How to remove 'via app' when posting on facebook page feed - php

When posting to the page wall (feed) through my application, under the post contents facebook adds '20 minutes ago *via my_app*'. This is a problem for my company, since they don't want the fans knowing the posting is done through an application, thus losing the personal touch.
Is there any way to lose the '*via my_ap*p' part of the post? These are some of the things I have tried:
I have given every possible permission on the page admin user, including 'manage_pages'
Have tried with the token returned from graph api me/accounts for that page / Impersonating pages
Please tell me, short of making a bot to do the whole thing, is there any way to do this through the facebook api.
Thank you for any help you can provide.

If you don't want the people to see which company you are, then Facebook is the wrong platform for you!
I'm pretty sure, you also would violate the terms of Facebook (Developer).

See what your competitors are doing. The largest company in this business has named their app "Publisher". When users click on this a page will open up that doesn't say anything about who created the app - actually it doesn't say anything at all. You could also use the name "Publisher" for your Facebook publishing app - in Facebook app names don't have to be unique.


Posting on Facebook Page on user's behalf

A team of some friends and I have come up with an app/product idea that we have been working on. I have to be vague on exactly what the details are, but hopefully I can explain it well enough to have the questions we have answered.
First, we have a web server with a database - we have developed all of the code for that in PHP. Each user will have a device which when an action is performed on the device, it sends a message to our server, and the PHP code on our server handles the message and stores the sent data in the appropriate fields in our database.
We want to run this through Facebook - we have an app and a Facebook page created for this. The idea is that when a user performs an action on his or her device and the message is sent to the server, the PHP code will automatically make a post on the Facebook page on the user’s behalf (not on the Page’s behalf).
Between all of us on working on this project, we have spent many days and many hours trying to figure out how to make the automatic post to the page. It’s extremely difficult googling this topic since all of the various examples are using different versions of the Facebook SDK (we are using the latest). There are lots of somewhat similar type questions/examples, but we can't find one that answers specifically what we are asking. In fact, we aren’t even sure that anybody but an ‘admin’ can post on a Facebook page with the new SDK, any longer. I do see this link in the Facebook developer section,, where it says under the Publishing section:
A user access token with publish_actions permission can be used to publish new posts on behalf of that person. Posts will appear in the voice of the user.
So, it sounds as if a user can post to the Facebook page if it is given an access token with publish_actions permission, yet we can’t find any example of code of this actually being done. Could anybody explain how to do the automatic posting to the page on a user’s behalf (hopefully, using PHP, since that is the language we are using on the server side), or at least point us to a good example? We are all experienced developers, but this is the first time any of us has done anything with Facebook development. So we certainly aren’t amateurs, but with Facebook development, we are. We may be overlooking something obvious, but after seeing so many links, my mind is jello.
A summary of our questions:
1. Can it even be done with the latest Facebook SDK that a post can be made to a Facebook Page for our product on the user’s behalf? (to be clear, we are talking about the Facebook Page we created for our app, not a user's page)
2. If so, what specific permissions do we need to give the user, just the publish_actions one? We don’t want to give the user too much permission to be able to screw up our page, of course.
3. Can this be done automatically with PHP from the server?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Programmatically post on Facebook group

I'm trying to develop a little app for Facebook, and I'm facing a problem with the API.
After a few searches, I started to think the graph API doesn't allow to do what I wanna do...
Basically, I want to post automatically a message on a group wall. I have a website on which people can post their message. This community also has a Facebook group, and my point is to automatically post a copy of messages from the website, on the Facebook group. Each time a new message is submitted on the website, of course.
I know that apps and pages can’t post on a group wall by themself.
So, I considered creating a Facebook account, working like a bot, to post my messages on the group. I guess I have to get a long-lived access token for this user, and renew it manually when it expire. I don't want to have to login myself manually, but it's not a big deal if I have to renew my token time to time.
Is that even possible? Is there a better trick to do that?
I'm a bit confused by the Facebook API, and I'm sorry for this question. Even more because of the changes on the fb API...a lot of answers through the web are now deprecated. What I am looking for is a start -an idea- to be able to develop my app.
Thank you for your help :)
Yes, it is really simple:
First, You'll need access_tokenn with the offline_access permission (this way it will last for 2 months)
Then, store this access_token somewhere and do:
Post to group wall:
$fbk = new Facebook(...);
$postId = $fbk->api("/$fbGroupId/feed/",'post',$message);
You can even post replies to the first post:

Pulling Public Facebook Posts Into PHP Page

Last December, I set up an app for a client who wanted to pull their public facebook posts into the footer of their website.
I was using this URL to pull the message, create time and permalink and when I wrote it, all was good:,%20created_time,%20permalink%20FROM%20stream%20WHERE%20source_id=138631878804%20AND%20message%3C%3E%27%27%20limit%203
Today they reported that it was no longer pulling their information. I put that url into a browser and the result is "Requires valid signature"
I've gathered from google that I need something called an access_token, also I've seen where I can use the php sdk but then I need an appId and a secret token.
At this point, I've read so many different sources that I am thoroughly confused. The FQL query above represents the full extent of my Facebook programming experience. It looks like maybe I want the Graph API, but I don't want anyone to have to sign into anything.
Can one of you guys who are more versed in the voodoo of facebook nudge me in the right direction to do this:
From PHP, pull public messages from the stream table without forcing a user to log into facebook.
To pull posts from a publicly visible Page on Facebook, you can use any valid access token. For most sites managing a page, this will be a page access token retrieved via one of the page's admins authorising your app to have access to their pages, but that might be overkill for your use-case.
Probably the quickest solution is to just create a new App ID for the site, get the app access token for that App (see 'App Login' on ) and then use that access token to retrieve the posts.
I found several links all from a simple Google search.
Duplicate question:

Posting to User's walls as application using Facebook PHP API

I've been building a web app that uses facebook integration for easier registration/login and notifications for the users. However, for the notifications I want to be able to post to a users facebook wall when something happens on our site.
Really I see two possible problems with doing this. First being that the user will most likely not be logged in to our website when the notification needs to happen. Second I have not found a way to post to the feed using any identity other than the current logged in user.
So to reiterate exactly what I'm trying to do. When some action takes place on my site involving Bob, I want the websites application to post on Bobs wall notifying him of the action as if the application is one of Bobs friends. From some of the things I've seen while researching this, it seems as if facebook might not treat applications like users and I might have to go through a page to accomplish what I want. But really I'm ok with that.
What you need to do is to ask for the offline_access permission. Then you can store their graph id property after they login/authorize to your site's database. Then you just post to that graph id instead of instead of /me. In your case you would then POST a request to the "$user_graph_id/feed" endpoint with whatever parameters you usually have.

Is there a way for users of my website to invite their friends via Facebook Connect or the API?

Working with the Facebook API makes my ears bleed, but nonetheless I've got a specific problem here which I'm hoping someone can find a solution for. I'm using the Facebook PHP SDK to allow users of my website to link their FB account with their website account, so they can return later and log in with one click (by storing their OAuth tokens in my database). This is all working fine - what I now want is to be able to provide users with the facility to invite/recommend their friends to my site, using a form on my site.
I've tried FBML examples from many places including here - I've managed to get an invitation form to display but try as I might, all I can get it to generate is an invitation to my application, which isn't relevant. The app exists only so that I have an OAuth ID/secret to use with the Graph API. I want to invite the user's friends to my website, or at the very least to a Facebook Page plugging my website. But seemingly including this FBML on my page will only generate application invites.
My question: is there any way to accomplish this? Can I invite the user's friends to my site (ie. to a specific URL), or invite them to my FB Page? Am I approaching this from the wrong angle?
Any advice would be much appreciated. If you'd benefit from any further info, please let me know. Many thanks,
Right. It turns out after much tearing of hair, the example I gave was the right one. The invite generates an "Application Invite", but this is not like other app invites. When the recipient clicks "Accept" they are sent to the URL you specify (in this case, my website). The "App" then disappears from their request page - it does not appear in their profile like a normal app. So a horribly nonsensical process but a positive outcome. Phew!
It seems like sending a Facebook message is the way to go at this point (Jan 2013).
In general, applications on Facebook should use Requests when
communicating in game status (its your turn), inviting people to use
an application, or sending messages to multiple people.
FB.init({appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', xfbml: true, cookie: true});
method: 'send',
name: 'Check out this site!',
description: 'This is the best site ever!',
link: '',
picture: ''
Why not go for this open source inviter which can get your work done quick . also if you are using a cms they might have already made the plugin for your cms.
