I'm working on a project that I'd like to make more dynamic with PHP + AJAX.
I'm using jQuery for the AJAX part because I totally suck in Javascript, and anyway it seems to be worth something.
I reached a point where my application needs to use a form to send a post, and I want to use an ajax call to perform this action. In the page I'd like to send the post, there is also a list of the most recent 15 posts submitted.
First question: Should I just forget about it and use just PHP?
The action
The user writes something in the <textarea></textarea> and clicks on a <a id="myPostSubmit">Submit</a> that is the handler that I'll manage on the jQuery script with something like $("#myPostSubmit").live('click', function() { /* here i make the ajax call */ });. If the post is successfully submitted we are going to do something (I'll talk about it in the next section), either we will alert the user using my showAlert(text) function, that shows a black box for 4 seconds with the text in it.
Second question: Should I manage the click event in any other ways? Should I create a function, such as sendpost(post) and attach it into the HTML onclick="" event?
If the post is successfully sent
I'd open a discussion about 2 options:
We refresh the page [not actually
loading the entire page but making
another ajax call that retrieves the
posts lists and makes disappear the
old one, load the PHP file to
retrieve the new posts (including
the one we just sent), and then make
the post list appear]. Pro: 1) We are sure that what the user is reading after the post list is loaded is the real post sent. So it actually double checks the action. 2) We load also some possible posts sent in the mean while. Cons: 1) We have to create a PHP file that gets the post list template, slicing the template of that page in 2 files. 2) It doesn't really seems that smooth to me.
We just use Javascript to get the post template, add it to the list. Pro: 1) We make it really smooth, without reloading the entire page. 2) We don't need of any PHP file to reload the page. We just use Javascript (jQuery). Cons: 1) How do we get the post html template to add it to the list? 2) How do we get the user (logged) informations without PHP?
Third question: Is it better the 1st or the 2nd solution? Would you provide a even better 3rd solution?
The PHP page
The PHP page that will receive this AJAX call is : ?p=action&a=sendpost. The page require $_POST['myMessage'] to be set and not empty and nothing else. The page itself will get all the user infos from the cookies and will manage to perform the needed query.
The application
It is divided in 3 parts: App, Template, Library. Basically each page of the application has its own .app.php and .tpl.php file.
The .app.php file manages the building
of the basis of the page, using classes
and other stuff from the library. In
our case it retrieves datas from the
database and put them into
The Template is called at the end of the .app.php file. The .app.php file send to the template the retrieved data and the .tpl.php file outputs them.
The library is used to contain the classes and functions we need in the application file.
Fourth question: Is this a good way of manage my web application?
Edit: What about returning the alert message to the user?
I read about an option, inside $.ajax() that will manage the response on success or in error. The documentation about it is very simple and I didn't get it.
Fifth question: How should I return (from the PHP file) the error
or the success?
First question: Should i just forget about it and use just PHP?
Well, you application will relay on JavaScript if you use ajax, this days i think it just fine ;)
Second question: Should i manage the click event in any other ways? Should i create a function, such as sendpost(post) and attach it into the HTML onclick="" event?
Create a function and bind onclick. Code will be more readable ;)
Third question: Is it better the 1st or the 2nd solution? Would you provide a even better 3rd solution?
My solution: ajax submit the form and on callback insert new comment in to the list or display error message if user can't comment.
Check jQuery serilize() for submitting forms data with ajax.
Fourth question: Is this a good way of manage my web application?
It's just fine ;) When you application get's bigger you will have to redesign it, but don't do it know, do it when current solution becomes to hard to work with.
Read some good book on building MVC framework. And on programming patterns in general.
You seem to be on the right track with everything. There are lot of opinions called "best practices" about how to exactly attach event handlers, how to reload the data on the page and how to organize your application, etc, but I personally would rather build more software instead of worrying about details like that. The details will come to you eventually.
I personally find that updating whole chunks of server-side-rendered HTML on the page is more robust solution, but I have seen people getting excellent results with templates.
In a nutshell.... what i want to do is a install script for my website... but i want everything to be done in 1 page which will connect to another php file that will have all the server side processing code. In order to do that i use JQuery, Ajax & PHP...
Now my question lies in what are the best practices in order to do that. How do I make my server side PHP script to take multiple user inputs that will happen throughout a lengthy installation processes?
I was thinking on using switch statements that will trigger classes & functions and like that being able to access multiple processes (Classes and functions) that will be stored in the same file?... or people normally use other things?? never done this before and couldnt find a straight forward tutorial for it on how is best to design it.
I was thinking on maybe being able to access classes through AJAX in php but that doesn't seem to be possible.... can i trigger functions from AJAX in php?
I really appreciate the help in how normally this is approached
It would be too lengthy to define the whole process in SO in detail. But the basic idea is:
User fills in form clicks NEXT button.
You get all the form values (in JavaScript), post it to a PHP page using AJAX
The PHP page gives you back a flag (SUCCESS/ERROR) [In the background, if it is success, PHP has persisted the data into a database]
If JavaScript receives ERROR, you show user the error message and ask him to correct the form
If java script receives SUCCESS, you call the next PHP script, which generates the next form and sends it to your JavaScript
JavaScript populates this form content within a DIV in your page, effectively wiping out the current form and showing the new form in its place.
..and the whole process restarts from the first step once again for the new form..
i have a website that uses a number of containers (div's). In this scenario, we have three boxes down the left side and one bigger box on the right of these boxes. The bigger box on the right is the only thing that changes when a link is pressed, this is done with Javascript.
SO i have the index which is the main layout of the website and i also have the "pages" of the site, so when a link is pressed the main box (on the right) loads the new data.
On one of my pages i want to collect data and then run it through a PHP script that is in the head of the file, but when i click the button i realise it refreshes the whole page and it doesn't run the script on the page with the form.
Anyone had a problem like this, or know of something i could do to work around it?
I'm not really sure what code would be useful for helping me but if you need something just ask.
Thanks for the help
Since you are loading all your content via JS already, you could just POST the form data via AJAX to a PHP script to process, then read the output and either provide an error message or remove the form from the page and show your success message.
How to approach your AJAX call is dependant on what you've used as a basis for the rest of your JS.
Personally I like to use the JQuery library, as it makes AJAX calls (and much more) very simple.
How about you make the page design able to do it. Have the backend be able to spit out the state of the page when it posted.
Or use Ajax to post the data back and set the new state like you do already.
I have a page which shows a list of items. Page coded with html, css, php and using mysql db.
On that page a user can request to add one of the items to their special list.
I want to do this within the page without having to do a complete page refresh. So user clicks button to add, item is added to their list and button changed so they can't add it again.
Do I use ajax calls to run code behind the page and then refresh the div?
Or is there a better more efficient way to do it.
I'd prefer a php option of possible in case user has js turned off, but don't know if it can be done with using js.
Any help appreciated.
If you want dynamic content (changing the page without refreshing) you are going to have to use Javascript. To do what you are asking, you could call a PHP script via Ajax that outputs the contents of the div with the new item, and then change the div based on that response.
Dagon is exactly right. Create a form which handles the request and set the action of the form to the PHP script you want to handle the request. Note that although this can be the same php script that you use to process your ajax request, it does not necessarily have to be.
Many times when I implement such functionality, I'll set the PHP to send variables as POST (in the event of JS disabled) and have my ajax request as a GET so I can use a single PHP page to handle the 'same' request. When using AJAX, I'll have the script echo a specific code then have the ajax response handle that return.
if(val == 'OK') {
//in event of success, perhaps you want to hide the original form and show a success message
} else {
//do something like unhide a hidden div to display an error
If JavaScript is turned off, the page has to be reloaded. In your case jQuery could be very handy and simply rewrite the element you need to rewrite. The server send's a simple json. Using a PHP Framework might also be a good idea, since the way you ask it seems (with respect, and not wanting to offend), that you are not using any framework and might run into falls making your script vulnerable (sql injections for example)
If your visitor doesn't have JavaScript enabled and you want to serve anyways, then you have to do a page reload. First check if that is worth to do, who is your client/visitor, what browser do they use, ... questions like that help you to design your page/app.
I want to put Thumbs up/Thumbs down buttons on my website.
There will be quite a few of them displayed at once, so I don't want to have to do a POST and reload the page every time the user clicks on one.
I thought of using re-skinned radio buttons to choose Thumbs up/Thumbs down, but that would require the user to click a submit button.
So how do I do this? I am open to using JavaScript or some other form of Client-Side scripting, so long as it is built in to most/all web browsers.
I would take a look at using jQuery, It is a WIDELY used library and there is tons of support for it both here and # jQuery's website.
You could easily assign all those thumbs to do an ajax post to a save page with the correct id and the user would not know the difference
You're definitely going to need to use JavaScript on this. Well, there are other client-side languages that could technically do the job (ActionScript, for example), but JavaScript is definitely the best way to go.
Look into AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML). This is just a buzzwordy way of saying use the XMLHttpRequest() object to make page requests with JavaScript without reloading the page. Here's a good tutorial: . Note that, despite the word "XML" being in the title, you don't have to use XML at all, and in many cases you won't.
What you'll basically do is this:
Have your thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons linked to a JavaScript function (passing in whether it's a like or dislike via a function argument).
In that function, send a request to another page you create (a PHP script) which records the like/dislike. Optionally, you can have the PHP script echo out the new vote totals.
(optional) If you decided to have your PHP script output the new results, you can read that into JavaScript. You'll get the exact text of the PHP script's page output, so plan ahead according to that -- you can have the PHP script output the new vote totals in a user-friendly way and then just have your JavaScript replace a particular div with that output, for example.
Why use AJAX for dynamic web pages when you can do it only with php?
The main reason to bother with AJAX is User Experience (UX).
Now AJAX won't necessarily improve UX in every single instance so in a lot of places sticking with pure PHP is perfectly okay.
But imagine the case where you have a text field on the site and a link to vote on something. Kinda like this site. When you add AJAX your users won't loose the text they entered in the textfield when they decide to vote on the link! How incredibly useful!
So if you care about your user's experience it is a good idea to use AJAX in situations like that.
PHP creates and outputs the Content to the Client Browser as it's a Server-Side Language and that's what it was built for, so on a request your code will access database, files etc. and then output the constructed html/text to the client.
Ajax just gives the User a more Desktop like feel. For example deleting a record and instead of the entire page reloading just letting the one element disappear from say a list and letting the server know that the record is to be deleted. But Remember to let the User know when you are busy sending data to the server (With a progress bar in .gif format for example). As lot's of user feel that if nothing happens on the screen to notify them, that the application is frozen which means they will either reload the page or just try to click the button again.
But you will need to provide some sort of compatibility with browsers that have Javascript disable and thus cannot use your AJAX functions, just something to keep in mind.
AJAX stands for Asynchronus Javascript and XML, meaning that a page can get new data, without having to reload a page.
PHP cannot send data without reloading the whole page. A user has to press a button, to send data.
An example of AJAX is for example google suggestions or the tag suggestions on this website.