I am working with an existing website,(I am new to this site),I have to find and use the view/transaction_detail page. How can I do this? How can I find the exact path of the file
Here is my code
public function transaction_wallet()
//echo "Om Success3";
$customer_id = $this->session->userdata('customer_id');
$customer = $this->site->getRowById('customer_information', 'customer_id', $customer_id);
if($customer->sales_active != 1){
$this->session->set_flashdata('danger_msg', 'Sorry, You have not active !');
$getWallet = $this->site->getRowsByCondition('wallet_transaction', array('customer_id'=>$customer_id), array('id','desc'), 1);
$wallet_balance = !empty($getWallet) ? $getWallet[0]->balance : 0;
$company_info = $this->site->getRowsByCondition('company_information');
$data = array(
'title' => 'Transaction Wallets',
'customer' => objectToArray($customer),
'customer_id' => $customer_id,
'wallet_balance' => $wallet_balance,
'company_info' => $company_info
$content = $this->parser->parse('website/customer/transaction_wallet', $data, true);
If I understand your question correctly, you want to find the file in your project-structure, of which you know the http-path.
A easy way is to go to the page, view the page source and look for an specific codepart.
Also, you can look for a word on the page itself which has nothing to do with a framework syntax.
For example you find a header "Tuesday is moneyday" or a class, "class="moneytable".
Go to your project and simply use the search tool of your IDE to find "Tuesday is moneyday" or "moneytable".
I need an example of how to modify an existing document with existing text in Google Docs via API. The documentation only shows how to insert and delete text, but not how to update. Have been looking frantically on the web to find examples or a direction on how to do it but without luck.
Finally figured it out myself.
First, follow this video to prepare authentication to the Google Docs API (even though it's about Google Sheets but the process is basically the same). Basically it consists of these steps:
create project in Google Developer Console
enable Google Docs API
create credentials, including a service account for programmatic access
share your document with the service account client email address
install Google API's PHP client: composer require google/apiclient
Then create a script like the following:
require_once(__DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php');
$client = new \Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Some name'); //this name doesn't matter
$client->setAuthConfig(__DIR__ .'/googleapi-credentials.json'); //see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTZyuszEkxI for how to create this file
$service = new \Google_Service_Docs($client);
$documentId = 'YOUR-DOCUMENT-ID-GOES-HERE'; //set your document ID here, eg. "j4i1m57GDYthXKqlGce9WKs4tpiFvzl1FXKmNRsTAAlH"
$doc = $service->documents->get($documentId);
// Collect all pieces of text (see https://developers.google.com/docs/api/concepts/structure to understand the structure)
$allText = [];
foreach ($doc->body->content as $structuralElement) {
if ($structuralElement->paragraph) {
foreach ($structuralElement->paragraph->elements as $paragraphElement) {
if ($paragraphElement->textRun) {
$allText[] = $paragraphElement->textRun->content;
// Go through and create search/replace requests
$requests = $textsAlreadyDone = $forEasyCompare = [];
foreach ($allText as $currText) {
if (in_array($currText, $textsAlreadyDone, true)) {
// If two identical pieces of text are found only search-and-replace it once - no reason to do it multiple times
if (preg_match_all("/(.*?)(dogs)(.*?)/", $currText, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
//NOTE: for simple static text searching you could of course just use strpos()
// - and then loop on $matches wouldn't be necessary, and str_replace() would be simplified
$modifiedText = $currText;
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$modifiedText = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] .'cats'. $match[3], $modifiedText);
$forEasyCompare[] = ['old' => $currText, 'new' => $modifiedText];
$replaceAllTextRequest = [
'replaceAllText' => [
'replaceText' => $modifiedText,
'containsText' => [
'text' => $currText,
'matchCase' => true,
$requests[] = new \Google_Service_Docs_Request($replaceAllTextRequest);
$textsAlreadyDone[] = $currText;
// you could dump out $forEasyCompare to see the changes that would be made
$batchUpdateRequest = new \Google_Service_Docs_BatchUpdateDocumentRequest(['requests' => $requests]);
$response = $service->documents->batchUpdate($documentId, $batchUpdateRequest);
This is my way - easy one
public function replaceText($search, $replace)
$client = $this->getClient();
$service = new \Google_Service_Docs($client);
$documentId = ''; // Put your document ID here
$e = new \Google_Service_Docs_SubstringMatchCriteria();
$e->text = "{{".$search."}}";
$requests[] = new \Google_Service_Docs_Request(array(
'replaceAllText' => array(
'replaceText' => $replace,
'containsText' => $e
$batchUpdateRequest = new \Google_Service_Docs_BatchUpdateDocumentRequest(array(
'requests' => $requests
$response = $service->documents->batchUpdate($documentId, $batchUpdateRequest);
I need to read the list of Wordpress categories of a blog and insert them as hyperlinks into my PHP Page.
I used simplexml_load_file and it's working on my local Wamp Server perfectly.
But I'm worried about performance of the production server with a lot of users. Should I do caching for production page? How? Is there another standard solution for this?
$feed_url = "http://my.web.site/category/$category/feed/";
// If there is some errors, return empty
if(! $news_xml = #simplexml_load_file($feed_url, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA & LIBXML_NOWARNING & LIBXML_NOERROR))
log_message('error','Feed load error: '.$feed_url);
return [];
$data = [];
foreach ($news_xml->channel->item as $news_item) {
$new_item = [
"title" => (string)$news_item->title,
"link" => (string)$news_item->link,
"comments" => (string)$news_item->comments,
"pubDate" => (string)$news_item->pubDate,
"category" => (string)$news_item->category,
"guid" => (string)$news_item->guid,
"description" => (string)$news_item->description,
if ($news_item->children('media', true)->content) {
$new_item["image_url"] = (string)$news_item->children('media', true)->content->attributes()->url;
$data[] = $new_item;
I am using SoapClient to pull data out of a sharepoint list. If its a normal text field it works fine and gives me the image. I can even attach the image to the individual list elements and link it into another field and get the image that way. The problem with that is it asks me to log in to my sharepoint account whenever I access the page, which obviously a normal user of my site will not be able to do.
First, if there is a way around this, that will be a sufficient answer because that is my ideal way of doing it.
However, if the better way is to make a picture gallery and then pull the pictures from there then that isn't a problem.
Basically what I need to know is how to use the Imaging library and maybe the GetItemsByIds method? I am very new to soap and sharepoint in general so I appologize for what may be trivial questions but I really need to know how to do this and I can find no resource on the internet that explains what I need to know (if there is one, link it!). Keep in mind, I have to do this in PHP.
Here is some code that I use to pull the list data:
$authParams = array(
'login' => 'username',
'password' => 'pass'
$listName = "{GUID}";
$rowLimit = '500';
$wsdl = "list.wsdl";
$soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdl, $authParams);
$params = array(
'listName' => $listName,
'rowLimit' => $rowLimit;
echo file_get_contents($wsdl, FILE_TEXT, stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 1))), 0, 1);
$rawXMLresponse = null;
$rawXMLresponse = $soapClient->GetListItems($params)->GetListItemsResult->any;
catch(SoapFault $fault){
echo 'Fault code: '.$fault->faultcode;
echo 'Fault string: '.$fault->faultstring;
echo '<pre>' . $rawXMLresponse . '</pre>';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$results = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS("#RowsetSchema", "*");
//do the useful thing
It was an issue with the user permissions. Once we had an account with the correct permissions, it worked fine.
I am looking for the best or any way to set the Album Art of mp3s using PHP.
Album art is a data frame identified as “Attached picture” due ID3v2 specification, and
getID3() now is only one way to write all possible data frames in ID3v2 with pure PHP.
Look at this source:
Search for this text in the source:
// 4.14 APIC Attached picture
there's a piece of code responsible for writing album art.
Another way, that seems to be not as slow as pure PHP, is to use some external application, that will be launched by PHP script. If your service designed to work under a high load, binary compiled tool will be a better solution.
A better (faster) way to do this would be through an external application and the PHP exec() function to fun a command. I would recommend eyeD3.
Not sure this is still an issue but:
the amazingly complete getid3() (http://getid3.org) project will solve all your problems. Check out this forum post for more info.
Rather than just share the code for album art update, I an going to post my entire MP3 wrapper class of getID3 here so you can use as you wish
$mp3 = new Whisppa\Music\MP3($mp3_filepath);
//Get data
//set properties
$mp3->year = '2014';
//change album art
$mp3->set_art(file_get_contents($pathtoimage), 'image/jpeg', 'New Caption');//sets front album art
//save new details
namespace Whisppa\Music;
class MP3
protected static $_id3;
protected $file;
protected $id3;
protected $data = null;
protected $info = ['duration'];
protected $tags = ['title', 'artist', 'album', 'year', 'genre', 'comment', 'track', 'attached_picture', 'image'];
protected $readonly_tags = ['attached_picture', 'comment', 'image'];
//'popularimeter' => ['email'=> 'music#whisppa.com', 'rating'=> 1, 'data'=> 0],//rating: 5 = 255, 4 = 196, 3 = 128, 2 = 64,1 = 1 | data: counter
public function __construct($file)
$this->file = $file;
$this->id3 = self::id3();
public function update_filepath($file)
$this->file = $file;
public function save()
$tagwriter = new \GetId3\Write\Tags;
$tagwriter->filename = $this->file;
$tagwriter->tag_encoding = 'UTF-8';
$tagwriter->tagformats = ['id3v2.3', 'id3v1'];
$tagwriter->overwrite_tags = true;
$tagwriter->remove_other_tags = true;
$tagwriter->tag_data = $this->data;
// write tags
if ($tagwriter->WriteTags())
return true;
throw new \Exception(implode(' : ', $tagwriter->errors));
public static function id3()
self::$_id3 = new \GetId3\GetId3Core;
return self::$_id3;
public function set_art($data, $mime = 'image/jpeg', $caption = 'Whisppa Music')
$this->data['attached_picture'] = [];
$this->data['attached_picture'][0]['data'] = $data;
$this->data['attached_picture'][0]['picturetypeid'] = 0x03; // 'Cover (front)'
$this->data['attached_picture'][0]['description'] = $caption;
$this->data['attached_picture'][0]['mime'] = $mime;
return $this;
public function __get($key)
if(!in_array($key, $this->tags) && !in_array($key, $this->info) && !isset($this->info[$key]))
throw new \Exception("Unknown property '$key' for class '" . __class__ . "'");
if($this->data === null)
if($key == 'image')
return isset($this->data['attached_picture']) ? ['data' => $this->data['attached_picture'][0]['data'], 'mime' => $this->data['attached_picture'][0]['mime']] : null;
else if(isset($this->info[$key]))
return $this->info[$key];
return isset($this->data[$key]) ? $this->data[$key][0] : null;
public function __set($key, $value)
if(!in_array($key, $this->tags))
throw new \Exception("Unknown property '$key' for class '" . __class__ . "'");
if(in_array($key, $this->readonly_tags))
throw new \Exception("Tying to set readonly property '$key' for class '" . __class__ . "'");
if($this->data === null)
$this->data[$key] = [$value];
protected function analyze()
$data = $this->id3->analyze($this->file);
$this->info = [
'duration' => isset($data['playtime_seconds']) ? ceil($data['playtime_seconds']) : 0,
$this->data = isset($data['tags']) ? array_intersect_key($data['tags']['id3v2'], array_flip($this->tags)) : [];
$this->data['comment'] = ['http://whisppa.com'];
$this->data['attached_picture'] = [$data['id3v2']['APIC'][0]];
There isn't any error handling code yet. Currently, I am just relying on exceptions when I try to run any operations.
Feel free to modify and use as fit. Requires PHP GETID3
Install getId3 using composer composer require james-heinrich/getid3
Then Use this code to update your id3 tags
// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3;
// Initialize getID3 tag-writing module
$tagwriter = new getid3_writetags;
$tagwriter->filename = 'path/to/file.mp3';
$tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v2.4');
$tagwriter->overwrite_tags = true;
$tagwriter->remove_other_tags = true;
$tagwriter->tag_encoding = 'UTF-8';
$pictureFile = file_get_contents("path/to/image.jpg");
$TagData = array(
'title' => array('My Title'),
'artist' => array('My Artist'),
'album' => array('This Album'),
'comment' => array('My comment'),
'year' => array(2018),
'attached_picture' => array(
array (
'data'=> $pictureFile,
'picturetypeid'=> 3,
'mime'=> 'image/jpeg',
'description' => 'My Picture'
$tagwriter->tag_data = $TagData;
// write tags
if ($tagwriter->WriteTags()){
return true;
throw new \Exception(implode(' : ', $tagwriter->errors));
You can look into the getID3() project. I can't promise that it can handle images but it does claim to be able to write ID3 tags for MP3s so I think it will be your best bet.
Here is the basic code for adding an image and ID3 data using getID3. (#frostymarvelous' wrapper includes equivalent code, however I think that it is helpful to show the basics.)
// Initialize getID3 engine
$getID3 = new getID3;
// Initialize getID3 tag-writing module
$tagwriter = new getid3_writetags;
$tagwriter->filename = 'audiofile.mp3';
$tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v2.3');
$tagwriter->overwrite_tags = true;
$tagwriter->remove_other_tags = true;
$tagwriter->tag_encoding = $TextEncoding;
$TagData = array(
'title' => 'My Title',
'artist' => 'My Artist',
'attached_picture' => array(
array (
'data'=> $pictureFile,
'picturetypeid'=> 3,
'mime'=> 'image/jpeg',
'description' => 'My Picture'
#carrp the $Tagdata code won't work unless each value property is an array e.g.
$TagData = array(
'title' => ['My Title'],
'artist' => ['My Artist'],
'attached_picture' => array(
array (
'data'=> $pictureFile,
'picturetypeid'=> 3,
'mime'=> 'image/jpeg',
'description' => 'My Picture'
Use this inbuilt function of PHP,
$tag = id3_get_tag( "path/to/example.mp3" );
I don't think it's really possible with PHP. I mean, I suppose anything is possible but it may not be a native PHP solution. From the PHP Docs, I think the only items that can be updated are:
Sorry man. Maybe Perl, Python, or Ruby might have some solution.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with Perl (I personally don't like it, but, it's good at things like this...). Here's a script that seems to be able to pull in and edit album art in an MP3: http://www.plunder.com/-download-66279.htm