Is it possible to merge these two mysql queries into one? I want to get NOW() returned to a php variable.
mysql_query('INSERT INTO translate (IDRef, RefType, Lang, Text, LastChangeTS) VALUES ('.$id.', \''.$reftype.'\', \''.$lang.'\', \''.$text.'\', NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE text = \''.$text.'\', LastChangeTS = NOW()');
mysql_query('SELECT LastChangeTS FROM translate WHERE IDRef = '.$id.' AND RefType = \''.$reftype.'\' AND Lang = \''.$lang.'\'');
You can't merge a insert statement and a select statement. But, you can sure use a stored procedure which inserts the data and then returns the LastChange value.
I was trying with this code but it didn't work. it's always get the MAX(eq_no) as 0
$sql1 =mysqli_query($con, "SELECT MAX(eq_no) AS val FROM tech_add_equip");
$sql2 = "INSERT INTO time (eq_no,status_no) VALUES ('$val', 4 );";
if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql2)) {
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); };
Finally, after I try with this code, it inserts in the right number of MAX(eq_no) but i still cant insert the values of status_no
INSERT INTO time (eq_no) SELECT MAX(eq_no) AS vale FROM tech_add_equip
Could you suggest me what did i missing in the code?
Thank you for your helping
One row returned from SELECT a,b,c statement in sub query is equivalent to set of values that is otherwise hardcoded as ('a-value','b-value','c-value')*. You can hardcode a value within select as well:
INSERT INTO time (eq_no, status_no)
SELECT MAX(eq_no), 4
FROM tech_add_equip
No need for aliases within select - order of columns matters.
*) One row result can be used for IN() clause. Another row would become set of values after comma - can't be uset for IN(), but it works ok for INSERT
('row1-a-value', 'row1-b-value'), ('row2-a-value', 'row2-b-value')
$max = SELECT MAX( customer_id ) FROM customers;
INSERT INTO customers( customer_id, statusno )
VALUES ($max , 4)
How would this be done? I would like to search the database row by row. I might even print out the entire list of the database row by row. But I would also like to show record 1400 for example and determine the info on that row - such as name, gender and country.
Is it possible to use the rownum function to get this done? Or would I need to use a where in the query? But even so how would I determine the row number? Thanks.
Make one column as ID, make it PK and auto_increment. Then your query shell be something like this for #1400 row:
"SELECT `name`, `gender`, `country`
FROM `foo_table` WHERE `id` = :id"
->execute([':id' => 1400]);
You can use user defined variables to get your rownumber in MySQL
set #nr = 0;
Now you can use this variable (same connection!) in your query
#nr := (#nr + 1) rownumber,
do your select and add
this will skip to n-th element(1400) and show just one result
Say I have a table name auto_parts with these fields.
id, part, price, timestamp
and I insert a new row via php as so:
$query = "insert into auto_parts(id, part, price, timestamp)
values(1, 'axle', 200)"
will that automatically add the timestamp.
Or do I have to insert a value for timestamp myself?
What you need to do is declare timestamp to be of type in your sql
and modify the query to
$query = "insert into auto_parts(id, part, price)
values(1, 'axle', 200)"
$query = "insert into auto_parts(id, part, price, timestamp)
values(1, 'axle', 200, 'NOW()')"
Do it in SQL itself instead of passing it ... its more efficient ... This is the corresponding post:
Auto TimeStamp new entry to DB (phpMyAdmin)
I know there are already answers to this question so I am kind of combining all answers and explaining a little bit.
There may be two ways to do this,
Change your table and make timestamp column to default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
and modify your query like this, timestamp will be inserted automatically
$query = "insert into auto_parts(id, part, price) values(1, 'axle',
200)"; mysql_query($query);
If you have more than one timestamp table then you can make one as current timestamp and for other one use like this
and modify your query like this
$query = "insert into auto_parts(id, part, price, timestamp) values (1, 'axle', 200, now())"; mysql_query($query);
I'm pulling data from a calendar feed and each event in the calendar has a unique $EventID string. I'm using PHP.
I have a SQL database with an Event_ID column. These IDs are strings. I need to be able to compare my $EventID against the Event_ID column and put in in the database if it's not there.
I have a primary key set up to auto increment in the database, and I was thinking I can set up a loop to increment through those and compare each to the $EventID, but I'm wondering if there is a better way-maybe a PHP function I don't know about?
I've got a whole lot of code, but basically I've got:
$EventID = $event->id; //This is the event ID
mysql_query("INSERT INTO myTable
(Event_ID, Date_added, Date_edited)
('$EventID', '$dateAdded', '$lastEdited')");
So how do I set up a conditional to check all the Event_IDs that are already in the database against the $EventID?
$query = "SELECT * FROM `myTable` WHERE `Event_ID`='$EventID' ";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!mysql_num_rows($result))
Check if the Event ID is present, If not insert it
You could just skip the "Select" query and do an "INSERT IGNORE" instead:
mysql_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO myTable
(Event_ID, Date_added, Date_edited)
('$EventID', '$dateAdded', '$lastEdited')");
this will leave existing Event_id's, and just add new records if required.
I have a simple sql query adding a new row to a database and need it to return the a field back to Javascript. The field does Auto_increment but stupildy I called it 'itemId' so mysql_insert_id doesnt work and I don't think I have time to go and amend all the php files that use 'itemId'
Here's my code if it helps:
$addMainItem = "INSERT INTO newsItems (itemId, title, date, tags, location, latitude, longitude, visibleFrontpage, introText, fullDome, liveEvent, customServing, visitorAttraction, retail, digitalCinema, visiblePublic, thumbPath, links, smallDesc) VALUES ('','$title','$date','$tags','$loco','$lat','$long','$visiFront','$intro','$dome ','$live','$custom','$attrac','$retail','$cinema','$public','$thumbPath','$links','$smallDesc')";
$result = mysql_query($addMainItem) or die('error '.mysql_error());
if($result) echo (mysql_insert_id());
I've never heard that naming a column itemId breaking mysql_isert_id().
But you can just select the last inserted record if auto_increment is working.
You can put the select statement into a transaction with the insert statement if you're using innoDB and you're worried about a race condition.
mysql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
Isn't it what are you looking for?