate var
function getACD($aUSR)
$saveFileName = "saveFiles/" . $aUSR . ".txt";
echo "Fetched save successfully.<br>";
$lines = file($saveFileName);
foreach($lines as $line)
if( explode(":",$line)[0] == "accountCreate");
$lineDate = explode(":",$line)[1];
return $lineDate;
//accept incoming vars
if(isset($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['username']))
$uN = strtolower($_POST['username']);
$pwd = strtolower($_POST['password']);
$found = "Invalid user";
//test for presence in creds
$lines = file("creds/creds.txt");
foreach($lines as $line)
$lineName = explode("_",$line)[0];
if($uN == $lineName)
//matched username before delimiter "_"
$found = $lineName;
echo "Found user, " . explode("_",$line)[0] . " checking password<br>";
//check two: use int of pwd with account creation date from user save
$usrACD = getACD($uN);
echo $usrACD;
if( (pwdInt($pwd) * $usrACD) == (explode("_",$line)[1]) )
echo "Tests passed: granting access cookies";
setCookie("uN",$uN, time()+3600*24*30,'/');
setCookie("cred",(pwdInt($pwd) * $usrACD), time()+3600*24*30,'/');
echo "Failed password check for allowed user<br>";
echo $found . pwdInt($pwd) . "<br>";
You should either enable output buffering or move echoes after setCookie method. Setting cookies is thing that happens during headers of response. All headers should be sent before content. Echoing things is setting up content, so every header edition (like setting cookies) after first echo will fail.

PHP Ad Rotation Script Randomly Stops Working after updating a part of the code

I had a PHP script that is supposed to automatically rotate advertisement banners, and it was working just fine before, but after i tried changing 1 piece of the code it stopped working. Even after i changed it back it still wouldn't work anymore. I don't get any errors, and no error_log files, the only part of the code i changed was just the url of the page its supposed to redirect you to. Here's my code (before the change):
$bCount = 1;
$bCode[$bCount] = '<img src="/img/ad1.gif"/>';
$bTotals = $bCount -1;
if ($bTotals>1)
mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1234567);
$bPick = mt_rand(1, $bTotals);
$bPick = 1;
$ad = $bCode[$bPick];
and here is the code after i made the small change (really not much of a difference, just a change in the URL):
$bCount = 1;
$bCode[$bCount] = '<img src="/img/ad1.gif"/>';
$bTotals = $bCount -1;
if ($bTotals>1)
mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1234567);
$bPick = mt_rand(1, $bTotals);
$bPick = 1;
$ad = $bCode[$bPick];
After i made that change, the script wouldn't display the ad that was supposed to show up, it was just blank. So i rolled back the changes to how it was before when it was working, and it still will not show up anymore. What could have caused it to stop working?

Converting JSON to UTF-8 issues in PHP

So I have this program that allows a user to enter information into a form and upon submission turns that information into a JSON file. When a user goes to a different part of the program, the programs retrieves the JSON file and builds a questionnaire out of it.
The building of the JSON file works fine but whenever I try to retrieve the file I'm getting an error that the JSON is returning as ASCII and as NULL. I've done my homework and saw that this usually happens when their is an encoding conflict(even though ASCII is a subset of UTF-8...).
So I made sure that when creating the file I'm using using mb_convert_encoding($x, 'UTF-8', 'auto');
to ensure that the JSON is properly being encoded as UTF-8.
I was also using mb_convert_encoding when retrieving the JSON, but saw that double encoding can cause issues so when I removed that piece it no longer echoed out what the encoding was(using mb_detect_encoding) but it is still NULL.
I even went so far as to pull down the JSON file, save it as UTF-8 and re-upload it.
Any and all help on this is much appreciated it. I've banged my head for two days over this. This is built in Code Ignitor, if that makes a difference
Here is the code to create the JSON file:
$thisClient = $this->input->cookie('client');
$date = "%m-%Y";
$date = mdate($date);
$dialogDir = $clientDir."/".$date;
$d_file_name = $thisClient.'-'.$date;
//check to see if client directory exists, if it doesn't then it creates it
mkdir($clientDir, 0755, TRUE);
echo "Client Directory Created!<br>";
} else{
echo "No Client Directory Created!<br>";
//check to see if client directory exists, if it doesn't then it creates it
mkdir($dialogDir, 0755, TRUE);
echo "DIALOG Directory Created!<br>";
} else{
echo "No DIALOG Directory Created!<br>";
$custDialog = array();
function encodeMe($x){
//this ensure proper encoding
return mb_convert_encoding($x, 'UTF-8', 'auto');
$customDialog = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['cust-dialog-title']); $i++){
$customDialog[$i]["title"] = encodeMe($_POST['cust-dialog-title'][$i]);
$customDialog[$i]["intro"] = encodeMe($_POST['cust-dialog-intro'][$i]);
for($ii = 0; $ii < count($_POST['cust-dialog-quest-'.$i]); $ii++){
$customDialog[$i]["questions"]["q".$ii] = encodeMe($_POST['cust-dialog-quest-'.$i][$ii]);
if($_POST["cust-dialog-pos-".$i."-".$ii] == "TRUE"){
//if the question is a true positive
$customDialog[$i]["questions"]["agree"] = -5;
$customDialog[$i]["questions"]["disagree"] = 5;
} else{
//if the question is a false positive
$customDialog[$i]["questions"]["agree"] = 5;
$customDialog[$i]["questions"]["disagree"] = -5;
$jsonDIALOG = json_encode($customDialog);
$jsonDIALOG = str_replace("[", " ", str_replace("]", " ", $jsonDIALOG));
if ( ! write_file($dialogDir."/".$d_file_name.".json", $jsonDIALOG )) {
echo 'Unable to write the file';
} else {
echo 'File written!';
//save Custom DIALOG info in database
***********DATABASE INFO**************
Here is the code to retrieve the JSON object:
if($row["custom"] !== null){ //If the Dialog is a Custom Dialog
$path = str_replace(*****removes an unnecessary portion from the path string**);
$thisDialog = file_get_contents(****PATH TO JSON FILES*****);
//THE FOLLOWING helps debug issues with the JSON -- displays order number and dialog being called -- uncomment to use
//echo $i.' is '.$curDialog[$i]. '<br>';
//$thisDialog = substr($thisDialog,1);
//echo $thisDialog;
//$thisDialog = mb_convert_encoding($thisDialog, 'UTF-8', 'ASCII');
//echo mb_detect_encoding($thisDialog);
$jsonDialog = json_decode($thisDialog, true);
echo var_dump($jsonDialog);
$allDialogs = $jsonDialog;
} else {
echo "Error: Invalid Dialog. Call Order# 0<br>" ;
return $allDialogs;
I've included some debugging things that I've tried and commented out. Thanks!!
You should probably add JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE as an option to json_encode. Keep in mind that this constant is available since PHP 5.4.0

How to hide/protect password details in php?

I'm making a website in which I'm trying to create a form that will send the user-input to a google spreadsheet in my google docs/drive... I found a Github project that lets people code the php... It includes 2 other php files which are needed for the script. The code is as follows:
My question is, how can I hide my password from this script under $u = / $p = ??
Anyone viewing the code can see my password.. how can I prevent that?
Link to the script's source is :
// Zend library include path
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/ZendGdata-1.8.1/library");
$u = "";
$p = "password";
$ss = new Google_Spreadsheet($u,$p);
$ss->useSpreadsheet("My Spreadsheet");
// important:
// adding a leading alpha char prevents errors, there are issues
// when trying to lookup an identifier in a column where the
// value starts with both alpha and numeric characters, using a
// leading alpha character causes the column and its values to be
// seen as a strictly a strings/text
$id = "z" . md5(microtime(true));
$row = array
"id" => $id // used for later lookups
, "name" => "John Doe"
, "email" => ""
, "comments" => "Hello world"
if ($ss->addRow($row)) echo "Form data successfully stored";
else echo "Error, unable to store data";
$row = array
"name" => "John Q Doe"
if ($ss->updateRow($row,"id=".$id)) echo "Form data successfully updated";
else echo "Error, unable to update spreadsheet data";
You can attempt to hide if from peering eyes using the code below. It would still be discoverable if you tried, but at least it's away from open text view. All it does is add characters to the text and then subtract them before it uses the password.
Run this script using your original password
$password = "test";
echo "Original Password In Plain Text = $password\n";
$NewPassword = "";
for( $i = 0; $i <= $len-1; $i++ ) {
$charcode = ord(substr( $password, $i, 1 ));
$NewChar = $charcode+5; $NewLetter = chr($NewChar);
$NewPassword = $NewPassword . $NewLetter;
} echo "Modified Password to Use in Script = $NewPassword\n";
$OrigPassword = "";
for( $i = 0; $i <= $len-1; $i++ ) {
$charcode = ord(substr( $NewPassword, $i, 1 ));
$OrigChar = $charcode-5; $OrigLetter = chr($OrigChar);
$OrigPassword = $OrigPassword . $OrigLetter;
} echo "Convert the Modified back to the Original = $OrigPassword\n";
Add this part to your script with the new password from the above script
$password = "yjxy";
$OrigPassword = "";
for( $i = 0; $i <= $len-1; $i++ ) {
$charcode = ord(substr( $password, $i, 1 ));
$OrigChar = $charcode-5; $OrigLetter = chr($OrigChar);
$OrigPassword = $OrigPassword . $OrigLetter;
} $password = $OrigPassword;
echo "Script thinks this is the password = $password\n";
The best way to hide the password is to save it in external file and then include it in your php script. Your file with this password let's say 'config.php' should be above DOCUMENT_ROOT to make it unaccesible via browser. It's common aproach and for example you can see it in Zend Framework directory structure where only "public" directory is visible for user. The proper CHMOD should be set to this file as well.
Under this link you have ZF directory structure where you can check location of config files.
This question has been asked and answered lots of times here (but not specifically for Google docs). Short answer is that there is nothing you can do.
Longer answer is that you can mitigate the possibility of the credentials being compromised by:
using credentials supplied the user rather than stored in code
using tokens supplied by the user as a means of decrypting credentials stored in your code (but this gets very complicated with lots of users)
storing the credentials in an include file held outside the document root
