In PHP/AJAX, is there a straight forward way to display a certain number rows from a query (let's say 5) and then have a "show more" button that shows the next 5 (and so on)?
assuming you dont want to use AJAX (because you said "in PHP"): what you can do is use limit in your sql to get only the first few results. You can then generate the page and when you generate the "more" button, you add a query string to the page it has been sent to with something like ?begin=6 so your php script knows where to start.
assuming you are using AJAX: You can use jQuery's $.ajax() function (or any other library, or "raw" javascript, if you like pain) to get the results back with the same url scheme. then replace the content of the container with whatever results you get back.
SELECT info FROM table LIMIT 0,5 //First 5 results
SELECT info FROM table LIMIT 5,5 //Next 5 results
SELECT info FROM table LIMIT 10,5 //Next 5 results
can someone please explain to me how to approach this issue?
I have a table with 4000 records, a select option and a search field to filter out the table
however I'm trying to figure out the best way to set up pagination.
1st Approach:
Should I make one query against the database and populate the table with all records and then set up the pagination with javascript so I can be able to search for records that are not only shown on the current page?
2nd Approach
Set up the pagination with PHP, make a query via ajax for each page? however I'm afraid that this approach would not allow me to filter out the table if I need to search for a record that is not on the current page.
1st approach: definitely not, loading large number of results for nothing is not recommended.
2nd approach makes more sense. You can use the LIMIT statement inside your SELECT statement to decide which records you want. Ex. if you paginate on 10 elements perpage, you could do
and so on. Indexes start at 0.
Note that you don't even need Ajax to do that, your next button can specify the offset for the next load of the page. It's a choice based on your knowledge, the size of the rest of the page (minimize load time), ...
I have table Post, user can search Post by find by keyword.
So, i using SQL query by like keyword and order by RAND().
When show result, i using GridView and Pagination data. And has problem, when go to another page. Example from page 1 go to page 2 with same keyword. i Will Query again and order by Rand(). So some data in page 1 can appear in page 2.
That data duplicate and not good.
So how can i solve this problem. and data query when goto page other will same with data in the first query.
I using Yii2 in my project.
Ok, I think I get it. Example MySQL query:
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name LIKE '%tag%' LIMIT 0, 20;
Or you can use MySQL's MATCH() instead of LIKE, it doesn't matter. Then LIMIT 0, 20 is limit, how many results to show for the first page. For the second page it should be LIMIT 1, 20. This one you know I except. Then you get an array of results in the PHP, and want to get random values. PHP has such a function for you and it is called suffle().
So you just use shuffle($results); and then you can print them with foreach or whatever you use to print the data. Note that shuffle() returns boolean, so do not use $results = shuffle($results);. Hope this helps.
During fetching data from database with $result = mysqli_query($con,"select * from MY_table, it display 100 columns at a time. my main aim is to display 10 columns at a time, with the help of next and previous buttons user gonna read remaining. is it possible to do with Javascript , or AJAX, or PHP alone.
The word you're looking for is 'pagination'. You can divide your query results into pages. PHP can fetch a part of the query results, and you can click on a button or link to fetch the next page. That next page can be loaded by an entire page refresh, or by Ajax. In either case, PHP fetches the next results and returns them. has a tutorial on this exact same topic. Well, more a bunch of snippets than a tutorial, but still..
If you're just starting: forget about Ajax at first. Start with reading about the LIMIT clause in MySQL. It allows you to query a subresult of the query, by limiting the returned rows to a specific range.
You can pass a page (or a range) in the url, so when you click 'Next page', you can just call PHP again with ?page=2 or something in the url. Based on that number, you can query a different range of rows.
The last step is to update only a part of the page using Ajax instead of doing a full page refresh.
You can use limit to your sql query to do this
$start = 0;
$result = mysqli_query($con,"select * from MY_table limit ".$start.", 10");
initially $start will be 0 the change the $start variable as per your prev next ..
I have an AJAX system that fetch posts from database and then create DIVs in my layout to put them. When te user reachs the end of the page then many other posts will be loaded by the API. The problem is, how can I get the following 10 posts that are just the previously posts of the last that is already loaded? The same thing I want to happen when I load the new posts at the top, how to show every post in the right order without missing any post or duplicating any post?
Sorry for the bad explanation and the bad english.
You need to store the id of the last retrieved message. When you submit the new request, send the last received message id and have php/mysql return the results from there.
If your query looks something like this:
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username='redcurley' LIMIT 10
Then you'd need to modify to be something more like:
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username='redcurley' AND id > :id LIMIT 10
You could alternatively use the offset method that Scott mentions.
Edit: I assumed you were using auto-increment ids because it's so common. Since you aren't, you need some way to keep track of the last message returned. You can do this through sorting the records in a way that they'll come out in the same order every time and use offsets.
You could probably use an OFFSET in your query, which would work even if you wanted to get results that may have out-of-order IDs. So if you had -
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username='foo' LIMIT 10
The next query would be
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username='foo' LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10
and so on like that as you fetch more and more records. Your Javascript would have to keep track of the offset and send it to the server with the AJAX request.
To allow near infinate results you can't use an AUTO_INCREMENT as there is eventually a limit.
What you can do though is when posted add a timestamp to the row and then in first load there is no timestamp given to the AJAX handle code so it gets them all and sends back the timestamp the query was run at then when it recives it it can then use a different query that has WHERE timestamp > $sentTimestamp
// AJAX handler code
$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM posts"
$sqlQuery .= " WHERE `timestamp` > ".mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['lastPull']);
// do your query and formatting for AJAX response here
When user load page, You can fetch all last 10 post with page load,
for example -
1 Post1
2 Post2
3 Post3
10 Post10
So when user scroll page bottom, You will call your ajax code and pass you last id as input and make paggination using LIMIT in your SQL query.
For example -
My last post id is 50 and user scroll down page, So query will fire,
Select * from tableName where id < 50 LIMIT 10
This is for old post, and mean while if any new post then you can check new post using new query with last id at the time of user refresh page.
Select * from tableName where id > 50 LIMIT 10
This is for new post, return both collection in single request to page and by evaluating both you can inserts new div tag to show this.
You can use ajax and JSON combination, Click Here if you want more deail about JSON and AJAX.
Does anyone know how to bring in all of a mysql tables' results, only show the first X, (say 10), and then hide the rest using jquery? I just need to know how to show only the first X results in one page, then the rest in a seperate page using href.
My aim is to only show the first 10 results, but provide a link at the bottom of the page allowing the user to show all of the results. Was thinking the hyperlink could just re-execute the query but thought it would be easier to show/hide using jquery.Thanks
Rather than using jquery, you can use MySQL to retrieve only the desired results.
That will retreive the first 10 results. Then, to display the next 10 on the next page,
and the next page
If you are using PHP, you can build your query to show the correct results depending on which page you are on:
// $currentPage is set elsewhere in the script, and is zero-based.
$resultsPerPage = 10;
$currentOffset = $resultsInPage * $currentPage;
$query = "SELECT * FROM TableName LIMIT $resultsInPage OFFSET $currentOffset";
Actually you are searching for Pagination. There are some useful jQuery paginations plugins:
jQuery pagination plugin
DataTables Plugin
Or using PHP:
Pagination in PHP
You need pagination look at the some tutorial to do this. there are lot of code examples on this do googling
here are some links -
It might be "easier", but it's a lot less resource efficient to load all the data (and then optionally show it) in the manner you're describing.
I'd really recommend using multiple queries (perhaps via Ajax/lazy loading) rather than using the approach you're discussing.
I'd do this with a LIMIT statement in the Select-statement of your SQL query. In most cases there's no need to send all the data to the client and then let javascript hide the data you don't wanna show.