Problem in UTF Encoding in PHP - php

I use the following lines of code:
$revTerm = "". strrev($limitAry["term"]);
$revTerm = utf8_encode($revTerm);
The $revTerm contains Norwegian characters as ø æ å. However, it is shown correctly. I need to reverse them before displaying, so I use the first line.
When I display them this way, I get an error of bad xml format - used to fill a grid.
When I try to use the second line, I don't get an error but the characters are not shown correctly. Could there be any other way to solve that?
If it may help, I use jqGrid to fill those data in.

strrev, like most PHP string functions, is not safe for multi-byte encodings.

try this example
$test = 'А роза упала на лапу Азора ウィキ';
$test = iconv('utf-8', 'utf-16le', $test);
$test = strrev($test);
// キィウ арозА упал ан алапу азор А
echo iconv('utf-16be', 'utf-8', $test);

Try this:
$revTerm = utf8_decode($limitAry["term"]);
$revTerm = strrev($revTerm);
$revTerm = utf8_encode($revTerm);
For using strrev you have to decode your string to a non-multibyte string.


PHP: Convert Extended Ascii file to UTF-8

i don't have any chance to get a valid utf-8 as output...
$fx = file_get_contents("Extended Ascii file.txt"); // example only has chr(129), but could be mixed Extended Ascii + UTF8
// not working:
//$fx = html_entity_decode($fx, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
//$fx = mb_convert_encoding($fx, 'UTF-8', 'ASCII');
//$fx = utf8_encode($fx);
//$fx = iconv('ASCII', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $fx);
echo '"chr('.ord($fx[0]).')"=>"'.$fx[0].'"<br><br>'; // result: "chr(129)"=>"�"
$fx = strtr($fx, [chr(128)=>'Ç',chr(129)=>'ü',chr(130)=>'é',chr(131)=>'â',chr(132)=>'ä',chr(133)=>'à',chr(134)=>'å',chr(135)=>'ç',chr(136)=>'ê',chr(137)=>'ë',chr(138)=>'è',chr(139)=>'ï',chr(140)=>'î',chr(141)=>'ì',chr(142)=>'Ä',chr(143)=>'Å',chr(144)=>'É',chr(145)=>'æ',chr(146)=>'Æ',chr(147)=>'ô',chr(148)=>'ö',chr(149)=>'ò',chr(150)=>'û',chr(151)=>'ù',chr(152)=>'ÿ',chr(153)=>'Ö',chr(154)=>'Ü',chr(155)=>'ø',chr(156)=>'£',chr(157)=>'Ø',chr(158)=>'×',chr(159)=>'ƒ',chr(160)=>'á',chr(161)=>'í',chr(162)=>'ó',chr(163)=>'ú',chr(164)=>'ñ',chr(165)=>'Ñ',chr(166)=>'ª',chr(167)=>'º',chr(168)=>'¿',chr(169)=>'®',chr(170)=>'¬',chr(171)=>'½',chr(172)=>'¼',chr(173)=>'¡',chr(174)=>'«',chr(175)=>'»',chr(176)=>'░',chr(177)=>'▒',chr(178)=>'▓',chr(179)=>'│',chr(180)=>'┤',chr(181)=>'Á',chr(182)=>'Â',chr(183)=>'À',chr(184)=>'©',chr(185)=>'╣',chr(186)=>'║',chr(187)=>'╗',chr(188)=>'╝',chr(189)=>'¢',chr(190)=>'¥',chr(191)=>'┐',chr(192)=>'└',chr(193)=>'┴',chr(194)=>'┬',chr(195)=>'├',chr(196)=>'─',chr(197)=>'┼',chr(198)=>'ã',chr(199)=>'Ã',chr(200)=>'╚',chr(201)=>'╔',chr(202)=>'╩',chr(203)=>'╦',chr(204)=>'╠',chr(205)=>'═',chr(206)=>'╬',chr(207)=>'¤',chr(208)=>'ð',chr(209)=>'Ð',chr(210)=>'Ê',chr(211)=>'Ë',chr(212)=>'È',chr(213)=>'ı',chr(214)=>'Í',chr(215)=>'Î',chr(216)=>'Ï',chr(217)=>'┘',chr(218)=>'┌',chr(219)=>'█',chr(220)=>'▄',chr(221)=>'¦',chr(222)=>'Ì',chr(223)=>'▀',chr(224)=>'Ó',chr(225)=>'ß',chr(226)=>'Ô',chr(227)=>'Ò',chr(228)=>'õ',chr(229)=>'Õ',chr(230)=>'µ',chr(231)=>'þ',chr(232)=>'Þ',chr(233)=>'Ú',chr(234)=>'Û',chr(235)=>'Ù',chr(236)=>'ý',chr(237)=>'Ý',chr(238)=>'¯',chr(239)=>'´',chr(240)=>'≡',chr(241)=>'±',chr(242)=>'‗',chr(243)=>'¾',chr(244)=>'¶',chr(245)=>'§',chr(246)=>'÷',chr(247)=>'¸',chr(248)=>'°',chr(249)=>'¨',chr(250)=>'·',chr(251)=>'¹',chr(252)=>'³',chr(253)=>'²',chr(254)=>'■',chr(255)=>'nbsp']);
echo '"chr('.ord($fx[0]).')"=>"'.$fx[0].'"<br><br>'; // result: "chr(195)"=>"�"
How to convert or remove � ?
28.05.2020 Update: Solution found, thanks to Andrea Pollini!
Some notes:
iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $fx); // IGNORE is broken in PHP since - - use mb_convert_encoding
Here was my real problem (i figured it out later after many tests):
$P["T"] .= $text; // here was the problem, array is converting strings... (don't know why?)
changed to:
ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', "none"); // mb_convert_encoding set remove unknown
$P["T"] .= mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');
Now it's working. But if somebody knows why arrays are converting strings and how to disable that, would be great. :)
first configure in order to discard extended characters
ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', "none");
next you can use mb_convert_encoding
mb_convert_encoding($fx, "UTF-8", mb_detect_encoding($fx, "UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15", true));
you can add the encoding you need in mb_detect_encoding

How to display part of string if string contains special character

I have following line of code,
echo substr('Sergio Agüero',0,10);
And it will display Sergio Ag�
But I want output like "Sergio Agü"
I don't want special character. So is it possible? Any help is really appreciated.
You can do this using mb_internal_encoding and mb_substr.
Example: online test
$str = 'Sergio Agüero';
echo mb_substr($str, 0, 10); //Sergio Agü
More about: mb-substr
Use utf8_decode. Try this:
echo substr(utf8_decode("Sergio Agüero"),0,10);

PHP UTF-8 mb_convert_encode and Internet-Explorer

Since some days I read about Character-Encoding, I want to make all my Pages with UTF-8 for Compability. But I get stuck when I try to convert User-Input to UTF-8, this works on all Browsers, expect Internet-Explorer (like always).
I don't know whats wrong with my code, it seems fine to me.
I set the header with char encoding
I saved the file in UTF-8 (No BOM)
This happens only, if you try to access to the page via $_GET on the internet-Explorer myscript.php?c=äüöß
When I write down specialchars on my site, they would displayed correct.
This is my Code:
// User Input
$_GET['c'] = "äüöß"; // Access URL ?c=äüöß
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$_GET = userToUtf8($_GET);
function userToUtf8($string) {
if(is_array($string)) {
$tmp = array();
foreach($string as $key => $value) {
$tmp[$key] = userToUtf8($value);
return $tmp;
return userDataUtf8($string);
function userDataUtf8($string) {
print("1: " . mb_detect_encoding($string) . "<br>"); // Shows: 1: UTF-8
$string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($string)); // Convert non UTF-8 String to UTF-8
print("2: " . mb_detect_encoding($string) . "<br>"); // Shows: 2: ASCII
$string = preg_replace('/[\xF0-\xF7].../s', '', $string);
print("3: " . mb_detect_encoding($string) . "<br>"); // Shows: 3: ASCII
return $string;
echo $_GET['c']; // Shows nothing
echo mb_detect_encoding($_GET['c']); // ASCII
echo "äöü+#"; // Shows "äöü+#"
The most confusing Part is, that it shows me, that's converted from UTF-8 to ASCII... Can someone tell me why it doesn't show me the specialchars correctly, whats wrong here? Or is this a Bug on the Internet-Explorer?
If I disable converting it says, it's all UTF-8 but the Characters won't show to me either... They are displayed like "????"....
Note: This happens ONLY in the Internet-Explorer!
Although I prefer using urlencoded strings in address bar but for your case you can try to encode $_GET['c'] to utf8. Eg.
$_GET['c'] = utf8_encode($_GET['c']);
An approach to display the characters using IE 11.0.18 which worked:
Retrieve the Unicode of your character : example for 'ü' = 'U+00FC'
According to this post, convert it to utf8 entity
Decode it using utf8_decode before dumping
The line of code illustrating the example with the 'ü' character is :
var_dump(utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace("/U\+([0-9A-F]{4})/", "&#x\\1;", 'U+00FC'), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')));
To summarize: For displaying purposes, go from Unicode to UTF8 then decode it before displaying it.
Other resources:
a post to retrieve characters' unicode

How to convert unicode in php?

I want to convert my string to Unicode like if "ग" than give output like "0917" or "917" any one of them.
Link for Unicode of string i want
Please give me a Hint i used ord() but it's not work proper.
$ord = mb_convert_encoding("ग", 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
echo $ord;
$ord = ord("ग");
echo $ord; // 224 output
Both try but not working.
iconv — Convert string to requested character encoding

PHP - convert a string with - or + signs to HTML

How do I convert a string that has a - or + sign to a html friendly string?
I mean to convert those characters to html notations, like space is and so on...
ps: htmlentities doesn't work. I still see the -/+
Try this
$string = str_replace('+', '+', $string); // Convert + sign
$string = str_replace('-', '-', $string); // Convert - sign
I don't think there is entities for these symbols see:
I tested with
$str = "- and +"; echo htmlentities($str);
and didn't get entities. According to:
I would expect them to be encoded if there was encoding available.
No idea what you want to accomplish. But this escapes selected characters to html entities:
$html = preg_replace("/([+-])/e", '"&#".ord("$1").";"', $html);
As far as I am aware, - and + are fine in HTML, and dont have an entity equivalent. See
Are you sure you're not thinking of URL encoding?
Specify that you want it to use unicode as follows:
htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, "UTF-8");
Have a look at the 2nd comment on this page:
This will enable more encoding characters.
If you just want to encode some, then this is a little lighter weight:
$ent = array(
echo strtr('+ and -', $ent);
