I have read many about REST api in php articles. but I still get quite confusing.
they basically rewrite the url to a index.php, which process the url and depends on the method, then send response
but which is the properly way to process the url? this looks doen't look correct...
get the uri and split it
I should know what to do with each portion, eg. for GET /usr/1 I should do something like:
if the request url is like GET www.domain.com/user/1
it would call getUser($id);
but what happen if you can also retrieve the user by name, or maybe e-mail? so the url can also be www.domain.com/user/john or www.domain.com/user/john#gmail.com
and each url should call different methods like getUsrByName($name) or getUsrByEmail($mail)
The proper way of handling this would be to have URLs like this:
domain.com/user/id/1 -> user::getById
domain.com/user/email/foo#bar.com -> user::getByEmail
domain.com/user/username/foo -> user::getByUsername
However, specifying multiple "parameters" is more like a search, I'd go against using resources for that, because a path should be absolute. Which means:
Are not the same resource. Instead I'd do:
This is what Stack Overflow uses:
To avoid long if/else statement, use variable function names. this allows you to use the url string to call the correct function.
Also, you may want to use classes/class methods instead of functions. this way you can set up an __autoload function, which will allow you to only load code that you are going to use each time the index.php is called.
MVC architecture usually breaks their urls into /class_name/class_method_name/arguments...
I am trying to create a simple web service that will give a result depending on parameters passed.
I would like to use file_get_contents but am having difficulties getting it to work. I have researched many of the other questions relating to the file_get_contents issues but none have been exactly the situation I seem to having.
I have a webpage:
I am attempting to get the value of the output of that page using:
That does not work due to some issue with the https. Since the requesting page and the target are both on the same server I try again with a relative path:
That does work and retrieves the html output of the page as expected.
Now if I try:
The html output is (should be): Hello World.
The result retrieved by the command is blank. I check the error log and have an error:
[Fri Dec 04 12:22:54 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(../xdirectory/index.php?id=100): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/inventory/index.php on line 40, referer: https://www.example.com/inventory/index.php
The php.ini has these set:
allow_url_fopen, On local and On master
allow_url_include, On local and On master
Since I can get the content properly using only the url and NOT when using it with parameters I'm guessing that there is an issue with parameters and file_get_contents. I cannot find any notice against using parameters in the documentation so am at a loss and asking for your help.
Additional Notes:
I have tried this using urlencode and not using urlencode. Also, I am not trying to retrieve a file but dynamically created html output depending on parameters passed (just as much of the html output at index.php is dynamically created).
** There are several folks giving me all kind of good suggestions and it has been suggested that I must use the full blown absolute path. I just completed an experiment using file_get_contents to get http://www.duckduckgo.com, that worked, and then with a urlencoded parameter (http://www.duckduckgo.com/?q=php+is+cool)... that worked too.
It was when I tried the secure side of things, https://www.duckduckgo.com that it failed, and, with the same error message in the log as I have been receiving with my other queries.
So, now I have a refined question and I may need to update the question title to reflect it.
Does anyone know how to get a parameterized relative url to work with file_get_contents? (i.e. 'file_get_contents(urlencode('../xdirectory/index.php?id=' . urlencode('100'))); )
Unless you provide a full-blown absolute protocol://host/path-type url to file_get_contents, it WILL assume you're dealing with a local filesystem path.
That means your urlencode() version is wrongly doing
and you are HIGHLY unlikely to have a hidden file named ..%2Fetc....
call url with domain, try this
From reading your comments and additional notes, I think you don't want file_get_contents but you want include.
see How to execute and get content of a .php file in a variable?
Several of these answers give you useful pointers on what it looks like you're trying to achieve.
file_get_contents will return the contents of a file rather than the output of a file, unless it's a URL, but as you seem to have other issues with passing the URI absolutely....
So; you can construct something like:
$_GET['id'] = 100;
//this will pass the variable into the index.php file to use as if it was
// a GET value passed in the URI.
$output = include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/file/address/index.php";
//$output holds the HTML code as a string,
The above feels hacky trying to incorporate $_GET values into the index.php page, but if you can edit the index.php page you can use plain PHP passed values and also get the output returned with a specific return $output; statement at the end of the included file.
It has been two years since I used PHP so I am just speculating about what I might try in your situation.
Instead of trying fetching the parsed file contents with arguments as a query string, I might try to set the variables directly within the php script and then include it (that is if the framework you use allows this).
To achive this I would use pattern:
ob_start -> set the variable, include the file that uses the variable -> ob_get_contents -> ob_end_clean
It is like opening your terminal and running the php file with arguments.
Anyway, I would not be surprised if there are better ways to achieve the same results. Happy hacking :o)
I like to emphasize that I am just speculating. I don't know if there are any security issues with this approach. You could of course ask and see if anyone knows here on stackoverflow.
Hmm, scrap what I said last. I would check if you can use argv instead.
'argv' Array of arguments passed to the script. When the script is run on the command line, this gives C-style access to the command line parameters. When called via the GET method, this will contain the query string. http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php
Then you just call your php script locally but without the query mark indicator "?". This way you can use the php interpreter without the server.
This is likely to be the most general solution because you can also use argv for get requests if I am understanding the manual correctly.
Started learning php this week and had many doubts, but this is one of them which i couldn't find solution(Maybe i didn't know the right keyword to search for).
Is it possible to read variables in URL as a function inside a php file,
for example :
Here demo_app is the folder, phone_api is the php file, and i want to invoke the function login, where harsha and harshapass is the paramaters to that function.
You'll need 2 things for this.
The first is mod_rewrite, this is an apache module. With this module you can rewrite the URL like you want, so that /demo_app/phone_api/ will redirect to your php file.
I advice that you read a tutorial somewhere about this, for example here.
Second thing is that you need to parse the URL.
With $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] you get the URL. With explode and/or preg_match you can parse this string into the parts you want (function, parameters, whatever).
If you have a more specific question about this, you can ask this here (in a new topic).
Good luck!
Did you consider sending the values as $_GET variables and retrieving them in the page like so:
so you can get the values in the phone_api.php page like:
$login = $_GET['login'];
$harsha = $_GET['harsha'];
$harshapass = $_GET['harshapass'];
$login($harsha, $harshapass){
//your function code.
Maybe it'll be easier this way.
Script that generates word images from multiple letter images
URL is formatted:
Script that alters images server-side to run filters or generate
smaller sizes (thumbnail.php)
URL is formatted:
I want to generate a smaller version of the autotext server-side. So my call would look something like:
As you can see, I would like to treat a URL with _GET variables as a variable itself. No amount of playing with URI encoding has helped make this work.
I have access to the PHP for both scripts, and can make some simple alterations if that's the only solution. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I would not even rule out a Javascript frontend solution, though my preference is to utilize the two scripts I already have implemented.
You should be able to do this by urlencoding all the $_GET params into a variable then assigning that variable to another, like this (untested):
// Url generation
$url = www.whatever.com/thumbnail.php?src=(urlencode(http_build_query($_GET)));
Then you should be able to retrieve on other side:
$src = urldecode(explode('&', $_GET['src']));
I've seen this exact behavior when trapping where to redirect a user, after an action occurs.
---- Update ----
Your "use case" url was correct:
.... except that you CANNOT have more than one ? within a "valid" url. So if you convert the 2nd ? to a &, you should then be able to access $_GET['text'] from the autotext.php script, then you can urldecode it to get the contents.
Let's say I have a PHP file some_function.php which I can run with file_get_contents('some_function.php?' . $parameters_string) (or any similar function). The parameters to this function can be given via either GET or POST HTTP method.
Instead I could include needed file and use this function within one script.
I could figure out that it could be reasonable if I need to run a separate process or I need this function to be on a separate server. But if not, is there any reasons not to do it? May be this call will be much slower? Anything else I should take into account?
I know that I will not be able to use global variables (which I assume as a bad coding style anyway).
By using file_get_contents() you will not be actually calling the function in question but will make an HTTP request passing some predefined parameters which will then be passed on the function in your code.
Using include() you could have a library of classes or functions inside that file, and call them directly as needed and as many times as needed.
function my_function_1() { }
function my_function_2() { }
my_function_1(); // call the first function
my_function_2(); // call the second function
my_function_1(); // call the first function again, just because we can
You wouldn't be able to do that through the HTTP request and even if you did hardcode your some_function.php file to do some functionality like above, you would end up with really bad code that would be hard to customize to your needs and near impossible to maintain once it gets bigger.
You cannot pass a query string via a local file_get_contents call as shown.
If you use file_get_contents on a remote HTTP URL, you will be able to use a query string, but this will be significantly slower than a local include or file_get_contents.
You can, incidentally, still include something that needs $_GET/$_POST variables:
$_GET['something'] = true;
basicly I would like to read url params in an array so finding params don't depend on their place in url
I have a url for seach with controller/action/paramA/valueparamA/paramB/valueparamB
theses params are optional : I have direct url with search params inside
to read params from url we have to use action(valueparamA, valueparamB)
but for me it seems really rigid
I want to read parameters by their name, not by their place in url!
so I can have different urls like
urlA = controller/action?paramA=valueA
*(or controller/action/paramA/valueA)*
urlB controller/action?paramB=valueB
than I can use with the same action, like we do with a form with $_POST array (it and $_GET[} seems always empty when direct url params)
the best would be to have all parameters in an array[paramname=>paramvalue] like in a form
what I DON'T want is tu use differents actions for different parameters possibles! :)
the best I saw was to use juste on array like parameter :
(passing arrays as url parameter)
but it seems to complicate something basic :
just read the normal url parameters like every framework knows :) with
hope there is a solution !
I begin tor eally like the light and quick of ci but sometimes (like for extending model) it seems a little "rigid" ;)
think in advance for any idea!
Yep the URI class provides this functionality in the form of
This returns an array containing all parameters (keys and values must be defined in the URL).
Full details can be found on the Codigniter Userguide: