I have 2 entties in sugar crm
Application has a relation with candidate. Now i want enter data using soap api to application with candidate name which is relational field
Please help
My suggestion for SugarCRM 5.5. However, based on the releationship type you defined, it might need some changes.
require_once 'nusoap.php';
$sugarClient = new soapclient($myUrl, true);
$response = $sugarClient->login(array('user_name' => $myUser, 'password' => md5($myPass), 'version' => '1'), 'myApp');
$sessionId = $response['id'];
$response = $sugarClient->get_entry_list($sessionId, 'Applications', 'name = '. $myValue, $myOrderBy, 0, array('id'));
$applicationId = $response['entry_list'][0]['id'];
$myCandidate = array(array('key' => $myVal1, 'key2' => $myVal2));
$response = $sugarClient->set_entry($sessionId, $myCandidate);
$candidateId = $response['id'];
$myRelation = array('module1' => 'Candidates', 'module1_id' => $candidateId, 'module2' => 'Applications', 'module2_id' => $applicationId);
$sugarClient->set_relationship($sid, $myRelation);
For more info see: http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/support/documentation/SugarCommunityEdition or search google for some examples.
I am running a PHP 7.3, running on apache server. I used composer to get this library:
For the code provided, I am now using the test site reference. I already managed to use for regular transitions. I now started managing 3D secure transactions, with the test MAESTRO card provided by secure trading here: https://docs.securetrading.com/document/testing/. the one designed not to demand 3D auth - that is 5000000000000421
The code provided next, will sum up the way I think thought this should work: I start by creating AUTH request, get error 30004, using CACHETOKENISE request to get a token, run THREEDQUERY to figure out if I need a full auth sceme on this card, get N as an answer, and run another AUTH request, this time with the transactionreference.
I am providing a version of the code I am testing (obviously, username, password and site reference name was removed to protect my privacy, but the code otherwise is the same)
$configData = array(
'username' => 'api#gigsberg.com',
'password' => 'xq!Kq$j4',
$site_refrance = 'test_gigsberg74319';
$configData = array(
'username' => '*****',
'password' => '*****',
$site_refrance = '*****';
if (!($autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'))) {
throw new \Exception('Composer autoloader file could not be found.');
$api = \Securetrading\api($configData);
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'requesttypedescription' => 'AUTH',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'mainamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'securitycode' => '123',
echo '<pre>';
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
print_r( $response['responses'] ); // $response['responses'][0]['errorcode'] == 30004
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$transactionreference = $response['responses'][0]['transactionreference'];
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'requesttypedescriptions' => array('CACHETOKENISE'),
'securitycode' => '123',
'orderreference' => $transactionreference,
'pan' => '5000000000000421'
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$cachetoken = $response['responses'][0]['cachetoken'];
$requestData = array(
'termurl' => 'https://termurl.com',
'accept' => 'text/html,*/*',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'requesttypedescription' => 'THREEDQUERY',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'baseamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'cachetoken' => $cachetoken,
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray(); // $response['responses'][0]['enrolled'] == 'N'
/* Copying from the docs here: https://docs.securetrading.com/document/api/security/3-d-secure/
* If the enrolled value returned in the response is “Y”, the customer’s card is enrolled in 3-D secure. Please refer to the following table for enrolled values:
* .
* .
* N - The card is not enrolled in the card issuer’s 3-D Secure scheme. - Perform an AUTH Request, including the transactionreference returned in the THREEDQUERY response.
* .
* .
print_r( $response['responses'] );
echo "\n--------------------------------------\n";
$transactionreference = $response['responses'][0]['transactionreference'];
$requestData = array(
'sitereference' => $site_refrance,
'requesttypedescription' => 'AUTH',
'accounttypedescription' => 'ECOM',
'currencyiso3a' => 'GBP',
'mainamount' => '1000',
'pan' => '5000000000000421',
'expirymonth' => '12',
'expiryyear' => '2030',
'securitycode' => '123',
'transactionreference' => $transactionreference
$response = $api->process($requestData)->toArray();
print_r( $response['responses'] ); // Still get $response['responses'][0]['errorcode'] == 30004
I expected it to give me a note that all works well, but I still got error 30004, as if the transactionreference wasn't provided. Any idea what I can do, to fix this code, and prevent this error?
Thanks in advance
Well, I read the Api tests, and I found my error. On the last request data, instead of
$requestData = array(
'transactionreference' => $transactionreference
I should use
$requestData = array(
'parenttransactionreference' => $transactionreference
Anyway, home this helps somone
I got some example scripts from Facebook App Management to use the Marketing API. When I run the script, I just get this error by curl:
'Unsupported post request. Object with ID \'105101623679981\' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation.
I already tried to deactivate the Sandbox Mode and go public, tried many different scripts in different languages and also other keys.
Any Ideas?
This is the Script:
//Add all those Uses and the autoloader
$access_token = '<my_very_long_accessToken';
$ad_account_id = '<my_account_id>'; //<-- This is the Object in the Error Code
$app_secret = '<my_app_secret>';
$page_id = '<my_page_id>';
$app_id = '<my_app_is>';
$api = Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$api->setLogger(new CurlLogger());
$fields = array(
$params = array(
'objective' => 'PAGE_LIKES',
'status' => 'PAUSED',
'buying_type' => 'AUCTION',
'name' => 'My Campaign',
$campaign = (new AdAccount($ad_account_id))->createCampaign(
$campaign_id = $campaign->id;
echo 'campaign_id: ' . $campaign_id . "\n\n";
$fields = array(
$params = array(
'status' => 'PAUSED',
'targeting' => array('geo_locations' => array('countries' => array('US'))),
'daily_budget' => '1000',
'billing_event' => 'IMPRESSIONS',
'bid_amount' => '20',
'campaign_id' => $campaign_id,
'optimization_goal' => 'PAGE_LIKES',
'promoted_object' => array('page_id' => $page_id),
'name' => 'My AdSet',
Yeah. I got it. It has to be "act_"
So bad. The Script is really crappy. So many Errors. And it's created by facebook!
Pretty specific problem, but I'll lay it out as best I can.
I can easily make a POST request to the TradeGecko API (detailed here: http://developer.tradegecko.com/) and get variant prices in return, that part of the interaction is working smoothly.
However, I'm trying to create a new order and I feel like I'm missing something!
Here's what I have:
$authorizeUrl = 'https://api.tradegecko.com/oauth/authorize';
$accessTokenUrl = 'https://api.tradegecko.com/oauth/token';
$clientId = <MY_CLIENT_ID>;
$clientSecret = <MY_CLIENT_SECRET>;
$redirectUrl = <REDIRECT_URI>;
// https://github.com/adoy/PHP-OAuth2
$client = new OAuth2\Client($clientId, $clientSecret, OAuth2\Client::AUTH_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION_BASIC);
$params =
array('order' =>
'company_id' => '12345',
'shipping_address_id' => 1,
'billing_address_id' => 1,
'status' => 'active',
'issued_at' => '10-04-2016',
'order_line_items' => array(
array('variant_id' => 123456,
'quantity' => 2),
array('variant_id' => 123457,
'quantity' => 2)
$response = $client->fetch('https://api.tradegecko.com/orders', false, $params);
I'm hoping that there's something in that code that someone else might spot, I've been staring at it for the better part of 6 hours now, and I can't figure out why this won't go through.
We want to import all our database into one of your lists. We use php. The code is:
$api_key = "dXXXXXXX7eX276XXXXXXXX490";
$list_id = "7XXXb0XXXe";
$Mailchimp = new Mailchimp($api_key);
$Mailchimp_Lists = new Mailchimp_Lists($Mailchimp);
$batch = array();
$batch[] = array('email' => array(
'email' => 'xxxgmail.com',
"euid" => "xxx#gmail.com",
"leid" => "xxx#gmail.com"
'merge_vars' => array('FNAME' => 'XXX'));
$subscriber = $Mailchimp_Lists->batchSubscribe($list_id, $batch, false, true, true);
But I get an error
Could not find user record with id
I tried many times, removed uuid and leid but no success. What is wrong? Thank you!
The API key used by me was incorrect.
I have been trying to learn how to access the soap services of Web of knowledge using PHP. I am using the code below, which I downloaded from https://gist.github.com/domoritz/2012629.
$auth_url = "http://search.isiknowledge.com/esti/wokmws/ws/WOKMWSAuthenticate?wsdl";
$auth_client = #new SoapClient($auth_url);
$auth_response = $auth_client->authenticate();
$search_url = "http://search.isiknowledge.com/esti/wokmws/ws/WokSearchLite?wsdl";
$search_client = #new SoapClient($search_url);
$search_array = array(
'queryParameters' => array(
'databaseID' => 'WOS',
'userQuery' => 'AU=Douglas T*',
'editions' => array(
array('collection' => 'WOS', 'edition' => 'SSCI'),
array('collection' => 'WOS', 'edition' => 'SCI')
'queryLanguage' => 'en'
'retrieveParameters' => array(
'count' => '5',
'fields' => array(
array('name' => 'Date', 'sort' => 'D')
'firstRecord' => '1'
$search_response = $search_client->search($search_array);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
The code seems to be working. However, the $search_response I receive is
"User has no entitlement for this service level - WOKSearchLight". I am trying to access this piece of data from a server that is inside an institution that has access to the web of knowledge, and I am actually connected to web of knowledge using http://apps.webofknowledge.com/UA_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&SID=4Dd8nnfofoOm#7#5KH6&preferencesSaved=.
Can anyone tell me what is happening? Do I need an extra permission of the site?
I really appreciate any help!
Yes you need to register first at http://ip-science.thomsonreuters.com/info/ws_form/?agree=0&x=31&y=12 and enter your IP address, then it should work I think...