PHP 'copy' not working - php

Can anybody tell me why this function isn't copying the file at all?
$pluginfile = get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/wp-content/plugins/supersqueeze/supersqueeze.php';
$urlparts = get_bloginfo('template_url');
$homeurl = home_url();
$urlstrip = str_replace($homeurl, '..', $urlparts);
$urldest = $urlstrip . '/supersqueeze.php';
function copyemz(){
global $pluginfile; global $urldest;
if(!#copy($pluginfile,$urldest)) {
$errors= error_get_last();
This file is run from /public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php
I need it to copy the file at ($pluginfile) /public_html/wp-content/plugins/supersqueeze/supersqueeze.php
to ($urldest) /public_html/wp-content/themes/[active wordpress theme] - of course replacing [active wordpress theme] with the directory of the theme.

You need to ensure that you have write permissions to /public_html/wp-content/themes/[active wordpress theme] as well as any other files you may be overwriting.

So, the second parameter to copy() must be a local file. Make sure it is also a writable destination (chmod) like webbiedave said.
$desturl = "./supersqueeze.php";
The reason is two-fold. PHPs http stream wrappers don't support POSTing or PUTing files, which a write-to action would require. Second, your webserver probably wouldn't support HTTP PUT either. (Though a small requesthandler script could handle such.)


I am unable to open file with \Template::instance()->render. I am getting the following error

It is giving me the following error,
[text] => Unable to open /home/mehul/www/
This is the part of code which is causing the problem.
$this->f3->set('const', $constants);
echo \Template::instance()->render('/home/mehul/www/');
$renderedView = ob_get_clean();
/*foreach ($variables as $varname => $variable) {
return $renderedView;
The file might not exist
you're opening the PHP file in your webbrowser PHP file is somewhere located in /var/www delivered by Nginx / Apache. If that's the case, your webserver probably has no access to open a file within your home directory.
I recommend you put the template files next to your PHP file to make sure your webserver has access to it.
The render() methods concatenates the given template $file with all template paths stored in the UI system variable while searching for a valid file. Therefore you either have to specify a relative path or append / as workaround.
$f3 = Base::instance();
$f3->concat('UI', ';/');
The concatination $dir.$file in base.php#L2791 is the culprit. Your error is generated a few lines below.
Update / Example
$f3 = Base::instance();
$f3->concat('UI', ';/'); // Add support for absolute paths.
echo \Template::instance()
->render(__DIR__ . '/template.html');

file_exists and paths that include relative paths ("/../")

When I use file_get_contents on a path like /a/path/to/a/../file.php, it gets the content just fine. If I call file_exists first (or is_file or realpath), the return values indicate that the file does not exist. What seems to be the issue?
Edit: Here is some additional information condensed from comments to answers:
I am running Mac OS X 10.9 with php 5.5.6, so safe mode should not be an issue (it was removed in version 5.4)
I tried clearing the file cash by calling clearstatcache(true, $dir1)
The file in question is 362 bytes in size, but I reproduced this issue with several different files in a medley of locations.
open_basedir is commented out in the php.ini
The file is local (the first file I tried was in the same directory as the script)
The issue exists in the command line (phpUnit) and in the browser.
The permissions on the file in questions are -rwxrwxrwx (I sudo-chmod-777ed the file)
This is a code snippet that creates the behavior:
$dir1 = '/a/path/to/a/../file.php';
$dir2 = '/a/path/to/file.php';
echo "File content dir1:\n";
echo file_get_contents($dir1);
echo "\ndir1 exists: ".(int)file_exists($dir1);
echo "\n\nFile content dir2:\n";
echo file_get_contents($dir2);
echo "\ndir2 exists: ".(int)file_exists($dir2);
the output is:
File content dir1:
The actual content of the file. I promise!
dir1 exists: 0
File content dir2:
The actual content of the file. I promise!
dir2 exists: 1
It sounds like you have safe mode turned on and are attempting to access a file that PHP would consider unsafe when running in safe mode. From the manual:
This function returns FALSE for files inaccessible due to safe mode restrictions. However these files still can be included if they are located in safe_mode_include_dir.
EDIT: You can also reproduce this behavior if /a/path/to/a/ is not a real path. For example:
$dir1 = '/realDir/realDir2/filetoinclude.php';
echo "File content dir1:\n";
echo file_get_contents($dir1); // outputs file contents
echo "\ndir1 exists: ".(int)file_exists($dir1); // outputs 1
$dir2 = '/realDir/realDir2/realDir3/../filetoinclude.php';
echo "\n\nFile content dir2:\n";
echo file_get_contents($dir2); // outputs file contents
echo "\ndir2 exists: ".(int)file_exists($dir2); // outputs 1
$dir3 = '/realDir/realDir2/NotARealDirectory/../filetoinclude.php';
echo "\n\nFile content dir3:\n";
echo file_get_contents($dir3); // outputs file contents
echo "\ndir3 exists: ".(int)file_exists($dir3); // outputs 0
This is because file_exists needs to traverse the entire path, literally, so it looks for the missing directory and fails. I'm not sure exactly what file_get_contents does that is different, and I can't find much on Google, but it clearly does some parsing of the path that is different from what file_exists does.
I am providing the workaround that I developed with a regex, if others have this same issue. I hate to be using this hack, and I still don't understand why I am having this issue, but hopefully someone will come up with an actual solution.
Before calling file_exists I now call this function:
function resolve($path) {
$regex = "/(.?)(\/[^\/]*\/\.\.)(.*)/";
$result = preg_replace($regex, "$1$3", $path);
if ($result != $path) {
$result = resolve($result);
return $result;

create a folder and insert an index.php file with code in it

I am developing a cms and want a user to create a folder and also insert an index.php file with some lines of code to be executed. This should be done from the control panel and every thing should be done using code.
I have tried this code
if (!file_exists('folder_path')) {
However i have no idea whether i can create an index.php file and insert code into it
using fopen
$file_name = "index.php";
$create_file = fopen($file_name, "r");
First of all, of course you can, and there are several ways to do so. fopen() is one of them, but I am guessing that you would better off trying to utilize one of these:
file_put_contents( $filename, $data )
Documentation link
or, depending on your implementation of the CMS, I am guessing you may want to place a default starting template there, so simply
copy( $tempalte_file, $new_path )
Documentation link
Finally, if you insist for some reason to use fopen, just use the (w)rite flag, which will attempt to create the file if it does not exist:
$handle = fopen( $filename, "w" );
Documentation link

PHP files with 'cmt' extension (?)

This might sound a bit silly.
I have to update a website with a new interface, and although I received the old code I am lost. (As far as I know, I received the complete website, phpPgAdmin included)
Most of the files are .cmt but I'm pretty sure it's PHP, index.cmt for instance is
function get_lang_from_ip() {
$client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$client_hostname = gethostbyaddr($client_ip);
if ($client_ip != $client_hostname) {
$dom_arr = split('\.',$client_hostname);
$lang_id = ($dom_arr[sizeof($dom_arr)-1] == 'hu') ? 'hu' : 'en';
} else {
$lang_id = 'hu';
return $lang_id;
function set_target() {
$valid_lang_arr = array('hu', 'en');
if (isset($_GET['lang_id']) && in_array($_GET['lang_id'], $valid_lang_arr)) {
$lang_id = $_GET['lang_id'];
} elseif (isset($_COOKIE['lang_id']) && in_array($_COOKIE['lang_id'], $valid_lang_arr)) {
$lang_id = $_COOKIE['lang_id'];
} else {
$lang_id = 'hu'; //get_lang_from_ip();
setcookie('lang_id', $lang_id, time()+3600*24*365, '/');
return $lang_id;
header('Connection: close');
header('Location: /'.set_target().'/');
The .php files however don't begin with the <? short opening tag, but with <?php instead. And most importantly, the .cmt files are not parsed, if I navigate to the index.cmt I see the code in the browser, and thus I can't even put the old layout back together.
Any help is appreciated.
You can make a .htaccess file, and include the following:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .cmt
That should allow PHP to be executed on .cmt file extensions.
Please note that this fix can only be used on Apache web servers or others that support .htaccess.
Although, if possible, I'd recommend that you change all .cmt file extensions to their appropriate counter part, .php.
While #Josh Foskett has a valid answer, I think an actual solution would be to go through your files and rename the .cmt extensions to .php for scalability and to avoid confusion down the road.
Consider "phasing out" the legacy extensions by bringing them up to the current extension standard. Make this a project, not a quick fix, and I think you'll be much happier with your code base.
Enable short_open_tag in php.ini.
This will make sure, that php is actually executed, if it's included from an other file. It still won't execute, .cmt files directly, but if you have main .php entry files, that's exactly the behaviour you need.
You need to configure your server to parse .cmt files as PHP.
Also, both <? and <?php are valid opening tags for PHP, though the short version might be turned off in PHP settings (usually define in php.ini somewhere in the filesystem).

How to set up protected static files in Kohana 3.1

I'm using Kohana 3.1 with the ORM/Auth module enabled. I would like to serve static files (docs, pdfs, etc.) only to people with role A, in directory A_only.
Since the .htaccess files just serves URLs that it finds directly and doesn't hand it off to index.php, I could deny all access in A_only through a .htaccess, but then how would I serve the static files in a controller function?
I could also have an .htaccess in the A_only directory that requires authentication. However, this would require them to log in again even if I set it up to look in the database for user/passwords.
You're going to need to tell your web server to stop handling static files. The easiest solution would be to move the static files outside of the web directory so Apache can't find them; This will force that request to go through Kohana.
The second part is creating a controller which handles the permissions and file sending for you. The Kohana userguide has a fairly good example of something for to you work off:
Line 247 of Controller_Userguide
// Get the file path from the request
$file = $this->request->param('file');
// Find the file extension
$ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// Remove the extension from the filename
$file = substr($file, 0, -(strlen($ext) + 1));
if ($file = Kohana::find_file('media/guide', $file, $ext))
// Check if the browser sent an "if-none-match: <etag>" header, and tell if the file hasn't changed
$this->response->check_cache(sha1($this->request->uri()).filemtime($file), $this->request);
// Send the file content as the response
// Set the proper headers to allow caching
$this->response->headers('content-type', File::mime_by_ext($ext));
$this->response->headers('last-modified', date('r', filemtime($file)));
// Return a 404 status
The main thing you need to worry about is changing where Kohana looks for the files:
if ($file = Kohana::find_file('media/guide', $file, $ext))
The rest is boilerplate.
