MVC; Arbitrary routing path levels and parameters - php

I'm working on an (oh no, not another) MVC framework in PHP, primarily for education, but also fun and profit.
Anyways, I'm having some trouble with my Router, specifically routing to the correct paths, with the correct parameters. Right now, I'm looking at a router that (using __autoload()) allows for arbitrarily long routing paths:
Routing starts at the application directory, and the routing path is essentially parallel with the file system path:
"/framework/application/path/to/controller.class.php" => "action()"
class Path_To_Controller{
public function action(){}
"/framework/application/also/a/path/to/a/controller.class.php" => "action()"
class Also_A_Path_To_A_Controller{
public function action(){}
This will allow for module configuration files to be available at varying levels of the application file system. The problem is of course, when we introduce routing path parameters, it becomes difficult differentiating where the routing path ends and the path parameters begin:
Will obviously be looking for the file:
=> 'param2()'
//no class or method by this name can be found
This ain't good. Now this smells like a design issue of course, but I'm certain there must be a clean way to circumvent this problem.
My initial thoughts were to test each level of the routing path for directory/file existence.
If it hits 1+ directories followed by a file, additional path components are an action followed by parameters.
If it hits 1+ directories and no file is found, 404 it.
However, this is still susceptible to erroneously finding files. Sure this can be alleviated by stricter naming conventions and reserving certain words, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
I don't know if this is the best approach. Has anyone solved such an issue in an elegant manner?

Well, to answer my own question with my own suggestion:
// split routePath and set base path
$routeParts = explode('/', $routePath);
$classPath = 'Flooid/Application';
// append part to path and check if file exists
$classPath .= '/' . array_shift($routeParts);
if(is_file(FLOOID_PATH_BASE . '/' . $classPath . '.class.php')){
// transform to class name and check if method exists
$className = str_replace('/', '_', $classPath);
if(method_exists($className, $action = array_shift($routeParts))){
// build param key => value array
$routeParams[current($routeParts)] = next($routeParts);
// controller instance with params passed to __construct and break
$controller = new $className($routeParams);
// if controller exists call action else 404
throw new Flooid_System_ResponseException(404);
My autoloader is about as basic as it gets:
function __autoload($className){
require_once FLOOID_PATH_BASE . '/' . str_replace('_', '/', $className) . '.class.php';
This works, surprisingly well. I've yet to implement certain checks, like ensuring that the requested controller in fact extends from my Flooid_System_ControllerAbstract, but for the time being, this is what I'm running with.
Regardless, I feel this approach could benefit from critique, if not a full blown overhaul.
I've since revised this approach, though it ultimately performs the same functionality. Instead of instantiating the controller, it passes back the controller class name, method name, and parameter array. The guts of it all are in getVerifiedRouteData(), verifyRouteParts() and createParamArray(). I'm thinking I want to refactor or revamp this class though. I'm looking for insight on where I can optimize readability and usability.:
class Flooid_Core_Router {
protected $_routeTable = array();
public function getRouteTable() {
return !empty($this->_routeTable)
? $this->_routeTable
: null;
public function setRouteTable(Array $routeTable, $mergeTables = true) {
$this->_routeTable = $mergeTables
? array_merge($this->_routeTable, $routeTable)
: $routeTable;
return $this;
public function getRouteRule($routeFrom) {
return isset($this->_routeTable[$routeFrom])
? $this->_routeTable[$routeFrom]
: null;
public function setRouteRule($routeFrom, $routeTo, Array $routeParams = null) {
$this->_routeTable[$routeFrom] = is_null($routeParams)
? $routeTo
: array($routeTo, $routeParams);
return $this;
public function unsetRouteRule($routeFrom) {
return $this;
public function getResolvedRoutePath($routePath, $strict = false) {
// iterate table
foreach($this->_routeTable as $routeFrom => $routeData){
// if advanced rule
// build rule
list($routeTo, $routeParams) = each($routeData);
foreach($routeParams as $paramName => $paramRule){
$routeFrom = str_replace("{{$paramName}}", "(?<{$paramName}>{$paramRule})", $routeFrom);
// if !advanced rule
// set rule
$routeTo = $routeData;
// if path matches rule
if(preg_match("#^{$routeFrom}$#Di", $routePath, $paramMatch)){
// check for and iterate rule param matches
foreach($paramMatch as $paramKey => $paramValue){
$routeTo = str_replace("{{$paramName}}", $paramValue, $routeTo);
// return resolved path
return $routeTo;
// if !strict return original path
return !$strict
? $routePath
: false;
public function createParamArray(Array $routeParts) {
$params = array();
// iterate indexed array, use odd elements as keys
$params[current($routeParts)] = next($routeParts);
return $params;
public function verifyRouteParts($className, $methodName) {
if(!is_subclass_of($className, 'Flooid_Core_Controller_Abstract')){
return false;
if(!method_exists($className, $methodName)){
return false;
return true;
public function getVerfiedRouteData($routePath) {
$classParts = $routeParts = explode('/', $routePath);
// iterate class parts
// get parts
$classPath = 'Flooid/Application/' . implode('/', $classParts);
$className = str_replace('/', '_', $classPath);
$methodName = isset($routeParts[count($classParts)]);
// if verified parts
if(is_file(FLOOID_PATH_BASE . '/' . $classPath . '.class.php') && $this->verifyRouteParts($className, $methodName)){
// return data array on verified
return array(
=> $className,
=> $methodName,
=> $this->createParamArray(array_slice($routeParts, count($classParts) + 1)),
// if !verified parts, slide back class/method/params
$classParts = array_slice($classParts, 0, count($classParts) - 1);
// return false on not verified
return false;


Simple PHP Routing Project

I need to create a simple routing mechanism that takes a request like: /foo/bar and translates it to FooController->barAction(); I have to use a single script as an access point to load these controller classes and action methods. I also cannot use any external frameworks or libraries to accomplish this task. This needs to be able to be run on a PHP 5.3 Server with Apache.
Below is what I've written already, but I'm having trouble getting it to work:
class Router {
private static $routes = array();
private function __construct() {}
private function __clone() {}
public static function route($pattern, $callback) {
$pattern = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $pattern) . '/';
self::$routes[$pattern] = $callback;
public static function execute() {
$base = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
if (strpos($url, $base) === 0) {
$url = substr($url, strlen($base));
foreach (self::$routes as $pattern => $callback) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $url, $params)) {
return call_user_func_array($callback, array_values($params));
I'm trying to at least execute my current script which is based off another simple Router, but I cannot actually get an output using
Router::route('blog/(\w+)/(\d+)', function($category, $id){
print $category . ':' . $id;
Instead of trying to break out the PATH. Why not use .htaccess instead.
So you could have internal URL's that look like this:
Then use .htaccess to provide the paths in the URL and the route them accordingly.
This post can help with the rewriting regex for creating pritty urls in htaccess
There might be a better one, was just a quick google search.
This way you can access like this:
$module = $_GET['module'];
$action = $_GET['action];
Then you can do checks to corresponding actions in your router to check if it exists and then re-route accordingly.

Ambiguity in HMVC Routing

I've a routing mechanism that dispatches requests by relying on the file system structure:
function Route($root) {
$root = realpath($root) . '/';
$segments = array_filter(explode('/',
substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
), 'strlen');
if ((count($segments) == 0) || (is_dir($root) === false)) {
return true; // serve index
$controller = null;
$segments = array_values($segments);
while ((is_null($segment = array_shift($segments)) !== true)
&& (is_dir($root . $controller . $segment . '/'))) {
$controller .= $segment . '/';
if ((is_file($controller = $root . $controller . $segment . '.php')) {
$class = basename($controller . '.php');
$method = array_shift($segments) ?: $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
if (method_exists($class = new $class(), $method)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $segments);
throw new Exception('/' . implode('/', self::Segment()), 404); // serve 404
Basically, it tries to map as many URL segments to directories as it can, matching the following segment to the actual controller (.php file with the same name). If more segments are provided, the first defines the action to call (falling back to the HTTP method), and the remaining as the action arguments.
The problem is that (depending on the file system structure) there are some ambiguities. Consider this:
- /controllers
- /admin
- /company
- /edit.php (has get() & post() methods)
- /company.php (has get($id = null) method)
Now the ambiguity - when I access domain.tld/admin/company/edit/ the edit.php controller serves the request (as it should), however accessing domain.tld/admin/company/ via GET or domain.tld/admin/company/get/ directly throws a 404 error because the company segment was mapped to the corresponding directory, even though the remaining segments have no mapping in the file system. How can I solve this issue? Preferably without putting too much effort in the disk.
There are already a lot of similar questions in SO regarding this problem, I looked at some of them but I couldn't find a single answer that provides a reliable and efficient solution.
For critical stuff like this it's really important to write test, with a test Framework like PHPUnit.
Install it like described here (You need pear):
I also use a virtual file system so your test folder doesn't get cluttered:
I simply dropped your Route function into a file called Route.php. In the same directory I now created a test.php file with the following content:
require_once 'Route.php';
class RouteTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
To check if it all works open the command line and do the following:
$ cd path/to/directory
$ phpunit test.php
PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 1.50Mb
There was 1 failure:
1) Warning
No tests found in class "RouteTest".
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Failures: 1.
If this appears PHPUnit is correctly installed and you're ready to write tests.
In order make the Route function better testable and less coupled to server and the file system I modified it slightly:
// new parameter $request instead of relying on server variables
function Route($root, $request_uri, $request_method) {
// vfsStream doesn't support realpath(). This will do.
$root .= '/';
// replaced server variable with $request_uri
$segments = array_filter(explode('/', $request_uri), 'strlen');
if ((count($segments) == 0) || (is_dir($root) === false)) {
return true; // serve index
$controller = null;
$all_segments = array_values($segments);
$segments = $all_segments;
while ((is_null($segment = array_shift($segments)) !== true)
&& (is_dir($root . $controller . $segment . '/'))) {
$controller .= $segment . '/';
if (is_file($controller = $root . $controller . $segment . '.php')) {
$class = basename($controller . '.php');
// replaced server variable with $request_method
$method = array_shift($segments) ?: $request_method;
if (method_exists($class = new $class(), $method)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $segments);
// $all_segments variable instead of a call to self::
throw new Exception('/' . implode('/', $all_segments), 404); // serve 404
Lets add a test to check wheter the function returns true if the index route is requested:
public function testIndexRoute() {
$this->assertTrue(Route('.', '', 'get'));
$this->assertTrue(Route('.', '/', 'get'));
Because your test class extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase you can now use methods like $this->assertTrue
to check wheter a certain statement evaluates to true. Lets run it again:
$ phpunit test.php
PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 1.75Mb
OK (1 test, 2 assertions)
To this test passed! Lets test if array_filter removes empty segments correctly:
public function testEmptySegments() {
$this->assertTrue(Route('.', '//', 'get'));
$this->assertTrue(Route('.', '//////////', 'get'));
Lets also test if the index route is requested if the $root directory for the routes doesn't exist.
public function testInexistentRoot() {
$this->assertTrue(Route('./inexistent', '/', 'get'));
$this->assertTrue(Route('./does-not-exist', '/some/random/route', 'get'));
To test more stuff than this we now need files containing classes with methods. So let's use our virtual file system to setup a directory structure with files before running each test.
require_once 'Route.php';
require_once 'vfsStream/vfsStream.php';
class RouteTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function setUp() {
// intiialize stuff before each test
public function tearDown() {
// clean up ...
PHPUnit has some special methods for this kind of thing. The setUp method gets executed before every test method in this test class. And the tearDown method after a test method as been executed.
Now I create a directory Structure using vfsStream. (If you are looking for a tutorial to do this: is a pretty good resource)
public function setUp() {
$edit_php = <<<EDIT_PHP
class edit {
public function get() {
return __METHOD__ . "()";
public function post() {
return __METHOD__ . "()";
$company_php = <<<COMPANY_PHP
class company {
public function get(\$id = null) {
return __METHOD__ . "(\$id)";
$this->root = vfsStream::setup('controllers', null, Array(
'admin' => Array(
'company' => Array(
'edit.php' => $edit_php
'company.php' => $company_php
public function tearDown() {
vfsStream::setup() now creates a virtual directory with the given file structure and the given file contents.
And as you can see I let my controllers return the name of the method and the parameters as string.
Now we can add a few more tests to our test suite:
public function testSimpleDirectMethodAccess() {
$this->assertEquals("edit::get()", Route(vfsStream::url('controllers'), '/controllers/admin/company/edit/get', 'get'));
But this time the test fails:
$ phpunit test.php
PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Fatal error: Class 'edit.php.php' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\r\Route.php on line 27
So there is something wrong with the $class variable. If we now inspect the following line in the Route function with a debugger (or some echos).
$class = basename($controller . '.php');
We can see the that the $controller variable holds the correct filename, but why is there a .php appended?
This seams to be a typing mistake. I think it should be:
$class = basename($controller, '.php');
Because this removes the .php extension. And we get the correct classname edit.
Now let's test if an exception gets thrown if we request an random path which doesn't exist in our directory structure.
* #expectedException Exception
* #expectedMessage /random-route-to-the/void
public function testForInexistentRoute() {
Route(vfsStream::url('controllers'), '/random-route-to-the/void', 'get');
PHPUnit automaticly reads this comments and checks if an Exception of type Exception is thrown when executing this method and if the message of the Exception was /random-route-to-the/void
This seams to work. Lets check if the $request_method parameter works properly.
public function testMethodAccessByHTTPMethod() {
$this->assertEquals("edit::get()", Route(vfsStream::url('controllers'), '/admin/company/edit', 'get'));
$this->assertEquals("edit::post()", Route(vfsStream::url('controllers'), '/admin/company/edit', 'post'));
If we execute this test we run into an other issue:
$ phpunit test.php
PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class edit in vfs://controllers/admin/company/edit.php on line 2
Looks like we use an include/require multiple times for the same file.
Lets change that to
Now let's face your issue and write a test to check that the directory company and the file company.php do not interfere with each other.
$this->assertEquals("company::get()", Route(vfsStream::url('controllers'), '/admin/company', 'get'));
$this->assertEquals("company::get()", Route(vfsStream::url('controllers'), '/admin/company/get', 'get'));
And here we get the 404 Exception, as you stated in your question:
$ phpunit test.php
PHPUnit 3.7.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 2.00Mb
There was 1 error:
1) RouteTest::testControllerWithSubControllers
Exception: /admin/company
Tests: 7, Assertions: 10, Errors: 1.
The problem right here is, we don't know excatly when to enter the subdirectory and when to use the controller in the .php file.
So we need to specify what exactly you want to happen. And I assume the following, because it makes sense.
Only enter a subdirectory if the controller doesn't contain the method requested.
If neither the controller nor the subdirectory contains the method requested throw a 404
So instead of searching directories like here:
while ((is_null($segment = array_shift($segments)) !== true)
&& (is_dir($root . $controller . $segment . '/'))) {
$controller .= $segment . '/';
We need to search for files. And if we find a file which doesn't contain the method requested, then we search for a directory.
function Route($root, $request_uri, $request_method) {
$segments = array_filter(explode('/', $request_uri), 'strlen');
if ((count($segments) == 0) || (is_dir($root) === false)) {
return true; // serve index
$all_segments = array_values($segments);
$segments = $all_segments;
$directory = $root . '/';
do {
$segment = array_shift($segments);
if(is_file($controller = $directory . $segment . ".php")) {
$class = basename($controller, '.php');
$method = isset($segments[0]) ? $segments[0] : $request_method;
if (method_exists($class = new $class(), $method)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), array_slice($segments, 1));
$directory .= $segment . '/';
} while(is_dir($directory));
throw new Exception('/' . implode('/', $all_segments), 404); // serve 404
This method works now as expected.
We could now add a lot more test cases, but I don't want to stretch this more.
As you can see it's very useful to run a set of automated tests to ensure
that some things in your function work. It's also very helpful for debugging, because
you get to know where exactly the error occured. I just wanted to give you a start on
how to do TDD and how to use PHPUnit, so you can debug your code yourself.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Of course you should write the tests before you write the code.
Here a few more links which could be interesting:
PHPUnit Manual:
Official PEAR Website:
Test Driven Development (TDD):
Although your method of magic HVMC is convenient for developers.. it could become a bit of a performance killer (all the stats/lstats). I once used a similar method of mapping FS to routes but later gave up on the magic and replaced it with some good old fashion hard coded config:
$controller_map = array(
'/some/route/' => '/some/route.php',
'/anouther/route/' => 'another/route.php',
# etc, etc, ...
Perhaps it's not as elegant as what you have in place and will require some config changes everytime you add/remove a controller (srsly, this shouldn't be a common task..) but it is faster, removes all ambiguities, and gets rid of all of the useless disk/page-cache lookups.
Sorry, I haven't had the time to test my solution, but here is my suggestion:
while ((is_null($segment = array_shift($segments)) !== true)
&& (is_dir($root . $controller . $segment . '/'))
&& ( (is_file($controller = $root . $controller . $segment . '.php')
&& (!in_array(array_shift(array_values($segments)), ['get','post']) || count($segments)!=0 ) ) ) {
$controller .= $segment . '/';
A simple explanation to the above code would be that if a route that is both a file and a directory is encountered, check if it is succeeded by get / post or if it is the last segment in the $segments array. If it is, treat it as a file, otherwise, keep adding segments to the $controller variable.
Although the code sample I gave is simply what I had in mind, it has not been tested. However, if you use this workflow in the comparison, you should be able to pull it off. I suggest you follow smassey's answer and keep to declaring routes for each controller.
Note: I am using *array_shift* on *array_values* so I only pull the next segment's value without tampering with the $segments array. [edit]

Friendly URL's with an IndexController

My current router / FrontController is setup to dissect URL's in the format:
However, I'm not sure how to get certain requests to default to the IndexController so that I can type:
Instead of:
How is this accomplished?
namespace framework;
class FrontController {
const DEFAULT_CONTROLLER = 'framework\controllers\IndexController';
const DEFAULT_METHOD = 'index';
public $controller = self::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER;
public $method = self::DEFAULT_METHOD;
public $params = array();
public $model;
public $view;
function __construct() {
$this->model = new ModelFactory();
$this->view = new View();
// route request to the appropriate controller
public function route() {
// get request path
$basePath = trim(substr(PUBLIC_PATH, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])), '/') . '/';
$path = trim(parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
if($basePath != '/' && strpos($path, $basePath) === 0) {
$path = substr($path, strlen($basePath));
// determine what action to take
#list($controller, $method, $params) = explode('/', $path, 3);
if(isset($controller, $method)) {
$obj = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\controllers\\' . ucfirst(strtolower($controller)) . 'Controller';
$interface = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\controllers\\' . 'InterfaceController';
// make sure a properly implemented controller and corresponding method exists
if(class_exists($obj) && method_exists($obj, $method) && in_array($interface, class_implements($obj))) {
$this->controller = $obj;
$this->method = $method;
if(isset($params)) {
$this->params = explode('/', $params);
// make sure we have the appropriate number of arguments
$args = new \ReflectionMethod($this->controller, $this->method);
$totalArgs = count($this->params);
if($totalArgs >= $args->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() && $totalArgs <= $args->getNumberOfParameters()) {
call_user_func_array(array(new $this->controller, $this->method), $this->params);
} else {
You can use your URLs by one of two methods:
Establish the controllers the way your routing defines them => Have a "contact" controller with default or index action => Have an "about" controller with a "portfolio" action
Because your currently available routing says your URL is treated like "/controller/method", there is no other way.
Establish dynamic routing to allow multiple URLs to be handled by a single controller
Obviously this needs a bit of configuration because one cannot know which URLs are valid and which one should be redirected to the generic controller, and which ones should not. This is somehow a replacement for any of the rewriting or redirecting solutions, but as it is handled on the PHP level, change might be easier to handle (some webserver configurations do not offer .htaccess because of performance reasons, and it generally is more effort to create these).
Your configuration input is:
The URL you want to be handled and
The controller you want the URL passed to, and it's action.
You'll end up having an array structure like this:
$specialRoutes = array(
"/contact" => "IndexController::indexAction",
"/about/portfolio" => "IndexController::indexAction"
What's missing is that this action should get the current URL passed as a parameter, or that the path parts become designated parameters within your URL schema.
All in all this approach is a lot harder to code. To get an idea, try to look at the routing of common MVC frameworks, like Symfony and Zend Framework. They offer highly configurable routing, and because of this, the routing takes place in multiple classes. The main router only reads the configuration and then passes the routing of any URL to the configured routers if a match is detected.
Based on your code snippet I'd do it like this (pseudo php code):
$handler = get_controller($controller);
if(!$handler && ($alias = lookup_alias($path))) {
list($handler, $method) = $alias;
if(!$handler) error_404();
function lookup_alias($path) {
foreach(ALL_CONTROLLERS as $controller) {
if(($alias = $controller->get_alias($path))) {
return $alias;
return null;
So basically in case there is no controller to handle a certain location you check if any controller is configured to handle the given path as an alias and if yes return that controller and the method it maps to.
You can create a rewrite in your webserver for these exceptions. For example:
RewriteRule ^contact$ /index/contact
RewriteRule ^about/portfolio$ /about/portfolio
This will allow you to have simplified URLs that map to your regular structure.
You could have a dynamic rule if you are able to precisely define what should be rewritten to /index. For example:
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)$ /index/$1
Try this dynamic htaccess rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^(.+)/?$ /index/$1 [QSA]
The QSA flag in the above rule allows you to also add a query string to the end if you want, like this:
EDIT: This rule would also handle cases such as /about/portfolio:
RewriteRule ^(.+)/?(.+)?$ /index/$1 [QSA]

Yii - Eliminate default controller ID for a module from URL

I created a module and there exists a default controller inside that. Now I can access the index action (default action) in the default controller like /mymodule/. For all other action i need to specify the controller id in the url like /mymodule/default/register/ . I would like to know is it possible to eliminate the controller id from url for the default controller in a module.
I need to set url rule like this:
before beautify :
after beautify :
Note: I want this to happen only for the default controller.
This is a little tricky because the action part might be considered as a controller or you might be pointing to an existing controller. But you can get away with this by using a Custom URL Rule Class. Here's an example (I tested it and it seems to work well):
class CustomURLRule extends CBaseUrlRule
const MODULE = 'mymodule';
const DEFAULT_CONTROLLER = 'default';
public function parseUrl($manager, $request, $pathInfo, $rawPathInfo)
if (preg_match('%^(\w+)(/(\w+))?$%', $pathInfo, $matches)) {
// Make sure the url has 2 or more segments (e.g. mymodule/action)
// and the path is under our target module.
if (count($matches) != 4 || !isset($matches[1]) || !isset($matches[3]) || $matches[1] != self::MODULE)
return false;
// check first if the route already exists
if (($controller = Yii::app()->createController($pathInfo))) {
// Route exists, don't handle it since it is probably pointing to another controller
// besides the default.
return false;
} else {
// Route does not exist, return our new path using the default controller.
$path = $matches[1] . '/' . self::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER . '/' . $matches[3];
return $path;
return false;
public function createUrl($manager, $route, $params, $ampersand)
// #todo: implement
return false;

A Generic, catch-all action in Zend Framework... can it be done?

This situation arises from someone wanting to create their own "pages" in their web site without having to get into creating the corresponding actions.
So say they have a URL like they want to be able to create or but not have to create any actions in the index controller. They (a non-technical person who can do simple html) basically want to create a simple, static page without having to use an action.
Like there would be some generic action in the index controller that handles requests for a non-existent action. How do you do this or is it even possible?
edit: One problem with using __call is the lack of a view file. The lack of an action becomes moot but now you have to deal with the missing view file. The framework will throw an exception if it cannot find one (though if there were a way to get it to redirect to a 404 on a missing view file __call would be doable.)
Using the magic __call method works fine, all you have to do is check if the view file exists and throw the right exception (or do enything else) if not.
public function __call($methodName, $params)
// An action method is called
if ('Action' == substr($methodName, -6)) {
$action = substr($methodName, 0, -6);
// We want to render scripts in the index directory, right?
$script = 'index/' . $action . '.' . $this->viewSuffix;
// Script file does not exist, throw exception that will render /error/error.phtml in 404 context
if (false === $this->view->getScriptPath($script)) {
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(
sprintf('Page "%s" does not exist.', $action), 404);
// no action is called? Let the parent __call handle things.
else {
parent::__call($methodName, $params);
You have to play with the router
I think you can specify a wildcard to catch every action on a specific module (the default one to reduce the url) and define an action that will take care of render the view according to the url (or even action called)
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('index/*',
array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'custom', 'module'=>'index')
in you customAction function just retrieve the params and display the right block.
I haven't tried so you might have to hack the code a little bit
If you want to use gabriel1836's _call() method you should be able to disable the layout and view and then render whatever you want.
I needed to have existing module/controller/actions working as normal in a Zend Framework app, but then have a catchall route that sent anything unknown to a PageController that could pick user specified urls out of a database table and display the page. I didn't want to have a controller name in front of the user specified urls. I wanted /my/custom/url not /page/my/custom/url to go via the PageController. So none of the above solutions worked for me.
I ended up extending Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module: using almost all the default behaviour, and just tweaking the controller name a little so if the controller file exists, we route to it as normal. If it does not exist then the url must be a weird custom one, so it gets sent to the PageController with the whole url intact as a parameter.
class UDC_Controller_Router_Route_Catchall extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module
private $_catchallController = 'page';
private $_catchallAction = 'index';
private $_paramName = 'name';
/*! \brief takes most of the default behaviour from Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module
with the following changes:
- if the path includes a valid module, then use it
- if the path includes a valid controller (file_exists) then use that
- otherwise use the catchall
public function match($path, $partial = false)
$values = array();
$params = array();
if (!$partial) {
$path = trim($path, self::URI_DELIMITER);
} else {
$matchedPath = $path;
if ($path != '') {
$path = explode(self::URI_DELIMITER, $path);
if ($this->_dispatcher && $this->_dispatcher->isValidModule($path[0])) {
$values[$this->_moduleKey] = array_shift($path);
$this->_moduleValid = true;
if (count($path) && !empty($path[0])) {
$module = $this->_moduleValid ? $values[$this->_moduleKey] : $this->_defaults[$this->_moduleKey];
$file = $this->_dispatcher->getControllerDirectory( $module ) . '/' . $this->_dispatcher->formatControllerName( $path[0] ) . '.php';
if (file_exists( $file ))
$values[$this->_controllerKey] = array_shift($path);
$values[$this->_controllerKey] = $this->_catchallController;
$values[$this->_actionKey] = $this->_catchallAction;
$params[$this->_paramName] = join( self::URI_DELIMITER, $path );
$path = array();
if (count($path) && !empty($path[0])) {
$values[$this->_actionKey] = array_shift($path);
if ($numSegs = count($path)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $numSegs; $i = $i + 2) {
$key = urldecode($path[$i]);
$val = isset($path[$i + 1]) ? urldecode($path[$i + 1]) : null;
$params[$key] = (isset($params[$key]) ? (array_merge((array) $params[$key], array($val))): $val);
if ($partial) {
$this->_values = $values + $params;
return $this->_values + $this->_defaults;
So my MemberController will work fine as /member/login, /member/preferences etc, and other controllers can be added at will. The ErrorController is still needed: it catches invalid actions on existing controllers.
I implemented a catch-all by overriding the dispatch method and handling the exception that is thrown when the action is not found:
public function dispatch($action)
try {
catch (Zend_Controller_Action_Exception $e) {
$uristub = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();
$this->getRequest()->setParam('uristub', $uristub);
You could use the magic __call() function. For example:
public function __call($name, $arguments)
// Render Simple HTML View
stunti's suggestion was the way I went with this. My particular solution is as follows (this uses indexAction() of whichever controller you specify. In my case every action was using indexAction and pulling content from a database based on the url):
Get an instance of the router (everything is in your bootstrap file, btw):
$router = $frontController->getRouter();
Create the custom route:
$router->addRoute('controllername', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('controllername/*', array('controller'=>'controllername')));
Pass the new route to the front controller:
I did not go with gabriel's __call method (which does work for missing methods as long as you don't need a view file) because that still throws an error about the missing corresponding view file.
For future reference, building on gabriel1836 & ejunker's thoughts, I dug up an option that gets more to the point (and upholds the MVC paradigm). Besides, it makes more sense to read "use specialized view" than "don't use any view".
// 1. Catch & process overloaded actions.
public function __call($name, $arguments)
// 2. Provide an appropriate renderer.
// 3. Bonus: give your view script a clue about what "action" was requested.
$this->view->action = $this->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getActionName();
#Steve as above - your solution sounds ideal for me but I am unsure how you implmeented it in the bootstrap?
