Can anyone help me on how to do this
All the data should come from database and arrange like what has show above.Thanks..
How is this data stored, exactly?
You would ultimately order by the business name and every time a new first character came up, print that as a title.
$get_businesses = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM businesses ORDER BY name ASC");
$last_character = '';
while($res_businesses = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_businesses))
$business_name = $res_businesses['name'];
$first_character = strtolower( sub_str($business_name, 0, 1) );
if($first_character !== $last_character){
print '<h1>'.strtoupper($first_character).'</h1>';
print '<p>'.$business_name.'</p>';
$last_character = $first_character;
If it's from your array
$last_character = '';
foreach($businesses as $business)
$business_name = $business['name'];
$first_character = strtolower( sub_str($business_name, 0, 1) );
if($first_character !== $last_character){
print '<h1>'.strtoupper($first_character).'</h1>';
print '<p>'.$business_name.'</p>';
$last_character = $first_character;
It's ultimately untested but hopefully it'll give you what you need :)
This is a concept not the full code !
//connect to database
//write a dynamic table here
echo "< table > < td >";
if($row['name'] == 'Letter name') //the first letter then go to a new column < br >
echo "< /table >";
I get an error on line 15 that says "Undefined variable: row2". How can I resolve this?
$limit = 20;
$res1 = mysql_query('SELECT *
FROM contact
WHERE name = "Greg"');
$res2 = mysql_query('SELECT name
FROM contact c, passport p
ON c.idNum = p.iNum
WHERE date >= "2015-03-03" AND t< "2015-03-21');
if(!$res1 && !$res2) {
die('Query no valid: ' . mysql_error());
else {
while(($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) || ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2))) {
$sub = $row1['num'] - $row2['num'];
if($sub <= $limit) {
echo '<br>row name is: ', $row2['name'];
What I'm trying to do is get a number from the first table (it only results to just Greg's row). Then subtract it with the numbers from the results of the second table. The result of this is placed into the sub variable and it's check to see if it's <= 20. If yes, it prints out the row. If not, it goes back to while loop to check another row. Am I going about the right way so far?
You need to change the while() loop's condition. Consider this example:
$a = 1;
if ($a == 1 || $b = 2) {
Output of var_dump() will be boolean false because $b does not exist, which is the same case why your $row2 is undefined.
The thing is, while evaluation conditions with ||, PHP will stop evaluating other conditions once the match is found, so other comparisons or assignments on the right side will not be performed.
Change your while to be like this, you need both $row1 and $row2 anyway:
while(($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) && ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2))) {
(note the && instead of ||)
Also, looks like you may want to use SELECT c.* in your second query, too, because you're only selecting the name column, and trying to use num too.
Note : Select all columns in your 2nd Query if num is already available in your columns so your problem will be solved then.!
Note : Try to replace || with && and you will be good to go.
By using || or OR as in conceptional language as I would say it.You are making the code like in a way that either and only one will pass but if you are passing both ones so then you should replace || with && so that's why your $row2 will be already created then so it will be available for more operation.!
$limit = 20;
$res1 = mysql_query('SELECT *
FROM contact
WHERE name = "Greg"');
$res2 = mysql_query('SELECT *
FROM contact c, passport p
ON c.idNum = p.iNum
WHERE date >= "2015-03-03" AND t< "2015-03-21');
if(!$res1 && !$res2) {
die('Query no valid: ' . mysql_error());
else {
while(($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) && ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2))) {
$sub = $row1['num'] - $row2['num'];
if($sub <= $limit) {
echo '<br>row name is: ', $row2['name'];
I ask in connection to this article:
How to get the columns names along with resultset in php/mysql?
$selecttable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE (preis_bis <= '$price_upper' AND preis_bis > '$price_lower') LIMIT 1");
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($selecttable); $i++) {
$field_info = mysql_fetch_field($selecttable, $i);
// not WORKING
while($rowvalue = mysql_fetch_row($selecttable)) {
echo "<tr><td>Price: ".$rowvalue[$i]."</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td style='border:1px solid #c0c0c0;padding:10px;'><!-- {$field_info->name} -->";
// get Logo and provider name
$select_getlogo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rrv_anbieter WHERE aid = '$field_info->name' LIMIT 1");
while($row_logo = mysql_fetch_object($select_getlogo)){
echo $row_logo->name.'<br><img src="images/'.$row_logo->logo.'" style="max-width: 200px;">';
#while($rowvalues2 = mysql_fetch_row($selecttable)) {
# foreach($rowvalues2 as $_column) {
# echo "<td>{$_column}</td>";
# }
echo "</td></tr>";
I do not get it to get the correct row value within the "for" loop. Writing col names is working, but showing additionally the right value in same loop not.
Can someone help?
You need to iterate once more in the inner loop to get all rows of the table's columns.
while($rowvalue = mysql_fetch_row($selecttable)) {
foreach($rowvalue as $r){
echo "<tr><td> ".$r."</td></tr>";
$rowvalue[$i] showed rows incorrectly because it's following index based on the outer loop which is $i.
So basically the loop will print all rows of each column for n-times where n=number of all columns, not just the price column.
And you can also print all elements per-$rowvalue at once with :
while($rowvalue = mysql_fetch_row($selecttable)) {
$allElements = implode(",",$rowvalue ); // comma ',' is the separator
echo "<tr><td>". $allElements."</td></tr>";
I've been a lot around this site the last couple of days, and found a lot of useful tips for a newbie to php as I am (this is my second day :) ) Therefore I'll sure hope you gurus can help me finishing this script.
What do I have:
I have this table within my Mysql:
------------------------------![Sql Tabels][1]
Would should it do:
The script have to get some table rows where the "diemensions" field is emty IS NULL
Now the script have to find the image size and spit it out in this format widthxheight the x between the width and height is important.
Where the image is not to be grabt, it should just pass by, and take the next one.
When it's done:
It have grabt the image size and updated the "dimensions" field in the DB
Sources for my code:
How to determine the picture size, then selectively insert into the database? php
Update MySql Field (if field is not empty, go to next one)
The PHP it self
# first we check, if gd is loaded and supports all needed imagetypes
function gd_get_info() {
if (extension_loaded('gd') and
imagetypes() & IMG_PNG and
imagetypes() & IMG_GIF and
imagetypes() & IMG_JPG and
imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
$username = "";
$password = "";
$database = "";
$db_hostname = "";
mysql_connect("$db_hostname","$username","$password") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("$database") or die(mysql_error());
//check if the starting row variable was passed in the URL or not
if (!isset($_GET['startrow']) or !is_numeric($_GET['startrow'])) {
//we give the value of the starting row to 0 because nothing was found in URL
$startrow = 0;
//otherwise we take the value from the URL
} else {
$startrow = (int)$_GET['startrow'];
// Retrieve all the data from the "example" table
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tx_gallery_previews WHERE dimensions IS NULL ORDER BY gallery_id ASC LIMIT $startrow, 10") or die(mysql_error());
// store the record of the "example" table into $row
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
//$row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$pid = $row['preview_id'];
$gid = $row['gallery_id'];
$imgfile = $row['preview_url'];
$dimens = $row['dimensions'];
echo $row['gallery_id'];
echo $row['preview_url']. "\r\n<br />"; */
//print $pid. " ".$imgfile." ";
//print "".$dimens."<br />";
$blah = getimagesize("$imgfile");
$type = $blah['mime'];
$width = $blah[0];
$height = $blah[1];
if (isset($width)) {
echo $pid. " ".$imgfile." ".$width. "x".$height. "\n"."<br />";
mysql_query("UPDATE into tx_gallery_previews (preview_id,gallery_id,preview_url,dimensions) VALUES ($pid,$gid,$imgfile,$width."x".$height)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE dimensions=VALUES('"$width."x".$height"')");
else{ echo "$pid <img src=\"$imgfile\" width=\"90\">Image not found"."<br />"; }
// close connection
$prev = $startrow - 10;
//only print a "Previous" link if a "Next" was clicked
if ($prev >= 0)
echo 'Previous ';
//now this is the link..
echo 'Next';
Seen but couldn't make it work
Post by "james dot relyea at zifiniti dot com 07-Feb-2009 08:49"
But seems to be the right ideer for my script.
When you answer this topic, please explane wich part does what.
Best Regards
I'm trying to create a dynamic list (5 row results) in php by first getting data from one table then using a resulting var to get the latest uploaded "image_links" (just 1 from each of the 5 artists) from another table -- then echo out.
The code here gives me the only one row with the latest image. When I comment out the "// get the latest image link uploaded ///" section of the code I get the 5 rows of different artists I really want but, of course, w/o images. I tried (among a bunch of things) mysql_result() w/o the while statement but that didn't work.
So what am I missing?
//// first get the artists followed ////////////////
$QUERY= "SELECT * FROM followArtist WHERE user_id = $user_id ";
$res = mysql_query($QUERY);
$num = mysql_num_rows($res);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$artist_name = $row['artist_name'];
$artist_id = $row['artist_id'];
$date_lastSent = $row['date_lastSent'];
$date_artPosted = $row['date_artPosted'];
$date_notePosted = $row['date_notePosted'];
//// get new notice data /////
if ($date_artPosted >= $date_lastSent) {
$artp = "new artwork posted";
$artp = "";
if ($date_notePosted >= $date_lastSent) {
$notep = "news/announcement posted";
$notep = "";
if ($artp!="" && $notep!="") {
$and = " and<br />";
$and = "";
if ($artp=="" && $notep=="") {
$no = "No new images or news posted since your<br /> last visit, but we'll let you know when there is.";
$no = "";
//////// get the latest image link uploaded ////////////////////////////////////
$QUERY2="SELECT image_link FROM artWork WHERE artist_id ='$artist_id' AND make_avail = '1' ";
//ORDER BY date_submit DESC
$res = mysql_query($QUERY2);
$num = mysql_num_rows($res);
if($num>0 ){
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
$image_link= $row['image_link'];
//////// end of get the latest images uploaded ////////////////////////////////
echo "<tr align=\"center\" height=\"115px\">
<td align=\"left\" width=\"15%\"> <a href=\"process_artist_idImages.php?artist_id=$artist_id&search=search\">
<img src=slir/w115-h115/$path$image_link /></a></td>
<td align=\"center\" width=\"80%\"
<span class=\"deviceMedLtGrayFont\">$artist_name</span>
<br /><br />
<a href=\"process_artist_idImages.php?artist_id=$artist_id&search=search\"/>
<a href=\"process_artist_idImages.php?artist_id=$artist_id&search=search\"/>
<a href=\"process_artist_idImages.php?artist_id=$artist_id&search=search\"/>
} //// end bracket for getting latest image link
} ///loop end for getting followed artist data
} ///end: if ($num>0) clause<code>
If I read your code correctly, I see you looping using data from query1 in the control structure, and a lookup on query2 within each loop. You are reusing the variables in your loop1 control structure for query2 ($num and the query handle ($res)) for the second loop. Probably not desirable within the loop.
You're sharing the variables $num and $res between the two queries ... your original properties will be overwritten when the second query is run. Use different property names for the inner query.
Example of problem:
$result = QueryA();
while( $row = $result->getRow() )
// -- You're overwriting the original result here ...
$result = QueryB();
// Next time the loop runs, it will run using the result from QueryB();
So change ...
$res = mysql_query($QUERY2);
$num = mysql_num_rows($res);
if($num>0 )
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$image_link= $row['image_link'];
$res2 = mysql_query($QUERY2);
$num2 = mysql_num_rows($res2);
if($num2 > 0)
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2))
$image_link= $row2['image_link'];
this is a mess - as others have said you're using the same variables for different purposes.
That you're storing integers which seem to represent enumerations in a char field is bad.
You're iterating through the second result set to find the last record (from an unsorted result set!).
You only need one query - not 2.
SELECT f.artist_name, f.artist_id, f.dateLastSent....
CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(date_submit, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s'), a.image_link)
), 15) as img_link
FROM followArtist f
LEFT JOIN artWork a
ON (a.artist_id=f.artist_id AND a.make_avail = '1')
WHERE user_id = $user_id
GROUP BY f.artist_name, f.artist_id, f.dateLastSent....
Here's what I've got so far-
$awards_sql_1 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 1') or die(mysql_error());
$awards_sql_2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 2') or die(mysql_error());
$awards_sql_3 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 3') or die(mysql_error());
$awards_sql_4 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 4') or die(mysql_error());
$loop = 1;
while($row_sections = mysql_fetch_array($sections_query)) {
$category = 1;
echo "<h3>" . $row_sections['section_name'] . " (Loop# $loop)</h3>";
while($categories = mysql_fetch_array(${"awards_sql_{$loop}"})) {
${"winners_sql_{$loop}"} = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 2009_RKR_bestof WHERE section = $loop && category = $category ORDER BY result_level ASC") or die(mysql_error());
echo "<h4><strong>{$categories['category_name']}</strong></h4>";
echo "<ul class=\"winners\">";
>> while($winners = mysql_fetch_array(${"winners_sql_{$loop}"})) {
switch ($winners['result_level']) {
case 1: $result_level = "Platinum"; break;
case 2: $result_level = "Gold"; break;
case 3: $result_level = "Silver"; break;
if (isset($winners['url'])) { $anchor = ""; $close = ""; }
echo "<li>$anchor{$winners['winner']}$close ($result_level)</li>";
echo "</ul>";
Where I'm getting stumped, is I'm getting this thing to loop through correctly, my loop counter ($loop) is working, but when it gets time to spit out the actual reward recipients after the first loop through winners, it's only producing the category titles, the list-items are not getting looped out.
I added a little pointer to where I think the problem begins or centers around (>>).
My guess is I need to maybe unset a var somewhere, but I don't know, I can't see it.
I'm with KM - you're displaying a single page and with your loops, you've got a LOT of queries happening at once - what if 1,000 people hit that page at the same time? ouch...
Maybe consider a larger query (with some repeated data) and loop through it once?
For example:
FROM 2009_RKR_bestof
INNER JOIN categories ON 2009_RKR_bestof.category =
INNER JOIN sections ON 2009_RKR_bestof.section =
ORDER BY section_name,category_name ASC
In your loop, you can do checks to determine if you're in a new section (category/whatever):
$current_section = "";
while($stuff = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
if ($current_section == "")
$current_section = $stuff["section_name"];
if ($current_section == $stuff["section_name"])
//keep going in your loop
//we've gotten to a new section - so close your html and start a new section
You get the idea..
My guess would be that it is a data problem. It isn't having trouble reading the titles, only the winners. If it iterated once, I would check the data, and ensure that winners_sql_2 - winnders_sql_4 are getting actual data. Perhaps add an echo winners_sql_2 line, to output the contents of the query, and ensure the query is framed correctly.