When using CI routes, I have the default route which points somewhere, but I want it to point to another place if the user is logged in.
Whats the best way of doing this?
I don't think I wrote this question as clearly as I should have. What I mean is that if the user is not logged in and they go to www.domain.com/ they go to the home page. If they are logged in and they go to the same URL they see a different page, but the same URL in the address bar
Basically as Malachi said, one way to do this is:
class MY_Controller extends Controller {
function __construct()
// else...redirect to login?
// call it...
class some_controller extends MY_Controller {
// etc
In my controllers I'm limiting access by prefixing my functions with admin_ and then letting the AppController isAuthorized() function check if the user is an admin. Is there a way to do this with pages (from PageController)? We created an admin homepage (like a dashboard) which users cannot view if they are not logged in, but non-admin users CAN view it. I can't figure out how to prevent this.
What do you mean with pages? Something static served by the PagesController or a .htm(l) file located in your webroot?
If your case is the first thing, you can implement this logic for the Pages Controller.
If it is the second - the request doesn't go through CakePHP (or any other server-side script) at all, so no you cannot controll access to it through Cake.
If your situation is something else, then refine your question and I'd be happy to help.
As the comment suggests you're in situation No:1. In the class declaration of the PagesController it says:
class PagesController extends AppController {
this means that you can use any logic that is in AppController in whichever class that extends AppController. Thus you can use isAuthorized() in the PagesController.
All you need to do is create a method with a name the same as your "admin dashboard view" and allow access to it only for admins. Or just check the user role.
Assuming that the first parameter is the requested Page and you can catch it using this statement:
you can use the isAuthorized function to solve your problem doing something like this...
public function isAuthorized()
$page = strtolower($this->request->pass[0]);
if ($page = 'admin_page')
if ( $this->Auth->user('Role.role_field') == 'Admin' )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// This will authorize users for the other pages
return TRUE;
Hope this helps. Always check the CookBook: sometimes you need to check the older Books for finding what you really need. Happy Coding!
So, i have some problem.
I just want to create some website where visitor can interact with my site if they're registered.
Let say they've provided their username,email,password, blah..blah..blah...
And then after they provided their blah..blah..blah.. it will autologin (if their data is passed) to my site.
After they logged in my site, they must provided more data again, like they uploaded their profile picture, how they control their privacy in my site, like step by step registration.
I don't want they interact with my site, until they complete their registration.
How do i make every page in my site looks like registration page until they finished their registration.
It's not like i will give this kind of function right.
//you're free to go
} else {
// complete your registration first
} else {
//you're not logged in
In my every controller, if you know what I mean :)
How do I create this function globaly?
If their registration isn't complete, they will go to registration controller, in every routes.
If they complete their registration, they will go to the, yeah you know the default routes.
I'm so sorry if my English is bad, English isn't my native language, sorry for grammar mistakes :)
The easiest is probably to create a library with your checking function and then to include it in the Constructor of the impacted ControllerS :
class Blog extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
// Load the lib here or Autoload
And then you do all the ckecks and routing in the Lib.
create a view with your post-registering stuff and make them conditionally visible. and include the view in your templates.
One way you can do it is to create a custom controller by extend the core CI_Controller. Then you can have your page controllers extend from your custom controllers. By extending, you inherit the functions of the parent, as well as run the parent constructor (or run it if you override it), making them "globally available" to whoever extends it.
//extend the core controller
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
//override to provide additional functionality
public function __construct(){
//run the core controller
//then do your login and registration checks here
//you can put code here, call another function or load a helper class
//or better, redirect them to your registration page
//your page's controller extending from your custom controller
class Page extends MY_Controller {
//not overriding the constructor will execute the parent constructor
//every page that extends your extended controller will inherit it's functions
//and execute it's constructor
If a user is not logged in I would like to override the existing Controller and call the auth/login one instead keeping the browser URI in tact. (Every user has to be logged in to use the site)
I have tried a pre controller hook, but its too early. The auth library has not been instantiated by this point.
The post controller hook is too late as the target controller has been instantiated.
Editing the constructor of the library seems pointless also, as it has already been created.. So i am a little stuck..
Any ideas please? :)..
I would override the default controller and extend in each controller. Create a new file: ./app/core/MY_Controller.php with the next code:
class Secure_Controller extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
/* replace this code with yours */
if( !$this->session->userdata('logged_in') ) {
redirect(base_url() . 'login', 'refresh'); // your login url
Then, use this code in each controller that you should be accessible by logged users
class Main extends Secure_Controller {
Have you considered just saving the URI to flashdata, redirecting the visitor to another controller (login page) and then just putting the referrer into a hidden form field? I'm doing the same thing with one of my sites using Codeigniter and it works fine. The only difference is that the URI is not intact during this process.
Perhaps the answer to this question will be the same for you ? CodeIgniter only allow access to certain controllers when logged in
(If so, don't forget to replace the "function className()" by "function __construct()" and "parent::Controller();" by "parent::__construct();")
I know questions similar to this have been asked, but I have been searching through the internet and I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for.
The most common answer is to put it in the controller. I liked a particular solution from stackoverflow that had a SessionController and NonSessionController, both extending the main controller but with SessionController checking if the user is logged in before the dispatch.
Does this mean that the controller would look something like this?
class SessionController
function view()
//view thread stuff
function post()
if loggedin then
//post thread stuff
In this situation, it looks like NonSessionController is useless, and that model is only used when every action the controller handles is either strictly for users or non-users, unlike this forum example.
So I guess my question is, is the general concept of the controller above the most efficient way of dealing with login checks when using MVC?
I think the idea would be to have one controller which checks the session and login, and one that doesn't.
I would put the login check in the constructor of the session controller so that way every controller which extends it will check the login.
The session controller would look like
class SessionController
public function __construct()
if ( ! AuthenticationHelper::isLoggedIn() )
// User is not logged in
// Do something, maybe a redirect to login page
Then you can just extend that controller like
class HomeController extends SessionController
public function __construct()
public function index()
print "This page checks login status";
I would make a component. If you're writing your own MVC framework then this will be interesting to see how you implement this.
But, basically you need a class to check for session state. But, if you tie yourself to extending a class for logged in and a class for logged out I'd feel you have too much duplicate code. I also just personally don't think its very intuitive. I'd probably wind up losing track of whether or not a controller should extend the Session or NotSession.
I'm actually in the process of writing my own MVC framework and have thought about how I would solve this problem a little. I haven't gotten to where I've actually implemented code so it's more a working theory at this point. :)
Have one controller base class. That class has a property that we'll call $components. Let's make this an array and it can hold the name of classes for things you want to do in a lot of controllers, but doesn't really belong in the controller itself.
Since I'm using the Front Controller design pattern before the action requested is invoked I will gather the array of $components and load the appropriate class file for each entry.
As each $component file is being loaded I will dynamically add that component object to the controller properties. So that a component with name Session might refer to a class named SessionComponent and you can access it in your controller by using $this->Session->do_something() or $this->SessionComponent->do_something()
I kind-of-sort-of ripped the idea from CakePHP. I use Cake as my production PHP framework and a lot of my ideas for the custom built framework I'm working on is, obviously, inspired by Cake.
If you are inside your SessionController, then you shouldn't need to check the loggedin variable for every function, you should do that inside the constructor or the router, if you feel confident enough to manipulate. That way if the user is not logged in, the SessionController file and class would not be loaded at all.
Sorry, no english:
base controller
class Controller{
function handleLogin()
//do stuff - redirect to login page?
class someController extends Controller{
function someAction()
//check login
//do someAction stuff
I am very, very new with MVC (just started yesterday) so this question is probably stupid, but I need to know how to check automatically if user is logged in on my functions that are in admin/user models.
I can put the checking in construct, this would help, but I have several models and maybe there is some even better way. I hope you will understand better what I want after you see my folder structure and code. Oh, and by the way - I use Code Igniter 2.0
Let's see my item.php file...
class Item extends CI_Controller
function Index()
//Checking if admin is logged in on every function is bad
* Is it possible to somehow make all admin functions go through
* some kind of Admin class that will check automatically?
$isLogged = $this->session->userdata('is_logged_in');
if ($isLogged == true)
function Add()
function Edit()
function Delete()
I hope that this is easy question, thanks in advance :)
I would implement the login-function in CI_Controller.
Then I would set an protected variable in Item protected $loginRequired = true;.
In function __construct() or Item() I would call parent::isLoginRequired($this->loginRequired) which checks if a login is required.
I would also redirect to a specific login page with a parameter which redirects the user back to the page he needs to be logged in.
Make a new class, for example, My_Controller extends Ci_Controller and write some auth checker code in it... in controller file just extend My_Controller
what i usually do is -like Teeed recommends- Create my own controller Class which is between the CI_Controller and each controller you might create.
In that class (MY_Controller) you can instantiate a model which handles all user related data and logics (loading session data, executing specific checks, etc..) and finally set as class variables those results, so you will end up having:
$this->isLogged ;
$this->isPaying ;
$this->isPlatinumMember ;
in any of your classes extending from MY_Controller
that makes very easy to check any condition within any of your Controllers.