Add Facebook status feed to profile page of site members - php

I have a Digg style site, currently each member has a profile page where they add links to their projects and social networking profiles.
I am trying to implement a feature that allows the member to display the last "X" number of status updates to their Facebook wall.
I have been going through the Facebook API FAQs, but unclear on how to best implement this.
Does anyone know a good starting point for writing the API call or where I should look for examples?
My site currently runs on PHP.

Here's a set of point to get you started:
Create an application
Download the Facebook PHP-SDK
Acquire the read_stream,offline_access permissions (more about this here)
Save the user id AND the access_token to your DB.
Next time you want to retrieve the user's wall posts use:
$feed = $facebook->api("/PROFILE_ID/feed", "GET", array("access_token" => "XXXX"));
Always try your Facebook application locally before implementing it on a live website (see link on point 3).


How to get a facebook page access token without getting my app reviewed?

I am trying to fetch the latest Facebook posts from our company's page to show them on our website. It already worked until a few weeks ago, Facebook unfortunately changed some of their security guidelines. Initially I sended some requests to the Facebook Graph API using PHP, the App ID, the App Secret and the User Token to create an page accesstoken and fetch my company's posts.
Thanks to the new guidelines new created Apps do not have the "manage_pages" permission you need to create an page accesstoken. To recieve this permission you have to get your App reviewed by Facebook which seems quite laborious to me.
Can you think of another way to fetch my posts? I mean those are posts from a page I created. I do not really understand why there are so many security issues.
You don’t need to get your app reviewed, if it is not intended to be used by the general public.
App Development FAQ: My app is only used by a small number of people, who are all listed in the Role section of the App Dashboard - do I need to go through Login Review?
No, it does not have to be reviewed. If your app is only used by a very limited number of people […] it's completely normal to list them all as having different roles in your app's dashboard. They can be listed as Admins, Developers or Testers
Instead of using "" to fetch just posts from my own pages I am now using following URL to fetch any public posts:
"{PAGE-ID or PAGE NAME}?fields=

Facebook like button and OAuth Access

I am connecting to the Facebook API using HybridAuth on the server side (backend is written in PHP). This is for a SaaS publishing application that is hosted on our servers. I understand the mechanics of OAuth and that once I accquire the appropriate permissions from the user, I can write and read from the Open Graph API, which in theory will allow me to do almost anything.
The problem is that I would like to use some of Facebook's social plugins. In particular, I would like to implement the like button so that it automatically appears for each blog post, article and page.
The problem is that the like button and the various Facebook plugins require an app_id. I would prefer not requiring users to add the developer app to their account and creating an app to get an app_id as it can be a confusing process for non-developers.
Is there anyway we can create or retrieve an app_id from open graph (which we can store and use to generate the like buttons and other facebook widgets)?
With the migrations, I understand that each liked URL will not have it's own page. Once the user clicks a like button on your site, he automatically likes your page. However, let's say I have a page called and there are other similiar pages, all with a like button. Is it possible that when clicking like, the user automatically likes our Facebook page, but when an item is published in their news feed for the like, the URL links to that specific product? Effectively, is there a way for users to like multiple pages from my site?
Update: It looks like we can generate app_ids programmatically with the create application API in the legacy REST API. However, this does not seem to be an option with the graph API.
Seems like we cannot programatically create an app_id for an account. This is not an issue, as we will just create a small guide to guide our users through creating an app and submitting the app_id to us using a form. Not perfect, but should be easy to implement.
As for URLs, liking something will not automatically like your Facebook page. If href is blank, the current page will be liked. If you set your facebook page in the href parameter, then your facebook page will be liked.

PHP posting on page wall

I have a website where users can post jobs for free. How can I link these posts to a facebook page about this website? I don't want the users to login to fb.
At this moment I post them to twitter and then using selective tweets to post them on my page. But selective tweets is not able to post logo's specific for that job.
I created a fb app. Did not select anything just gave it a name and got an appID and appSecret. I dont now what to select in "Select how your app integrates with Facebook". Becouse it is not a mobile app and it is not a website with fb login.
Kind regards.
you can use share on facebook facility of facebook ,from
you can easily add this to your website.
have fun!
You can do this easily via MYSQL and PHP, depending on how your current site is setup. What i would do is store the jobs into a separate table while saving, like this
(table) Facebook
pageid //numerical value
header //job title
message //job description
So that you can use it for the next part.
Create an application via Facebook and give it authentication to users and your Facebook page.
by adding this application to your page you can then call something like :
$facebook->set_user($user, $session_key);
$facebook->api_client->stream_publish($item['header'], $item['message'], $item['pageid']);
Using your keys from facebook.
Then you can run a Cron that updates every x minutes, and after it has posted it, in an array, you can clear the table for the next row of jobs.
Let me know where you are on this and ill try to help as much as possible.

Facebook comments on my website

I had a movie related forum in my website. There is a commenting system for each movie and artist. Simply users can add comments.
Now I would likes to implement facebook commenting system to my application . My little worry is how to implement all these two ( fb and my own system )?
Also I had a doubt ..
If I put / share the link on this site on the facebook and assumes that users commented inside facebook .. Then there is any option to print that comments in my web site in that page?
Facebook comments is a social plugin that could be embedded in your web page. Specifically it's implemented inside an iframe. Since that iframe is implemented on facebook so you don't need to worry about how to generate the content. Although it looks like appear in your web page.
However if you do need to access the comments data (programmatically), you could retrieve the comments via facebook graph api:{YOUR_URL}. You can also subscribe facebook events to get aware when someone has commented on your movie.
facebook comments plugin:
facebook event subscription:

How to login in website using facebook id

I have made a website on which a user has to log in using a username and password. I have seen these in so many website, we can connect through facebook account. And I want to add the same to my web site. How is it possible,using php sdk or the javascript sdk?
The team at Facebook has spent considerable time documenting this, I would suggest you start there:
If possible, I would do like dracolytch writes here and create a level of abstraction for both OpenID and Facebook. He is willing to share his code.
Those links are what Facebook likes to call "Badges." Go to your profile. Scroll all the way to the bottom. On the lower left hand column you should see a link that says "Create Profile Badge." Click that. From there you can edit a Badge to show the info you'd like. At the end, it will give you some html code that you can copy and paste into another website or blog. When people click on your Badge, they will get sent directly to your Facebook info box.
