How to publish photoalbums to Facebook from website - php

I'm currently working on a website backend which allows the administrator to manage photoalbums.
Besides, we have a Facebook page and we'd like to let the website and FB-page interact between each other.
The pictures are stored on the server the backend is hosted on. Now I'd like to know if it's possible, using the Facebook API, to publish a link to the photoalbum along with a thumbnail to the FB-page?
Untill now I've only worked with the FB API to put some Like buttons on my website, so I don't know if this is possible.


How to post on pages using Facebook Graph API in PHP

I've newly started working with Facebook graph API, what I want to do is that I want to create an application not to redirect on any domain
just a application which runs like we play farm villa in side of facebook and the user will give permission to post on there pages
then my app will be able to Post what ever they want on their pages and there will a cron that will delete post after couple of minutes.
I've one example of this application but it on website i want to do it in app
the example can be seen here

Invite facebook friends to view a website

I am working on a website that will include a lot of social sharing etc. We are using HybridAuth library as it seems the best way forward for our project.
We want to offer users the ability to invite their facebook friends to view a specific page on our website. We don't want to use the javascript route as that would affect the look of the website as everything else works the same no matter what social network you are using.
What is the best way to invite users to view a website using the facebook api using php?

Facebook like button and OAuth Access

I am connecting to the Facebook API using HybridAuth on the server side (backend is written in PHP). This is for a SaaS publishing application that is hosted on our servers. I understand the mechanics of OAuth and that once I accquire the appropriate permissions from the user, I can write and read from the Open Graph API, which in theory will allow me to do almost anything.
The problem is that I would like to use some of Facebook's social plugins. In particular, I would like to implement the like button so that it automatically appears for each blog post, article and page.
The problem is that the like button and the various Facebook plugins require an app_id. I would prefer not requiring users to add the developer app to their account and creating an app to get an app_id as it can be a confusing process for non-developers.
Is there anyway we can create or retrieve an app_id from open graph (which we can store and use to generate the like buttons and other facebook widgets)?
With the migrations, I understand that each liked URL will not have it's own page. Once the user clicks a like button on your site, he automatically likes your page. However, let's say I have a page called and there are other similiar pages, all with a like button. Is it possible that when clicking like, the user automatically likes our Facebook page, but when an item is published in their news feed for the like, the URL links to that specific product? Effectively, is there a way for users to like multiple pages from my site?
Update: It looks like we can generate app_ids programmatically with the create application API in the legacy REST API. However, this does not seem to be an option with the graph API.
Seems like we cannot programatically create an app_id for an account. This is not an issue, as we will just create a small guide to guide our users through creating an app and submitting the app_id to us using a form. Not perfect, but should be easy to implement.
As for URLs, liking something will not automatically like your Facebook page. If href is blank, the current page will be liked. If you set your facebook page in the href parameter, then your facebook page will be liked.

Facebook App redirection

I'm new to Facebook API. Upon reading the developers page, there are 3 types of apps to choose from. I'm trying to create something very similar to Dailymotion app whereas when the user watched a video on dailymotion, it is automatically posted on their wall.
I know the basics of authentication, what I would want to know is how to start doing this app. I found the dailymotion app and whenever I try to go to it, it just redirects to their homepage (how was it done by the way? clicking the 'go to app' button leads to their site).
here's the app:
I just found out how to do it. In facebook app page, you must uncheck everything under: "Select how your app integrates with Facebook" - Thats how I set it and when you click the app, it just redirects to the homepage and not an iframe FB app.
Regarding the "_ watched a video on Dailymotion". Those are actions and objects using open graph as stated by Dhiraj.

Synchronize data with facebook and twitter

I would like to know how i would be able to synchronize data (news and events) with a facebook page.
For example, I have a web site called (with a news and events section), and a facebook page called I would like to know how i could synchronize the news and events from with Whenever the administrator manages news and events, the data should automatically update itself on its facebook page.
Could anyone kindly guide me or even post some URL's that would help me out.
Use any of the following services,
They are providing API for that.. From that, you can update many social networking sites at once.
Just register with any of these services and the API to update the status at the end of the script where u add/upload things or stuffs..
