Efficient autoload function - php

I currently am building my own PHP framework and am creating a lot of directories to store my classes in.
This is my current autoload function:
function __autoload($className)
$locations = array('', 'classes/', 'classes/calendar/', 'classes/exceptions/', 'classes/forms/', 'classes/table/', 'classes/user', 'pages/', 'templates/');
$fileName = $className . '.php';
foreach($locations AS $currentLocation)
if(file_exists($currentLocation . $fileName))
include_once ($currentLocation . $fileName);
Now in my main class file I do have all of the necessary classes already included so that they won't have to be searched for.
Here are my questions:
Is this function efficient enough? Will there be a lot of load time or is there a way for me to minimize the load time?
Is include_once() the way that I should go about including the classes?
Is there a way that I could write the function to guess at the most popular folders? Or would that take up too much time and/or not possible?
Would namespaces help me at all? (I am reading and learning about them right now.)

This is answered very well here: autoload and multiple directories
You should probably go with require, for two reasons: a) you don't need to have PHP track if the file has been already included, because if it has it won't need to call __autoload in the first place and b) if the file cannot be included you won't be able to continue execution anyway
The answer for point 1 covers this
Not necessarily; you need some namespace-like mechanism to implement faster loading (to only look where you have to) but you can fake it if necessary without using real namespaces
For reference, the interaction between __autoload and namespaces is documented here.


PHP require thousands of files performance issue

I would like to ask about php performance when you are about to require hundreds or thousand of files dynamically.
See script below
product (50 files)
user (20 files)
report (91 files)
each folder has a lot files but these files as classes. Example below
class cls_product_01 {
public $db;
function __construct($dbconn){
$this->db = $dbconn;
function saveProduct(){
//PS: the saveproduct.ext.php is a normal code (native approach)
require __dir__ .'/product/saveproduct.ext.php';
I have simple controller that will dynamically call the class based on the ajax params
$newAjaxClass = 'cls_'. $_POST['actionid'];
$newApp = new $newAjaxClass($dbconn);
I would like to require all the ajax file on each folder by looping.
Does this slow down the website since there are a lot of files?
PS: I am rewriting this code due to difficulty in maintaining code from the previous developer.
QUESTIONS: With that approach in mind will the application slows down if I load/required all files from the start this is similar to autoloading but I a bit hesitant if including a lot of files will slow down (eat a lot of ram) in the process. Especially I'll be including maybe about 300 to 400 files combined all folders.
I understand that using _autoload with make this easier since it will load the dependency dynamically. The big question is will using autoload with these a lot of script slows down the app? With that hundred of files how much RAM will the autoload eat?
You can use spl_autoload_register().
spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) {
include $class_name . '.class.php';
This is lazy loading and hence it won't include all your files upfront unless they are required.
For an example, if you were to load cls_product_01, calling:
new `cls_product_01();`
will look for the file cls_product_01.class.php and it will be included. However your case seems very cumbersome and I think you seriously need to consider your design again. And also I don't think it's a good idea to include files based on user provided data. [ like $newAjaxClass = 'cls_'. $_POST['actionid'];]
Hope it helps.
Check out autoloading.
Basically if you tell it how it'll know where to find the file, given the class name, then you don't need to require them all up front.

PHP: How much slower is glob() vs listing specific files?

I have quite a few *.class.php files in my /classes directory. As the application is updated, these may change, more may be added, and some may be removed.
I have a file that is loaded every page load which includes all necessary files. Right now, I am doing this:
$files = glob($site->settings->root_path.'/classes/*.{php}', GLOB_BRACE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
Is this much slower than specifying each file individually? Like:
The reason I ask is because I think I remember something from a while back that led me to believe that iterating through files/folders was a painfully slow process, but I have no way of knowing for sure.
EDIT: If anyone has a better suggestion than glob, I'd be happy for the input.
Answering your question: yes, it will definitely be slower, just because you first have to get the list of files, and then execute require_once, that will make another access to file system to check if the file actually exists.
But this is a wrong way to do in my opinion. What you're trying to do is achieved with autoloading.
Basically, you have to define a function which will try to load a file from a file system, when a script wants to access a class that is not defined. This function then maps the name of the class (with namespaces) to a file on a file system and tries to load it. This way you don't have to worry about how many files you have in your folder, and how often they are added or removed.
Just to add to what's already here, the PHP documentation for autoloading has the following snippet (slightly edited however) which should fit what you're doing perfectly.
function my_autoloader($class) {
require_once 'classes/' . $class . '.php';
If you, for example, have a class called ClassA in classes/ClassA.php, simply construct ClassA as you would if you had manually required it. It should work as it would otherwise. Hope that helps!

PHP: Including files in my own MVC framework?

I've just started to build my very own MVC framework. Feel's kind of nice to know everything from the ground up and only get the stuff that's really necessary for my app.
I come from a codeIgniter background which helped me to get into the MVC perspective of seeing things. In codeigniter, to include a file, codeIgniters very own load class is used.
This load class, when loading a file, checks if a file have previously been included, and if not includes it, which ensures that a file isn't included twice.
However this method of including files has the downside of making it impossible (?) to run tests on my files or take advantage of PHPdoc in my IDE, which I need.
Clearly, I can use the normal include & require functions in PHP forwards and backwards across my application, where a certain library would be needed, but it clearly won´t be good to possible include the same file twice...
So - what's a good solution to use in my own PHP5 MVC framework to include files?
I'm doing a similar thing to you, and I'm using autoload.
Just put this in index.php:
function __autoload($class_name) {
include $class_name . '.php';
or include whatever logic you need to check multiple directories.
Edit: Here's my (slightly flaky) code for checking an alternate path. It could be done a lot more cleanly if you were going to need to check multiple paths.
function __autoload($class_name) {
$path = INC_PATH . strtolower($class_name) . '.php';
if (!file_exists($path)) {
$path = MODELS_PATH . strtolower($class_name) . '.php';
require $path;
just use include_once and require_once . while CI has a load class, you're by no means required to use it.
use include_once/ require_once but the best solution would be working with a autoloader
what IDE do you use?
Generally php has the built in include_once which as the name says includes the file, but only once.
Or you can use autoloading which most IDEs support (though some need a bit of a hint - depends on what IDE are you using).

Efficient PHP auto-loading and naming strategies

Like most web developers these days, I'm thoroughly enjoying the benefits of solid MVC architecture for web apps and sites. When doing MVC with PHP, autoloading obviously comes in extremely handy.
I've become a fan of spl_autoload_register over simply defining a single __autoload() function, as this is obviously more flexible if you are incorporating different base modules that each use their own autoloading. However, I've never felt great about the loading functions that I write. They involve a lot of string checking and directory scanning in order to look for possible classes to load.
For example, let's say I have an app that has a base path defined as PATH_APP, and a simple structure with directories named models, views and controllers. I often employ a naming structure whereby files are named IndexView.php and IndexController.php inside the appropriate directory, and models generally have no particular scheme by default. I might have a loader function for this structure like this that gets registered with spl_autoload_register:
public function MVCLoader($class)
if (file_exists(PATH_APP.'/models/'.$class.'.php')) {
return true;
else if (strpos($class,'View') !== false) {
if (file_exists(PATH_APP.'/views/'.$class.'.php')) {
return true;
else if (strpos($class,'Controller') !== false) {
if (file_exists(PATH_APP.'/controllers/'.$class.'.php')) {
return true;
return false;
If it's not found after that, I might have another function to scan sub-directories in the models directory. However, all the if/else-ing, string checking and directory scanning seems inefficient to me, and I'd like to improve it.
I'm very curious what file naming and autoloading strategies other developers might employ. I'm looking specifically for good techniques to employ for efficient autoloading, and not alternatives to autoloading.
This is what I have been using in all of my projects (lifted straight from the source of the last one):
public static function loadClass($class)
$files = array(
$class . '.php',
str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php',
foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path')) as $base_path)
foreach ($files as $file)
$path = "$base_path/$file";
if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path))
include_once $path;
If I look for SomeClass_SeperatedWith_Underscores it will look for SomeClass_SeperatedWith_Underscores.php followed by SomeClass/SeperatedWith/Underscores.php rooted at each directory in the current include path.
EDIT: I just wanted to put out there that I use this for efficiency in development, and not necessarily processing time. If you have PEAR on your path then with this you can just use the classes and don't have to include them when you need them.
I tend to keep my classes in a hierarchy of directories, with underscores breaking up namespaces... This code lets me keep the file structure nice and tidy if I want, or to inject a quick class file without nested directories if I want (for adding a single class or two to a library that it is defendant on, but not part of the project I am currently working on.)
I landed on this solution:
I created a single script that traverses my class library folder (which contains subfolders for separate modules / systems), and parses the file contents looking for class definitions. If it finds a class definition in a php file (pretty simple regex pattern), it creates a symlink:
class_name.php -> actual/source/file.php
This lets me use a single, simple autoload function that needs only the class name and the path to the main symlink folder, and doesn't have to do any path/string manipulation.
The best part is that I can rearrange my source code completely or add a new subsystem and just run the link generating script to have everything autoloaded.
If you want efficiency then you shouldn't be using the autoload feature at all. The autoload feature is for being lazy. You should be providing an explicit path to your include files when you include them. If your autoload function can find these files then you could code to find them explicitly. When you are working on the view part of the code and about to load a new view class, by letting the autoload function handle it, it first assumes your class is a model class? That's inefficient. Instead your code should just be:
include_once $this->views_path . $class . '.php';
If you need multiple "view" paths, make a function that loads views:
public function load_view($class) {
// perhaps there's a mapping here instead....
foreach ($this->views_paths as $path) {
$filename = $path . $class . '.php';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
include_once $filename;
throw ....
In any case, at the point where the include occurs, you have the greatest/most accurate information about the class you want to load. Using that information to load the class fully is the only efficient class loading strategy. Yes, you may end up with more class variables or (heaven forbid) some global variables. But that is a better tradeoff than just being lazy and scanning parts of the file system for your class.

Would performance suffer using autoload in php and searching for the class file?

I've always struggled with how to best include classes into my php code. Pathing is usually an issue but a few minutes ago i found this question which dramatically helps that. Now I'm reading about __autoload and thinking that it could make the process of developing my applications much easier. The problem is i like to maintain folder structure to separate areas of functionality as opposed to throwing everything into a general /lib folder. So if i override autoload to do a deep search of a class folder including all subfolders, what performance hits can i expect?
Obviously this will depend on scale, depth of the folder structure and number of classes but generally I'm asking on a medium scale project will it cause problems.
__autoload is great, but the cost of stating all the files in a recursive search function is expensive. You might want to look at building a tree of files to use for autoloading. In my framework, I consistently name files for their classes and use a map that is cached for the data.
Check out http://trac.framewerk.org/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi/browser/trunk/index.php [dead link] starting at line 68 for an idea of how this can be done.
Edit: And to more directly answer your question, without caching, you can expect a performance hit on a site with medium to heavy traffic.
A common pattern (Pear, Zend Framework as examples...) is to make the classname reflect the path, so Db_Adapter_Mysql will be in at /Db/Adapter/Mysql.php, from somewhere that's added to the include-path.
There are 2 ways that you could easily do this, first of all, name your classes so that they'll define the structure of where to find them
function __autoload($classname)
if (class_exists($classname, false) OR interface_exists($classname, false))
$class = split('_', strtolower(strval($classname)));
if (array_shift($class) != 'majyk')
throw new Exception('Autoloader tried to load a class that does not belong to us ( ' . $classname . ' )');
switch (count($class))
case 1: // Core Class - matches Majyk_Foo - include /core/class_foo.php
$file = MAJYK_DIR . 'core/class_' . $class[0] . '.php';
case 2: // Subclass - matches Majyk_Foo_Bar - includes /foo/class_bar.php
$file = MAJYK_DIR . $class[0] . '/class_' . $class[1] . '.php';
throw new Exception('Unknown Class Name ( ' . $classname .' )');
return false;
if (file_exists($file))
if (!class_exists($classname, false) AND !interface_exists($classname, false))
throw new Exception('Class cannot be found ( ' . $classname . ' )');
throw new Exception('Class File Cannot be found ( ' . str_replace(MAJYK_DIR, '', $file) . ' )');
catch (Exception $e)
// spl_autoload($classname);
echo $e->getMessage();
Or, 2, use multiple autoloaders. PHP >=5.1.2 Has the SPL library, which allows you to add multiple autoloaders. You add one for each path, and it'll find it on it's way through. Or just add them to the include path and use the default spl_autoload()
An example
function autoload_foo($classname)
require_once('foo/' . $classname . '.php');
function autoload_bar($classname)
require_once('bar/' . $classname . '.php');
spl_autoload_register('spl_autoload'); // Default SPL Autoloader
Autoload is great PHP feature that helps you very much...
The perfomance wouldn't suffer if will use the smart taxonomy like:
1. every library stays in the folders "packages"
2. every class is located by replacing the "_" in the class name with the "/" and adding a ".php" at the end
class = My_App_Smart_Object
file = packages/My/App/Smart/Object.php
The benefits of this approach(used by almost any framework) is also a smarter organization of your code :-)
Hunting for files all over the place will make things slower (many more disk hits). Loading all of your classes in case you might need them will make things take more memory. Specifying which classes you need in every file is difficult to maintain (i.e. they don't get removed if they're no longer used).
The real question is which of these is more important to you? They're all tradeoffs, in the end, so you have to pick one. It's arguable, though, that most of the overhead in the second and third options has to do with actually compiling the code. Using something like APC can significantly reduce the overhead of loading and compiling every class on every page load.
Given the use of APC, I would likely take the approach of dividing up my code into modules (e.g. the web interface module, the database interaction module, etc.) and have each of those modules import all the classes for their module, plus classes from other modules they may need. It's a tradeoff between the last two, and I've found it works well enough for my needs.
I tend to use a simple approach where __autoload() consults a hash mapping class names to relative paths, which is contained in a file that's regenerated using a simple script which itself performs the recursive search.
This requires that the script be run when adding a new class file or restructuring the code base, but it also avoids "cleverness" in __autoload() which can lead to unnecessary stat() calls, and it has the advantage that I can easily move files around within my code base, knowing that all I need to do is run a single script to update the autoloader.
The script itself recursively inspects my includes/ directory, and assumes that any PHP file not named in a short list of exclusions (the autoloader itself, plus some other standard files I tend to have) contains a class of the same name.
Zend Framework's approach is to do autoload based on the PEAR folder standard (Class_Foo maps to /Class/Foo.php), however rather than using a set base path it uses the include_path.
The problem with their approach is there's no way to check beforehand if a file exists so the autoload will try to include a file that doesn't exist in any of the include_path's, error out, and never give any other autoload functions registered with spl_autoload_register a chance to include the file.
So a slight deviation is to manually provide an array of base paths where the autoload can expect to find classes setup in the PEAR fashion and just loop over the base paths:
foreach( $paths as $path )
if( file_exists($path . $classNameToFilePath) )
include $path . $classNameToFilePath;
Granted you'll kinda be search but for each autoload you'll only be doing at worst n searches, where n is the number of base paths you are checking.
But if you find yourself still having to recursively scan directories the question is not "Will autoload hurt my performance," the question should be "why am I tossing my class files around in a random structure?" Sticking to the PEAR structure will save you so many headaches, and even if you decide to go with manually doing your includes as opposed to autoload, there will be no guessing as to where the class files are located when you do your include statements.
