FYI, I am working on localhost with wampserver, using PHP and AJAX, trying to display the JSON data rows (which are around 1526). and the problem is i am not able to display the rows which are based on the search conditions.
Output of print_r($result_array); in console output as below. here in below pic don't worry for console error this error is becoz of PHP array used in parsing JSON. This output i used to test weather my server PHP file is working correctly or not but it is working correctly.
After that i checked my encoding function, for which output of echo json_encode($result_array); i am getting red console error for some search condition and in other search condition i am able to display results correctly.
For example, below two images
I am not able to figure out what is happening to my code.
File search.php
// send a JSON encoded array to client
$sqlFlag = 0;
function queryDelimiter(){
global $sqlFlag;
if ($sqlFlag == 0){
$sqlFlag = 1;
return ' WHERE ';
return ' AND ';
$selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_main_lead_info";
if(isset($_POST['lead_status']) and strlen(trim($_POST['lead_status'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."LeadStatus = '".$_POST['lead_status']."'";
if(isset($_POST['lead_owner']) and strlen(trim($_POST['lead_owner'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."LeadAddedBy = '".$_POST['lead_owner']."'";
if(isset($_POST['company_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['company_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."Company = '".$_POST['company_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['tech_area']) and strlen(trim($_POST['tech_area'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."TechArea = '".$_POST['tech_area']."'";
if(isset($_POST['firm_size']) and strlen(trim($_POST['firm_size'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."FirmSize = '".$_POST['firm_size']."'";
if(isset($_POST['firm_type']) and strlen(trim($_POST['firm_type'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."FirmType = '".$_POST['firm_type']."'";
if(isset($_POST['country_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['country_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."Country = '".$_POST['country_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['state_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['state_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."State = '".$_POST['state_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['city_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['city_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."City = '".$_POST['city_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['start_date']) and strlen(trim($_POST['start_date'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."LastContactDate >='".$_POST['start_date']."'";
if(isset($_POST['end_date']) and strlen(trim($_POST['end_date'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."NextContactDate <= '".$_POST['end_date']."'";
$selectSQL .= " ORDER BY FirstName ASC, LastName ASC, Lead_Id ASC";
$result_array = array();
$result = $conn -> query ($selectSQL);
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
array_push($result_array, $row);
// print_r($result_array);
echo json_encode($result_array);
// $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_main_lead_info as M, tbl_campaign_info as C";
File loadtable.js
// This is script to load table based on filter section
$(document).ready(function() {
// Campaign Submit Info
$('[name="search_submit"]').click(function(e) {
// GET the admin and user id value
var adminvalue = $('#filterformpost').find('[name="adminvalue"]').val();
var useridvalue = $('#filterformpost').find('[name="useridvalue"]').val();
var lead_owner = $('#filterformpost').find('#lead_owner_select option:selected').val();
var lead_status = $('#filterformpost').find('#lead_status_select option:selected').val();
var company_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#company_name_select option:selected').val();
var tech_area = $('#filterformpost').find('#tech_area_select option:selected').val();
var firm_size = $('#filterformpost').find('#firm_size_select option:selected').val();
var firm_type = $('#filterformpost').find('#firm_type_select option:selected').val();
var country_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#country_name_select option:selected').val();
var city_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#city_name_select option:selected').val();
var state_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#state_name_select option:selected').val();
var start_date = $('#filterformpost').find('#start_date_search').val();
var end_date = $('#filterformpost').find('#end_date_search').val();
// console.log('adminvalue: '+adminvalue)
// console.log('useridvalue: '+useridvalue)
// console.log('lead_owner: '+lead_owner)
// console.log('country_name: '+country_name)
// console.log('State: '+state_name)
type: "POST",
url: "./server/search.php",
data: {
"lead_owner": lead_owner,
"lead_status": lead_status,
"company_name": company_name,
"tech_area": tech_area,
"firm_size": firm_size,
"firm_type": firm_type,
"country_name": country_name,
"city_name": city_name,
"state_name": state_name,
"start_date": start_date,
"end_date": end_date
beforeSend: function() {
'<img src="tenor.gif" width="40" height="40"/>'
// console.log(data)
console.log("Data Length: "+data.length)
if(data.length == 0){
$("#filterRecords").html('No results fetched');
var result = $.parseJSON(data);
// console.log(result)
// Pagination code start
// Pagination code end
$("#pagination").attr('style', 'display:block;');
paginate_json_data(result, adminvalue, useridvalue)
function paginate_json_data(userDetails, adminvalue, useridvalue) {
adminvalue = adminvalue
useridvalue = useridvalue
userDetails = userDetails
var table = '';
table = $("<table></table>");
$('#pagination').html('<div id="nav-numbers" class="col nav"></div>');
$('#number_of_rows').html('<p1>Total number of leads fetched: ' + userDetails.length + '</p1>');
$('#button-prev-next').html('<button class="col PreviousButton" id="PreValue"><i class="ion-skip-backward"></i> Previous</button><button class="col NextButton" id="nextValue">Next <i class="ion-skip-forward"></i></button>');
var max_size = userDetails.length;
var sta = 0;
var elements_per_page = 10;
var limit = elements_per_page;
// #####################################
// #####################################
table.append('<thead><th>#</th><th>Name</th><th>Company</th><th>Website</th><th>Designation</th><th>Email</th><th style="width: 150px;">Phone</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Country</th><th>Lead Status</th></thead>');
table.append('<tbody id="myTable"></tbody>');
goFun_Modified(sta, max_size);
function goFun_Modified(sta, limit) {
for (var i = sta; i < limit; i++) {
var tab = '<tr><td>' + (i+1) + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "<a target='_blank' href=./lead/index.php?lead_id=" + userDetails[i].Lead_Id + " </a>" + userDetails[i].FirstName + ' ' + userDetails[i].LastName + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Company + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Website + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Designation + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "" + userDetails[i].Email + "" + "\n" + '</td><td style="width: 150px;" >' + userDetails[i].Phone + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].City + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].State + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Country + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].LeadStatus + "\n" + '</td></tr>';
} // Function ended
$('#nextValue').click(function() {
// checks if it's the last page
if (currentPage < maxPage) {
} else {
alert("End of page");
$('#PreValue').click(function() {
// checks if it's the first page
if (currentPage > 0) {
} else {
alert("Start of page")
var number = Math.round(userDetails.length / elements_per_page);
for (i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
$('.nav').append('<button class="nav-numbers btn" id=' + i + '>' + (i+1) + '</button>');
$('.nav button').click(function() {
var start = $(this).text()-1;
// $(this).css({"background-color": "#e67e22", "color": "#ffffff"});
limit = 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1) > max_size ? max_size : 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1)
goFun_Modified(start * 10, limit);
let $self = $(this);
// gets index of button relative to it's siblings
currentPage = $self.index();
// saves all the paging buttons for reusing, instead of calling $() every time
let $pagingBtn = $('#nav-numbers .btn');
let maxPage = $pagingBtn.length - 1;
let currentPage = 0;
$('.nav button')[0].click()
// #####################################
// #####################################
// #####################################
// #####################################
table.append('<thead><th>#</th><th>Name</th><th>Company</th><th>Website</th><th>Designation</th><th>Email</th><th>Phone</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Country</th><th>Lead Status</th></thead>');
table.append('<tbody id="myTable"></tbody>');
goFun(sta, limit);
function goFun(sta, limit) {
for (var i = sta; i < limit; i++) {
var tab = '<tr><td>' + (i+1) + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "<a target='_blank' href=./lead/index.php?lead_id=" + userDetails[i].Lead_Id + " </a>" + userDetails[i].FirstName + ' ' + userDetails[i].LastName + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Company + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Website + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Designation + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "" + userDetails[i].Email + "" + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Phone + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].City + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].State + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Country + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].LeadStatus + "\n" + '</td></tr>';
$('#nextValue').click(function() {
var next = limit;
if (max_size >= next) {
def = limit + elements_per_page;
limit = def
if (limit > max_size) {
def = max_size;
goFun(next, def);
// checks if it's the last page
if (currentPage < maxPage) {
} else {
alert("End of page");
$('#PreValue').click(function() {
var pre = limit - (2 * elements_per_page);
if (pre >= 0) {
limit = limit - elements_per_page;
goFun(pre, limit);
// checks if it's the first page
if (currentPage > 0) {
} else {
alert("Start of page")
var number = Math.round(userDetails.length / elements_per_page);
for (i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
$('.nav').append('<button class="nav-numbers btn" id=' + i + '>' + (i+1) + '</button>');
if(i == number){
$('.nav button').click(function() {
var start = $(this).text()-1;
limit = 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1) > max_size ? max_size : 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1)
goFun(start * 10, limit);
let $self = $(this);
// gets index of button relative to it's siblings
currentPage = $self.index();
// saves all the paging buttons for reusing, instead of calling $() every time
let $pagingBtn = $('#nav-numbers .btn');
let maxPage = $pagingBtn.length - 1;
let currentPage = 0;
$('.nav button')[0].click()
// #####################################
// #####################################
Try add content-type specs to http header:
header("Content-Type: application/json");
and set UNICODE feature in json_encode:
echo json_encode($result_array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
I've got a Laravel project but I think I have an idea of how to incorporate the Dynamic Web Twain ( into it.
The only problem is I'm not quite sure how I would go about adding additional fields to the scanner UI (like what you see here:
At the moment my Laravel site has a working upload portion to a model where I can submit attachments, however, with the attachment form are fields that include "visibility", "type", "upload location" etc. etc. But I can't seem to figure out how I would add fields like what I already use.
From what I've tested, this is an incredibly useful tool and would work well if I could integrate it into all aspects of my site.
The closest thing I can find is here:
Which references what is done in this demo:
As you can see, you can add a field name and field value, using the "+" button, but I want to add some fields in the form that are available immediately. The other issue that I might need to work around is if I use this demo and add a value and name, this is how everything is posted and I'm not sure how to translate to something my project can understand.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="This is a field"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="RemoteFile"; filename="507-0.jpg"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
This aspect is a necessary part of my project, so unfortunately there's no real way around this besides moving forward.
This is the current script in the online demo:
Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.RegisterEvent('OnWebTwainReady', Dynamsoft_OnReady); // Register OnWebTwainReady event. This event fires as soon as Dynamic Web TWAIN is initialized and ready to be used
var DWObject, blankField = "", extrFieldsCount = 0, upload_returnSth = true;
var CurrentPathName = unescape(location.pathname);
var CurrentPath = CurrentPathName.substring(0, CurrentPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var strHTTPServer = location.hostname;
var strActionPage;
var scriptLanguages = [
{ desc: "PHP", val: "php" },
{ desc: "PHP-MySQL", val: "phpMySQL" },
{ desc: "CSharp", val: "csharp" },
{ desc: "CSharp-MSSQL", val: "csMSSQL" },
{ desc: "VB.NET", val: "vbnet" },
{ desc: "VBNET-MSSQL", val: "vbnetMSSQL" },
{ desc: "JSP", val: "jsp" },
{ desc: "JSP-Oracle", val: "jspOracle" },
{ desc: "ASP", val: "asp" },
{ desc: "ASP-MSSQL", val: "aspMSSQL" },
{ desc: "ColdFusion", val: "cfm" },
{ desc: "CS-Azure", val: "csAzure" }
function languageSelected() {
if (document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").selectedIndex > 7)
upload_returnSth = false;
upload_returnSth = true;
if ([0, 2, 4, 6].indexOf(document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").selectedIndex) == -1) {
document.getElementById("extra-fields-div-id").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').style.display = 'none';
else {
document.getElementById("extra-fields-div-id").style.display = '';
if (document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').children.length > 1 ||
document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').children[0].children[0].value != '') {
document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').style.display = '';
function addAField() {
if (extrFieldsCount == 3) {
document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').style.overflowY = 'scroll';
if (document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').style.display == "none")
document.getElementById('div-extra-fields').style.display = '';
else {
blankField = document.getElementsByClassName('div-fields-item')[extrFieldsCount - 1].cloneNode(true);
function downloadPDFR() {
CurrentPath + '/Resources/addon/',
function () {/*console.log('PDF dll is installed');*/
function (errorCode, errorString) {
function Dynamsoft_OnReady() {
blankField = document.getElementsByClassName('div-fields-item')[0].cloneNode(true);
DWObject = Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.GetWebTwain('dwtcontrolContainer'); // Get the Dynamic Web TWAIN object that is embeded in the div with id 'dwtcontrolContainer'
if (DWObject) {
DWObject.Width = 505;
DWObject.Height = 600;
for (var i = 0; i < scriptLanguages.length; i++)
document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").options.add(new Option(scriptLanguages[i].desc, i));
document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").options.selectedIndex = 2;
* Make sure the PDF Rasterizer and OCR add-on are already installedsample
if (!Dynamsoft.Lib.env.bMac) {
var localPDFRVersion = '';
localPDFRVersion = DWObject._innerFun('GetAddOnVersion', '["pdf"]');
else {
localPDFRVersion = DWObject.getSWebTwain().GetAddonVersion("pdf");
if (localPDFRVersion != Dynamsoft.PdfVersion) {
var ObjString = [];
ObjString.push('<div class="p15" id="pdfr-install-dlg">');
ObjString.push('The <strong>PDF Rasterizer</strong> is not installed on this PC<br />Please click the button below to get it installed');
ObjString.push('<p class="tc mt15 mb15"><input type="button" value="Install PDF Rasterizer" onclick="downloadPDFR();" class="btn lgBtn bgBlue" /><hr></p>');
ObjString.push('<i><strong>The installation is a one-time process</strong> <br />It might take some time depending on your network.</i>');
Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.ShowDialog(400, 310, ObjString.join(''));
else {
function AcquireImage() {
if (DWObject) {
var bSelected = DWObject.SelectSource();
if (bSelected) {
var OnAcquireImageSuccess, OnAcquireImageFailure;
OnAcquireImageSuccess = OnAcquireImageFailure = function () {
DWObject.IfDisableSourceAfterAcquire = true; //Scanner source will be disabled/closed automatically after the scan.
DWObject.AcquireImage(OnAcquireImageSuccess, OnAcquireImageFailure);
function LoadImages() {
if (DWObject) {
DWObject.LoadImageEx('', 5,
function () {
function (errorCode, errorString) {
alert('Load Image:' + errorString);
function OnHttpUploadSuccess() {
function OnHttpServerReturnedSomething(errorCode, errorString, sHttpResponse) {
var textFromServer = sHttpResponse;
function _printUploadedFiles(info) {
if (info.indexOf('DWTUploadFileName') != -1) {
var url, _strPort;
DWObject.IfSSL = Dynamsoft.Lib.detect.ssl;
_strPort = location.port == "" ? 80 : location.port
url = 'http://' + location.hostname + ':' + location.port
if (Dynamsoft.Lib.detect.ssl == true) {
_strPort = location.port == "" ? 443 : location.port;
url = 'https://' + location.hostname + ':' + location.port
var savedIntoToDB = false, imgIndexInDB = "-1";
if (info.indexOf("DWTUploadFileIndex:") != -1) {
savedIntoToDB = true;
imgIndexInDB = info.substring(info.indexOf('DWTUploadFileIndex') + 19, info.indexOf('DWTUploadFileName'));
var fileName = info.substring(info.indexOf('DWTUploadFileName') + 18, info.indexOf('UploadedFileSize'));
var fileSize = info.substr(info.indexOf('UploadedFileSize') + 17);
if (savedIntoToDB) {
if (info.indexOf('CSHARP') != -1) {
url += CurrentPath + 'action/csharp-db.aspx?imgID=' + imgIndexInDB;
else if (info.indexOf('VBNET') != -1) {
url += CurrentPath + 'action/vbnet-db.aspx?imgID=' + imgIndexInDB;
else if (info.indexOf('PHP') != -1) {
url += CurrentPath + 'action/php-mysql.php?imgID=' + imgIndexInDB;
else if (info.indexOf('JSP') != -1) {
url += CurrentPath + 'action/jsp-oracle.jsp?imgID=' + imgIndexInDB;
else {
url += CurrentPath + 'action/UploadedImages/' + encodeURI(fileName);
var newTR = document.createElement('tr');
_str = "<td class='tc'><a class='bluelink'" + ' href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + fileName + "</a></td>"
+ "<td class='tc'>" + fileSize + '</td>';
if (info.indexOf("FieldsTrue:") != -1)
_str += "<td class='tc'><a class='bluelink'" + '" href="' + url.substring(0, url.length - 4) + '_1.txt' + '" target="_blank">Fields</td>';
else {
_str += "<td class='tc'>No Fields</td>";
newTR.innerHTML = _str;
function upload_preparation(_name) {
DWObject.IfShowCancelDialogWhenImageTransfer = !document.getElementById('quietScan').checked;
strActionPage = CurrentPath + 'action/';
switch (document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").options.selectedIndex) {
case 0: strActionPage += "php.php"; break;
case 2: strActionPage += "csharp.aspx"; break;
case 6: strActionPage += "jsp.jsp"; break;
case 4: strActionPage += "vbnet.aspx"; break;
case 8: strActionPage += "asp.asp"; break;
case 10: strActionPage += "cfm.cfm"; break;
case 1: strActionPage += "php-mysql.php?imgID=new"; break;
case 7: strActionPage += "jsp-oracle.jsp?imgID=new"; break;
case 3: strActionPage += "csharp-db.aspx?imgID=new"; break;
case 5: strActionPage += "vbnet-db.aspx?imgID=new"; break;
case 9: strActionPage += "asp-db.asp"; break;
case 11: preparetoUploadtoAzure(_name); break;
default: break;
DWObject.IfSSL = Dynamsoft.Lib.detect.ssl;
var _strPort = location.port == "" ? 80 : location.port;
if (Dynamsoft.Lib.detect.ssl == true)
_strPort = location.port == "" ? 443 : location.port;
DWObject.HTTPPort = _strPort;
if ([0, 2, 4, 6].indexOf(document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").selectedIndex) != -1) {
/* Add Fields to the Post */
var fields = document.getElementsByClassName('div-fields-item');
for (var n = 0; n < fields.length; n++) {
var o = fields[n];
if (o.children[0].value != '')
DWObject.SetHTTPFormField(o.children[0].value, o.children[1].value);
function UploadImage_inner() {
if (DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer == 0)
var Digital = new Date();
var uploadfilename = Digital.getMilliseconds(); // Uses milliseconds according to local time as the file name
// Upload the image(s) to the server asynchronously
if (document.getElementById("ddlLanguages").options.selectedIndex == 11 /*Azure*/) return;
if (document.getElementsByName('ImageType')[0].checked) {
var uploadIndexes = [];
for (var i = DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer - 1; i > -1 ; i--) {
var uploadJPGsOneByOne = function (errorCode, errorString, sHttpResponse) {
if (upload_returnSth)
if (uploadIndexes.length > 0) {
var _index = uploadIndexes.pop();
if (upload_returnSth)
DWObject.HTTPUploadThroughPost(strHTTPServer, _index, strActionPage, uploadfilename + "-" + _index.toString() + ".jpg", OnHttpUploadSuccess, uploadJPGsOneByOne);
DWObject.HTTPUploadThroughPost(strHTTPServer, _index, strActionPage, uploadfilename + "-" + _index.toString() + ".jpg", uploadJPGsOneByOne, OnHttpServerReturnedSomething);
var _index = uploadIndexes.pop();
if (upload_returnSth)
DWObject.HTTPUploadThroughPost(strHTTPServer, _index, strActionPage, uploadfilename + "-" + _index.toString() + ".jpg", OnHttpUploadSuccess, uploadJPGsOneByOne);
DWObject.HTTPUploadThroughPost(strHTTPServer, _index, strActionPage, uploadfilename + "-" + _index.toString() + ".jpg", uploadJPGsOneByOne, OnHttpServerReturnedSomething);
else if (document.getElementsByName('ImageType')[1].checked) {
DWObject.HTTPUploadAllThroughPostAsMultiPageTIFF(strHTTPServer, strActionPage, uploadfilename + ".tif", OnHttpUploadSuccess, OnHttpServerReturnedSomething);
else if (document.getElementsByName('ImageType')[2].checked) {
DWObject.HTTPUploadAllThroughPostAsPDF(strHTTPServer, strActionPage, uploadfilename + ".pdf", OnHttpUploadSuccess, OnHttpServerReturnedSomething);
function UploadImage() {
if (DWObject) {
var nCount = 0, nCountUpLoaded = 0, aryFilePaths = [];
if (document.getElementById('uploadDirectly').checked) {
DWObject.IfShowCancelDialogWhenImageTransfer = false;
function ds_load_file_to_upload_directly(bSave, filesCount, index, path, filename) {
nCount = filesCount;
var filePath = path + "\\" + filename;
if (aryFilePaths.length == nCount) {
var i = 0;
function uploadFileOneByOne() {
DWObject.HTTPUploadThroughPostDirectly(strHTTPServer, filePath, strActionPage, filename,
function () {
console.log('Upload Image:' + aryFilePaths[i] + ' -- successful');
if (i != nCount)
DWObject.UnregisterEvent('OnGetFilePath', ds_load_file_to_upload_directly);
DWObject.RegisterEvent('OnGetFilePath', ds_load_file_to_upload_directly);
DWObject.ShowFileDialog(false, "Any File | *.*", 0, "", "", true, true, 0);
else {
/* Upload to Azure */
var Base64Binary = {
_keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
decode: function (input, arrayBuffer) {
//get last chars to see if are valid
var lkey1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(input.length - 1));
var lkey2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(input.length - 2));
var bytes = (input.length / 4) * 3;
if (lkey1 == 64) bytes--; //padding chars, so skip
if (lkey2 == 64) bytes--; //padding chars, so skip
var uarray;
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
if (arrayBuffer)
uarray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
uarray = new Uint8Array(bytes);
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
for (i = 0; i < bytes; i += 3) {
//get the 3 octects in 4 ascii chars
enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++));
enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++));
enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++));
enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
uarray[i] = chr1;
if (enc3 != 64) uarray[i + 1] = chr2;
if (enc4 != 64) uarray[i + 2] = chr3;
return uarray;
function uploadImageInner_azure(blobSasUrl, fileDataAsArrayBuffer) {
var ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
try {'PUT', blobSasUrl, true);
ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader('x-ms-blob-type', 'BlockBlob');
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ajaxRequest.readyState == 4) {
console.log('Upload image to azure server successfully.');
catch (e) {
console.log("can't upload the image to server.\n" + e.toString());
function preparetoUploadtoAzure(__name) {
var uploadfilename = '';
//For JPEG, upload the current image
if (document.getElementsByName('ImageType')[0].checked) {
DWObject.SelectedImagesCount = 1;
DWObject.SetSelectedImageIndex(0, DWObject.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer);
uploadfilename = __name + '.jpg';
else { //For TIFF, PDF, upload all images
var count = DWObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer;
DWObject.SelectedImagesCount = count;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
DWObject.SetSelectedImageIndex(i, i);
if (document.getElementsByName('ImageType')[1].checked) {
uploadfilename = __name + '.tif';
else {
uploadfilename = __name + '.pdf';
var strImg, aryImg, _uint8_STR, _bin_ARR, _blobImg;
strImg = DWObject.SaveSelectedImagesToBase64Binary();
// convert base64 to Uint8Array
var bytes = (strImg.length / 4) * 3;
var _temp = new ArrayBuffer(bytes);
_uint8_STR = Base64Binary.decode(strImg, _temp);
// convert Uint8Array to blob
_blobImg = new Blob([_uint8_STR]);
// upload to Azure server
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
uploadImageInner_azure(xhr.responseText, _blobImg);
var actionPageFullPath = CurrentPath + 'action/' + 'azure.aspx?imageName=' + uploadfilename;'GET', actionPageFullPath, true);
I'm new to Javascript, I got this Javascript timer from the net. I'm trying to stop the timer and insert the stopped time into the database if a certain PHP variable is set, but I'm not sure how to stop the timer. Here's the code. I saw this post and sadly, I still can't get it to work. How to stop a timer function from running?
<script type="text/javascript">
* CountUp script by Praveen Lobo (
* This notice MUST stay intact(in both JS file and SCRIPT tag) for legal use.
function CountUp(initDate, id){
this.beginDate = new Date(initDate);
this.countainer = document.getElementById(id);
this.numOfDays = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
this.borrowed = 0, this.years = 0, this.months = 0, this.days = 0;
this.hours = 0, this.minutes = 0, this.seconds = 0;
var dateNow = new Date();
var currYear = dateNow.getFullYear();
if ( (currYear % 4 == 0 && currYear % 100 != 0 ) || currYear % 400 == 0 ) {
this.numOfDays[1] = 29;
var self = this;
setTimeout(function(){self.updateNumOfDays();}, (new Date((currYear+1), 1, 2) - dateNow));
CountUp.prototype.datePartDiff=function(then, now, MAX){
var diff = now - then - this.borrowed;
this.borrowed = 0;
if ( diff > -1 ) return diff;
this.borrowed = 1;
return (MAX + diff);
var currDate = new Date();
var prevDate = this.beginDate;
this.seconds = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getSeconds(), currDate.getSeconds(), 60);
this.minutes = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getMinutes(), currDate.getMinutes(), 60);
this.hours = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getHours(), currDate.getHours(), 24);
this.days = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getDate(), currDate.getDate(), this.numOfDays[currDate.getMonth()]);
this.months = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getMonth(), currDate.getMonth(), 12);
this.years = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getFullYear(), currDate.getFullYear(),0);
return value < 10 ? ("0" + value) : value;
this.seconds = this.addLeadingZero(this.seconds);
this.minutes = this.addLeadingZero(this.minutes);
this.hours = this.addLeadingZero(this.hours);
this.countainer.innerHTML =
" <strong>" + this.hours + "</strong> <small>" + (this.hours == 1? ":" : ":") + "</small>" +
" <strong>" + this.minutes + "</strong> <small>" + (this.minutes == 1? ":" : ":") + "</small>" +
" <strong>" + this.seconds + "</strong> <small>" + "</small>";
var self = this;
setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
<?php if(isset($results['calltime'])) {$timevar= date("M d, Y H:i:s",strtotime($results['calltime']));}?>
window.onload=function(){ new CountUp('<?php echo $timevar; ?>', 'counter'); }
//I need a function to stop timer if (isset($results['firstcall_time']))
In your method updateCounter() You have following statement
setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
make it like following first.
myTimer = setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
and then whenever you want to stop the timer call this method.
and then record the time.
It uses setTimeout for counting so you have to use clearTimeout for stopping the contdown.
reffer Clear Timeout
In the lines:
setTimeout(function(){self.updateNumOfDays();}, (new Date((currYear+1), 1, 2) - dateNow));
setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
You can see the recursion is being used, thus the timer keeps running.
So when you want to stop the timer do SOMETHING like this:
var flag = true;
<?php if (isset($results['firstcall_time'])){ ?>
flag = false;
<?php } ?>
And modify your script a little bit as:
setTimeout(function(){if(flag){self.updateNumOfDays();}else{//write code to cleartimeout}}, (new Date((currYear+1), 1, 2) - dateNow));//check for the flag before recursion
setTimeout(function(){if(flag){self.updateCounter();}}else{//write code to cleartimeout}, 1000);
He isn't using a timer. He is using setTimeout, but the executing function, is the same method, sort-of like recursion (but strictly speaking, it isn't). So, it's on going. Hope this makes sense.
A timer is implemented like:
// Start
var timerId = setInterval(func() {
// your code to execute
}, 5000);
// Stop
I've added a stop method to CountUp. So you should now be able to do this:
// Start
var counter = new CountUp(new Date(), 'div');
// Stop
Here's the code. I've just hand coded in here, so if there are any typos or something doesn't work then post a comment.
function CountUp(initDate, id){
this.beginDate = new Date(initDate);
this.countainer = document.getElementById(id);
this.numOfDays = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
this.borrowed = 0, this.years = 0, this.months = 0, this.days = 0;
this.hours = 0, this.minutes = 0, this.seconds = 0;
this.daysTimerId = setInterval(this.updateNumOfDays(), this.getDaysTimerInterval());
this.updateTimerId = setInterval(this.updateCounter(), 1000);
var dateNow = dt || new Date();
return (new Date((dateNow.getFullYear()+1), 1, 2) - dateNow));
var dateNow = new Date();
var currYear = dateNow.getFullYear();
if ( (currYear % 4 == 0 && currYear % 100 != 0 ) || currYear % 400 == 0 ) {
this.numOfDays[1] = 29;
// var self = this;
// setTimeout(function(){self.updateNumOfDays();}, self.getDaysTimerInterval(dateNow));
CountUp.prototype.datePartDiff=function(then, now, MAX){
var diff = now - then - this.borrowed;
this.borrowed = 0;
if ( diff > -1 ) return diff;
this.borrowed = 1;
return (MAX + diff);
var currDate = new Date();
var prevDate = this.beginDate;
this.seconds = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getSeconds(), currDate.getSeconds(), 60);
this.minutes = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getMinutes(), currDate.getMinutes(), 60);
this.hours = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getHours(), currDate.getHours(), 24);
this.days = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getDate(), currDate.getDate(), this.numOfDays[currDate.getMonth()]);
this.months = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getMonth(), currDate.getMonth(), 12);
this.years = this.datePartDiff(prevDate.getFullYear(), currDate.getFullYear(),0);
return value < 10 ? ("0" + value) : value;
this.seconds = this.addLeadingZero(this.seconds);
this.minutes = this.addLeadingZero(this.minutes);
this.hours = this.addLeadingZero(this.hours);
this.countainer.innerHTML =
" <strong>" + this.hours + "</strong> <small>" + (this.hours == 1? ":" : ":") + "</small>" +
" <strong>" + this.minutes + "</strong> <small>" + (this.minutes == 1? ":" : ":") + "</small>" +
" <strong>" + this.seconds + "</strong> <small>" + "</small>";
// var self = this;
// setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
Here is how I stopped the counter:
I inserted this few lines before "CountUp.prototype.updateCounter=function(){"
var today=new Date();
var start=new Date(2013,10,25,5,35,0); //example: Stop date
diff = start-today;
Then, inside updateCounter function, instead of directly call the setTimeout I added a condition:
if ( ( (this.seconds==0) && (this.minutes==0) (this.hours==0) && (this.days==0) ) || (diff <=0) ) { //on the fly (page is laready open with the counter running) or onload
//Time's up!
} else {
setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
So the new code will look like this:
var today=new Date();
var start=new Date(2013,10,25,5,35,0);
diff = start-today;
this.countainer.innerHTML = " <strong>" + this.seconds + "</strong> " + (this.seconds == 1? ":" : ":")+
" <strong>" + this.minutes + "</strong> " + (this.minutes == 1? ":" : ":")+
" <strong>" + this.hours + "</strong> " + (this.hours == 1? ":" : ":")+
" <strong>" + this.days + "</strong> " + (this.days == 1? ":" : "");
var self = this;
if ( ( (this.seconds==0) && (this.minutes==0) (this.hours==0) && (this.days==0) ) || (diff <=0) ) { //on the fly or onload
//Time's up!
} else {
setTimeout(function(){self.updateCounter();}, 1000);
Hope that will help.
I currently have a table that is being populated by a MySQL table, in turn i want to take the data from these cells and use them to create a simulated real time update, i have it working however due to having multiple rows im using for loops in the javascript functions and i believe this is causing the other functions not to run and i cannot figure out a way round it.
Javascript Code:
var seconds = 5;
var divid = "status";
var url = "boo.php";
var timeout;
function refreshdiv(){
// The XMLHttpRequest object
var xmlHttp;
xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
catch (e){
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); // Internet Explorer
catch (e){
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e){
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
return false;
// Timestamp for preventing IE caching the GET request
fetch_unix_timestamp = function()
return parseInt(new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10))
var timestamp = fetch_unix_timestamp();
var nocacheurl = url+"?t="+timestamp;
// The code...
// Start the refreshing process
var seconds;
window.onload = function startrefresh(){
function runningtime(int) {
if(int == 0) { //if there is data
console.log("int=0 so no data is present, int: " + int);
} else if(int == 1){
var isRunning = new Array();
isRunning[0] = " ";
for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
var bool = 'running' + i;
console.log("Running = " + bool);
running = document.getElementById(bool).innerHTML.substring(10,11);
console.log("running: " + running);
if(isRunning[i] == "1") {
var time = 'Time' + i;
a= document.getElementById(time).innerHTML;
console.log("a= " + a);
min= a.substring(3,5);
sec= a.substring(6,8);
if (min<=9) { min="0"+min; }
if (sec<=9) { sec="0"+sec; }
time = (hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec + " ");
if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById(time).innerHTML = time; }
else if (document.layers) {
document.layers.theTime.document.close(); }
} else {
//Do nothing
timeout = setTimeout("runningtime(1)", 1000);
function experiencehour(exp) {
if(exp == 0) { //if there is dexphourtexphour
console.log("exp=0 so no data is present, exp: " + exp);
} else if(exp == 1){
var isRunning = new Array();
isRunning[0] = " ";
for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
var bool = 'running' + i;
console.log("Running = " + bool);
running = document.getElementById(bool).innerHTML.substring(10,11); //checks if bot running
console.log("running: " + running);
if(isRunning[i] == "1") {
var exph = 'Exph' + i;
var expg = 'Exp' + i;
exphour = document.getElementById(exph).innerHTML; //exphour
currexp = document.getElementById(exp).innerHTML; //current gained exp
exphour =parseInt(exphour);
currexp =parseInt(currexp);
console.log("currexp= " + currexp);
console.log("exphour= " + exphour);
expmin = exphour/60;
console.log("expmin= " + expmin);
expsec = Math.round(expmin/60);
console.log("expsec= " + expsec);
newtotalexp = currexp + expsec;
console.log("newtotalexp= " + newtotalexp);
if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById(exp).innerHTML = newtotalexp; } //writing new exp
else if (document.lexphouryers) {
document.lexphouryers.theTime.document.close(); }
} else {
//Do nothing
timeout = setTimeout("experiencehour(1)", 1000);
function variable1hour(var1) {
if(var1 == 0) { //if there is dvar1hourtvar1hour
console.log("var1=0 so no data is present, var1: " + var1);
} else if(var1 == 1){
var isRunning = new Array();
isRunning[0] = " ";
for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
var bool = 'running' + i;
console.log("Running = " + bool);
isRunning[i] = document.getElementById(bool).innerHTML.substring(10,11); //checks if bot running
console.log("isRunning = " + isRunning[i]);
if(isRunning[i] == "1") {
var varh = 'Varh' + i;
var varg = 'Var' + i;
console.log("Varh = " + varh);
console.log("Var = " + varg);
var1hour = document.getElementById(varh).innerHTML; //var1hour
currvar1 = document.getElementById(varg).innerHTML; //current gained var1
var1hour =parseInt(var1hour);
currvar1 =parseInt(currvar1);
console.log("currvar1= " + currvar1);
console.log("var1hour= " + var1hour);
var1min = var1hour/60;
console.log("var1min= " + var1min);
var1sec = Math.round(var1min/60);
console.log("var1sec= " + var1sec);
newtotalvar = currvar1 + var1sec;
console.log("newtotalvar= " + newtotalvar);
if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById(varg).innerHTML = newtotalvar; } //writing new var1
else if (document.lvar1houryers) {
} else {
//Do nothing
timeout = setTimeout("variable1hour(1)", 1000);
function stopScript() {
console.log("Stopping script");
function startScript(i) {
Any ideas on how i can get around this so i can get all 3 functions running simultaneously.
I have checked console and im not getting any errors that would stop them from running.
You can't have simultaneously in JS. But you can simulate simultaneous a bit in JS.
Take a look at underscore's defer method.
It'd work like this:
Take the loop body and wrap it up in a function
Each iteration through the for loop, make a call to the function using defer
That's basically it. Doing that will allow other functions to "interrupt" any given process (function) and thus "share" the execution thread.
A standard JS implementation w/out defer. I'm trying to simulate the closer of defer. The key takeaway here is that, while the calls still execute in the order that they were queued, all get "started" before any one of them completes. In the case of AJAX async requests, the async response should be able to inject itself between any two loop iterations. You can also set data processing by using slight delays
for(var i = 0; i != 5; ++i)
document.getElementById('id' + index).innerHTML = 'started...';
// kill some time
var str = '';
for(var j = 0; j != 10000000; ++j)
str = str + ' ';
document.getElementById('id' + index).innerHTML = 'Function: 1. Index: ' + index + ' - ' + new Date().getTime();
}, index);
for(var i = 5; i != 10; ++i)
document.getElementById('id' + index).innerHTML = 'started...';
// kill some time
var str = '';
for(var j = 0; j != 1000000; ++j)
str = str + ' ';
document.getElementById('id' + index).innerHTML = 'Function: 2. Index: ' + index+ ' - ' + new Date().getTime();
}, 1);
I'm trying to develop a web application that mainly uses PHP but i'm using jQuery/Javascript to grab people's Tweets from their URL:
The thing is want to run a PHP cron job to grab latest tweets from people who have signed up for my application. But i dont know how to do this with javascript?
Is this possible?
This is the javascript code, can i do this in PHP so i can use a Cron Job?
$(document).ready( function() {
var url = "";
$.each(data, function(i, item) {
$("#twitter-posts").append("<p>" + item.text.linkify() + " <span class='created_at'>" + relative_time(item.created_at) + " via " + item.source + "</span></p>");
String.prototype.linkify = function() {
return this.replace(/[A-Za-z]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+/, function(m) {
function relative_time(time_value) {
var values = time_value.split(" ");
time_value = values[1] + " " + values[2] + ", " + values[5] + " " + values[3];
var parsed_date = Date.parse(time_value);
var relative_to = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : new Date();
var delta = parseInt((relative_to.getTime() - parsed_date) / 1000);
delta = delta + (relative_to.getTimezoneOffset() * 60);
var r = '';
if (delta < 60) {
r = 'a minute ago';
} else if(delta < 120) {
r = 'couple of minutes ago';
} else if(delta < (45*60)) {
r = (parseInt(delta / 60)).toString() + ' minutes ago';
} else if(delta < (90*60)) {
r = 'an hour ago';
} else if(delta < (24*60*60)) {
r = '' + (parseInt(delta / 3600)).toString() + ' hours ago';
} else if(delta < (48*60*60)) {
r = '1 day ago';
} else {
r = (parseInt(delta / 86400)).toString() + ' days ago';
return r;
function twitter_callback ()
return true;
The javascript method setInterval allows you to pass a method and a number of milliseconds. The method you provide will be executed every number of milliseconds you provided. So if you wanted to grab the latest tweets every 30 seconds, you would call something like this:
This would call the method updateTweets every thirty seconds, where you could use ajax to load up the latest tweets.
For more information on setInterval, you can check out:
The best solution is to re-implement your functionality in PHP:
$url = "";
$responseJsonString = file_get_contents($url);
$responseArray = json_decode($responseJsonString, $array=true);
// uncomment this to see what's in the response array:
// print_r($responseArray);
// Now, you can do as you like with $responseArray
And then execute the PHP script via crontab.