The above approach is what I'm looking for. So are there php frameworks available which will allow me to create modular structure like above for my code ?
I would like to know which is the current best php framework which is 100% modular like joomla component architecture.
In joomla all you have to do is upload a set of files under the "components" directory and you can add "any" kind of complex functionality to joomla.
I want to develop php applications from scratch and I want all of my applications to have the same ease of joomla's component architecture. So Im currently looking for a php framework.
So which is the best way to go about if I want to do the above ?
Should I choose a php framework like codeignitor or zend etc ? but you see, even if is use them, Suppose if I have to create a new function I have to upload files to atleast 3 directories i.e controller, model and view. But you see in joomla all I have to do is upload all the files of course suitably structured into just a single directory called "components" and the rest is taken care of automatically
So what is the best way to go forward ?
Joomla is a CMS system AFAIK so you cant really compare a PHP framework to it.
In terms of modularity Zend Framework has an excellent excellent, simple to implement module structure.
You sat that to add complex functionality to joomla you upload files in the correct structure and joomla does it for you, well as long as you create your module files in the right structure for ZF it will work too......
Your question is same as my question. but it was for 4 months ago.
I tried to find out how can i create such modular system. After some searching I understood that we should have a single directory like 'components' as you said, and put every data of modules in it. but how we should use them ?. Easy !. just create an handler (php file) that control your installation, uninstalling, positioning, settings. In fact i just solve 3 of them. positioning is so hard i think so, i never do it till now.
if you want an example of my explanation, just tell me to create it. I'll send it for you. :)
well i think you are comparing apples to exotic devil fruits or something.
you are adding modules to a cms and exepct the same from a famework.
it doesnt work like this.
the mvc structure you are talking about (model - view - controller) makes a lot of sense and helps you to keep your code organised and to keep up good class coherency.
its a design pattern which has evolved to a de facto standard and has been adopted by almost every framework.
zend framework is probably the best way to go for you.
its layouting engine and stuff is not as fast as one could wish, but it features execellent modularity. you can even partly overload core classes to suit your needs in your "module".
only abstract classes dont work (how should they?), thats why they are almonst never used.
if you really really wanna go with a very flexible excellent system and performance is not the most important point for you, you should get going with magento, which takes the modularity and flexibility even to a higher level by adding an xml structure to zend framework that allows you to organice all your pages, manage your dependencies, rewrite your model componenents etc.
but be a aware that the more you want the more performance you will loose. my personal fav from the frameworks out there is codeigniter, but i designed my own for my needs...
I agree that there is a difference as Joomla et al as CMS's and therefore come in at a higher level of functionality than a framework, but of course with less flexibility.
However you might want to explore Symfony 2 and Lithium (Cake 3?). Both are designed to only use PHP 5.3 and greater and both use the namespace functionality in PHP. I have done less with Lithium but certainly in Symfony 2 everything (well nearly everything is a plugin making the framework modular and much easier to manage.
However you will never be able to compare the two Framework/CMS in exactly the same way as they are both built and designed for different purposes and with varying constraints.
N.B. Neither Symfony 2 or Lithium are production ready at present. Symfony is aiming at March 2011, not clear on Lithium's 1 dot oh date
A number of answers here plump for Zend. What needs to be clear is that there are two types of framework (yes ok lot's and lot's) but being simplistic there are Full Stack and Glue.
Glue frameworks like Zend tend to be free and easy allowing you to use some parts and not others as you wish. So although nominally MVC you can easily implement Zend with V and C but not use M. You can write all your database calls manually in the controller etc.
Full Stack such as Symfony mean you pretty well use all of whether you like it or not. On the data side you use and ORM, Doctrine or Propel and a large amount of the framework is controlled from configuration files in YAML/XML. In this respect Symfony is very like Ruby et al. Please note this is not a recommendation or criticism of either.
Joomla in my opinion is gluey (but not a framework) but hey why use something that is 90% built and then rewrite 75% of it? Oh yes because the customer asks and your boss is unaware of the problems, i remember now.
What I'm looking for is a way to remove the model from a set of PHP files that make up a website. It's difficult (for me) to explain.
By models I mean models in an MVC sense.
As an example say I have this website:
All of the above PHP files use the same database. I have separated the views by adding templates using a view.php file that renders the correct template with values passed to it.
I am not looking to use a framework that's already out there. I'm looking at writing my own in some senses, with only the bits I need to use in it.
If anyone would like to explain why this is not necessary, or a better way of doing things, then I'm open to that too.
Thanks in advance.
Writing you own MVC framework will take time, but you will learn a lot in the process. So, if you have the time/resources to do it I definitely encourage you to do so.
In this context here are some small pieces of advise that may help you:
Create your domain model first. I'm assuming that you are going in the OO way, so think about your domain problem and create the abstractions that best represent your problem. Try to keep it decoupled from cross-cutting concerns, like persistence.
Test a lot, test often. Try to test (and run your tests) as you create your domain model. This will be specially valuable when in 6 months you add a new feature and want to make sure that you haven't break anything. If you can separate your domain model from anything external (like the persistence layer or third party web services) the testing it is going to be a lot simpler. Today PHPUnit is pretty much the de-facto standard for unit testing in PHP.
You don't have to write everything from scratch. There are a lot of libraries that can help you to ease the development of an MVC framework, so that you can concentrate on what you really want to develop. For example, you could use Slim to handle the page routing or you could delegate the persistence stuff to Doctrine 2.
It is always nice to analyze how other frameworks solve things. You may want to look at products like Symfony or Kohana or even check how Elgg handles its views system. Also, if you want to check out something radically different you can take a look at Seaside's architecture.
Coming back to your original question, for me the key is to keep things from different layers as decoupled as possible. While I have only used the version 1, Doctrine 2 seems like a good candidate for persistence, since it allows you to create a domain model that is quite independent from the DB. This is a huge step. The second thing is how handle the view system. This is quite developer-taste dependent. For example, I like to model everything with objects, so I like Seaside's approach. On the other hand, Elgg's way of handling views is quite nice and maybe fits better with the way things are handled in PHP. Here is when you may benefit on doing some research before deciding on a route to go.
As someone who has written his own PHP framework, and with the same sensibility as yours, I can tell you that using a framework is a fine thing to do. That said, start by writing your own - you'll gain greater appreciation for the true structure and utility of a framework.
You'll want to learn about the Singleton object pattern. It is a major differentiator in the kinds of objects you can develop in your framework.
When you have written a few models that your files/controllers (presuming MVC) include, you will begin to see where to abstract a 'base mode' from which others extend (hint: the DB singleton).
When you start pulling in configs and the like, then you'll have your first framework object from which all other bases do their extension.
I have ready numerous posts here on SO about framework1 vs framework2 however it seems to be alot of personal opinions that are one sided. Based on the following can someone tell me which framework would be ideal for my needs?
Build a rich featured API where other sites and devices can use the API to use website features and access it's content.
RSS Feeds with both XML and JSON for jQuery interaction.
Ability to use layouts / templates that are customizable.
Use of plugins so that I do not need to duplicate code.
Database querying with relationships.
GREAT documentation.
Actively supported.
Doesn't REQUIRE command line access.
Easy to manage file uploads and move the files around so only certain users can download them.
Customizable access level so users can have different access levels depending on which project/section they are viewing.
Low overhead usage.
SEO URLS that do not require the '/view','/edit','/add' in the urls (depending on which action you want to do.)
Support for jQuery
There have been a few frameworks I have seen that support some of these but not all. I am currently using CakePHP for one project but do not think it would fit my needs as the database querying can get horrendous. I have heard a little bit about CodeIgnitor however it doesn't seem to easily use templating (maybe I just misunderstood what I read).
If you could tell me which framework you think would be ideal for these needs and why that would be very helpful!
I'll just spamvertize my little framework overview table here. The simple table answers a few of your technical points:
Use the detail/feature view to cherrypick your options.
RSS isn't a standard feature even with the big frameworks, use a PEAR library
templates: all frameworks use them
plugins: depends on your concept of plugins, most frameworks are extensible though
look for "ORM"
GREAT documentation: that would limit you to codeigniter or cakephp
Doesn't REQUIRE command line access: except symfony+cake, few do
file uploads: this isn't a standard feature, but I'd just mix and match a library
Customizable access level: practically all frameworks come with a permission system
Support for jQuery: this is surprising. Prototype seems to be very strong, only half the frameworks use jQuery by default
CakePHP database querying doesn't have to be horrendous. (Though, I remember my first few projects were definitely hard on the database)
With the right optimization, normalization/de-normalization of your data, and a few tweaks here and there (persistent models comes to mind), you can accomplish everything you've inquired about with CakePHP, and keep your database load to a minimum.
That said, if you truly want to move to something else, I'd go with Zend Framework.
Symfony is bloated, (and yes, fanboys, this is still true).
Codeigniter is super lightweight, but you're going to be doing a LOT more work to accomplish your listed requirements. I've spun up two codeigniter applications, both relatively simple, and both took twice the work / twice the amount of new code than if I had gone with say, CakePHP.
A lot of religious fanaticism floating around when you talk about frameworks. But take a look at the documentation of Fat-Free Framework. It just might catch your fancy and requirements.
Before I answer, let me qualify that I'm certified on Zend, a frequent user of CodeIgniter, and daily user (and hater) of Symfony.
Zend's setup, especially if you're doing a small-medium sized site can be ugly. Especially using the data mapper strategy, you're talking a thousand or more lines of codes just for the model setup. CodeIgniter is much better setup-wise, but still not insignificant.
Command-line free --essentially-- knocks out Zend. It's doable, but not fun (see thousand lines of code, above) Built-in user auth isn't nearly as good on CodeIgniter as Zend, perhaps that's a serious knock....definitely no templating there. Symfony is flat-out done because of the addition of /view /edit, etc.
Hate to break it to you, but it seems that many users of all these frameworks are not native English speakers. Forget about Symfony, seems entirely eastern-European based. I'd hate to be a new-to-php user of Zend Framework with all the competing tuts with their assumptions of some semi-complex concepts. There's a reason that Zend's training is expensive and full.... Again, CodeIgniter is not horrible, but still can be frustrating.
Simply because of our extensive use of Jquery and desire to avoid a ton of hack-around, my company has dumped the frameworks altogether. Now setup is purposeful, not for a framework...just build a DAL, assemble classes, build views, and done. Established functions are re-purposed as "plugins" that we actually know and understand. Most interaction is Jquery based Ajax (sometimes XAJAX) which really doesn't take advantage of the frameworks anyway--and fights tooth and nail with Symfony. For those who argue that frameworks force MVC, I have a VP of Development who does that just fine, thank you. Perhaps it's not the right answer for you, but we're glad we went this route. It's saved weeks worth of documentation-hunting.
I've recently inherited a medium-sized php site which is horribly coded. It violates every best-practices methodology, from MVC to DRY, is vulnerable to SQL-injection and everything in between.
I've visited the other questions and already put everything on a VCS and am considering the framework alternatives. However I'd like your opinions on a framework that lets me slowly migrate from the actual site to a framework controlled one.
Zend Framework would actually be the best choice in my opinion, as it has a great use-at-will structure and it is no full-stack framework like most of the others.
That means that you can start with migrating the model-layer first without having to touch the view or controller part. And even when it comes to the controller part, you could first put everything into controllers without having to rely on the router, so you could still use your old URLs.
I will put my vote in for CakePHP ( It has the ability to manage everything very nicely.
This will allow you to create the base template / layout for the site. It is the main body of the site. You can store multiple layouts all in the views/layouts directory. You can identify what layout you want to use for any given page within the site.
Static Content
If you have static content pages, they all reside in views/pages. These will load into the layout wherever you put the <?php echo $content_for_layout; ?>.
Custom Code
Many times, you will have custom code that may not fit in the framework. No worries, you can add this to the libs or vendors folders and call the functionality from there.
Speedy Upgrade Via Bake
One of the cool features of cake is the bake feature. Once you have added your schema to the database, you can use bake to have CakePHP write all of the models (with relationships), the controllers (with basic CRUD and admin sections), and the views for each action within the controller.
Cake has been a great fit for all of the projects I have worked on. It keeps the code well organized, has a very active community, and their documentation is very well written and understandable.
UPDATE: For additional information about some sites who use cakephp you can see a sample list here:
A few notable (high traffic sites) would be:
Kohana is my framework of choice, but I won't start to wax about its good points, I'm sure it can do anything the others can do.
Faced with the same legacy codebase problem as you described, my response was to take Kohana and disable the request routing, so that you can just use it as an include on a page-by-page basis until you're ready.
The changes are minimal; if you're interested the fork of kohana is up on github
You may need to adjust the php error level settings depending on the kludgey-ness of your codebase ;)
Zend Framework is awesome.
Even better, this excellent post from Chris Abernethy shows how to gradually migrate an existing site from a twisted plate of pasta into a nice MVC structure using ZF.
Take a look at Fat-Free Framework. It allows both procedural and OOP code, so you can have a two-stage approach. If the base code is currently procedural, then you can focus all efforts first on transformation to MVC architecture. That way you can have a proof of concept that all future efforts can be as fruitful as the first phase. Then you can move too strictly-OOP. No other framework will give you this kind of flexibility. And your end-users will not feel any delays, or worse, a culture shock.
You will get as many answers as framework users there are in this place. It's obvious that someone using framework of his choice will advice it to the others.
I opt for symfony.
However, if you care about best practices than both symfony and Zend are a good (and only) choice.
This sounds like a massive undertaking.
I can only recommend CakePHP because that is what I use, but that does not mean another framework would be less or more suitable. They're all pretty much the same when it boils down to it.
Choose on whatever criteria you wish, such as public support/user base (Cake's is massive), feel, name, colours on the webpage, whatever. But my advice is to stick with that choice and ride the learning curve.
All the frameworks mentioned are good, but you will need to rewrite loads of things like the queries. You might not want to use an ORM like Doctrine or Eloquent. Just stick with something like Active Records. Codeigniter, CakePHP and Yii will do just fine.
but it is not going to be an easy task. be warned!
Something easy like CI (this means mandatory good, easy, up to date documentation). But also with some more features than CI.
Yii has lots of features, but it is also more complex (and it kind of forces you to have to use lots of it features). That means adding some functionality to your web-app takes three times as long because you have to figure out lots of new small functionalities of Yii.
It's kind of like the CI "gets out of your way" when it needs to, and Yii gets in your way, and if you don't do it its way, it breaks.
Features missing in CI that would be nice to have in this new "intermediate" PHP framework:
Code generation (crud).
Access control.
Easyer / automated pagination (like yii)
easy uri parameters
Where Yii causes me problems:
It's like for every small task there is some inbuilt functionality (this is good), but, YOU HAVE to use the inbuilt functionality, otherwise bad things happen. (CI gets out of your way, but does it too much, Yii helps a lot, but is butting in too much at times, and it forces you to sift through its documentation so that you discover these functions without which you are not able to accomplish a task that would take four time less, in CI, or in a non framework app).
Is there something in between ?
(ASP.NET MVC could be 'it', but I don't know the language, so the effort to learn it would be greater than learning Yii php framework really well, so I am looking for a PHP Framework)
I am a fan of CakePHP. I feel it has the specs you provided. If you want something more cutting edge you can take a look at Lithium
I have found some resources that kindof solve the problem, because they contain examples (Milan Babuškov's sugestion helped focus on "the solution").
Yii playground - examples
Yii cookbook - examples
Yii blog tutorial - more examples
PS. there is also google - I find solution (and examples) the fastest this way - ex: implement + pagination + yii
I've used both CI and Yii (on my own projects if that makes any difference). CI was my first introduction to MVC, and I found it easy going because it let me use any crappy structure and code. I wrote two full sites in CI ( and if you want to see complexity.)
I had a look at CakePHP but got NOWHERE.
Then I moved on to Yii and, like you, I found it pretty tough and rigid. But I then found that it was so powerful and extensible that I was so much more efficient. When I needed to add a few new features to the old CI sites, it was faster to rewrite the entire sites on Yii than to code up the extra features in CI.
I can't recommend a framework in the middle, but I can recommend sticking with Yii. When you say Yii gets in the way, can you give an example? Looking at DB stuff (in ascending order of dependence on Yii):
you can code using PHP's core MySQL functions.
$result = mysql_query($sql);
you can use Yii's DB abstraction layer.
You can use Yii's ActiveRecord:
you could try kohana (especially coming from ci)
You should check out the CI community, some of those extensions maybe have been written by someone else (I remember seeing Authentication and Components/Widgets somewhere)
Symfony is worth checking out. I personally don't like it much because they chose Prototype over jQuery for their ajax features, which is really annoying to use when you're used to jQuery.
Lithium might be good to check out too. However, it is php 5.3 only and you need to be really careful that this version of PHP is going to be supported on the server the site will be deployed on.
See this list for good comparisson:
From a personal point of view, I would go with symfony because of it's
rich features and
great integration with many other already bundeled components (Doctrine, Swift Mailer,..),
good (but at first complex) code generation that produces realy useable code to get you startet quickly,
powerfull use of templating (that will be the point you mention under "layouts)
many different, powerfull plug-ins, including Authentication & Access Control (it also has a plug-in to get jQuery support)
one of the best tutorials that I've seen with a framework
Downside is a
more complex structure,
IMO wired file structure,
a rather messy API documentaion compared to the tutorial
CodeIgniter is a nice framework if you don't want to create big apps but it lacks a great database integretaion and you already mentioned code generation.
im very good in Raw PHP, where the project at hand became too much to handle i decided to move to zend, with too too much complexity i finally moved to YII which really reduced the cost and overhead time for project development and most importantly for me is the simple integration of jquery, widget and advanced-OOP.
You could have a look at Qcodo / Qcubed.
They are both easy to pick up and offer code generation / ORM
Easy way to create forms in an mvc kind of way.
For what its worth, if you're looking for a PHP Framework that is like ASP.NET MVC then I think Prado is the closest thing you will find.
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I am refurbishing a big CMS that I have been working on for quite a number of years now. The product itself is great, but some components, the Database and translation classes for example, need urgent replacing - partly self-made as far back as 2002, grown into a bit of a chaos over time, and might have trouble surviving a security audit.
So, I've been looking closely at a number of frameworks (or, more exactly, component Libraries, as I do not intend to change the basic structure of the CMS) and ended up with liking Zend Framework the best. They offer a solid MVC model but don't force you into it, and they offer a lot of professional components that have obviously received a lot of attention (Did you know there are multiple plurals in Russian, and you can't translate them using a simple ($number == 0) or ($number > 1) switch? I didn't, but Zend_Translate can handle it. Just to illustrate the level of thorougness the library seems to have been built with.)
I am now literally at the point of no return, starting to replace key components of the system by the Zend-made ones. I'm not really having second thoughts - and I am surely not looking to incite a flame war - but before going onward, I would like to step back for a moment and look whether there is anything speaking against tying a big system closely to Zend Framework.
What I like about Zend:
As far as I can see, very high quality code
Extremely well documented, at least regarding introductions to how things work (Haven't had to use detailed API documentation yet)
Backed by a company that has an interest in seeing the framework prosper
Well received in the community, has a considerable user base
Employs coding standards I like
Comes with a full set of unit tests
Feels to me like the right choice to make - or at least, one of the right choices - in terms of modern, professional PHP development.
I have been thinking about encapsulating and abstracting ZF's functionality into own classes to be able to switch frameworks more easily, but have come to the conclusion that this would not be a good idea because:
it would be an unnecessary level of abstraction
it could cost performance
the big advantage of using a framework - the existence of a developer base that is familiar with its components - would partly be cancelled out
therefore, the commitment to ZF would be a deep one. Thus my question:
Is there anything substantial speaking against committing to the Zend Framework?
Do you have insider knowledge of plans of Zend Inc.'s to go evil in 2011, and make it a closed source library? Is Zend Inc. run by vampires run by evil vampires that want to take over the earth? (It was established in the comments that Zend is actually run by vampires.) Are there conceptual flaws in the code base you start to notice when you've transitioned all your projects to it? Is the appearance of quality code an illusion? Does the code look good, but run terribly slow on anything below my quad-core workstation?
Accepting answer
Thanks a lot everyone for your detailed feedback. I wish I could set up a bounty and distribute it evenly among all answerers.
Among many opinions favourable towards ZF, there was one very well founded one against. I took that very seriously and had a close look at alternatives, mainly Yii and Kohana. From that comparison and from reading some more opinions regarding ZF and competing products, I can see that Zend can be viewed as bloated in some fields compared to more minimalistic frameworks. (I can also see that this "bloat" is mostly with good reason to provide maximum flexibility. But the question whether you want maximum flexibility and deal with the ensuing complexity, or a simpler approach with clear guidelines, is a valid one.)
Anyway, I will go for Zend for the project at hand, because the main use I have for the framework there is as a component library. I do not want to adopt Zend's MVC model, I just need high-quality components for Internationalization, Session handling and so on. Because I am building a redistributable product, Zend's flexibility (e.g. the support for five different dictionary formats) is welcome to me. Also, ZF seems to be the only framework that allows the degree of freedom I want (No forced use of patters, file structures...) as far as I can see, no other framework offers that.
For future projects in which I want to make use of the actual MVC features, and totally submit to a framework's conventions on application building, naming, style, and procedures, though, I may not necessarily be going for Zend, but for a more minimalistic framework like Yii or Kohana.
Zend Framework is the best choice. Best framework API of them all, readable code, language conventions, good docs, comunity, support et all
My dislikes of it (subjective, mabe people are going to downvote me for it) are:
Zend_Form, has it's use, but in general is too obtrusive, I just want to structure my HTML not fight APIs and decorators.
Zend_Db_Table, powerful, but it needs a lot of work to accomplish your goals, and Rails taught me to be lazy. No, I don't want to write 3 classes for a model, one for the table, one for the rowset, one for the row, then bind them to each other and so on. I might need the table data gateway at some point, but for now I really want to interface this data with a quick active record.
no active record. With the late static binding in php 5.3 this might change ...
I tried really hard to use these two for a couple of months until I finally had it.
I overcame them by (ideas from Ruby on Rails)
use plain view helpers instead of Zend_Form as in:
echo $this->formText('email', '', array('size' => 32));
having my own Active Record like models ( )
validate and filter on the model
for the really extreme corner cases, one can fall back to Zend_Form + Zend_Db_Table, although I never felt the need.
There are some new kids worth checking out, like Laravel
The one thing ZF really wins over other frameworks is the router, controller and views, conventions, clean readable code, process.
Unless you're looking forward for a massive, giant project with 20+ developers, I'd - if I were you - would do anything including sacrificing an arm and/or a leg just to avoid Zend Framework.
The nice option you found out might look handy - to the point where you find other 1k+ setting that just looks like a waste of time and developer effort in the library. You'll soon find yourself in the middle of Customization Ocean, overwhelmed by settings, interfaces and abstract classes.
The documentation is not only detailed, but as a result very lengthy and complicated (similarly to the library itself). I want 3rd part classes to help me and not to get into my way.
The most important factor was the development speed for me, obviously. Without a bunch of colleges around you, Zend Framework should be seriously considered whether to be dropped.
There are too many people making wishes in the Zend issue tracker, too many people implementing code. To date, I've yet to see any serious vision behind those millions of lines.
My two cents really comes to down to one point: despite (or rather, because of?) it is backed by the PHP company, it is far too bloated for personal usage and small- and medium-sized projects.
My team is currently using Yii for a medium-sized project. It's not perfect either, but way more usable and developer-friendly compared to the big brother.
I don't have any big argument against ZF -- on the contrary ; of course, I have not used all the components yet (not sure anybody has), but I've never seen anything that looked "bad" when going through the sources.
When beginning a new project, I would generally go with Zend Framework myself, actually, if I'm the one who has to choose...
There's at least one argument I would like to add to your list :
Zend Framework can integrate with other components : you talked of using components of ZF in your application, but didn't talk about the opposite.
A great example is Doctrine (the default ORM of Symfony), which can be used with ZF quite easily -- and is much better than Zend_Db, in my opinion !
Besides that, I have to say that I agree with everyone of your points.
About the encapsulating ZF classes into your own classes : yes, you could do that (I sometimes do), but I wouldn't recommend doing it for everything : in most cases, it will probably not be necessary.
About the future :
Zend Framework is released under a BSD licence -- which means what exists cannot be closed-sourced.
Closing it would mean its end, anyway -- would be a stupid move, in the context of the PHP community
Work on ZF 2.0 is just starting (With PHP 5.3 as a requirement, btw)
Maybe, depending on your schedule for your application, it could be interesting ?
At least if you don't need to start developping before at least a couple of month...
We've been developing with ZF for almost a year now, and I really have no major qualms with it. Had a bit of a learning curve, but once I understood it, I realized how well put together this framework really is.
Compared to other frameworks, some people might point out the lack of a Model library as being a downside. I actually prefer not being told what to use, and integrating Doctrine with ZF is frictionless. If you're developing in PHP 5.3, and want an ORM, I would highly recommend Doctrine 2 (caveat: it's still in alpha testing).
The other great thing is being able to pick and choose what you want or don't want. I'm not a huge fan of Zend_Form, but I don't have to use it if I don't want to. Also, there's a very loosely structured plugin architecture that lets you really easily hook your own libraries into the framework.
So, I'm a pretty big fan of it.
One thing I am missing in the Zend Framework is a proper OR mapper. Zend_DB is ok but has some shortcomings, especially when dealing with huge databases (many tables) it gets very cumbersome. But there are a couple of OR mappers out there that can be integrated (e.g. zend-framework-orm or Doctrine as mentioned by Pascal MARTIN).
But yes, Zend is excellent, very powerful and I feel it is in some ways what PHP actually should be/should have been in terms of interface and functionality.
What I especially like apart from the obvious is the support for Dojo for rich client applications and the SOAP support.
I used ZF on a project as sole developer. Although the learning curve was quite steep, I didn't encounter too many of the problems described above. In general I found the framework very flexible, and the loose-coupling of the components made it easy to do my own thing when the ZF way of doing it didn't suit my needs.
But having recently started using python, I'd say use python ;)