I have two classes in my system. One is called file and second is File.
On my localhost when i instantiate file i get file object, but my friend running the same script gets object of File like the capital letters were unrecognized and "file" was equal to "File".
Is that some configurable thing?
We are both running on Windows. I have WampServer, he has XAMPP.
PHP is case insensitive for the class naming. it means you can normally do $file = new file() even if the class is named File and vice-versa.
Are you by any chance relying on the auto loading of class files ? If this is the case, it is possible that depending on the computer, the interpreter don't always find the same file first. This will explain the problem.
I strongly suggest that you rename your classes. It's always a bad idea to rely on case to differentiate two different things and by convention, class names always start with a capital letter.
If you can't change the class names, I suggest to have a look at php namespaces.
Classnames in PHP are not case sensitive (that doesn't depend on the operating system)
class myclass {}
$x = new MYclaSS;
object(myclass)#1 (0) {
so as general advice: You shouldn't start and try to mix something there :)
Code like this should not work:
class ab {}
class AB {}
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class AB in ... on line x
I guess you are using some kind of lazy loading for class files, may be you are programming in a PHP framework. The secret will lie in your __autoload function. Find it.
Check PHP manual for Autoloading.
The following code:
class file {
public $a;
class File {
public $a2;
$x = new file();
Gives an error: Cannot redeclare class File so again, the trick might be which file is included.
Behavior of your code displays that one of the classes isn't being loaded (otherwise you'll see class redeclare error). It is probably the auto loader that first loads the file class and then when it finds definition to File it simply assumes that that it has already loaded the class (due to case insensitive behavior of PHP).
I've set up a really basic autoloader in my index.php to grab a namespaced class within hello.php. My development environment is Ubuntu 12.04.
Why am I trying to do this? I'm trying to stick to the PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standard, that includes:
Class names MUST be declared in StudlyCaps
Namespaces are as /Vendor/Class (note: capitals)
The following is my structure and code that works before making the changes to capitals.
Folder Structure
- web
-- index.php
-- core
--- hello.php
Within index.php, I have my autoloader:
Class File
Within the core folder, I have hello.php
namespace core;
class hello {
public function __construct() {
echo 'Constructed!';
Code that works
If I run $obj = new \core\hello(); in my index.php, I get back "Constructed!". Great!
That which doesn't work
Renaming my core folder to 'Core' - note the uppercase C, and also the namespace in hello.php to namespace Core;.
Now let's try again with $obj = new \Core\hello();
Fatal error: Class 'Core\hello' not found in ...
So please tell me, why am I not able to use capital letters to keep inline with the PSR standards? What am I doing wrong?
When you run your PHP code on a Linux platform, it's important to remember that Linux is case sensitive with filenames.
This affects autoloaders because they typically use the namespace and the class name when building the filename to load.
If the folder is named core, then the namespace must be core, with the same capitalisation. If you change it to Core in the namespace, then you must do the same to the folder name. (and as a result, all other core classes must be changed to Core at the same time).
On Windows, this doesn't happen because the Windows filesystem isn't case sensitive. This can cause confusion when code is tested and works on a local Windows-based dev system, and then breaks when it is copied to a Linux-based server.
Okay, so I missed that you had changed the dirname as well. But nevertheless, I still think this is an issue of the filename/dirname case.
I note that you're calling spl_autoload_register() without any params. This means that the default spl_autoload() function will be used as the autoloader.
If you read the documentation for spl_autoload(), you'll note that it uses the lowercased version of the class and namespace.
In other words, using the default autoloader, your classes can be mixed case, but the folder structure and filenames must be all lower case.
So in fact, for you, you need to keep your filenames lower case.
I've personally experienced it the other way round, as per my original answer, where I had a fully lower case filename, and my mixed case class name was breaking when I moved from Windows dev box to Linux server. The reason my experience is different from yours is because I'm using a custom-written autoload function, which doesn't do an auto-lowercase conversion, so the case of my filenames has to match that of my classnames.
I think you have shown us some good ambiguity.Correct me if I am wrong.
According to the specification you have to use the lowercased name of the class (and namespace) being instantiated.(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload.php)
But PSR tells us to use the capital letters. If you want to stick with PSR then we have to overwrite the default spl_autoload to our own.
For anyone else having issues with this, why not make use of ucfirst() or strtolower() ?
So the code below would try all lowercase and also try first letter uppercase files
e.g: somename.class.php or Somename.class.php
The is_readable() checks first as to not display the php error for file not found.
spl_autoload_register(function($name) {
if (is_readable(strtolower($name).'.class.php')) {
elseif (is_readable(ucfirst($name).'.class.php')) {
I've set up a really basic autoloader in my index.php to grab a namespaced class within hello.php. My development environment is Ubuntu 12.04.
Why am I trying to do this? I'm trying to stick to the PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standard, that includes:
Class names MUST be declared in StudlyCaps
Namespaces are as /Vendor/Class (note: capitals)
The following is my structure and code that works before making the changes to capitals.
Folder Structure
- web
-- index.php
-- core
--- hello.php
Within index.php, I have my autoloader:
Class File
Within the core folder, I have hello.php
namespace core;
class hello {
public function __construct() {
echo 'Constructed!';
Code that works
If I run $obj = new \core\hello(); in my index.php, I get back "Constructed!". Great!
That which doesn't work
Renaming my core folder to 'Core' - note the uppercase C, and also the namespace in hello.php to namespace Core;.
Now let's try again with $obj = new \Core\hello();
Fatal error: Class 'Core\hello' not found in ...
So please tell me, why am I not able to use capital letters to keep inline with the PSR standards? What am I doing wrong?
When you run your PHP code on a Linux platform, it's important to remember that Linux is case sensitive with filenames.
This affects autoloaders because they typically use the namespace and the class name when building the filename to load.
If the folder is named core, then the namespace must be core, with the same capitalisation. If you change it to Core in the namespace, then you must do the same to the folder name. (and as a result, all other core classes must be changed to Core at the same time).
On Windows, this doesn't happen because the Windows filesystem isn't case sensitive. This can cause confusion when code is tested and works on a local Windows-based dev system, and then breaks when it is copied to a Linux-based server.
Okay, so I missed that you had changed the dirname as well. But nevertheless, I still think this is an issue of the filename/dirname case.
I note that you're calling spl_autoload_register() without any params. This means that the default spl_autoload() function will be used as the autoloader.
If you read the documentation for spl_autoload(), you'll note that it uses the lowercased version of the class and namespace.
In other words, using the default autoloader, your classes can be mixed case, but the folder structure and filenames must be all lower case.
So in fact, for you, you need to keep your filenames lower case.
I've personally experienced it the other way round, as per my original answer, where I had a fully lower case filename, and my mixed case class name was breaking when I moved from Windows dev box to Linux server. The reason my experience is different from yours is because I'm using a custom-written autoload function, which doesn't do an auto-lowercase conversion, so the case of my filenames has to match that of my classnames.
I think you have shown us some good ambiguity.Correct me if I am wrong.
According to the specification you have to use the lowercased name of the class (and namespace) being instantiated.(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload.php)
But PSR tells us to use the capital letters. If you want to stick with PSR then we have to overwrite the default spl_autoload to our own.
For anyone else having issues with this, why not make use of ucfirst() or strtolower() ?
So the code below would try all lowercase and also try first letter uppercase files
e.g: somename.class.php or Somename.class.php
The is_readable() checks first as to not display the php error for file not found.
spl_autoload_register(function($name) {
if (is_readable(strtolower($name).'.class.php')) {
elseif (is_readable(ucfirst($name).'.class.php')) {
Does anyone know what can cause this problem?
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class
You have a class of the same name declared more than once. Maybe via multiple includes. When including other files you need to use something like
include_once "something.php";
to prevent multiple inclusions. It's very easy for this to happen, though not always obvious, since you could have a long chain of files being included by one another.
It means you've already created a class.
For instance:
class Foo {}
// some code here
class Foo {}
That second Foo would throw the error.
That happens when you declare a class more than once in a page.
You can fix it by either wrapping that class with an if statement (like below), or you can put it into a separate file and use require_once(), instead of include().
if (!class_exists('TestClass')) {
// Put class TestClass here
Use include_once(); - with this, your codes will be included only one time.
This will happen if we use any of the in built classes in the php library. I used the class name as Directory and I got the same error. If you get error first make sure that the class name you use is not one of the in built classes.
This error might also occur if you define the __construct method more than once.
Sometimes that happens due to some bugs in PHP's FastCGI.
Try to restart it. At Ubuntu it's:
service php-fastcgi restart
I had the same problem while using autoload like follows:
function __autoload($class_name)
include $class_name . '.php';
$obj = new MyClass1();
and in other class there was:
namespace testClassNamespace;
class MyClass1
function __construct()
echo "MyClass1 constructor";
The sollution is to keep namespace compatibility, in my example namespace testClassNamespace; in both files.
Just adding;
This error can also occur if you by mistake put a function inside another function.
PHP 5.3 (an I think older versions too) seems to have problem with same name in different cases. So I had this problem when a had the class Login and the interface it implements LogIn. After I renamed LogIn to Log_In the problem got solved.
Just do one thing whenever you include or require filename namely class.login.php. You can include it this way:
include_once class.login.php or
require_once class.login.php
This way it never throws an error.
This function will print a stack telling you where it was called from:
function PrintTrace() {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
echo '<pre>';
$sb = array();
foreach($trace as $item) {
if(isset($item['file'])) {
$sb[] = htmlspecialchars("$item[file]:$item[line]");
} else {
$sb[] = htmlspecialchars("$item[class]:$item[function]");
echo implode("\n",$sb);
echo '</pre>';
Call this function at the top of the file that includes your class.
Sometimes it will only print once, even though your class is being included two or more times. This is because PHP actually parses all the top-level classes in a file before executing any code and throws the fatal error immediately. To remedy this, wrap your class declaration in if(true) { ... }, which will move your class down a level in scope. Then you should get your two traces before PHP fatal errors.
This should help you find where you class is being included from multiple times in a complex project.
Did You use Zend Framework? I have the same problem too.
I solved it by commenting out this the following line in config/application.ini:
;includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
I hope this will help you.
Another possible culprit is source control and unresolved conflicts. SVN may cause the same class to appear twice in the conflicted code file; two alternative versions of it ("mine" and "theirs").
I have encountered that same problem:
newer php version doesn't deal the same with multiple incluse of the same file (as a library), so now I have to change all my include by some include_once.
Or this tricks could help, if you d'ont have too much class in your library...
if( class_exists('TestClass') != true )
//your definition of TestClass
I had the same problem "PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XYZ.php".
I have two directories like controller and model and I uploaded by mistakenly XYZ.php in both directories.(so file with the same name cause the issue).
First solution:
Find in your whole project and make sure you have only one class XYZ.php.
Second solution:
Add a namespace in your class so you can use the same class name.
It actually means that class is already declared in the page and you are trying to recreate it.
A simple technique is as follow.
I solved the issue with the following. Hope this will help you a bit.
i have encountered that same problem. found out the case was the class name. i dealt with it by changing the name. hence resolving the problem.
You must use require_once() function.
I know this has been answered before and why this is caused. However, in my case, the problem is happening only on MacOS Lion (10.7) which is on php 5.3.6. The same code base is running on my windows 7 machine which is on php 5.3.8.
I have used require_once all over the place. The code fragment that seems to be causing the problem is:
class DbBase
in a file that is included from multiple files. However the error disappears if I wrap the class declaration inside of:
if (class_exists('DbBase') != true)
class DbBase
I have this scenario:
File DBBase.php:
defines Class DBBase
File A_DB.php:
File B_DB.php:
File foo.php:
So the file DBBase.php does get included twice. Does it?
Any insight is appreciated.
I was having the same error. However, it wasn't related to 'declare a single class multiple times'. It was because I've made a backup of the class like this:
Then, I uploaded the backup file to the server. That caused the application to fail due to the two classes. So, I renamed the backup to something else without .php file extension 'class.shipping_092512.bk'. Problem solved.
This error occurs when you declare a single class multiple times instead of once ; The code below would throw that error.
class phpp{}
class phpp{}
It is unlikely that the behaviour is not the same on 5.3.6 and 5.3.8 as there haven't been any significant changes in classes and objects.
You should check for duplicated codes in the files you are requiring once. . .
The require_once() statement is identical to require() except PHP will check if the file has already been included, and if so, not include (require) it again.
So in your case it is not being included multiple times, whereas it would if you use require or include.
However you should restructure your entire code to prevent class redeclaration's.
class lol{}
class lol{
function ll (){
return "ss";
echo lol::ll();
You wouldnt be able to access that ^^ , since its still a redeclaration.
I have a php file which has multiple classes in it. I noticed that __autoload is being called when I instantiate any of the classes, even after the 'package' file has been autoloaded. This is worrying me, because surely if the initial 'package' .php file has been loaded, it is unnecessary overhead for __autoload when the classes have already been loaded.
I probably made a hash of explaining that, so here is an example:
class Class1{};
class Class2{};
Then in another file:
new Class1;
new Class2;
__autoload will be used for both Class1 AND Class2's instantiation... even though they are housed in the same file.
Is there a way to get around this?
Sorry if my explanation isn't very good, I'd really appreciate any help or tips.
PHP's autoload should only be called if a class doesn't exist. In other words, for the most basic example, it uses the same logic as:
if( !class_exists("Class1") )
require "path\Class1.php";
If you are finding otherwise, I would check to be sure you are doing everything correctly and report a bug.
From PHP.net/autoload (important documentation highlighted):
In PHP 5, this is no longer necessary.
You may define an __autoload function
which is automatically called in case
you are trying to use a
class/interface which hasn't been
defined yet. By calling this
function the scripting engine is given
a last chance to load the class before
PHP fails with an error.
Bug in formatting, but the emphasis was on "which hasn't been defined yet". "Defined" occurs when a class is compiled (in most cases when a file containing said class is included).
__autoload is definitely NOT called the second time, when Class2 got defined as result of the first call.
First classes.php
class Class1 {};
class Class2 {};
Now test.php
function __autoload ($class)
print "Autoloading $class\n";
require 'classes.php';
$a = new Class1;
$b = new Class2;
print get_class($b);
When you run test.php, the result is:
Autoloading Class1
If you are getting different result, then there is something that you are not telling us.