Variable inside double quotes in PHP array keys - php

I've something weird into my code and I really don't get the behavior.
I always used array with string variables keys like this:
$string = "my key";
$array[$string] = "my value";
But in one case, it doesn't work. I'm forced to put $string into double quotes, otherwise my array remains empty.
I really don't understand why. Moreover, further in my code I use the same "$string" as an id to create an another array, and it works fine without double quotes.
Here is my code where double quotes are needed (array[]):
foreach($xml2->menu as $children) {
$id = $children['id'];
$this->array["$id"] = $children->label;//Problem here
And here, the code without double quotes ($resultArray[]):
for($i=0; $i < count($idArray); $i++){
$id = $idArray[$i];
$resultArray[$id] = $this->array[$id];//Problem here
Does someone have any idea about why this is happening?
The content of $idArray[$i] and $children[$id] is some string like "about", "contact" etc.
And when I say "it doesn't work", I mean that the created array is null.

Does $children["id"] contain an object? Then type it to an int:
$id = (int) $children["id"];
Then you can use it again as $id.


php array syntax ${ is confusing me

I create a $values array and then extract the elements into local scope.
$values['status'.$i] = $newStatus[$i];
When I render an html page. I'm using the following
<?php if(${'status'.$i} == 'OUT'){ ?>
but am confused by what the ${ is doing and why $status.$i won't resolve
$status.$i means
take value of $status variable and concatenate it with value of $i variable.
${'status'.$i} means
take value of $i variable, append id to 'status' string and take value of a variable 'status'.$i
With $i equals '2' and $status equals 'someStatus':
$status.$i evaluated to 'someStatus' . '2', which is 'someStatus2'
${'status'.$i} evaluated to ${'status'.'2'} which is $status2. And if $status2 is defined variable - you will get some value.
I wanted to add to the accepted answer with a suggested alternate way of achieving your goal.
Re-iterating the accepted answer...
Let's assume the following,
$status1 = 'A status';
$status = 'foo';
$i = 1;
$var_name = 'status1';
and then,
echo $status1; // A status
echo $status.$i; // foo1
echo ${'status'.$i}; // A status
echo ${"status$i"}; // A status
echo ${$var_name}; // A status
The string inside the curly brackets is resolved first, effectively resulting in ${'status1'} which is the same as $status1. This is a variable variable.
Read about variable variables -
An alternative solution
Multidimensional arrays are probably an easier way to manage your data.
For example, instead of somthing like
$values['status'.$i] = $newStatus[$i];
how about
$values['status'][$i] = $newStatus[$i];
Now we can use the data like,
if($status[$i] == 'OUT'){
// do stuff
An alternative solution PLUS
You may even find that you can prepare your status array differently. I'm assuming you're using some sort of loop? If so, these are both equivalent,
for ($i=0; $i<count($newStatus); $i++){
$values['status'][$i] = $newStatus[$i];
$values['status'] = $newStatus;

Using citation marks around a variable in array access

I'm reading som legacy code and come over a curious case:
$my_assoc_array; /* User defined associative array */
$my_key; /* User defined String */
$value = $my_assoc_array["$my_key"];
Is there any clever reason why you would want to have citation marks (") around the variable when it's used as a key? Like a very special corner case? Or is there simply no reason at all to do this?
-- EDIT --
Maybe in some old version of PHP there was a difference? (Remember this is legacy code).
There is one example that I can find where the output differs which is when $mykey = false.
(which perhaps does not apply to your example where $mykey is a string, but then again: this is the wild wild world of PHP)
$arr = array("1"=>"b", "0"=>"a");
$mykey = false;
// returns "a"
// gives Undefined index error
$mykey = true;
// returns "b"
// returns "b"
What this can be (mis-)used for beats me...
Its not necessary to bind variable name with double quotes inside array index:
you can simply write with out quotes:
$value = $my_assoc_array[$my_key];
it will be different one if $my_key is an integer value
$my_key = 3; /* User defined String */
$value = $my_assoc_array["$my_key"]; /* returns $my_assoc_array["3"] */
$value = $my_assoc_array[$my_key]; /* returns $my_assoc_array[3] */

Single quote breaking echo in input using htmlentities & htmlspecialchars when serialized mysql in php

UPDATE: So I spent the day reading various posts on SQL injection and parameterized queries. I've come up with something that works and I think it's a reasonable update to my approach.
$query = "UPDATE message_bundles SET bndName = ?, bndTagId = ?, bndSequence = ?, bndKeyboardArr = ? WHERE id = ?";
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection, $query);
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'siisi', $bnd_name, $bnd_tag_id, $bnd_sequence, $bnd_keyboard_arr, $id);
$result = mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt);
But, I still have the issue described in this original question. When I echo out the data, it's still breaking with the very first single quote it encounters; whether I use htmlspecialchars or htmlentities. Additional comments would be appreciated.
ORIGINAL: Normally when I save strings to MYSQL in PHP I run a function (below) that escapes quotes. I am doing the same thing but just after I serialize an array of strings before inserting into MYSQL. But when I retrieve the array and unsearialize it, only the first string with a single quote echo's inside an input field. Then the rest of the strings in the array won't echo.
Here is my loop through post to build array (note that the 3 values being added to an array are 1) string, 2) int, 3) string; maybe this is where my issue is):
foreach ($bnd_keyboard as $key) {
if ($key['keyboard']) {
$keyboard = $key['keyboard'];
$target_bundle = $key['targetBundle'];
$code_execute = $key['codeExecute'];
$bnd_keyboard_arr["keyboards"][$keyboard] = array(
"targetBundle" => $target_bundle,
"codeExecute" => $code_execute
Then my function to escape quotes (note that it's an older function that might need to be updated, but hasn't caused me any issues until now):
function mysqli_prep($value) {
global $connection;
$magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
$new_enough_php = function_exists("mysqli_real_escape_string"); // i.e. PHP >= v4.3.0
if($new_enough_php) { // PHP v4.3.0 or higher
// undo any magic quote effects so mysql_real_escape_string can do the work
if($magic_quotes_active) {$value = stripslashes($value); }
$value = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $value);
} else { // before PHP v4.3.0
// if magic quotes aren't already on then add slashes manually
if(!$magic_quotes_active) {$value = addslashes($value); }
// if magic quotes are active, then the slashes already exist
return $value;
Then I run this function on the array and serialize it:
$bnd_keyboard_arr = mysqli_prep(serialize($bnd_keyboard_arr));
Serialized data before insert into MYSQL looks like this:
When I go to retrieve the data, unserialize it and echo into my page, If the 1st field (which is actually the KEY for an array within the array) has a quote, then it echo's ok, but then the next 2 values break and won't echo (either in a normal text echo, or within an input field).
If none of the 3 values have single quotes, then all 3 echo out properly inside the input's.
If the 3rd value has a single quote, then all three echo fine. Basically when my page encounters a single quote, even after htmlentites or htmlspecialchars is used, it breaks the rest of the values being echoed from the array.
I'm really stumped.
Well, I solved it. Good exercise for me though b/c it forced me to upgrade the way I send queries to MYSQL. I think that's way upgraded, although it turns out that had nothing to do with my original issue.
The problem, stupid as it always is, was this:
I was creating a htmlspecialchars string just fine like:
$keyboard = htmlspecialchars($keyboard, ENT_QUOTES);
Then I was grabbing a value from an array, except that used my $keyboard value like this:
$keyboard_arr = $bnd_keyboard_arr['keyboards'][$keyboard];
So of course if I was converting the $keyboard string using htmlspecialchars prior to inserting that string in my array key, well, it would break $keyboard_arr
The solution was to just move the $keyboard_arr = $bnd_keyboard_arr['keyboards'][$keyboard]; to one line after the $keyboard_arr = $bnd_keyboard_arr['keyboards'][$keyboard];
Yup. Like I said, JV.

PHP - Adding string value to associative array

This seem so simple, and yet I can't find a solution anywhere.
What I want to do is add the contents (r-value) of a variable to an associative array instead of a reference to the variable.
For example, I want this:
$myStr1 = "sometext";
$myStr2 = "someothertext";
$myArray = array(
To produce this:
Instead of this:
"1" // why??
Any help would be appreciated.
The above works; my bad. Here's the real problem - my $myStr1 variable isn't just assiged a string literal like in the above; it's created using the following syntax:
$myStr1 = "sometext" + anObject->intProperty + "moretext";
Basically I use the + to concatenate various types into a string. Maybe + isn't doing what I think it's doing?
It was definitely the + operator. I casted all non-strings to strings and used . to concatenate instead.
You've got it correct the first time. Try this:
$myStr1 = "sometext";
$myStr2 = "someothertext";
$myArray = array(
Even though we unset() the $myStr1 variable, it still echoed sometext.
It should be noted that while it is possible to set $myStr1 by reference, it's not the default.
Try your code and its result is:

PHP not sending id

I have a script that I wrote to look up an ID based on uniqueID
if ($_REQUEST['uniqueId'] != ""){
$qA = "SELECT id FROM customerdata WHERE uniqueId = \"". $_REQUEST['uniqueId']."\"";
$rA = mysql_query($qA);
list($id) = mysql_fetch_row($rA);
echo $id;
if ( mysql_num_rows ($rA) > 0) {
Rather than sending the user to response-en.php?id=1 it sends them to response-en.php?id=$id
Any idea why this is happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
When you use a single quote: '
This is a string literal. Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) inside that string is taken wholesale. If you did this: $something = 'Location:response-en.php?id=$id';, the value of $something is: Location:response-en.php?id=$id In order to add a variable into the string, you use the concatenation operator .. Thus, the value of $something after $something = 'Location:response-en.php?id='.$id; would be Location:response-en.php?id=5 (assuming $id = 5)
When you use double quote: "
PHP will search inside your sting to find any variables. It will then replace the variable name with the value of the variable. If you did this: $something = "Location:response-en.php?id=$id";, the value of $something is: Location:response-en.php?id=5 - note the use of double quotes.
Also, I wanted to add that your script is vulnerable to SQL-injection attack. Always sanitize query-string values before using them in an SQL query. For more info on sanitizing values for sql, see the docs for mysql_real_escape_string.
Variables inside a single-quoted string are not parsed. Variables inside double quotes are. Check out:
You need double quotes to process variables in a string. Not single quotes.
You have to use " in stead of '
Try enclosing your string with double quotes instead of single quotes for correct variable parsing:
or use complex syntax with curly braces surrounding your variables:
See manual.
