Cleaner PHP SQL query to value of 0 when no Results exists - php

I have written some PHP code that will return a value if there are results returned and return 0 if no results are returned. However, the function is very cumbersome and difficult to parse. I was wondering if there was a cleaner way to rewrite my code. Thanks in advance!
FROM branching_survey_responses
$last_question= 0;

i'm not sure, but if you are using this code for get back the last inserted item you can just use mysql_insert_id() example:
after the INSERT query has successfully executed you can retrieve the last id like
$last_question = mysql_insert_id();
function last_question($cid, $sid1, $sid2)
$question = 0;
$result = mysql_query(
FROM branching_survey_responses
WHERE QUESTION_ID=(SELECT Max(QUESTION_ID) branching_survey_responses
AND SET_ID={$sid1})
AND SET_ID={$sid2}");
if ($status = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$question = $status['QUESTION_ID'];
return $question;


mysqli_fetch_array and if-else condition for validation

Something is wrong with my php,
I'm doing an account validation where if the data exist it will display "There is data" and else "No data"...
When I enter the first 'row' reference_id and submit, it shows "There is data" which is correct but when I entered the second to the last 'row' reference_id it shows "No data" even though it exist in my Database!
reference_id (varchar 250)
status (varchar250)
if (isset($_POST['submit_valid'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['reference_id']))
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM client_record");
$result = mysqli_fetch_array($query);
if ($result['reference_id'] == $_POST['reference_id'])
echo"<script type='text/javascript'> alert('There is data'); window.location.href='next_page.php'; </script>";
if ($result['reference_id'] !== $_POST['reference_id']) {
echo"<script type='text/javascript'> alert('No data.'); window.location.href='this_page.php'; </script>";
I am not sure if it's the mysqli_fetch_array fault or the if-else condition is wrong?
if you guys know the problem please help me?
Your query execution currently only looks at the first row. A fetch needs to be looped to iterate over all rows. e.g.
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM client_record");
$result = mysqli_fetch_array($query);
should be
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM client_record");
while($result = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
but this is inefficient. When looking for a specific record use a where clause. Parameterized queries also will prevent SQL injections, and quoting issues. The i in the bind_param is for an integer, if your id is a string use s.
$prepared = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT * FROM client_record where reference_id = ?");
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($prepared, 'i', $_POST['reference_id']);
while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($prepared)) {
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM client_record");
$result = mysqli_fetch_array($query);
This will give you the first row from the table.
Add a WHERE reference_id = :refid clause?!
Then bind the refid parameter, so as to avoid SQL injection.
Lapiz, the problem is actually with the comparison operator:
($result['reference_id'] == $_POST['reference_id'])
This will check the first reference_id from the returned set in array.
The best way to tackle this would be to use if (in_array(5, $result)) where 5 is the needle and $result is the array haystack.
Because all you are doing is to check if the reference exists in the returned data set .
This is also good design practices, to collect results and avoid multiple reference queries each time, hit the database once and query the result set.
If its a multidemnsional array loop through the set:
foreach($result as $resultItem)
if(in_array("reference_id", $resultItem, true))
echo "There is Data";
Good Luck .

How to INSERT into 1 table and update the count of another

My Insert query is :
function CreateResult($init_quizz_id,$result_title,$result_image,$result_description) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO result_quizz(init_quizz_id,result_title
if ( $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo "Result Added";
$sql2 = "UPDATE 'init_quizz' SET 'results_count' = 'results_count' +1 WHERE 'quizz_id' = '$init_quizz_id'";
if (!$GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql2)) {
echo ' NO UPDATE';
Lets say i have init_quizz table with the questions, and another table quizz_results. I want to increase the results_count on every quizz when result is added. My result table is hoilding also an init_quizz_id which is the actual ID of the quizz.
Im beginner so im looking for any solution to that.
edit: fixed the error on the second query( sql2 ) and getting "not updated" msg. Seems like my second query is completely wrong. Any ideas?
#barmar was right, i found a better solution for my counter instead of UPDATE, i just returning the affected rows which have quizz_id from my results table.
function GetResultsCountByID($quizz_id) {
global $conn;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM result_quizz WHERE init_quizz_id = '$quizz_id'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
return mysqli_affected_rows($conn);

PHP PDO count and sum value from MySQL table

Well, I'm pretty sure this is just a novice question, so please forgive me for that, but I feel like I'm losing my mind.
I have a simple MySQL rating table and I need to count rows and to sum rates values (int) with PHP PDO
$sql = "SELECT rate FROM rating_table";
$query = $db->query($sql);
$rate_times = count($query->fetchAll()); // it works!
echo '<p>'.$rate_times.'</p>';
$sum_rates = array_sum($query->fetchAll()); // it doesn't work!
echo '<p>'.$sum_rates.'</p>';
Thank you in advance for any suggestion
If I understand you right, all you have to do is to modify your sql request, this will return a single row
sql = "SELECT sum(rate) as rate_sum, count(*) as record_count FROM rating_table";
$query = $db->query($sql);
$row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($row) {
$sum = $row['rate_sum'];
$count = $row['record_count'];

Create single PHP Function for similar queries but with different WHERE clauses

I'm not sure if this is doable or not, and I'm not entirely sure how to search for this. I have several dynamic web pages that all link to the same MySQL database table, but pull different results. So for example, a dynamic web page with ID = 5 will run a query like:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE category1 = 1
The web page where ID = 7 will run:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE category2 = 1
And so on. The queries are all grabbing the data from the same table, but the WHERE clause is different for each query - its not looking at the same column. The page with ID 7 should ONLY be returning results where category2 = 1, and ignoring the results that would be returned for the page with id = 5. My website has about 20 different pages/queries like this which is why I'm looking to see if it can be done in a function instead.
Is there a way I can put that into a function, and if so, how would I set up the parameters correctly? Or is this an instance where I will have to just write out all the queries separately on each page?
function find_results(what to put here?) {
global $connection;
$query = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE (how to code this part?)";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
confirm_query ($result);
return $result;
You would add the necessary parameters to your functions argument list, then provide the values at runtime.
function find_results($column, $value)
global $connection;
$query = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE {$column} = $value";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
confirm_query ($result);
return $result;
$result = find_results("category2", 1)
If the value you are returning records by ever ends up being a string make sure your wrap $value in single quotes.
if its a constant relation between pageId and categoryId, you can just create an array to hold it indexed by pageId like:
$pageIdToCategoryMapping = [
1 => 'cateogory1',
2 => 'category5',
and then just use it to pass data to your function like
function find_results($category) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ({$category} = 1)";
I have been using class and object methods for mysql operations. source code available in github
I would recommend you to pass array as an argument and can return query or result as array in format you required. And this function will work any number or condition
function searchAndReturnResultAsArray($arg)
$return = NULL;
$query="SELECT * FROM ".$arg['table'];
foreach($arg['search'] as $key=>$value)
$query.=" AND ";
$query.= $key." = '".$value."' ";
$row = mysqli_num_rows($query);
$field = mysqli_fetch_object($query);
if($row >= 1)
while($data = mysqli_fetch_array())
$return[] = $data;
return $return;
Or alternatively you can just return query once it is ready.

Select row of information for each array element

I have this bit of code that doesn't produce anything, not even an error message. I'm trying to echo the result inside the while loop, but even that doesn't show anything. Any tips?
foreach($droppedStudentIds as $value){
$query3 = "select * from student_classlists where StudentId = '$value' and ClassListDate = (select max(ClassListDate) from student_classlists)";
if($result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query3)) {
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
echo "Date: ".$row['ClassListDate'];
$droppedStudentIds[$value][] = $row['ClassListDate'];
} else die ("Could not execute query 3");
My goal is to look up a date information for each element inside the $droppedStudentIds array. I checked the MySQL query in itself and it produces that desired result.
You're assigning to the array you're looping through on this line:
$droppedStudentIds[$value][] = $row['ClassListDate'];
This could be causing your script to timeout, which would be why you're not seeing any output.
I'd add a second array to avoid conflicts and use that for storing results from the query, e.g.
$temp[$value] = $row['ClassListDate'];
Thanks all for the response, it helped pin down the mistake!
No need for a while loop when asking for a single record
The query was actually incorrect. The subselect was getting the maximum date in the database, regardless of whether the StudentId was present or not. The correct query is the following:
select ClassListDate from student_classlists where StudentId = '$value' and ClassListDate = (select max(ClassListDate) from student_classlists where StudentId = '$value')
Thanks again!
