jquery anything slider / jquery.pngfix ie6 problem - php

Seem to have a problem in ie6
Using anything slider, with the slider nav using png's but when I add the jquery pngfix the slider nav's don't appear to work anymore.
Anybody else experienced this before?

IE6 is now around 3% of the browser share and falling (down from 10% a year ago). http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_explorer.asp
Why tear your hair out over it any longer? Good riddance IE6.
If it is a problem, detect IE6 and redirect people to a "time to upgrade" page.

Sorted it, well cheated a little..
For ie6 I used gif's and stripped png fix out. doesn't quite look right but its only for ie6 users


Unwanted margin between 2 menu items header website (on some pages)

I am updating my website
A web developer made it years an ago.
Now I put an SSL Encryption on the website. But after that change, it seems there is an unwanted margin in the header on some pages.
I can't seem to find out where it's coming from. [Image: unwanted margin between header menu items][1]
My screen resolution is: 1920 x 1080
Anybody knows how to solve this?
I tried already to use different widths for the menu items and margins.
But I think I am doing something wrong..
This is what I'm seeing when I click the link:
I think it possibly has something to do with just your screen resolution, but I'm not an expert. I know I've had plenty of experiences were if I scroll too fast or I resize the viewport, I get black lines in between items that flicker and then disappear, so it could be something like that.
Thank you all for responding.
I found the solution in siva - abc's answer.
I added 'background-size: cover' to the list items in the CSS classes and now the problem is solved!
Thanks all!

Bizarre zooming issue in Chrome

I have a very irritating issue on the live site I'm designing for a client. I've dug into the CSS and HTML of the site to no avail. This only occurs in Chrome. The work in progress can be found at live.dancingsheepcoffee.com
Using Wordpress as CMS, theme designed with Underscores (_s)
Also using 960.gs system to aid layout design
Issue only occurs in Chrome; IE, Firefox, Safari, all display great.
Here's the breakdown:
On a virgin load of the site, the page displays as designed, issue free.
Upon a refresh (or second visit) the page loads "zoomed in" almost 200%, for no apparent reason. Text, navigation, headers, sidebar, and even the tiled background image. Site-wide. The main logo seems to be unaffected.
Zooming out and then back in (i.e., zoom to 90% then back to 100%) 'fixes' the page and displays as designed.
Also following the link to the same page from the menu bar loads the page correctly, however the content "jumps" sizes before displaying the correct content.
Content box remains at 960px wide (except when user toggles zoom, appropriately)
Background image also "zooms" on page load but then displays correctly when resolved above.
And the worst part is, I can't duplicate this on my main work computer, but the issue displays on every other computer. The way the issue works, it sounds like it's something on the client side, as the web server seems to render the page perfect every time, but perhaps the cached version isn't working. A thought to consider.
I greatly appreciate the time considered and help with this issue. I'll provide any applicable code to aide troubleshooting. Thanks again!

Navigation bar Flickers Only in IE

I've been trying to debugg this for hours now with no success. I blieve i boiled it down to the background slider which is SUPERSIZED.js. Unfortunately their forum lacked support also.
If someone fires up IE9 and goes to http://www.designobvio.us/avproduktor/
you'll see that everytime you move the mouse across the screen the first two LI (home & news) flicker with the mouse movement.
I've google'd this problem for hours does anyone have any incite?
jQuery Mouse Flicker in IE
I believe that this is a similar issue however, my menus must be bi-lingual therefore this fix will not work?
I'll gladly provide full package for anyone if you can help!
Thank you so much for your time,
Solution to your problem is to set some high z-index in css style of these elements. I tried it in developer tools of IE and it helped (I've added it manually to the style of LI elements in the menu). Let say
.menu-item {z-index: 10000;}

Fancy Box and Jquery Tiny Scroll Bar Prolem

I am working on a page and having problem with the Fancybox close action for the Image gallery in the first button at the bottom, the gallery is closed but overaly is still there. Here is the test link
How ever the same settings are working for the second link "Floor Plan".
Secondly I am using a Tiny Scrollbar plugin for the gallery on the page. The thumbs on the left side have blue scroll bar if they are larger in contents. This scroll bar does not appear in Google Chrome, and sometime don't show up even in other browser if the page loads first time, then I have to refresh the page to show it. Any idea about the problem will be greatly helpful.
Thank you!
First off, I noticed you're suing jQuery 1.3, why?
Here's 1.6:
It isn't that much larger, and its an updated library. That may fix your problem.
If that didn't work, then delete the fancybox.js, re-downlod and put it in again, same with css. Make sure the css is called at the end of your css document.
If that doesn't work, I suggest getting rid of your javascript files one by one until there is only fnaycbo xleft, it's obviously some conflicting code at this point, so you'll have to troubleshoot by trial and error, going through one by one to findout what script is preventing close. I don't have access to your server, so I can't test it.
It's most likely in main.js, so remove that first, and see if fancybox works then!
ETA: Scrollbar fix.
The problem is something is adding a disabled selector, it's javascript. But you could change up tinyscrollbar.js to fix it, or you could go to your css, find the line:
'#scrollbar1 .disable {display:none}
and remove that line entirley, it's causing your scrollbar not to appear in browsers the javascript is (for some reason) disabling in.
In my case I solved with the next modification:
$(document).bind("load", function() { $('#myTinyScrollbar').tinyscrollbar(); });
Well you have an error in console:
d.onClosed is not a function
It could be because:
Your using an old version of jQuery possibly not supported by Fancybox. Try updating to 1.6, though beware legacy plugins or code that could break due to the steep upgrade.
A compression issue. It's possible i.e. the Google Closure could of removed what it saw as "unneeded" code and therefore broke the functionality. Try using uncompressed Fancybox to see if it fixes it, if it does then you know this the issue, rather than your jQuery version.

jQuery 'Galleria' randomon stops loading

The problem revolves around a jQuery gallery called 'Galleria'. It's quite aesthetically pleasing and since my client is a Photographer, I thought I'd display all of his images in a Galleria gallery.
You can see the site, in it's testing version, here: http://jeremywebbphotography.com/testing/index.php - (if things are changing, that's because I'm working on it right now).
Basically, the problem is: if you browse to any of the gallery pages they appear to work fine. Hooray! Except that, after looking at any sort of random number of them, after a while the images stop loading and appearing. The thumbnails will appear, but if you click any of them the image will appear briefly then suddenly disappear. I've worked countless hours on this site and only now do I discover the flippin' problem.
It's not going to be easy for me to integrate a new gallery solution since this one has been set up by me with a very specific structure that did take me hours and hours to do.
So far I have only found the problem in Safari, but I believe it may also happen in other browsers. The problem can be fixed by restarting the browser, but obviously when providing a professional service to my client this clearly isn't good enough for him or the users. The thing is, I know of no way to trigger the error - it just seems to happen randomly.
I need some serious help. I don't have the time or patience to redesign this all over again with a new gallery.
I'm using jQuery's supplied code. Also, Galleria provides this code in jquery.galleria.js - If you can make any blooming sense out of it... I guess it's sort of pointless posting this, but hey...
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(5($){4 q;q=$.23.7=5(k){6(!q.1o()){Q J}$.1p(q.1b);4 l={Z:\'.1q\',K:E,10:E,1c:5(a,b,c){},1r:5(a){}};4 m=$.11(l,k);1d(4 i 24 m){6(i){$.7[i]=m[i]}}4 n=($(m.Z).R(m.Z))?$(m.Z):3(B.12(\'1e\')).25(8);4 o=$(B.12(\'1e\')).u(\'1s\');4 p=$(B.12(\'1f\')).u(\'1g\');n.u(\'1q\').13(o).13(p);Q 8.1t(5(){$(8).u(\'7\');$(8).1u(\'L\').1t(5(i){4 b=$(8);4 c=$.26?$.11({},m,b.27()):m;c.10=$(8).R(\':28-S\')?J:c.10;4 d=$(8).T(\'a\').R(\'a\')?$(8).T(\'a\'):J;4 e=$(8).1u(\'F\').C(\'M\',\'U\');4 f=d?d.9(\'1v\'):e.9(\'1h\');4 g=d?d.9(\'14\'):e.9(\'14\');4 j=1w 1x();6(c.K&&(N.r.t&&N.r.t.V(/\\#/,\'\')==f)){b.G(\'.D\').W(\'D\');b.u(\'D\')}$(j).29(5(){$(8).9(\'1y\',e.9(\'1y\'));4 a=d?d.T(\'F\').u(\'1z 1A\').C(\'M\',\'U\'):e.2a(E).u(\'1z\').C(\'M\',\'U\');6(d){d.2b(a)}6(!a.1B(\'1A\')){4 w=1i.1C(e.v()/e.y()*b.y());4 h=1i.1C(e.y()/e.v()*b.v());6(w<h){a.C({y:\'1D\',v:b.v(),1E:-(h-b.y())/2})}s{a.C({v:\'1D\',y:b.y(),1F:-(w-b.v())/2})}}s{N.1G(5(){a.C({1F:-(a.v()-b.v())/2,1E:-(a.y()-b.y())/2})},1)}a.9(\'O\',f);a.9(\'14\',g);a.1H(5(){$.7.X(f)});a.P(5(){$(8).u(\'P\')},5(){$(8).W(\'P\')});b.P(5(){b.u(\'P\')},5(){b.W(\'P\')});b.1I(a);a.C(\'M\',\'2c\');c.1r(3(a));6(b.1B(\'D\')){$.7.X(f)}e.1J()}).1K(5(){b.2d(\'<1f 2e="1K" 1L="2f:2g">2h 2i 2j: \'+f+\'</1f>\')}).9(\'1h\',f)})})};q.1M=5(a){Q $(a).R(\':1N-S\')?$(a).G(\':1O-S\'):$(a).1j()};q.1P=5(a){Q $(a).R(\':1O-S\')?$(a).G(\':1N-S\'):$(a).1Q()};q.1o=5(){$(\'1R\').13($(B.12(\'1e\')).9(\'1S\',\'1k\').C({v:\'1T\',y:\'1T\',M:\'U\'}));4 a=($(\'#1k\').v()!=1)?J:E;$(\'#1k\').1J();Q a};q.1b=5(a){4 b=$(\'.1s\');4 c=$(\'.7 F[O="\'+a+\'"]\');6(a){6($.7.K){N.r=N.r.1v.V(/\\#.*/,\'\')+\'#\'+a}c.15(\'L\').G(\'.D\').W(\'D\');c.15(\'L\').u(\'D\');4 d=$(1w 1x()).9(\'1h\',a).u(\'2k\');b.1U().13(d);b.G(\'.1g\').2l(c.9(\'14\'));$.7.1c(d,b.G(\'.1g\'),c);6($.7.10){d.C(\'2m\',\'2n\').1H(5(){$.7.1j()})}}s{b.G().2o().1U();$(\'.7 L.D\').W(\'D\')}$.7.16=a};$.11({7:{16:\'\',1c:5(){},X:5(a){6($.7.K){$.1V(a)}s{q.1b(a)}},1j:5(){4 a=$(q.1M($(\'.7 F[O="\'+$.7.16+\'"]\').15(\'L\'))).T(\'F\').9(\'O\');$.7.X(a)},1Q:5(){4 a=$(q.1P($(\'.7 F[O="\'+$.7.16+\'"]\').15(\'L\'))).T(\'F\').9(\'O\');$.7.X(a)}}})})(3);3.11({z:17,x:17,1p:5(a){3.x=a;4 b=r.t;3.z=b;6(3.H.1l){6(3.z===\'\'){3.z=\'#\'}$("1R").1I(\'<1W 1S="18" 1L="M: U;"></1W>\');4 c=$("#18")[0];4 d=c.1m.B;d.1X();d.1Y();d.r.t=b}s 6($.H.19){3.A=[];3.A.I=K.I;3.1a=[];3.Y=E}3.x(b.V(/^#/,\'\'));2p(3.1Z,2q)},20:5(a){3.A.21(a);3.1a.I=0;8.Y=E},1Z:5(){6(3.H.1l){4 a=$("#18")[0];4 b=a.2r||a.1m.B;4 c=b.r.t;6(c!=3.z){r.t=c;3.z=c;3.x(c.V(/^#/,\'\'))}}s 6($.H.19){6(!3.1n){4 d=K.I-3.A.I;6(d){3.Y=J;4 i;6(d<0){1d(i=0;i<1i.2s(d);i++){3.1a.2t(3.A.2u())}}s{1d(i=0;i<d;i++){3.A.21(3.1a.2v())}}4 e=3.A[3.A.I-1];6(e!==17){3.z=r.t;3.x(e)}}s 6(3.A[3.A.I-1]===17&&!3.Y){6(B.22.2w(\'#\')>=0){3.x(B.22.2x(\'#\')[1])}s{c=r.t;3.x(\'\')}3.Y=E}}}s{c=r.t;6(c!=3.z){3.z=c;3.x(c.V(/^#/,\'\'))}}},1V:5(a){4 b;6(3.H.19){b=a}s{b=\'#\'+a;r.t=b}3.z=b;6(3.H.1l){4 c=$("#18")[0];4 d=c.1m.B;d.1X();d.1Y();d.r.t=b;3.x(a)}s 6(3.H.19){3.1n=E;8.20(a);4 e=5(){3.1n=J};N.1G(e,2y);3.x(a);r.t=b}s{3.x(a)}}});',62,159,'|||jQuery|var|function|if|galleria|this|attr||||||||||||||||||location|else|hash|addClass|width||historyCallback|height|historyCurrentHash|historyBackStack|document|css|active|true|img|siblings|browser|length|false|history|li|display|window|rel|hover|return|is|child|find|none|replace|removeClass|activate|isFirst|insert|clickNext|extend|createElement|append|title|parents|current|undefined|jQuery_history|safari|historyForwardStack|onPageLoad|onImage|for|div|span|caption|src|Math|next|css_test|msie|contentWindow|dontCheck|hasCSS|historyInit|galleria_container|onThumb|galleria_wrapper|each|children|href|new|Image|alt|thumb|noscale|hasClass|ceil|auto|marginTop|marginLeft|setTimeout|click|prepend|remove|error|style|nextSelector|last|first|previousSelector|prev|body|id|1px|empty|historyLoad|iframe|open|close|historyCheck|historyAddHistory|push|URL|fn|in|insertBefore|meta|data|only|load|clone|replaceWith|block|html|class|color|red|Error|loading|image|replaced|text|cursor|pointer|andSelf|setInterval|100|contentDocument|abs|unshift|pop|shift|indexOf|split|200'.split('|'),0,{}))
I don't have Safari installed, but I can recreate the bug in Chrome somewhat consistently now, and I can see from Chrome's debugger that the reason it's failing is because it's hitting the else part of the if statement in $$.onPageLoad = function(_src) on line 283 of the unpacked source, because _src is empty. It only happens on the first load of a page (sometimes). This makes me think that the onload event isn't waiting for images to be completely ready. Google led me to a page talking about Safari's page loading, which points out that
With most browsers, they will wait
until the page is loaded, all images
and stylesheets and scripts have run,
and the page has been displayed before
they fire onload. Safari does not.
In Safari, it seems onload fires
before the page has been displayed,
before layout has been calculated,
before any costly reflows have taken
place. It fires before images have
completed decoding
So, try adding a delay before invoking the galleria code on the ul, or check that the width of the first image is > 0 before invoking the code.
You can find the full source for galleria here: jquery.galleria.js.
And for what it's worth, the gallery seems to work quite well in Firefox.
I tested in chrome (WebKit) - everything seems ok here, until one time - it loads image i want to and then goes to last one (i opened gallery 2, picture 27... and then whatever image i clicked on, after 0.5s it returned back)
Plus, you have one wrong element - </br> instead of <br/> in menu.
Running it through the w3c validator shows 17 errors.
It's certainly worth fixing any errors like these to get a more consistent cross browser experience.
