Authentication with facebook, twitter, etc.. all in one! - php

I want to allow visitors to connect to my website (like post comments or register) via major networks like facebook, twitter, yahoo.. Instead of manually implementing each one, is there a script or application comprised of all?

Check out openID Also oAuth

I came across to this.. it includes a common API for major providers...


Social accounts VS site account [duplicate]

Is there a php library that has all the stuff I need to do logins via fb, google, twitter, yahoo etc?
Something like how the SO one works.
OAuth is different from the open-id facebook uses oauth by that you can actually pull some facebook data while with open-id u can maintain the session just authentication is done by the open-id provider (google)
you can use the Janrain-engage for this purpose and there is also a open-source lib available named "open-id enabled" thats too now under janrain.. google it

Using multiple services for potential authentication endpoints

I'm writing an Android app that will require folks to identify themselves. We figured that the best course of action is to NOT have folks register with our server since practically everybody has an account somewhere else with a major service (Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo! for example).
The REST API is being built around CakePHP. This in itself isn't a sticking point for what I need, but the issue is more on the Android app along with its communication to our API. Essentially what I'd like to see is a user with X number of devices having the ability to login to a service they already have access to.
This identity would then be known by our server as an identity for that user. My app would then need a way to tell our API that "I am John Doe from service, and here's proof". The servers would also accept a new device for the same identity and tie it in to that user.
I am stuck on some issues here:
OpenID seems to be the way to go (though I'm not sure if Twitter supports OpenID). But how can I do OpenID from my device? I don't need somebody to point me to OpenID for Java. This is NOT 100% of the answer I am looking for. Where is the website going to redirect to?
What will the authentication piece be like between my webserver and Android app? I'm not logging in. I'm using an OpenID. Should I just take some/all of the OpenID information and pass it to the webserver for storage, and then pass it again to check against for every API call?
Twitter not only does OpenID, but they also have a dedicated page talking about what the flow is and what you need to store. Google has a similar page for their login. The OpenID login flows are (for the most part) OAuth2.

How can Google account credentials by applied to my PHP app (SSO)?

I have a PHP application that will be accessed by users who are already
signed into Google ( the app runs in an iFrame on a Google Site that
requires Google login)
What is the best SSO approach that uses Google login, so users have
the same identity in both places?
Best to use a some OpenID opensource? .. zend/cake/symf plugin?
GoogleApps infrastructure? .. or a identity service like Janrain?
Is it too early to go with OpenID Connect? etc.
Thanks much.
OpenID works well - and indeed, is good enough for StackOverflow - you probably used it to register your account here.
There's an article called Getting Started with OpenID. Although it's on Zend's website, it doesn't seem to be tied to the Zend framework, so is a good starting point. It covers all the modules you need to download, and includes an example to help get you started.
Also take a look on simplesamlphp and its integration with Google:
Setting up a simpleSAMLphp SAML 2.0 IdP to use with Google Apps
Is an open source project based on php. Nice comunity and complete documentation.
Hi again I recently discovered this interesting project HybridAuth, an SSO PHP Library for authentication through identity providers like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, MySpace, Windows Live, Tumblr, Identica, LastFM, OpenID, PayPal, Vimeo, Foursquare, AOL, Viadeo, and others.
I didnt test it but seems also a good solution.

Open Auth class to allow logins via facebook, google, twitter etc -> just like SO

Is there a php library that has all the stuff I need to do logins via fb, google, twitter, yahoo etc?
Something like how the SO one works.
OAuth is different from the open-id facebook uses oauth by that you can actually pull some facebook data while with open-id u can maintain the session just authentication is done by the open-id provider (google)
you can use the Janrain-engage for this purpose and there is also a open-source lib available named "open-id enabled" thats too now under janrain.. google it

MyspaceID login system

I really would like to integrate the Myspace ID platform on my site using PHP, instead of allowing users to sign in to my site anytime with there myspace ID I am planning on just using it 1 time on signup process to allow them to import profile data from there myspace to my network.
I have note been able to find any good example code for doing any kind of myspace integration, has anyone done this and care to share any info on the issue please?
MySpace is an OpenID provider. What you're looking for is an OpenID consumer library.
This one turned up as the first result on Google though there are many more out there: PHP OpenID Library
This let's people not only use MySpace, but Google, AOL, Yahoo, Flickr and innumerable other sites to sign into yours. I use it regularly. Even Stack Overflow uses OpenID sign in. Great stuff!
A simple solution would be to use JanRain - they handle login for multiple networks including MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, etc.
