this is the code in my module file. if i only want to print the second or the third value or another value., how should i do?
function alterlink_address(){ //page callback function
$sql = db_query("SELECT field_link_url FROM {content_type_address}");
while ($q = db_fetch_object($sql)){
return $q->field_link_url.'<br>';
I'm no drupal expert and there will surely be a more economic way, but this will still work:
function alterlink_address(){ //page callback function
$sql = db_query("SELECT field_link_url FROM {content_type_address}");
while ($q = db_fetch_object($sql)){
$results[] = $q->field_link_url.'<br>';
return $results[0]."<br />";
Where the 0 in square brackets is the number (starting from 0) of the result you want to return.
A couple of notes:
a correct indentation can save lives;
getting a plethora of results from the database and displaying just a few of them is a nice method to awaken Cthulhu. I suggest you take a look at the drupal docs to get directly just the results you need.
I've got this code:
function searchMovie($query)
$this->db->where("film_name LIKE '%$query%'");
$movies = $this->db->get ("films", 40);
if($this->db->count > 0)
return $movies;
return false;
Javascript code from my submit form button strips all special characters like ; : ' / etc. from query string, and then redirects user to search uri (szukaj/query). So for example if film_name is Raj: wiara, and user searches for raj: wiara, the query looks like raj wiara and user doesn't get any results. I was thinking about exploding query into single words and then foreach word do a SELECT from db, but it would give multiple results of same movie. Don't want to change the javascript code, and I think I can't make that film names without the special characters like :.
Or maybe create another column in db for film_keywords and add there all words of movie separated by , or something and then search this column?
MySQL's Full Text Search functions are your friend here:
Will return a series of matches and give a score so you return in best-match order.
Warning: $this->db->where("film_name LIKE '%$query%'"); is open to SQL injection. Anyone can circumnavigate the JavaScript so you must always clean up input server-side. This is best done using the DB functions as well, not just stripping characters - so check whatever library you are using in order to do this.
You could indeed explode your string, using this answer's solution.
function searchMovie($query)
$queries = preg_split('/[^a-z0-9.\']+/i', $query);
foreach ($queries as $keyword){
$this->db->where("film_name LIKE '%$keyword%'");
$movies = $this->db->get ("films", 40);
if($this->db->count > 0)
return $movies;
return false;
This will create multiple ANDconditions for your db where, so the result will be filtered.
I have made a small script which uses the Twitch API. The API only allows a maximum of 100 results per query. I would like to have this query carry on until there are no more results.
My theory behind this, is to run a foreach or while loop and increment the offset by 1 each time.
My problem however, is that I cannot change the foreach parameters within itself.
Is there anyway of executing this efficiently without causing an infinite loop?
Here is my current code:
$newcurrentFollower = 0;
$i = 100;
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("".$offset));
foreach ($json->follows as $follow)
echo $follow->user->name . ' (' . $newcurrentFollower . ')' . "<br>";
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("".$offset));
Using a While loop:
while($i < $total)
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("".$offset));
echo $json->follows->user->name . ' (' . $newcurrentFollower . ')' . "<br>";
Ends up echoing this (No names are successfully being grabbed):
Here is the API part for $json->follows:
You can use this:
$offset = 0;
$count = 1;
do {
$response = json_decode(file_get_contents(
'' . $offset
foreach($response->follows as $follow) {
echo $follow->user->name . ' (' . ($count++) . ')' . "</br>";
} while (!empty($response->follows));
You want to use a while loop here, not just a foreach. Basically:
while (the HTTP request returns results)
foreach ($json->follows as $follow)
do stuff
increment offset so the next request returns the next one not already processed
The trickiest part is going to be getting the while condition right so that it returns false when the request gets no more results, and will depend on what the API actually returns if there are no more results.
Also important, the cleanest way would be to have the HTTP request occur as part of the while condition, but if you need to do some complicated computation of the JSON return to check the condition, you can put an initial HTTP request before the loop, and then do another request at the end of each while loop iteration.
The problem is you're only capturing the key not the value. Place it into a datastructure to access the information.
Honestly I find a recursive function much more effective than a iterative/loop approach then just update a datatable or list before the next call. It's simple, uses cursors, lightweight and does the job. Reusable if you use generics on it too.
This code will be in c#, however I know with minor changes you'll be able to get it working in php with ease.
query = //follower object get request//
private void doProcessFollowers(string query)
HTTPParse followerData = new HTTPParse(); //custom json wrapper. using the basic is fine. Careful with your cons though
var newRoot = followerData.createFollowersRoot(query); // generates a class populated by json
if (newRoot[0]._cursor != null)
populateUserDataTable(newRoot); //update dataset
doProcessFollowers(newRoot[0]; //recurse
Anyway - This just allows you to roll through the cursors without needing to worry about indexes - unless you specifically want them for whatever reason. If you're working with generics you can just reuse this code without issue. Find a generic example below. All you need to do to make it reuseable is pass the correct class within the <> of the method call. Can work for any custom class that you use to parse json data with. Which is basically what the 'createfollowerroot()' is in the above code, except that's hard typed.
Also I know it's in c# and the topic is php, with a few minor changes to syntax you'll get it working easily.
Anyway Hope this helped somebody
Generic example:
public static List<T> rootSerialize<T>(JsonTextReader reader)
List<T> outputData = new List<T>();
while (reader.Read())
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
var tempData = serializer.Deserialize<T>(reader);
return outputData;
function KeepSamePage($text)
$sb_w = $oPdf->GetStringWidth($text);
$num_lines = explode("\n",$text);
$total = 0;
foreach($num_lines as $line)
$y = $oPdf->GetY();
$page_height = 11 * 25.4;
$this_width = $oPdf->GetStringWidth(strip_tags($line));
$extra_line = floor($this_width / $w);
$is_line = $this_width / ($w - 1);
$is_line = $this_width == 0 ? 1 + $extra_line : ceil($is_line) + $extra_line;
$total = $total + $is_line;
$sb_height = $total * 5;
if(($page_height - $y) < $sb_height){ $oPdf->AddPage(); }
I'm using FPDF and I'm creating a function to keep the signature page of a letter all on the same page. This checks to see if it would go to the next page and if soo, then it does an AddPage();
The issue I'm having is that when I don't have it in a function, it works perfectly, but when I put it within a function, I get errors when calling the methods in the class represented by $oPdf.
So, my question generally is this: Is it possible to have a regular function in PHP call a class method as I have below? If it is possible, what am I doing wrong?
Fatal error: Call to a member function GetStringWidth() on a non-object in /home/jarodmo/public_html/cms/attorney_signature_block.php on line 18
Oh, and an explanation of my function just in case you're interested or someone else finds it.
Text has \n for new lines in it so the PDF will put the text of the signature block on the next line. Each new array element should be a new line, so I would need to multiply the number of lines by my line height, 5 in this case. (See $total * 5).
I check to see where we are on the page, find the difference between the page height and the Y position, then check that against the height of the signature block. If the signature block is bigger, then it wouldn't fit and I know we need a manual page break.
Also, because I do the explode with the \n to see the lines, I also have to check to make sure that none of the lines is still wider than the page otherwise it would word wrap and really be 2 lines (or more) where I was only counting it as 1 because it was just one array element. I know a signature block shouldn't have text wide enough to be on 2 lines, but I wrote this to be applicable for more than just signature blocks. I wanted to be able to call this function anywhere I wanted to make sure certain text stayed on the same page. Call the function, check the text I'm about to write to the PDF and move on knowing that the desired text would all be on the same page.
Thanks for all of the help and comments. SO is the best.
is not defined on your code. You need to define it, and maybe read PHP variable scope.
You are trying to access methods of the $oPdf object in your function, but your function has no idea what $oPdf is, thus, the error message.
you have to do something like this.
function KeepSamePage($text) {
$oPdf = new your_string_class();
$sb_w = $oPdf->GetStringWidth($text);
$oPdf = new your_string_class();
function KeepSamePage($text, $oPdf) {
$sb_w = $oPdf->GetStringWidth($text);
Try the following:
function KeepSamePage($text) {
global $oPdf;
The problem is, that the object is defined outside your function and you will have to allow your function to access it.
// Edit:
If you want to avoid global for whatever reason, you will have to pass your object to the function like this:
function KeepSamePage($text, $oPdf) {
// IMPORTANT! $oPdf has changed in this function, so you will have to give it back
return $oPdf;
You can call your function like this:
$oPdf = KeepSamePage($signature_block, $oPdf);
The advantage is, that you see in the main thread, that your function might has changed the object.
// Edit 2: I think, I was wrong on the edit1 in your case. As you pass the complete object to the function every change does apply to the object, so the changes will still be existant without giving back the result. If this was a variable that was defined in the main thread, you would have to give back the new value:
$a = 1;
function result1($a) {
function result2($a) {
return ++$a;
echo $a."\n"; // 1
echo $a."\n"; // 1
$a = result2($a);
echo $a."\n"; // 2
I am trying to grasp the concept of PHP functions. I know how to create one.
function functionName()
//code to be executed;
I also know how to call a function. I am just a little confused as to what a parameter is for. I have read the php manual and's tutorial. From my understanding, you need a parameter to pass a value to the function? If that is correct why not just create it within the function? Why use a parameter?
Like this:
function num()
echo $s;
I know you can do:
function num($s=14)
echo $s;
function num($s)
echo $s;
Could someone give me a real application of using a parameter, for say maybe a user based dynamic content website? I think it would help me understand it better.
Passing a parameter allows you to use one function numerous times. For example:
If you wanted to write ONE function that sent mail - you could pass the following parameters:
$to = $_POST['to'];
$from = $_POST['from'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
Then, in your function:
function sendmail($to, $from, $subject){
//code to be executed
Now you can reuse your send function at various points in your web app.
Here is an example, say you have numbers representing colors (this is common in storing data in a database) and you want to output what number represent's what color.
Say you had to do this a hundrend times for a hundred numbers.
You'd get pretty tired writing 100 if statments 100 times.
Here is a function example...
function colorType($type) {
if ($type == 1) {
return "Green";
elseif ($type == 2) {
return "Blue";
elseif ($type == 3) {
return "Red";
// etc
echo colorType(1) . "<br>"; // Green
echo colorType(2) . "<br>"; // Blue
echo colorType(3) . "<br>"; // Red
A function does something, and gives a result. It may accept parameters to arrive at that result, it may not. The simple calculator, as aforementioned, is a good one.
The easiest way to understand functions and parameters is to just read the PHP manual—most of the functions in the core PHP language take parameters of some sort. These functions are no different to the functions you write.
Let's assume you want to create a function that will allow people to sum numbers, you can't write needed variables in functions because you want others to input it and your function shows output:
function add($num1, $num2){
return $num1 + $num2;
Now anyone can call/use your function to sum numbers:
echo add(5,1); // 6
echo add(2,1); // 3
echo add(15,1); // 16
That's the most simplest example one can give to explain why you need parameters :)
When you specify function name($var=VALUE), you are setting a default.
function doit($s=14) {
return $s + 5;
doit(); // returns 19
doit(3); // returns 8
it makes your functions flexible to be reused in various situations, otherwise you would have to write many functions, one for each scenario. this is not only tedious, but becomes a nightmare if you have to fix something in those functions. instead of fixing it in one place, you would have to fix it in many places. you basically never want to have to copy paste code you have already written, instead you use arguments to make one set of the code flexible enough to handle each situation.
Paramaters allow your function to see the value of variables that exist outside of itself.
For example:
function F_to_C($temp) {
$temp = ($temp - 32) / 1.8;
return $temp;
$temperature = 32;
$new_temperature = F_to_C($temperature); // 0
echo $temperature;
$temperature2 = F_to_C(212); // 100
echo $temperature2;
Here we take $temperature, which we define in the code, but could be user input as from a form, and then send it to the function F_to_C. This allows us to convert it to Celsius, so we can then display it thereafter. In the next section, we then re-use the function to convert the boiling point, which is sent directly this time as the value 212. If we had embedded $temperature = 32 in the function the first time, then we would still get 0 as a result. However since we're using parameters, we instead get 100 back, because it's processing the value we specified when we invoked the function.
I'm still learning functions and how they work. I know what I'm doing wrong just not how to fix it. I am writing a function to pull image data out of a database and return it onto the screen. It works but if there is more than one image it will return the last image only. I know the problem is that $project_image is only returning the last image because of the way the while loop works but my question is how can i either not use a while loop or make it add more than one image to the $project_image variable.
Abridged Function
function get_project_image($id,$type="thumb",$src="false",$limit=1){
if($type =="main"){
$project_image_qry = mysql_query(" SELECT i_name FROM `project_images` WHERE i_project_id = '$id' AND i_type= '2' LIMIT $limit " ) or die(mysql_error());
while($project_image_row = mysql_fetch_array($project_image_qry)) {
$project_image_result = mysql_fetch_array ($project_image_qry);
$project_image .= '<img src="'.admin_settings('site_url').admin_settings('image_main_dir').'/'.$project_image_result['i_name'].'" alt="project_image"/>';
$project_image .= $project_image_result['i_name'];
return $project_image;
Your while condition is fine, but you seem to be fetching twice, in $project_image_row and $project_image_result, so you're going to be skipping every other image. Just fetch the array once (in the while loop is good), and use $project_image_result instead of $project_image_row within the loop to refer to that array:
while($project_image_result = mysql_fetch_array($project_image_qry)) {
$project_image .= '<img src="'.admin_settings('site_url').admin_settings('image_main_dir').'/'.$project_image_result['i_name'].'" alt="project_image"/>';
$project_image .= $project_image_result['i_name'];
Also, it seems like by default you told it to only request one image from the database. You have a default parameter $limit=1, and you use an SQL LIMIT to filter the results, so unless you pass a fourth argument to get_project_image the mysql_query is only going to return one result (you didn't include the call to get_project_image, so I'm not sure if you handled that or not