I need to set up a simple voting system for my application., My application consists of articles posted as well as comments. I would like to add voting abilities to both articles and comments and at the same time be able to sort comments based upon highest voted etc.
I have the following restrictions i.e since the application needs users to log in - only logged in users can vote, secondly a user can vote on an item only once. Users can upvote or downvote or cancel a vote they've made.
What would be a decent table design for this, plus I need the solution to be scaleable. Thanks for the advice
I think I would go with a join-table between the users and articles tables :
- article_id
- user_id
- score
- date
With the following notes :
article_id is a foreign key to the article that gets up/down-voted
user_id is a foreign key to the user that voted
score is +1 or -1 depending on the vote
the primary key is on the two article_id, user_id columns.
a user voting on an article means inserting one line in this table ; canceling the vote means deleting that line (or setting a 0 score if you want to keep track of the fact the user has voted)
That's for votes on articles.
And I would do another users_comments table for the votes on comments.
So I have two different tables, a users table and an articles table. The idea is to allow a user to rate an article, but only allow them to rate it once (possible change their existing rating too but I can come to that conclusion later).
As of now I just have the update value working to allow them to rate the article, but of course a user can rate an article as many times as they want.
To give you an idea of how I have everything working, when a user logins in, a session is created with their user information. So when they go to rate an article, I have the ability to check the user, I just don't know how to stop them from rating if they have already rated a specific article.
The user table consists of among other things their username and their unique ID
and the article table consists among other things the article contents, the article unique ID, and the articles rating.
I had some really sloppy ideas like when the user rates an article their ID gets stored into the articles row in some kind of "users who have rated" column, and then I can do a for loop or something to siphon out all the user IDs and then check if their ID exists in that articles entry but then each article would have a row with possibly hundreds or thousands of userIDs on it and there seems like there would be a more elegant way.
Any help or direction is appreciated :)
Create a UserRatings table which has foreign keys to the users table and the articles table, and stores a row linking the user to the article, and the rating they gave it and when it occurred.
Then if a user tried to rate it again you just check this table for the user ID/article ID combination before allowing it.
And then if you wanted got can do things like show the user a list of articles they have previously rated, etc
The site is a voting site for music artists. Each artist is saved in a database and they have a vote column. Each time a user clicks vote it adds one to the vote column in the database.
I want the users to log in with facebook and vote only ONCE for only ONE artist.
How would i go by doing such thing?
This is a screen shot of the database I have.
database screenshot
Not sure where exactly you got stuck, and your question is way too broad for Stackoverflow, but here's how it works:
Authorize users with your Facebook App.
Whenever a user votes, store his ID with the vote and check if he already voted for that artist. A voting table could have the following 3 columns: artistId, vote, userId - or if the voting is not a number but just a flag, you could omit the "vote" column.
I have a table called User_Accounts, In that table I have a column named Referred_By.
When a new record is added to this table the column id auto increments, In my case this is the userid. So if a user has referred another user. say Gary1992 referred James. James would have gary1992's id in the referred column.
So my question.
I am wondering how I can get a count of how many users each user has referred and put this into a view?
Please let me know if you need more information, I have tried my best to explain and really can't get my head around this.
SELECT Referred_By, COUNT(*) counter
FROM User_Accounts
GROUP BY Referred_By
I have to maintain the data of friend list of friends who liked a particular category post. And this may be at any level. For eg.
if a friend of A who is B like a wanted post. then I ll maintain the record of A’s friends and B’s friend. Basically my requirement is
If user visit my product site I have to tell him/her that you're following friend already visited the same and they actually recommend you to use this and to build confidence that you are on the right way as your friends are also using it. I also want to suggest A that C who is the friend to B is using this product since this time and C suggest to many for using it.
I know this logic is already implemented in good sites.
I am just a starter. So pls suggest me the database for backend and required things for frontend.
Specially this question is to maintain the record on database. So I am asking for the database what should I use not how should I implement that would be next step.
As I am planning to use Graph database for it. In graph either bigdata or Neo4j.
Your ideas are most welcome and will be appreciated. Thanks
I hope my logic may takes you few steps forward
Initially we have to maintain the mutual friends records
foe example
id mut_id
1 2,3,4
Here 2,3,4 are your friends
next we need to maintain the records who has purchased/visited
prod_id buy_id
1 2,1
Now suppose 3 id wants to buy or visit site then we can show that your friend already visited or buyed product
Friends' relations is a classical many-to-many scheme. You need two tables to implement this:
1. A table with personal data, such as name, email etc. (could be more complex like person-properties relation)
2. A table with friends' retaionships data, usually it contains ID pairs of friends that relation is representing and some data about relation itself, such as category (friend/family/classmate etc) , level of affinity (if >0 it means positive relation, <0 negative such as enemies) and so on. Assume first ID is a person this relation belongs to (and can be maintained by), second ID is a person this relation applies to. Usually such kind of tables is constrained to pair of IDs to be unique, so nobody will be able to add same person as a friend twice
Here is some sample:
name VARCHAR(255),
email VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY (person_id)
CREATE TABLE relationship
id_person INT NOT NULL REFERENCES person(id),
id_person_related INT NOT NULL REFERENCES person(id),
id_category INT REFERENCES relcategories(id),
affinity INT,
PRIMARY KEY (id_person, id_person_related)
Note that affinity and id_category fiels are optional and last one requires table relcategories with INT id field to be create first
Visits of one friend to another can also be stored in relationship in a separate field
i already created a table for comments but i want to add the feature of thumb Up and Down for comments like Digg and Youtube, i use php & mysql and i'm wondering What's the best table scheme to implement that so comments with many likes will be on the top.
This is my current comments table : comments(id,user,article,comment,stamp)
Note: Only registred will be able to vote so it should limit 1 vote to each user in a comment
Keep a votes table. E.g. votes(comment_id, user_id, value, stamp) - value is -1 or +1.
This allows accountability, and you can do a UNIQUE index on (comment_id, user_id) to prevent duplicate voting. You can also remove a user and all of his votes easily, if he/she is spamming.
For sorting comments by score it is possible to do a JOIN between the comment and vote tables and use SUM/GROUP BY to get the total score. However, this can be slow. For speed, you might consider keeping a score field in the comments table as well. Every time a new row is added to the votes table, you add/subtract 1 from the comment's score.
Because you are storing every vote in a table, it is easy to recalculate the score on demand. Stack Overflow does something similar with reputation - the total reputation score for a user is cached and recalculated every so often.
You could add a score field and increment or decrement with each thumb action:
UPDATE comments SET score=score+1 Where id=123
Then when you select, order by score DESC.
Since a user should be registered to thumb up/down, I would store the user ID and the post ID to validate the up/downs.
2 tables will be appropriate for this task. Let me know if you need a design.